• Published 4th Apr 2021
  • 2,156 Views, 89 Comments

Sombra's Recovery - MisterEdd

Hunted by the crown, Sombra tries to evade capture while rediscovering who he is.

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Okay, so Starswirl the Bearded attempted to create a spell that harmlessly switches cutie marks between ponies, which he based on research written by his contemporary Mooncurve the Cunning. Mooncurve successfully learned how to remove another pony's cutie mark, which is how he defeated the dark sorcerer Hexcraft the Evil Eyed. But where did Starlight Glimmer receive such a powerful spell? She must've-...

A series of squeaks echoed inside the Map Room, interrupting Twilight Sparkle's research and when she peered past her little book fort to investigate the disturbance, she had to struggle with all of her might to stifle a snicker. Spike was vigorously polishing his throne with a silk handkerchief, every so often ejecting a chemical polisher onto a spot with a spray bottle and rubbing it out until the surface developed a mirror-like sheen. During the Midnight Sparkle incident, Spike was revealed to have been the bearer of the previously-unknown Seventh Element-that of Empathy-and aided in banishing Nightmare Moon from Twilight's body and destroying the entity for good. After replacing the Elements back to their place in the Tree of Harmony, they'd discovered that a new throne had materialized inside the Castle of Friendship, this one noticeably smaller than its counterparts and bearing Spike's golden heart emblem. Ever since then, Spike had taken up the self-appointed task of reminding everypony of his new role: "subtly" bringing it up in conversation, insisting on performing feats of heavy-lifting despite his small stature and weak upper body strength, butting in on every meeting, and so on.

Twilight was incredibly proud of Spike, both as a caregiver and a friend, and would eternally grateful for his role in defeating Nightmare/Midnight and freeing her from the mad mare's control. He'd truly been through a lot for someone his age and witnessed things that no foal or hatchling didn't and shouldn't have to but he'd managed to persevere. Nevertheless, Spike's age was a hindrance and he was still in serious need of further experience before he could fully live up to his idealized image of himself. When compared to the other Element Bearers, he lacked keen tactical insight, physical prowess, speed, and resourcefulness, thus making him-and it loathed Twilight to admit it-a bit of a liability. On a more personal note, if anything ever happened to Spike, she'd never be able to forgive herself for allowing him to get hurt or-...

Twilight shook her head and returned to her notes.

Starlight is a passable but basic spell caster, only being a tier higher than Trixie, and she received a mostly self-taught education. She wouldn't have had the knowledge or the resources to acquire the knowledge to remove and store cutie marks. My only guess is, based off of testimony from the Our Town residents and what information we've compiled about Starlight Glimmer, she would've had to have acquired the spell sometime around Lord Tirek's escape from Tartarus. There had been a break-in at the Unicorn Academy during Tirek's rampage and if I were a betting mare, I'd guarantee that it was Starlight using the opportunity to steal the necessary scroll while everypony was distracted and powerless. It's so diabolical that it's almost genius. Keyword: almost.

"Hey Twilight?"

"Yes, Spike?"

The dragon stopped polishing his throne and looked at Twilight curiously. "I was thinking, with everything that went on recently, that maybe we should have a day to relax? Like, a day-off?"

Twilight removed her reading glasses. "I don't know, Spike. There's still so much work to do."

"Well, can't you put it off for now? I mean, this is one day."

Spike did have a good point. Twilight did settle into the new castle, thanks to her friends making it more homely but it was still an adjustment. After the ordeal with Midnight Sparkle, aka Nightmare Moon, she'd managed to get back to a normal sleep schedule, in that she could actually sleep instead of waking up in the middle of the night and terrified out of her wits. She peered down at the crystalline tabletop and for a brief second, she could see Midnight's face staring back at her. Almost being "devoured" in a sense made her a bit off at times but she was recovering, the eidolon's memories and emotions slowly fading into the furthest corners of her mind.

Even though her friends, and by extension, both Ponyville and the Crystal Empire, forgave Twilight for her actions, it was still a burden that weighed heavily on Twilight's mind. Every time Twilight looked at Spike, or Rarity or the others, guilt curdled in her stomach like bad oysters and it was a matter of severe control to keep smiling and pretend everything was normal. The stress of recent events would be alleviated by some momentary rest and relaxation. After all, being a princess and an Element bearer wasn't a full-time position, right? So what was the harm in a little break?

"Um, okay. Yes, we should do it."

"Yes!" Spike pumped a fist in the air. "Hey, maybe we could invite Sombra too?"

Twilight thought about it. She hadn't seen him since the party and while writing to him via enchanted books was nice, it was no substitute for having him right in front of her. She'd missed the feel of his thick coat against her own and the scent of his natural oaken musk, the closest replication of such a fragrance being Sombra's old cloak, which she may've kept. As a loving marefriend, it was Twilight's obligation to make Sombra happy and whether he admitted it or not, the stallion was happiest when letting his guard down and have fun. Not only would the two be able to spend time together, but it would give Sombra the chance to socialize and bring him and her friends closer together.

"Absolutely! I'll go ask him right now. Hopefully, he's not too busy."

Practically skipping through the castle, Twilight made her way to her bedroom and opened the topmost drawer of her nightstand. Inside, there was a black hard-cover journal, a red crystal adorning the front cover. She smiled warmly, recalling the night she received it and gave its twin to Sombra. He looked at it as though he'd been given a mountain of solid gold. Making herself comfortable on her bed, she wrote:

Hi Sombra! Are you there?

Two minutes later, she received a response:

Hello Twilight! How are you?

Good. What about you?

Excellent, especially since I'm talking to you.

Twilight giggled aloud at this.

You're such a sweet-talker. How is your day?

Not bad. I applied for a job at the Canterlot Library of Magic.

That's great! I hope you get it.

Thank you. So what is going on?

Twilight bit her lip.

I'm having a day-off to hang out with my friends. I'd like for you to join us.

The clock next to Twilight loudly ticked, the seconds converting into minutes. Finally:

I don't know about that.

"Huh?" Twilight had to tilt her head at this.

Why not?

Would that really be a good idea?

Where was this coming from? Twilight had seen Sombra interacting with her friends, both at the impromptu birthday party at the castle and during the Twilight Appreciation Bash, and he seemed perfectly fine, if a bit distant and quiet at times. He may not have been completely comfortable with the others-and-vice-versa-but he'd been making great progress. Tartarus, the possibility of employment was proof! Dipping her quill in the ink pot, Twilight scribbled out a response.

Why not? I know Pinkie would love to see you and Spike asked for you.

Really? And then: I'm thinking, maybe.


Please. I miss you.

There was a brief lull before Sombra replied:

Then I will come.

Twilight released an excited squeal and clapped her hooves.

Great! I'll meet you at the Ponyville Train Station tomorrow at around one.

One it is then. I'm looking forward to it.

Me too! I love you.

I love you too, Twilight Sparkle. More than you know.

Twilight scribbled a picture of a heart and laid on her back, staring up at the ceiling with a goofy smile.

"Tomorrow's going to be amazi-i-ing!"


Sombra set aside his book and quill and propped his back against the wall. He gave the mattress an experimental kick with a hindleg and shimmied a bit to adjust himself. The hotel was affordable without being cheap, neither a run-down dump nor a classy lodging but a rather small but well-maintained building. The owners respected privacy and were more than accommodating to Sombra's, or rather, "Guess Who's" requests, such as no cleaners until his departure. He could use some peace and quiet for the evening, even if he didn't end up getting that much sleep that night.

His eyes fall back on the violet-colored journal. Levitating it up, he readied his quill to write a message back to Twilight and cancel the whole thing. The quill-tip made contact but stayed in place. Sombra groaned, dipped the quill in the inkwell again and tried again, once more failing. The words, "I love you" practically leapt up at him and he tossed the book and quill onto the nightstand in agitation.

What is wrong with me?

It wasn't that he was scared of the mares or dragon. Tartarus, even all of them teaming up against him didn't count as a legitimate threat, not that he considered them enemies. He really didn't have anything against them; Rainbow Dash and him may be at odds but this was a minor concern, as it was understandable that he couldn't get along with everypony. If it wasn't hatred, and it wasn't apprehension, then what was the deal with his skittishness? Why would he feel bothered?

Grabbing his cloak, Sombra exited the hotel and made his way out onto the streets of Canterlot, not knowing or caring about his destination as long as he could clear his head of such troubling concerns. It was ten minutes to sunset and the arrival of night, that time of day when the glitz and glamour of the city vanished and in its stead, was replaced with the dark underbelly of Equestrian society. He was more comfortable with the night, not because of Luna but since it made it easier for him to walk around without having to throw up a disguise. It was a necessity, he knew, but still annoying and energy-depleting as well. A small, annoyingly hopeful part of him whispered that there was a chance that Sombra could one day be free to travel as himself without conflict but he quickly silenced it.

He soon came across a small cafe and as if on cue, his stomach started growling. Shaking his head, he entered the establishment and took a seat at an empty booth. A jazz tune served as background noise for the various conversations occurring around him, ranging from idle gossip to strategies for something called "Ogres & Oubliettes." He tuned it out, not wishing to bother himself with the chit-chat of the dregs and tapped his hoof to the music. He was soon approached by an earth pony mare with a greasy-looking, blue-gray mane wrapped up in a messy bun and wearing a wrinkled waitress uniform.

"Hi there! My name's Greasy Spoon and I'll be your server," the mare smiled, her teeth gnashing at a piece of bubblegum. May I take your order?"

"A cheese omelette and a large black coffee," Sombra answered, wishing for the mare to vacant his presence as soon as possible. "And leave the pot."

"Right-o! Coming right up!"

Sombra was thankful for the mare's swift exit as he laid his head back and let out a small groan. Tomorrow was going to be Tartarus. First, there was that job interview with What's-her-name, which was simple enough of a task on paper but was in actuality no doubt going to be anything but a walk in the park. When things tended to go in his favor, there was almost always a caveat of some kind. Then, he had to go down to Ponyville and mingle with Twilight's friends, just hoping that he didn't do or say anything to elicit a sudden exit from the town. Unlike most ponies, Sombra didn't fancy himself an optimist-believing such a disposition to be frankly idiotic-nor was he a pessimist; he was, if anything, a realist and thus found it frustrating how few individuals could possibly view the world as being full of nothing but sunshine and happiness.

"...-not safe anymore, Sprinkles. I really think it was high-time that we moved."

"Parasol, we've lived here our whole lives. All of our friends are here."

For some reason, Sombra subtly peered sideways at the table across from him where a mare and a stallion, presumably a couple, were hunched over and exchanging looks of surprise and apprehension respectively. The stallion-Parasol-was an orange-cream pegasus with an umbrella cutie mark and a short copper-colored flattop mane. The mare, a unicorn named Sprinkles, had a gray pink coat and bright blue mane kept in two pigtails secured with purple ribbons. Her cutie mark was an ice cream cone and Sombra surmised that she must've sold frozen treats. Parasol placed a hoof in front of his mouth and beckoned Sprinkles to come closer.

"Ever since I saw that King Sombra guy beat up Princess Celestia, I just, I don't know...I just feel like Canterlot isn't the best place to live. I mean, do you really want to start a family here?"

"I'll admit...that was pretty scary to watch. But why does that mean we should leave our foalhood home?"

Parasol sighed. "Princess Celestia is one of our rulers and protectors. Maybe she just doesn't have what it takes to watch over us anymore and she's a thousand-year-old sun-goddess. And what about the other princesses? Can Twilight Sparkle and her friends keep us safe the next time King Sombra or the changelings decide to invade? And it's not just me that thinks this."

"I don't know, sweetie," Sprinkles admitted. "I still think we should have hope in Princess Celestia."

"But for how long? What about the next whack-job that comes along? First, there was Nightmare Moon. Then came Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and King Sombra. And Sombra nearly killed her. I saw it, you saw it. Can she stop whoever comes next?"

"Here's your order, sir!"

Sombra's focus snapped back to Greasy Spoon sliding a steaming plate onto the table, soon followed by a full mug and coffee pot. He muttered a thank you and the waitress frolicked away. The couple's conversation had been rather intriguing to say the least. Did his victory over Celestia, as well as the other villain attacks, really deplete the faith her citizens had in her capabilities as Equestria's ruler and defender? This could either be very advantageous or very disastrous.

And Sombra had a sneaking suspicion that it was both.