• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 2,072 Views, 22 Comments

Into the Friendship - AmanDash

The Doom Slayer is about to kill Olivia Pierce on top of the Argent Tower where she ruptures the Argent Accumulator and rips open a portal into Hell as well as Equestria, locking the Slayer in the latter...

  • ...

The Beginning


You hear Olivia's harsh voice piercing your ears. You are about to kill her, but you don't even have the time to do the first move when she activates the mobile Argent Accumulator she has with her. She disappears, and a new horde of demons swarm you. Well, more demons mean only more dead to you. You have already done questioning why there were always power-ups placed at scenes of present and future massacres. Why they are there is not important to you. What is important right now that you use them wisely. Rip and tear. Until it is done. You take out the first two Revenants with the Rocket Launcher with Lock-on Burst and the Gauss Cannon. Suddenly, two more Revenants and some Imps spawn. You take care of one of them then quickly switch to your Combat Shotgun. You hit the Imp charging its fireball dead on its body with an Explosive Shot, sending its neighbor to a staggering state. You quickly finish it with an other shot and move to the fourth Revenant, but a Hell Razer gets into your way. Quickly pulling off your Super Shotgun, you close the distance and blast it away, firing both barrels with one trigger pull. Meanwhile, the remaining Revenant has taken into the air targeting you and is ready to unleash its barrage of deadly missiles. You will have none of it. Swiftly strafing to the right, you hit him on the head with a shot from the Gauss Cannon, forcing him to land just in front of you. You quickly follow up with a single rocket, than a point-blank blast from the Super Shotgun.

You hear the facility voice stating "Warning. Category three dimensional event in 10, 9..." As the countdown finishes, swarms of heavy monsters spawn, hellbent on eliminating you. You grab the Quad Damage just in time to blast the Mancubus clumsily walking towards you with a single blast of your Super Shotgun, then you shoot an other one in the head with the Gauss Cannon, finishing it for good. Looking around, you catch an Imp charging its fireball. You take care of it with your Heavy Assault Rifle, when you get knocked violently from the side, sending you flying for a short two meters. Without thinking, you immediately recognize that there is only one enemy that hits like that: the Hell Knight. You quickly move back to where you were a moment before, just under the Hell Knight who was already trying to stomp on you by an enormous leap attack. The ground violently shakes with its landing. Noticing its failure to hit you, it turns towards you fast, but not fast enough. By the time it could land an other attack, you have already pulled out your Chainsaw and are on it, cutting it in half. You notice an other Hell Knight further away which you kill with a burst of rockets.

The facility voice rings again: "Warning. Category 4 dimensional event in 10, 9..." You grab the Invulnerability preparing for the worst, just a fraction of a second before an Imp scores a direct hit on you. You turn to kill it only to see that a Mancubus has blocked your direct line of sight to it. Meanwhile, the Quad Damage power-up wears off. Running towards your new target, you fire a burst of rockets into it, then hit it with an Explosive shot, then with the Gauss Cannon, then you blast it point-blank with your Super Shotgun, only to find that it still doesn't go down, but at least it has suffered enough damage to make it stagger. Unable to defend itself, you rip off its exposed heart and stuff it down its throat, making its stomach explode. As the Mancubus dies for good, the countdown reaches zero. A tremendous shockwave consumes the whole Tower. Unable to escape, you get blinded by white light and feel a pulling sensation, then your mind goes blank...

...You open up your eyes, see the world from where you stand... and instantly regret it. This is NOT Mars. Nor appears to be Hell, which would be more expected. Just what has Olivia done? She may have sent you to an entirely different realm. You are in the depths of what seems to be a forest, but the whole scenery is just cartoonish. The plants, the flowers, the trees, even the glimpses of the sky you manage to catch through the rich foliage. Just when you think you can't get more confused, a strange voice starts to speak.


"Hello. I am Discord, the sentient intelligence assigned to Equestria. I will be your guide through your journey in this world. I am as surprised of your appearance here as you are, but don't worry, your old pal Discord is here. First you must fight your way out of the Everfree Forest. Then you must reach Ponyville and make friends with the ponies you meet on your way there. Once you have made friends with the residents of Ponyville, you can meet the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. I believe that with the power of the Bearers and the Princesses combined, you will be able to get back to your world."

Confused, you scan the display of your helmet for information in hopes of clearing, or at least, alleviating some of the mystery.

Get Back to Mars
Eliminate Manticore Threat

Mission Challenges:
Friendship Expert - Befriend a Griffon
Knee Deep In The Mare - Dance a tango with an Alicorn Princess
My Tooth Is Sweeter - Beat Pinkie Pie in an eating contest

Field Drones: None
Elite Guards: None
Argent Cells: [>o<]
Rune Trials: None
Secrets: ? ? ? ?