• Published 15th Jul 2019
  • 412 Views, 2 Comments

A Tale of Two Worlds - Shadow_8472

Ponyville's new colt is from Ponyville, but nopony remembers him. He's not scared to make friends or face the shadows following him.

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Chapter 4

Professor Stone Wall Jay PHD clocks out of the Canterlot Archives for his lunch break. His shiny, gray-green coat always solicites a few looks from the youngsters, but somepony has to correct the gaps in the historical record after being gone for just over a thousand years, which was pretty much everything. As a pony with a magnifying glass Cutie Mark signifying research, he happened to be such a pony as was needed for the job.

Dr. Stone descends the eight steps of the library, and chucks a bit the way of a band of Pegasi playing mariachi.

The twelve o’clock train from Ponyville arrives in the station. He reaches a wrinkled hoof into his vest and pulls out a pocket watch. ‘Right on schedule,’ he thinks to himself. He’s about to turn away when he spots members of the royal guard stepping off the train and making way for a prison convoy. ‘This matter would appear to warrant some time dedicated to additional investigation.’ He meanders into the forming crowd of onlookers, trailing the convoy to the hospital, getting a few good looks along the way. He keeps his ears open for local gossip about this strange creature.


James slowly begins to regain consciousness. He tries to open his eyes. Everything is blurry at first, but after blinking a few times, he regains his focus. He leans up and looks at his surroundings. Uncomfortable bed, plain sheets, uninspired wallpaper, uninspired window curtains, sterile smell, heart monitor, IV’s, memory lapse: it’s a hospital room all right. He takes a moment to try to remember what happened before he ended up here.

“Doctor! The strange creature has awakened!” a female voice from behind the only door to the room yells.

James slides to the side of the bed. The door opens and in walks a pair of little horses wearing golden armor.

“What the...? What’s going on?” James yanks out the IV’s and heart monitor they had him hooked up to. He jumps from the bed, wondering what he just got himself into.

The armored steeds rush up to the bed, “Stop right there, Beast!” One of the figures pins James’ right arm with its front hooves.

The first voice calls after the clearly distorted figures, “Is all that really necessary?” A gray, spotted horse enters the room.

“You should probably stand back and let us handle this, nurse.” The other white figure starts pulling James’ legs back onto the bed from the other side.

A blue figure with a doctor’s lab coat and a Unicorn horn growing from its forehead walks in.

James wrestles free of the white figure in time to avoid a set of handcuffs from coming down on his left arm. “What are you trying to do to me? Am I all of a sudden a criminal?”

The Unicorn figure steps a little closer. “Non-sense, Creature. We simply do not know yet what kind of thing you are. I am here to examine you. Unfortunately, these gentlecolts won’t allow me any closer.” A mystic glow surrounds the doctor’s horn and a clipboard and pen shimmer with the same aura. The pen and clipboard begins taking notes and making simple sketches in mid-air.

“Wait… Magic? Sentient Ponies? What kind of crazy world am I in?” James looks back at the IV’s he pulled from his veins, “What kind of meds did you have me on?” He jumps off the bed and surveys his exits. A white object extends out from a guard as he tries to run past.


James ducks most of the way under the object. He deflects a feathered object from hitting his face.

“He is already restrained. No need to rough him up.” The doctor’s clipboard floats to a table.

“I gotta get out of here!” James makes a run for the empty doorway while the other guard lunges from behind and misses. James slams into a solid wall of air and hears the doctor scoff behind him and continue taking notes.

The gray spotted form stuffs its face in James’ face “Oh dear. That wasn’t supposed to hurt anypony. Quarantine rooms are supposed to be safe.”

James reassess the situation. The field of solid air is glowing with the same sort of mystic energy as the doctor’s unicorn horn and clipboard. “Let...” James does a backflip over one of the guards, “Me...” and gives the doctor a taste of US General Issue surplus boot heel (size 12), “GO!” He makes another break for the door, but slams into the force field again.

Another pony thing in the hall flinches and reaches for its glowing horn as James makes his impact.

“Are you serious?!” James jumps off the force field, onto the bed, and sends a boot the direction of exit plan B.


Dr. Stone gathers multiple, conflicting accounts about the creature during his lunch. On his way back to the library, he hears a commotion coming from one room of the first floor of the hospital.


Dr. Stone's curiosity leads him inside the hospital courtyard and to just outside a window, where he can eavesdrop a little better.

More tussling, then the sound of somepony planting their face into a barrier spell. “Let... Me... Go!” Another magical collision. “Are you serious?!” Whatever creature they are hosting against its will must lack a measure of common sense...

CRASH! A long boot belonging to the creature from earlier shoves its way through the window.

“Wait!” The nurse and everypony else inside rush to the window.

Dr. Stone tackles the upright creature. “Going somewhere?”

“Get off!” the creature chokes out, before punching his elderly assailant.

The punch hits a battle hardened nerve. Dr. Stone coolly ignores it. “My inquiry was not of an excessively difficult nature so as to decline providing a response.”

The concerned nurse inspects the shards of glass still clinging to the window frame, “Is he hurt?”

“Is it dead?” the doctor asks sarcastically, glaring at the tackle and nursing a nasty bruise on his lower cheek.

“All right then,” the creature chokes out, “If you won’t leave me alone...” it then takes another jab at Dr. Stone’s side.

Dr. Stone uses the creature’s inertia against it. He shifts all his weight to the opposing shoulder and dodges the attack, leaving the creature face down in the flower bed. He plants his hooves on the creature’s shoulders so it can’t throw any more punches. “Now listen here, whippersnapper, if we can terminate the pointless violence I believe the two of us can arrive at a mutual understanding. You seem like an intelligent creature. What’s your name?”

“I would love to stay and chat, but I’m not supposed to be here!” As Dr. Stone adjusts his hooves into a more secure pin, the creature takes advantage of the moment and rolls over, getting the elderly stallion onto his back. He punches the gentlecolt a solid one on the dead nerve again before making a break for the courtyard gate.

The two guards from the hospital room fly out the door, “Sound the alarm! The beast is Loose!” Additional guards join the chase from around the city. The one in charge at the hospital checks on Dr. Stone, “Everypony alright?”

“I doubt I would classify the oddity we’ve encountered as dumb beast.” Dr. Stone briefly nurses his side. “Rather it would be more scientifically accurate to categorize it as a frightened creature.”


Dasher was going to tell Twilight about the creature, but instead stowed away on the Canterlot train. He shadowed the creature’s parade to the hospital, after which he camped out near a track, checking out the competition for the next track and field day.

After stopping for a bite at a tasty restaurant, Dasher returned to the hospital, where he sees some old Crystal Pony pinning the funny looking creature in the courtyard. Dasher power jumps to the rooftop for a better view. He hears a guard yell, “Sound the alarm! The beast is Loose!”

When Dasher finishes climbing the building, he spots the beast sprinting out the gate and decides to track it. His bad wing starts pestering him for a short break, and he lands, making just enough noise for the creature to turn his head, ‘Oh crud! He knows I’m behind him!’ “Hey you! Whoa!” Dasher trips over a guitar case in the street.

The Pegasus band it belongs to is not amused. The leader points to Dasher’s hoof in going through the top of the empty case. He scowls and holds out an empty hat.

Dasher looks at the fleeing creature and back to the band. He gets a wicked grin, then tosses a twenty bit pouch their way. “There’s another one of those in it for you if you join in on the action.”


James makes his break for freedom. He bolts out the gate and sprints down the street. Just when he thought he’d lost them, he hears several sets of hooves approach from behind. A gruff voice calls out, “Hey you!” James keeps running.

Another few moments later, he hears someone play a few chords on a guitar. Maracas and a trumpet follow shortly. They start up a catchy mariachi song about his escape in progress. One with a violin offers James a singing part. James declines

A young voice calls out from behind, “I said, ‘Whoa! Who are you?!’” James sneaks a look, and it’s a little blue pony with wings making double time to catch up with him. “Oh, sweet Celestia, STOP!”

James looks forward again. Four white guard ponies are charging to intercept him.

“Oh great...” James ducks down a street to the left as he nears the guards. They and the annoying boy both make the turn, but the kid uses his wings to keep his balance. “I got to shake these guys...”

The next block is all downhill. A few ponies selling fresh produce line the sidewalks. James knocks a turnip cart over to slow down the pursuit. It cascades into the nest few carts as he runs past. A particularly angry merchant calls out, “My Cabbages!” as James struggles to keep ahead of the tidal wave of wood and produce behind him.

The kid just makes a jump and flies over the debris while a guard shoves a thin spot to the side and holds it as the others pass.

The little, blue Pegasus catches most of the way up, “Take a right unless you can fly!”

James spots another group of guards ahead but makes a left instead. “These guys don’t give up easily, do they?”

“No, sir, we don’t.” It’s the pony who tried holding him down, now keeping pace with him.

James gets distracted focusing on the grandpa pony running by his left when one of the band members hits a sour note.

“Watch your step!” the old pony warns him as he runs off the edge of a very tall cliff. The little, blue pony jumps off the cliff, swoops under James, and spreads his wings as one of the band members grabs James’ arms.

“Halt! In the name of Celestia!” The Pegasus guards fly out to James’ rescuers.

James kicks between the Pegasi holding him up. The younger one below grabs his flailing legs, “No fuss, guys. Look, we caught it for you.”

James gives up struggling when he sees just how far up he is. “I would seriously hurt you guys right now, if you weren’t holding me up,” he mumbles.

The undersized steed below James retorts, “Dude, you were about to die.”

James’ captors turn him over to the guards as the band finishes their song. They cuff him and fly along the cliff toward a building with a series of tall spires.


Luna is tending the throne room, her wings on display as her sister finishes up a letter in the study when the herald announces their human guest. They escort him inside, but he’s wearing a set of cuffs and a gag.

“Princess Luna, this… thing… was causing trouble in Canterlot. However, we were able to stop it before it caused any more damage.”

The human gets angry and starts ranting into his gag when called a ‘thing.’

Luna waits out the human’s outburst and tells the guards, “When he is capable of speaking intelligently, you may remove his gag.”

“As you wish, Princess.”

Celestia finishes her letter and joins her sister on the dais. She whispers to Luna, “She’s on her way.”

After another minute of ranting from the human, the guards remove his gag. He takes a pent up breath and starts over, “First of all, I don’t even know how I got here. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

“Watch your tone in front of the Princesses!” a guard snaps.

“Peace. Let this creature speak.” Celestia returns her gaze to the human, “I promise we will do everything we reasonably can to help you. All we ask is for a little cooperation. What do you call yourself?”

The human draws a deep breath before speaking, “My name is James… James Thatcher… and I’m not from… whatever this place is called.”

Luna smiles at him, “You have arrived in the land of Equestria.”

“Equestria…? Never heard of a place with a name like that. At least where I’m from. And who are you supposed to be?”

“I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister, Princess Luna,” Celestia motions with her wing. “We are the rulers of Equestria, but I have summoned one who may be able to help you better than us.”

“And who might that be?”

“Her name is Twilight Sparkle. She will be further assisting you in learning how you came here. In the meantime, would you care for a proper tour of Canterlot?” Celestia smiles playfully, “So long as you promise not to cause any more disturbances.”

“Sure, why not? I’m usually not as violent as I was before, but I was only acting out of self-defense. By the way, where did you take my stuff?”

Celestia looks to the guards.

“The creatu-er-James Thatcher’s belongings are in the city.”

“Well… at least you put them somewhere.” James motions to one of his guards and holds up his cuffed hands. “Hey, would you mind?”

Luna looks calls one of the gray Unicorn guards on her left. “Pointy End, release our guest, if you will.” Pointy End releases the binding spell on James’ cuffs.

James shakes the feeling off his wrists. “Now what?”

Celestia picks another guard, seemingly at random. “Hoofbeat, would you mind finding a local to show our guest around town?”

Hoofbeat salutes, “Right away, Princess!” He departs with grace to locate a suitable tour guide.

“One more thing before I leave. Would you mind telling the ‘Goon Squad’ to calm down? They seemed to get a little jumpy when I’m around.”

“Most of them have only heard tales of your kind in myths, legends, and rumors.” Celestia closes her eyes and bows her head, “Sadly, not all of them are pleasant ones.”

“Well… whatever you heard, I’m not like that. I just don’t want like 50 guards tackling me at once just because I said, ‘Hi,’ to someone.”

Hoofbeat returns, “Your Highnesses, I found a pony knowledgeable in the local history on a block by block basis.”

Professor Stone reports to the throne room after Hoofbeat finishes announcing him, “Your Highnesses, I am much obliged to answer thy summons as a knowledgeable tour guide for the man-creature, James Thatcher.”

“Thank you, Professor Stone. Twilight should be here soon, and I wish to brief her on everything we know so far. It shouldn’t take long,” Celestia dismisses the guests to their tour.

James spins around to see Doctor Stone. “Oh no… Not you again,” he mumbles to himself.


Dr. Stone returns to the archives when his lunch break is concluded. After clocking in at one o’clock in the afternoon, he gets straight to work on the writing one last article for his next subject encyclopedia on the Crystal Empire.

Flag of the Crystal Empire

The flag of the Crystal Empire is the official flag of the Crystal Empire. It consists of a purple background with a white foreground. A six-pointed snowflake circumscribed by a circle occupy the middle with three wisps of wind reflected to either side. The largest wisps branch into three outward facing spirals, and the very bottom branches into a small pair of spirals facing away from each other. The small wisps up top resembles a flower budding with another spiral. The wisps at the bott-

Dr. Stone’s last quill snaps. He checks the clock on the wall. Out comes a pocket knife and some tape from the vest. Two broken quills and a chopstick spring from the trash. Dr. Stone takes a moment to think. One broken quill is snapped at the tip, but the other is partially bitten through. Knife slices along rachis on bitten quill. Feather wraps along chopstick. Knife trims barbs in a couple places. Tape holds everything in place.

Dr. Stone puts his tools away and sweeps the waste back into the trash bin. He quickly finishes his article and files it with the others.

“Heading home early, Professor?” Dr. Stone’s aid, Valley Stardrop, asks as he stuffs his manuscript away.

“Fear not, Miss Stardrop, I solely intend to submit a draft for Reference Section Office at the castle and return for evaluating my pupils’ latest test scores when I return. See to it that we acquire a resupply of quills, if you will.” Dr. Stone bids the Unicorn adeu and leaves.

The castle isn’t far, and the old mare at the Reference Office is cheerful as always.

Hoofbeat, one of the guards and a fun Backgammon opponent, gallops up. “Dr. Stone! Just the pony we need. Celestia wants somepony with your talents in the throne room at once.” On the way, he briefs Dr. Stone about James Thatcher, the man-creature from the hospital and street chase, and how he needs a proper city tour.

They arrive and Hoofbeat announces Dr. Stone to the princesses.

Dr. Stone enters the throne room and bows his head, “Your Highnesses, I am much obliged to answer thy summons as a knowledgeable tour guide for the man-creature, James Thatcher.”

“Thank you, Professor Stone. Twilight should be here soon, and I wish to brief her on everything we know so far. It shouldn’t take long,” the Sun Princess dismisses Dr. Stone and the man-creature.

James Thatcher spins around to see the main antagonist of his escape attempt from earlier. “Oh no… Not you again,” he mumbles to himself.

“Pardon me for attempting to prevent you from further injuring yourself, but in the event you are that desperate for an alternate tour guide, I am certain one can be procured.”

“Injuring myself?! You’re the one that pinned me to the ground when I was trying to get away from the hospital!”

“...and I did it with the utmost of care. If I had not prioritized your safety above restraining you, I can assure you I would have deduced a method to immobilize you on the hospital lawn.” Dr. Stone almost laughs at the thought.

James Thatcher crosses his arms, “I wasn’t planning on staying as that doctor’s science project.”

“Allow me to introduce myself. Professor Stone W. Jay PHD of the Crystal Archives, currently on loan to the Royal Canterlot Archives and part time professor at Canterlot University, at your service.”

James takes a deep, self-soothing breath, “You can just call me James.”

“Well then, James, shall we be off?”

“After you.”

James and Dr. Stone leave the palace and head back into town. After a quick trip to the archives to clear the professor’s afternoon, they visit several historical sites, including one still under repair from the Changeling attack taking place just before the Crystal Empire’s return.

“Now, being a stallion of the scholarly persuasion, I would be interested in hearing about what the world you come from is like.”

“My head’s still a little wishy washy from whatever pony medicine your doctors used on me,” James rubs an eyebrow. “At first I thought I was hallucinating everything. Maybe I still am. But it’s looking less likely with every historic statue and animal shelter you point out, each with its own history. Anyway, here goes. First off, I can tell you that there are some things here that are pretty much the same back home.” He stares up at a few Pegasi taking flight from a cloud, “On second thought, I’m an open book. Ask me whatever you want!”

Dr. Stone interviews James on everything between the humans’ singular race and their reduced assortment of coat colors. They’re starting their second lap through the city when Twilight lands beside Dr. Stone. “Good afternoon, Professor! Have you been taking care of our friend here?”

Dr. Stone nods in respect of royalty. “Of course. The two of us are presently on an expedition of the urban wilderness of Canterlot while comparing and contrasting our respective lands and customs.”

A little Unicorn filly gallops past with her puppy. James stares for a moment, “You’d be surprised that there are a few things in common between such different places.”

“If you don’t mind, I’d like the both of you to accompany me on the train back to Ponyville.” Twilight walks around to address James specifically, “I think I have an idea of how you got here. I’ve already arranged for your stuff to be returned once we’re underway.” She smiles, “Now let’s get out of here.”

As make their way to the train station, the young Pegasus colt from the street chase trots up and bows before Twilight. “Dasher? What are you doing in Canterlot?”

“Princess, my sister sends you a message from Ponyville.” He stands up smugly, with an impish grin on his face, “There was a convoy from the Everfree Forest this morning bearing some sort of beast to be taken to Princess Celestia here in Canterlot. You will likely be needed there post-haste.” He snickers a little. “I’d best be returning myself.”

Dasher turns tail. Twilight, Dr. Stone, and James stare at him as if he’s missed something. “I believe, my boy, that your message is out of date. Perhaps you could be a bit more punctual than the postal service in the future?”

Twilight buys tickets for three adults and one foal for the train leaving in half an hour. A guard returns James’ possessions. James digs through his saddlebag and dons a cap.

Dr. Stone recognizes a couple of James’ fancy sticks as miniaturized cannons: a short, hoof sized one he tucks into a pouch on his belt, and a longer one slung across his back. Dr. Stone doesn’t say anything, but he does keep an eye open in case James decides to try anything funny.

The group boards the train. Dr. Stone finds a couch next to James. “I do believe we have so far failed to cover the mechanics of magic in your world.”

James chuckles, “Magic? In my world? There is no such thing where I come from. That kind of stuff is usually only known in old fairy tales and stories.”

Doctor Stone sputters in disbelief, “B-but without magic, how does one expect to work the fields or change the seasons?”

“Humans don’t have the ability to control the weather. Instead, we’ve created all kinds of tools, chemicals, and machines to help us do things that seem almost impossible. And it’s not like there aren’t some people trying to control the weather, but they intend to use it as a weapon more than anything else.”

“Does your world possess a cycle of day and night?”

“Yeah. 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Dr. Stone settles into his seat. “Case and point!”

James shifts the topic of conversation, “Speaking of technology, I find it kind of weird how you guys have steam-powered trains, yet the Royal Guard still wears plate armor.”

“It’s quite simple, really. While the overall shape and composition of armor has had minor improvements over the centuries depending on time, place, and race; the real progress has been in the underlying magic.”

“In other words, it all comes back to magic. Let’s say someone comes out with a new sword to cut through your armor like butter. You just put an enchantment to counter that? That almost sounds too easy!”

Dr. Stone continues into a huge explanation how there’s a huge web of possible military enchantments and counter-enchantments for weapons, armor, and other artifacts, but the fancy stuff is mostly reserved for specialized units.

James tries his best to make sense of the whole lecture. “I guess I can see where you’re coming from. I should know, because I write stories for a living.”

Twilight perks up. She turns around and peeks over the divider from her alcove with Dasher, “You do?”

“Yes, I do. I even published a couple of my stories back home. Some of the time I spend writing a story involves researching other stories people have written, or I try to research other topics that I may not be familiar with at first. There are even times where I actually go do something just to get an idea of how I want to write it.”

Dr. Stone remarks, “I would hope that you are cultivating an ample repertoire of experiences to draw upon for penning your next story upon your return home.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think anyone is going to believe me if I write about everything that’s happened so far and publish it as ‘non-fiction.’”

“You don’t always have to write everything down as non-fiction.” Twilight puts her front hooves on the divider, “I happen to know an author who publishes her real-life adventures as works of fiction after she changes a few details here and there. I’d be happy to share my collection of her stories with you when we get back to Ponyville!” She grins awkwardly and adds, “As well as the rest of my library, of course. I have books on pretty much anything.” She looks down and sighs, “You do have a point though: if your world is as different as you say it is, I doubt I could publish my travels as non-fiction if it were me visiting your world.”

Dasher squirms in his bench. “Are we therrrre yet? I. Don’t. Think. I. Can. Take. Another. Storrrry!” he kicks the bench with every word and beats his wings uselessly afterward.

Twilight turns back to Dasher, “Sorry, bud, but I think we’re only about halfway back.”

James and Dr. Stone resume their conversation, “My present work in the Canterlot Archives consists of refreshing the stale information from the earliest century of our nation. You would not believe the historical value one acquires when your city-State takes a millennium long nap.”

James opens his eyes a little wider, “A whole millennium?! Wow! You’ll have to tell me more about that sometime.”

Dr. Stone stoically looks out the window, “We possess a sufficient measure of time to review the material at this present moment.” He proceeds, despite Dasher’s protests.

“The political history of the Crystal Empire is sufficiently dense as to occupy multiple encyclopedias. The figure of importance today is the evil tyrant, King Sombra. Under his rule, each pony in the Crystal Empire was forced to behold his or her greatest fear as Sombra enslaved their bodies. I detected the political climate souring prior to his coup, and as such, I assembled a resistance cell. Upon his defeat at the hooves of the Royal Sisters, Sombra released a curse on the land as he was sealed away. My vanishingly small resistance cell only ever tampered with his plans of intrusion into the surrounding lands. We were pulled forward in time along with the curse.

“When we woke up, King Sombra was gone, and a weakened Alicorn by the name of Princess Cadence was arresting his fast return. I personally was not present, but according to multiple first-hoof accounts, were it not for Spike the Brave and Glorious and his friends, including Princess Twilight here,” Dr. Stone gets an eye roll out of Twilight, “the good magic from the Crystal Heart would surely have faded in influence, and King Sombra would likely begin systematically enslaving the remainder of Equestria.”

James pulls out a rigid, cylindrical quill and scratches a few things down on a notepad without first dipping it in an accompanying ink well. Dr. Stone makes a mental note.

Dasher un-zombifies himself as the train rounds the last bend before the Ponyville station. The train slows to a full stop and he is one of the first ponies off.

On the platform, Twilight turns back to James and Dr. Stone. “Whenever you get the chance, I’d like you to come visit me in my castle. Does 5:00 work for you?”

“It’s not like I have any other plans,” James shrugs.

Twilight takes flight and hovers, “In the meantime, do whatever you want, as long as you don’t cause any trouble.”


Dr. Stone follows James off the train platform. “Of course. I will ensure our new friend is not an instrument of your adoptive hometown’s destruction.”

Twilight flies off in the direction of her castle.

Author's Note:

Doctor Stone was originally played my me.

James Thatcher was originally played by the GM, Commander Stryker.