• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 2,407 Views, 26 Comments

Sgt. Frog and My Little Pony Crossover - MidnightCrew

It's Keroro's fault again, and the platoon is in Equestria, with the remote broken! What will they do?

  • ...

Chapter 2

The seven of them arrived at Fluttershy’s house after five minutes of walking. “Smile, smile, smile!” Pinkie sang.

Giroro was covering his ears (if they have ears). "I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!”

Twilight knocked on the door. "Fluttershy?”

The door opened a crack. “Y-yes, Twilight?”

She pointed a hoof at Tamama. “Can you explain what these guys are?”

Fluttershy burst out, the door nearly flying off its hinges. “Yes! They’re the most adorable froggies ever!”

Keroro grinned. “Yep!”

"We need to get everypony else."

“Oh, joy!” Giroro shouted with mock enthusiasm. “More ponies to gawk at us! Yay...woo..." Less than an hour later, the Mane Six were rounded up.

"So,” Keroro began, “I am Sergeant Keroro Gunsō. This is First Class Private Tamama Nitōhei.”


“This is Corporal Giroro Gochō.”

“I hate pink!”

"This is Sergeant Major Kururu Sōchō.”

"Ku ku ku."

“And this is Lance Corporal Dororo Heichō.”

“He remembered me!”

Applejack stood there silently before speaking. “Um, so where will they stay?”

Twilight facehoofed. “I forgot about that. There isn’t enough of them for each of us.”

Pinkie sprang up. “I’LL TAKE GIRORO!”

Giroro backed up. “N-no. I’ll go live...under a rock or something.”

Pinkie grabbed him in a tight hug. “NEW FRIENDS PARTY!” Giroro said something muffled. Twilight agreed to take Kululu, Applejack chiming in about how she would take in Keroro.

Tamama ran to Rarity. "I CALL HER!”

Fluttershy pointed at Dororo. “I guess I’ll take Dororo, if you don’t mind.”

Twilight looked at Rainbow. “I guess you don’t have one.”

She kicked the ground. “That's okay. I like Giroro’s attitude, though”

Twilight could’ve sworn she saw her turn pink. "Um, okay then. Let’s, uh, go home.” The large group departed.


Twilight decided to ask Kululu some questions about their home world. “So, what do I need to know about you?”

Kululu crossed his arms behind his head. “I am ranked higher than Keroro, but they find me annoying so I am an intelligence officer, Giroro is annoying, I don’t care about anything, I’m an inventor and hacker, you can call me Kululu, I love curry, I was blue, but Keroro made a big bowl of curry that I fell in and got dyed yellow. Oh, and ku ku ku.”

Twilight sat, open-mouthed. “Uh...thanks?” She gave him a small pat on the head, causing his glasses to fall off.

“Megane, megane.” Kululu crawled around on the floor.

"Well, this could’ve gone better.”


Pinkie bounced around a blue Giroro with a party hat on. “Aaaaand that’s how Equestria was made!”

Giroro muttered, “I’d rather be home with Natsumi.”

Pinkie stopped. “Is she your girlfriend?! How sweet!”

His eyes turned red. “IT IS ON! Get ready to dance, pony!”

Pinkie bounced in the air. “I LOVE dancing!” Giroro ignored the comment and tackled her, then realized he had no weapons. "I like this game! My turn!”

He just turned away angrily. "I’d rather stay with the rainbow one...”

"Oh, Dashie? She’ll take you! She likes you!”

Giroro pouted. "Yeah, right.”


“How do I look?” Tamama struck a pose.

“Simply darling! I love your hair!”

He grinned. “We all have an afro.” Then Prince Blueblood burst in.

"Not him again,” Rarity muttered. What was he even doing here? He approached them with his muzzle in the air snootily.

“Oh, still using cheap fabric, I see. And now you got an ugly frog thing.” Rarity gritted her teeth. Had he come just to spite her a second time?!

Tamama’s demon side came out at that point. “GRAAAH! TAMAMA IMPACT!” A laser shot out of his mouth. Blueblood dodged and ran out the door, screaming like a filly.

Rarity looked over at the angry tadpole. “Thank you, dear!”


Fluttershy stared at Dororo. He fed the animals, and even put up with Angel. Then he sat in the corner and meditated. He sure is a big help, Fluttershy thought.


Applejack showed Keroro how to buck the trees, since it would be easy with his frog legs. He gave the tree a good kick. “I did it! I-AUUGH!” Apples rained on his head and he fell.


Keroro sat up. “No, I want a number 4 combo...” He collapsed again.