• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 11,186 Views, 365 Comments

Anon-A-Miss: Another Way - King_Again

"Why are you being so nice to me?" ... "Look, just because we're rivals doesn't mean I can't be nice to you."

  • ...

III~Just Another Day In A Hellish Life

Just Another Day In A Hellish Life






Sunset kept her head high as she walked through the halls. She didn't want to show she was scared, scared to be bumped into at very turn, and scared to even lock eyes with other students. She remembered how she had Sugarcoat's number and she could text her whenever, maybe even call her if she needed to hear her voice to calm herself down. At this moment, she was debating if she should call up the Shadowbolt, but she didn't know Crystal Prep's schedule, so Sugarcoat may very well be in class right now.

Everyone was staring at her, either with glares of hate or glares of plain annoyance, and at this moment, she found herself not caring anymore. For whenever she walked into Canterlot High, her entire body became numb. Nothing could hurt her, nothing would hurt her because she couldn't feel the pain anymore.

She heard the whispers of the same old insults, she didn't commented anything anymore. She didn't even try to tell them otherwise because they wouldn't listen. The only one who would listen to her was Sugarcoat, and she attended CPA, and everyone would call her a traitor if they knew she was friends with a Shadowbolt because they all hated CPA, despite their ways of trying to be friends with them. No one could come close with Principal Cinch leading the Academy with an iron fist.

Arriving at her locker, she saw the words 'She-Demon' painted on her locker and she sighed before locking it. Her eyes landed on the book she used to talk with Twilight. Her heart twisted. Maybe she should tell Twilight she finally found a friend within this hell?

Screw it.

What did she have to waste anymore? After all, Twilight did say to find her family. Sugarcoat was the closest thing she had to a family at this point.

Sunset took out her pen and opened the book to a blanket page and began writing. The message was short, but it was okay, it said enough for Twilight to understand.

Dear Twilight,

I finally found what could be a friend. We met yesterday, but so far, she's shown me only compassion and listened to all I had to say, I think she truly understands me, Twilight. She, by far, is a better friend than those Rainbooms.

Your friend, Sunset.

She placed the book back, and slammed her locker. She had all she needed and she began slowly walking towards her first class, dragging her feet as this class held Rarity and Applejack. Next class held Pinkie Pie, the class was with Fluttershy, and finally gym had Rainbow Dash. This day was hell. But, now everyday was hell because of this Anon-A-Miss act. No doubt everyone would try to make her life a living hell more than it already was.

The teacher saw her walk in before everyone else and sit down at her desk, and opened her book to read the next chapter. He smiled sadly. He had heard all about Anon-A-Miss, and how could his best student be the one who's up to this? It made no sense to him. Perhaps this would all pass soon and they could all get along once more.

"Good morning, Miss Shimmer," The teacher greeted. "How is your day?"

"Like every other day," Sunset replied.

He frowned, "Just keep your head high, Miss Shimmer. It'll pass soon. Whoever is behind this must realize this is all for nothing. What do they have to gain out of this?"

Sunset shrugged and looked down at her book. "To make my life a living hell," she whispered under her breath as she heard the bell ring.

As students began pouring in, Sunset allowed her gaze to wonder to see Applejack and Rarity coming in second to last and her gaze fell as it rose. She didn't want to look up at her former friends, it always made her stomach turn whenever they gave her glares, even if she was numb when she took a step inside of this place. It seemed like the only glares which could hurt her belonged to her former friends.

Applejack huffed and sat down next to Rarity, ignoring everyone's look towards them, snickering and whispering her nickname, while they whispered about Rarity, making the girl lower her gaze downwards a bit.

"Don't pay attention, Rares," Applejack whispered. "You did nothin', remember?"

"Yes, well, it still hurts, darling," Rarity replied. "All these looks of hate! Towards me, of all people!"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "They ain't looks of hate, Rares. They're looks of mockery."

"I never wanted those looks, darling!"

"And ya think ah did?!"

The teacher gazed up from the board and frowned at the duo. "Is there something you'd like to tell the class, Miss Applejack, Miss Rarity?" Everyone was staring at them now, minus Sunset.

"No," Applejack sighed, "Ah'm sorry."

"Me too," Rarity apologized.

"Very well, just be quiet from now on," The teacher gave them a shaky smile before returning to the board, hearing snickers behind his back as he went on writing.

The very most, Sunset was feeling like she needed to text Sugarcoat.

"Psst, Anon-A-Bitch," Sunset winced at the nickname. "I got some gold for you to post on those two girls over there! They're sure to be the target for weeks!"

Yeah, she really needed to text Sugarcoat.

{ Sugar, I need to talk with you...

Whatever they did, ignore it. }

{ Kinda hard to do so when you have ALL day with them

All day? You're really bad at avoiding those Rainbooms. }

Sunset laughed weakly and typed her reply. Sugarcoat was honest, yes, perhaps better at being honest than Applejack. She wondered what could happen if Sugarcoat was the element of Honesty for the Elements of Harmony instead of the farm girl whom she once considered family.

The day had gone much faster than she expected, and right now she was down for getting another drink from Sugarcube Corner, but knew the Rainbooms probably beat her to the shop so they wouldn't have to walk out after just getting there, so maybe Sugarcoat was up to meeting somewhere else for a drink? Maybe they could try that shop which just opened up a week ago?

Her phone buzzed with a text from Sugarcoat, and Sunset eagerly read her friend's text.

I walked past Sugarcube Corner. Rainbooms are there. I'm at the bridge with some hot chocolate. }

Her stomach turned at the thought of the bridge.

{ Why the bridge?

Just come. }

Her feet took their sweet time walking towards the place where she sought to be a good place to jump. When she arrived, she saw Sugarcoat there, looking out at the water, a cup of hot chocolate sitting there on the ledge, being held by her free hand, and she smiled softly before walking up to her friend and tapping her on the shoulder.

Sugarcoat gave her the drink and watched as she sipped it with a hum of happiness. At the very most, the hot chocolate must've made her forget everything she went through at school today.

"Why are we here?" Sunset asked after a while. "Why the bridge?"

"Because I needed to give you something," Sugarcoat replied.

"Wasn't it the hot chocolate?"


Sunset rose an eyebrow, "Then... what is it?"

"Here," Sugarcoat answered, handing her a piece of paper. "I know you might not want to, but it'll be safer there than at the whiny school you're currently at."

Sunset nearly dropped her drink when she realized it was a transfer request to switch from Canterlot High to Crystal Prep. At the bottom of the page was the signature of Dean Cadance and right next to it was the signature of the most strictest principal of them all. Principal Abacus Cinch.

"How...?" whispered Sunset, "How did Principal Cinch agree to sign this? She hates Canterlot High."

"I merely stated true facts," shrugged Sugarcoat. "Dean Cadance was more than happy to show a new student around and to help you fit in, of course, I also stated I would catch you up on every subject as you'll be in my classes."

Sunset's eyes trailed down the page, reading over the information she needed to fill in, and there was two spaces for Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna to sign. "They'll try to change my mind," She explained, "They can't lose a student to CPA..."

"But they rather lose one to Anon-A-Miss?"

Sunset winced. The two adults didn't really do much about this. They allowed her to be bullied and beat up. It was like they didn't care. Maybe they did but just wasn't showing it. She didn't know.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Sunset asked, voice barely above whisper.

Sugarcoat gave her a look, "Look, just because we're rivals doesn't mean I can't be nice to you." She explained. "Also, you are my friend. Aren't they supposed to be nice to each other and help one another?"

"I mean... I guess so..."

"Look, just go see them and get their signature if you want to transfer, I told them you weren't so sure, and they said you could take as long as you like but it has to be before Winter Break, which means you have exactly four days to decide this. I'll even stick with you on your first day. I'll introduce you to people you can actually call friends," Sugarcoat explained.

Sunset nodded. "Okay, I'll let you know."

Her eyes slowly moved back downwards to the page as Sugarcoat went on talking about her horrible day at Crystal Prep. Her heart was telling her to leave it blank and not give up on the Rainbooms while her mind was telling her to fill it out, get the last two signatures and leave the hellhole forever and be with Sugarcoat on the winning side.

But which side to go with and trust?

This was just another day in her hellish life.