• Published 30th Jun 2019
  • 592 Views, 56 Comments

War Gone Cold - Bronycommander

Some time passed after meeting the She-Bear. Yet Dinky, Lily, Katja and Blau Streifen wonder what happened to her. Little they know, they would find out soon, in another war.

  • ...

Chapter 6 Trouble

Chapter 6: Trouble

Fletcher opened his eyes, finding himself with Snake in a chopper, the man listed to a cassette tape.

“Cities and villages have been subject to a strategic bombing campaign the past several weeks. The damage is spreading. It's part of the Celestia's scorched earth operation aimed at wiping out the Lunar republic. The target is the commander of a Celestia's army. He's been key to the operation's success. People say this guy's responsible for annihilating Mondelein overnight. He's a tough, experienced commander. Don't underestimate him, he's one of the best, if not the best of her forces.” Miller explained and Fray realized who the target was.


Pequod dropped them near an outpost and they took a look with binoculars. Both spotted the stallion in his golden armor. He stood in a backyard of the base, standing a map.

Having spotted the target, Fletcher and Snake sneaked though the guards, towards Solomon.

“I watch your back,” Fletcher whispered and wasted the entrance to the backyard, yet saw how Snake sneaked up on the Grandmaster.

The stallion turned around but couldn’t react in time as Snake punched him several times, with the last pinch landing in his face, strong enough to knock him out and threw his helmet off. Yet he landed in the shadow, so Fray couldn’t see his face.

To his surprise, instead of dealing with him right away, Snake kicked Solomon, causing him to wake up with a cry of pain before being held up. Strangely, the Grandmaster stayed down, not doing anything.

“I saw you die in the flames...I watched your body burn...I watched your bones turn black and turn to dust...I hear your screams carried away in the wind...It is soon, heathen...So very soon...” Solomon spoke in an emotionless tone. Yet Snake wasn’t impressed and attached a Fulton. Fletcher suppressed a chuckle to see his archenemy helplessly struggling to get free. “Release me, you filthy savage! I'll make you beg for mercyyyyyyyyyyy!” Solomon yelled as he got pulled up.

Slightly groaning, Fletcher woke up from his dream. “That was strange.” He mumbled and fell asleep again.

As Blue opened her eyes, she found herself in a room with her former Boss, he was sitting at a desk as Tybalt walked up to him. “Here’s the tax report, Boss.”

The paymaster took a look at the report and fell out of his chair, screaming.

Bloodhound walked up and took a look at the report himself. “137 million?”

“Yes. And If I don’t pay, I go to jail for tax evasion.” Cascadius replied and grabbed him. “I’m genius enough to take on Equestria, but the IRS, no thank you!”

He let go and walked out of the room, leaving Blue confused. “Since when does he pay taxes?”

“The boss has a few legal businesses, did he never tell you?” Tybalt asked and she shook her head.

It was at this moment where the unicorn mare woke up from her dream. “That was weird…”

Nevertheless, the rest of the night they had a good sleep. “At morning, Wolf asked Patch, “Anything new from Snake?”

“Yes. After we hit the hay, he extracted a commander of Rogue Coyote, simply "the Major" to his men. That's his rank from his army day He was a target as he’s been talking about dealing in nuclear arms. But turns out, it was just a rumor he was paid to spread around. He doesn't even know who's paying him. All his instructions came through a cut-out. Also, he investigated ZRS and found out that they are trying to kill some old man.”

“That can only be Cipher that paid him. About that old man, I think we’ll find out soon enough.” The prince commented and the next mission was up, they all listened carefully to the briefing of Miller.

“Boss, the client this time is a child. One of the children you rescued from that mine. He wants us to save the boy who was their leader. His name is Shabani, and he was the oldest among them. Several days before you went into the mine, he was taken away to Nzo ya Badiabulu. Our search turned up a place the locals call by that name. Ngumba Industrial Zone. Nearby residents are terrified of it. They say "the Devil" lives there. And that anyone who sets foot in it never returns. This industrial zone has long been abandoned, but it seems it was sold off a few years back to a certain corporation. SANR. And now the perimeter is tightly guarded by a PF. The reason is unclear. The same goes for why Shabani was taken away. But something is obviously going on there. Those kids from the mine really looked up to Shabani. The "client" has given us the last of their diamonds in return. Go get Shabani out of there, Boss. Whatever Cipher's up to in the region, Shabani might just be our best lead.”

Almost at the drop point, Miller told the details. “The target is Shabani. Shabani was the leader of the boys being forced to work at the mine. He was separated from the others and taken away to Ngumba Industrial Zone. The locals call this place ‘Nzo ya Badiabulu’ - the Devil's House. Find Shabani and extract him safely.”

They got dropped near an outpost located at a sunken road, causing Ocelot to comment, “An outpost in a sunken road... Munoko Ya Nioka – ‘the Snake's Mouth.’ I get it. Looks like that's the only way to the objective area.”

The children and snipers marked the Rouge Coyote guards from their vantage points, so their companions could easily sneak past and saw how they climbed into the back of a parked through at the guard post further ahead.

“Haven't seen you before. You new?” A Soldier asked another, indirectly creating a distraction for Snake, allowing him to sneak into the tent and found a map to the objective area and got back on the truck.

“Yes. I'm transporting provisions. Is the riverside guard post up ahead?” The other soldier replied, being the driver of the truck.

“Yeah, but you can't make it to the river by vehicle.”

“So it's true that the last driver died there...?”

“What? No…” The officer said surprised.

“Should I be worried about those burned-up bodies at the station?”

Rogue Coyote officer: Enough questions. That happens all the time on the battlefield. The route map is in the tent over there. Better study it.”

The driver saluted. “Yes, sir.” He took a quick look and entered his vehicle, the scouts had little trouble to follow from the cliffs until he stopped at another guard post.

“HQ has new orders for you. Relieve the guard up ahead.” One of the guard told the driver.


“His shift is over, and we're short-handed.”

“Understood. Where am I going?”

“The guard post before the tunnel. Once you get to the riverside guard post, head into the forest.”


“Keep your eyes open. That mist up ahead never clears. Then there's the stories of...’them.’” The guard warned with unease.


“Evil spirits. ‘Devils’ who whisper curses at you and whatnot. The last guy, he went into the tunnel and...Look, just be careful. Now go.

“Yes, sir.”

The driver got back into the truck and drive towards a valley with a collapsed bridge, forcing him to stop and go on foot through it.

“That mist block our line of sight, you are on your own.” Midnight spoke into the radio. “We will scout ahead.

“Alright.” Snake replied and Ocelot informed that supposedly the valley was covered in mist almost year around.

As Snake and the four Dark Horse members went through, an African Wild dog crossed their way but ignored them. “They see me as one of their own, so there’s no danger from wild animals,” Atgeir explained.

The slowly came into view of the guarded post, with one Rouge Coyote soldier having the river in his sight, so Snake threw an empty magazine behind him. Hearing the sound, he turned around, allowing the operatives to move on.

Near a tunnel, they saw the truck driver getting asked, “You here to take over? Just remember this... That tunnel is off-limits. Do not go in there.”

“Is there something special on the other side?”

“Don't get curious. You want to end up like the last driver?” The guard warned.

“So something did happen to him.

“He went through the tunnel, and saw inside the factory on the other side. Then maybe his conscience got the better of him, 'cause he tried to free the people inside. I was on duty at the station and stopped their truck... I didn't know what to do, so I reported it to command, and then... Before I knew it, this crew I had never seen before showed up and shot him on sight. They then burned the truck with everyone in it, and were gone just like that.” The guard told slightly shocked.

“Who were they?”

“What difference does it make? You just watch yourself. Stay the hell out of that tunnel.”


The tunnel itself had visible traces of erosion, making it structurally unstable.

“What do you see?” Abstraction asked on the radio as he got with the others through the tunnel.

“No guards at all,” Dinky replied. “It’s odd…”

Ocelot gave them some information about the place. “Ngumba Industrial Zone was developed with a lot of fanfare when the Zairian government was able to lure in foreign capital. That was decades ago. Later, President Mobutu nationalized it as part of his Authenticite campaign. But the new management didn't have the know-how to keep it running properly. It wasn't long before the zone shut down. Now it's just another ghost of glories past.”

One of the doors stood open and Snake carefully entered it, followed by the four Dark Horse members, yet what they saw was horrible.

The ground was bloodied. Static from a radio greeted their ears and Snake moved a curtain aside and they saw a man strapped to a bench, his chest was covered by a blanket, the throat by a plaster

Snake removed the plaster and the saw a white cable stuck the man’s throat. “Is that…” Abstraction asked with fear as Snake pulled it out, causing the man to grunt in pain and it was…an earplug. It played news in a foreign language, as it was connected to a radio next to the bench.

Snake then removed the blanket and they saw how the lungs of the man were becoming liquid. The mercenary leader brushed a finger on it to take a closer look before shaking it.

Going through another curtain, the group saw an entire row of people having the same “conditions”, causing Miller to ask horrified, “What is that? Is Shabani?”

The three pones looked at each other, it was creepy and filled them with unease.

At the other end, they saw the boy, also retrained on a bench, eyes closed. Snake put an ear to his chest and notice he was still breathing and that he held a necklace on his right hand, so the man took it and cut him loose.

“Shabani?” Snake asked and the boy looked at him. “Your boys sent me.”

Then they heard a creak and all ducked. Skull Face walked towards one of the patients. “I accept your disgrace, your sorrow, unto myself.” He said in Hungarian and aimed a lever-action with short barrel at the patient. “Rest in peace.” Then he pulled the trigger and took his hat off, showing respect to the test subject he had just killed. It hinted he did have empathy to a certain degree.

However, Shabani started to trash and cry in pain, Snake and the stallions tried to keep him call but Skull Face noticed it and spin-cocked his rifle, aiming at them.

“You.” He said cold and lowered his weapon. Burn with the rest of them!”

For a second, the floating boy was behind and suddenly, a roar.

The stallions and mare had no time to react as a strong force knocked them over. They recovered quickly, only to see that Snake was tackled down by what could only be described as a man on fire.

It wasn't simply that the man was 'on' fire, he was 'as' fire. He wasn't just burning, he was the burning itself. He wasn't merged with the fire, he was comprised of it. A living, human flame. And angry, by the look of him.

But Snake managed to crawl away in a struggle, as the Man on fire just stood there, doing nothing.

Out of the corner of their eyes, the saw how the floating boy looked over Shabani, with the former child soldier dying from smoke inhalation, the necklace briefly visible on the floating boy.

Then the burning man roared and all four ponies realized they could only run, moving as fast as they could with Snake back to the entrance.

Outside, they saw that the others looked with shock at the hostile creature as it bursted it of the building.

“We got to take it out or it will bring down the choppers!” Midnight yelled, though he had no idea how as Snake dodged fireballs from it.

They all knew they had to help, that Snake wouldn’t be able to do this forever.

“Fire on my command!” Snake yelled as he stood near a pool of water, a fuel tank next to it and they understood.

As soon as the Man on fire was near the fuel tank, Abstraction fired on the tank with his rifle. It exploded and threw the burning human into the pool. He let out a distorted scream of pain, engulfed in steam.

“Did that do it?!” Miller wondered. “Quick, now’s the time to get to the chopper.” He added as the steam cleared and the Man on fire was gone, with Snake and the pines wasting no time.

“That was…creepy and thrilling…” Abstraction let out a breath of relief.

“Yeah…We can be lucky that water was this thing’s weakness.” Dinky added.

“Still, how did you not notice Skull Face?” Atgeir asked Midnight.

“Must have come from a blind spot.” He suspected as Miller gave the debriefing.

Skull Face. So he was in Africa after all. Working behind the scenes, with even that ‘Man on Fire’ at his beck and call... But what the hell was going on at "the Devil's House"? Earphones embedded into people's throats, tapes playing voices... And those lumps on their chests... It looked like the ones on the bodies at the oilfield. The Man on Fire burned everything to the ground... But we were recording audio the whole time you were there. We'll conduct a thorough analysis of it.”

Back at base, they saw the child soldiers looking at the horizons, then with hope at Snake as they noticed him. He gave one of the boys the necklace, lowering his head in a gesture of grief. The boy then hung it around his neck and the group walked away.

“I can’t imagine the sorrow the must feel.” Lily looked after the child soldiers with pity.

“Me neither. I really wish it hadn’t come this way.” Katja said with an expression of pity.

After that, Snake, together with Abstraction, Siyarjit, Atgeir and Insistra and their gear got disinfected, none of the ponies minded, given what they just had been through.

Yet, they rested until noon, as the next mission called, Miller gave the briefing.

“The contract is to eliminate a high-ranking CFA official. CFA doesn't just hire UNITA soldiers as mercenaries. They're also supplying UNITA with weapons. It just smacks of Western nations manipulating them against the Socialist MPLA. Naturally, the MPLA's not happy with the situation, and wants us to put a stop to it. Your standard issue East-West proxy war... except, it appears our target is the man in charge of how many weapons get supplied to UNITA. Apparently his MO is to keep the civil war going as long as possible, so CFA can keep making a profit. Bad for business if UNITA wins too soon. So they sit back and suck the people dry. Parasites of war. Our intel suggests the target rarely ventures outside of Nova Braga airport, but rumor has it that a Western arms dealer is headed there soon for an inspection. That could be your chance to eliminate him from a distance. We also heard he plans to leave the country following the inspection. This may be our only opportunity to take him out.”

Halfway there, Miller mentioned, Eliminate the high-ranking CFA official in charge of supplying weapons to UNITA. “The target stays at Nova Braga Airport. Head to the airport first.”

They all did as told, moving towards it before the radio ringed again, this time in a high pitched tone. “Boss, we got an emergency. Mother Base in under attack.” Miller reported, causing everyone to be surprised. “The enemy has overrun one of our platforms, and they’re holding some of our staff hostage. If we don’t do anything, they’ll try to take off with our men. That would mean losing some of our finest manpower. Boss, take back that Platform! This is a race against time. For all of us…get on this mission right away.”

“Copy that.”

“Don’t worry, Snake, we’ll finish this for you.” Midnight said and the mercenary nodded.

“Shouldn’t we help him?” Dinky asked as Snake called his chopper and flew away.

“He can do this on his own, Dinky, or he wouldn’t be Big Boss,” Sergei assured her. And she smiled weakly.


“I hope Wagensroll is okay,” Fletcher mumbled worried and Blue patted his shoulder.

“Snake's got this.”

He also smiled weakly in return.

“I suspect the target is in the command tower.” Midnight commented as they closed in, with the scouts taking positions.

“I see snipers on the roof and a Walker Gear patrolling the streets,” Blau reported and Lily saw a man in riot gear but without helmet looking out of a window of the tower.

“That the CFA official,” Miller confirmed.

Abstraction, Atgeir, Insistra and Siyarjit entered the outpost through the west entrance, staying out of the line of sight of the enemy snipers, also avoiding a surveillance camera before entering the tower and hid behind a wall as Blue had news.

“We got a Hind incoming!”

“It’s the Arms dealer, “Miller explained, “He’s on his way for an inspection of the airport and will leave the country with the target after that. Take the target out before that happens.”

Shortly afterwards, the chopper landed on the other side of the Tower and a man in a business suit stepped out, carrying a machine pistol and the chopper patrolled around.

The man walked into the tower and the official was delighted to see him.

“A visit from the president! It's an honor, sir. We owe all our successes in Central Africa to SANR. That Mfinda Oilfield incident really was a shame.”

“Shame is right. Now a bunch of mercenary dogs've gotten wind of us. Phantoms of a dead age.” The president replied.

“Sir, I've been hearing that man at the oil field was Big Boss. The legendary mercenary. I was never told we'd have to face someone like him. Our contract only specified protecting the facility from the local villagers and militias. Protection against PFs backed up with modern tech is a different deal altogether.”

“I've heard it all already. For now, we have an inspection to do. Show me around.”

“Understood. Let's start with the south hangar. Step this way.”

“He said something about SNAR. It was SNAR behind the Oilfield incident…How do you want to handle him?” Miller asked.

“We go on the roof and see if they have more interesting to say. “Siyarjit suggested, his fellow operatives nodded.

Going out and up the stairs, Abstraction held up both snipers and told them to get down, they obeyed- Ten the four ponies went prone to avoid getting seen by the chopper, the stallions watched the official and president with their binoculars.

“This is the south hangar. The roof has seen better days, but we can fix it up in no time.” The executive told his visitor as they arrived.

“Lots of space - that's good. Is the north hangar as big as this?”

“Yes, they're of the same design. It's a little far for walking. Let's take the car.


“It's just over there.” They both stepped into a truck parked outside and drove to the Hanger on the north side.

“This here is the north hangar.” The CFA official announced as they arrived

“Same size... this'll do fine. We've got all the space we need here.”

“What do you need hangars this big for? Isn't it about time I knew?” The CFA member got curious.

“Sure, why not? You and your men will be crucial to the next phase. We're gonna use this airport as a trading point for selling nukes.

“Selling... nukes? You're... that's...” The CFA soldier asked skeptically.

“That's what we're doing. Of course, distributing actual nuclear warheads is a big bag of problems. But what if you could assemble a nuke anywhere? Without specialized facilities. Without high-grade yellowcake. That's the new business model. Just imagine the market we'll be cornering.” The president explained.

“You're not serious...”

“I'm always serious. Your sales are going to be indispensable. And think - once UNITA has a nuke - the MPLA'll want one too. Payment will end up being more mining rights and the like... But ever since the oil barons crushed America's rail systems, there'll always be a market for oil. UNITA's diamonds will be quite a payday too. A girl's best friend, right? Ha! Now that's PR - every sucker's whining girlfriend is our marketing team. And the Africans are just wasting all that money, buying weapons to kill each other. The real world. Funny shit, right?”

The CFA soldier replied with unease. Groaned. “...Tell it to whoever takes my place. We're warmongers. I'll admit that. We make a living on blood money. Without war, my men are out of a job. But we only got this way because all other industries were driven out of the region by colonial powers muscling in. I've had all I can stomach.”


“Have you seen enough? Once the inspection is over, take me to Kinshasa like we agreed."

“So you wanna pass up the biggest business you'll ever see? Fine by me. Somebody'll take your place. It doesn't matter what you or I do. Nothing stops the tides of economy. Not as long as the big powers keep squabbling over all the wealth.”

“...The control tower is this way.” They got back into the truck.

“They feed off the conflict, then turn around and blame the colonial governments? Now that's hypocrisy.” Miller commented as the chopper landed in front of the tower and the ponies got back into it, hidden behind a wall as the two men entered.

“Almost forgot to ask. I hear there was some sort of disease going around Bwala ya Masa?” The president wanted to know.

“Yes. A very strange disease. That region was in UNITA territory. On paper, they were signed up with us too, but in reality it was "Gunsmith" running the show. But then they all died... Now that area's occupied by a bunch of brats that ‘Gunsmith’ scraped up. Apparently they don't get sick. Why do you ask?

“Just curious.”

“I see... Look, don't bullshit me! You know something. It's got something to do with those "experiments" your people are doing at the Devil's House, doesn't it? Even we can find out that much.”

“Knowing too much is bad for your health. You're leaving Africa anyway. Just go on and live a life of luxury on the pennies you've saved up selling guns. Cool down and forget about hot places. Let's go, the chopper's waiting.”

“They know something about the experiments going on in that factory? Well. There’s no time now. Act now, or the target will leave the airport.” Miller warned.

In response, Siyarjit used his magic to make the men head-butt each other, knocking them out, then carried them outside and extracted them before they all extracted themselves and listen to what Miller had found out.

“About that target you extracted... he says he wants to work for us... Having talked to him, he doesn't seem that bad a guy. Apparently the arms dealer's people demanded they prolong the conflict, and he couldn't go against the management. That doesn't excuse everything he did, but his skills will make him a useful asset. Let's put him to good use.

I've tossed that arms dealer in the brig. The way he tells it, he worked in logistics with the South African Army, but he was headhunted by SANR. Whoever gave him the orders would only have been a pawn of Skull Face anyway... but apparently he hasn't been in contact for some time. He doesn't know much about SANR... not even what the president looks like. Just another cog in the machine.”

“This is getting more and more interesting,” Neolith commented.

“Yes, let’s hope it isn’t too late, Abundo added.

Back at base, Fletcher was relieved to see his relative alright. “Wagensroll, you’re okay!” He hugged him.

“Yes, I managed to flee once the enemy force attacked.”

“Speaking of, is it over?” Blau asked.

Wagensroll nodded. “It is, the hostages are saved. Turns out, the enemy commander was a survivor of the old Mother Base. The events greatly haunted him, causing him to break off from his comrades under the paranoia that the group that attacked Mother Base would send a clean-up squad. The isolation screwed with his sense of loyalty. A rumor, source unknown, had him convinced... that the attack nine years ago, was orchestrated by Snake yourself. That Big Boss sold out his comrades to hide from the world. He thought that's why Snake was not at the base that day. He was so desperate to take Diamond Dogs down, he built up his own PF, copying them in every way. His idea of the perfect revenge. But in the end... he was just a victim of disinformation.”

“I hope Snake can forgive him,” Dinky said, having pity.

“The guy is still in the brig but Snake already did. In response to that attack, Miller decided to create a Security Team, which is a sub-unit of the Combat Unit and also a Forward Operating Base to divert some of the risk enemies posed. Ironically, Miller meant the enemy commander, which goes by the codename Mosquito, makes a perfect member for that.”

“Ironic indeed.” Abstraction nodded.

As they rested from their mission, Wagensroll used the time to develop security options of cameras, anti-theft alarms, infrared sensors and the deployment of UAV camera drones. Dawnwind on the other hand, helped in the medical team to create Anti-tranquilization drugs, s the security team could be longer in the fight.

Around noon, the ponies were ready for the next mission.

“Boss, the CFA soldiers deployed to Bwala ya Masa have been annihilated. There are no signs of combat, nor any endemic disease. All the adults just... disappeared. Only children were left. All those kids were ever taught was how to fight, and now they're free from the control of adults. They've become a regular bunch of marauders, raiding nearby villages, beating people, and destroying property. Our contract comes from the government. We're to locate this "militia," these kids... and kill them. But I suggest we do this the Diamond Dogs way. The government wants to see these raids stop? We can see to that. But not by killing kids. We're going to disarm, demobilize, and reintegrate them. A DDR operation. To begin with, extract their commander to Mother Base. Once they lose that kid, the one they call "White Mamba," the rest of the group will fall apart by itself.” Miller briefed everyone.

As the choppers arrived, the scouts took positions on the same vantage points they had during the Oilfield mission.

“I count 20 child soldiers. “Katja reported as Snake put 5 of them to sleep at the guard post next to it, seeing that DD was crying a green bag.

“Extract!” Snake said to the dog and DD walked over to one of the sleeping children and used his teeth to pull out a futon of the bag and attached it to the boy.

“That’s smart,” Atgeir commented at the sight.

“Fire at will!” Snake then ordered, so Neolith, Fletcher and Blue fired their tranquilizer darts at every child soldier they saw, their comrades knocked the child soldiers out instead and extracted them until everyone was extracted, also freeing a female prisoner in one of the buildings.

“Now, I take care of the commander myself.” Snake pointed to a shipwreck, were a Caucasian boy with blue eyes and blond hair enjoyed the view, not noticing the intruders. He was wearing a dark green jacket, “Never Be Game Over” was written in the back of it.

Yet someone, they all knew he was different. His eyes seemed aware if any danger, as if he expected trouble. Something told them he was tougher than the others.

As the White Mamba walked into the ship, Snake followed him, seeing how he was a throne-like garden chair with the head of a pig on a platter.

“So you’re the so-called ‘White Mamba.’” Snake spoke in the native language. “Something tells me that’s not the name your parents gave you.”

In response, the commander lowered his head for a moment before looking up with a stern expression, as if he despised those words, his eyes filled with rage. After standing up, he grabbed a knife and threw it at Snake.

The man simply blocked it and the boy vaulted over him.

The ponies looked in awe hoe the legendary mercenary blocked another attack with ease, as the commander charged at him with a pipe and Snake knelled him into the gut and threw him over.

This time, the boy climbed up the wall and came from behind, throwing a bottle at Bog Boss but again he blocked it.

Yet the White Mamba didn’t seem to leant, as he repeated the same attack pattern a few times before he yelled, “Not yet Snake, it's not over yet!” And ran out of sight.

Despite this, Snake saw how he tried to hide in his “throne room” and sneaked up on him, throwing him to the ground.

Unwilling to submit, the boy pinned Snake to a wall using a chair, then proceeded to draw a knife in an attempt to stab him. But the man managed to grab his arm and twist hit, disarming him and threw him to the ground, driving the same knife into the ground beside the boy’s head.

“You lose, commander,” Snake announced before the boy passed out.

With that done, he picked the White Mamba up and carried him to the chopper and the ponies extracted too.

Back at mother base, the ponies saw how Snake offered the White Mamba a hand but he refused, jumping out with a stern expression, taking a look at the base.

“Welcome to Outer Heaven.” Snake gave him a playfully slap on the back and the foals gasped as the boy baled a fist and stole Snake's knife off his back and attacked him with it.

Yet again, the mercenary leader easily blocked it, threw him down and dislocated his arm with the child crying in pain before Snake grabbing the knife.

“We have rules around here. Never draw a weapon on a fellow soldier. You got that?” Snake asked Snake popped the arm back into place. “Anyone here can use a knife or a gun. What you’re going to learn is how to use your head. When you get that under your belt, you’re free to leave.”

The White Mamba looked briefly at Snake before walking away.

“Let’s hope he will learn,” Lily commented at the sight.

“It’s hard to say, I feel deep hatred in him, towards Snake, but can’t tell why.” Insistra looked after the child commander.

Yet they took their rest as usual, enjoying it to the fullest, as in the evening, their services were needed once again.

“Two engineers are being held in the observation post southwest of Ngumba Industrial Zone. Boss, your mission is to rescue them. The targets are civilians - one male, one female. They were dispatched to the area by an international health organization, but disappeared shortly after. Extract the two targets, and help them escape the country.” Miler briefed.

Again, he gave a detailed report as the choppers were en-route.

“Rescue the two prisoners being held in a guard post to the southwest of Ngumba Industrial Zone. The targets are civilians – one male, one female. Apparently they’re specialists sent out there to investigate infectious diseases. They were frequent visitors to that ‘Devil’s House’ at Nzo ya Badiabulu. If you recover them, we’ll finally be able to get firsthand accounts of what’s been going on in that place.”

As the scouts got in positions, they marked all guards in the area, with Dinky spotting a man in POW uniform near the tent of the guard post. I see one of the targets he’s trying to escape on his own.”

“Copy that.” Snake acknowledged and moved towards the man, who smiled weakly as upon getting cut free of his restrains.

“So... You're here to save me.” The man mumbled weakened.

“I was called here to... Transport and set up equipment at a medical facility... And examine the patients there. But never did I imagine... What was that?” He wondered horrified, as if he could never forget those sights.

“I never seen those symptoms before. And that ‘treatment’ was no treatment at all. It was like we were cultivating the pathogen.” He paused for a moment.

“Are you from around here? You don't know anything? You never seen that disease before?” Snake shook his head. “Yeah, I escaped by myself. Left her behind... I had myself to think about. And besides... It was too late for her anyway.” The technician told with regret.

“During an examination, her protective suit's seal was broken, ever so slightly. Yeah, no doubt about it. There's nothin' I could do for her. I'm still not sure how the disease is transmitted, but... She's probably already just like... Yeah, she must be. Forgive me...”

“I’ll save her, don’t worry.” Snake assured as Abstraction moved towards the tent.

“Thanks…I’ll pay you back somehow.” The technician replied before getting extracted.

“Guys, we got two jeeps coming from both sides!” Lily warned.

“I got this,” Insistra replied and use her crystals as mines again. Both jeeps got disabled as they drove over him, the passengers knocked out, as like the APC near the plantation back then.

Inside the tent, the stallion found the woman. She looked at him confused, yet smiled as her brought her out.

“You've come to rescue me...?” She asked the stallion weakened and he nodded.

“I was asked to show that man around here. Dangerous work. I hated every second. I wish I'd said now, but I was the only one on the team who spoke English.” She told with disgust.

“So we went to that factory... Bodies don't scare me, I'm used to seeing them, but... What could that be? Bullous pemphigoid... dermatomes... Dermatomes? But what's the cause? Who would do such a thing...?” She wondered.

“Hey... Are you researching it as well?” The woman asked the stallion but he gave no answer, focused on bringing her out.

“Better quit while you can. I've been here five years, but I've never seen anything like that. That coward ran off without me. Not that I hold it against him, really. He'd suspected that I was infected for quite some time. Obsessed over it. That place must have really spooked him.” She paused.

“But I always wore full protective gear during the examinations. There's no way I could be infected. So you needn't worry. I'm alright. Please... get me out of here...” She pleaded weakly.

“That’s why I’m here.” Abstraction replied but stopped as two guards came towards him. “I could use some help.”

“Dear me, we can't have that.” Blue replied, taking the guards out with Fletcher.

“Thanks…you saved me.” The woman said before the unicorn extracted her and they all called the choppers.

“Boss, we've placed the two targets in quarantine. They don't show signs of anything, but we'll monitor them just the same. If they had access to the Devil's House, I doubt they were sent there by some health organization. Cipher used them, and would've eliminated them eventually. But we'll protect them here. They've agreed to that. After all, we helped them out of the country as promised. The mission's complete... But Boss, they've been behind the curtains at Ngumba. They examined the patients there nearly every day. They told us the patients were being made to listen to voices on tape. But the male target added something interesting. He said he doesn't know what was on the tapes because there was no English version. Of all the voices that were "shoved down" those people's throats... ...English wasn't one of them.” Miller reported in the debriefing.

“If that’s the case, we might have little to worry, given that almost everyone on Mother Base speaks English. Chernov suspected.

“Yeah. Still, we must remain cautious.” Sergei replied.

Upon arrival, they saw the White Mamba with another child soldier walking by.

“Hey, you know my Papa, when he was working in the mines…”

“You love your Papa so much?” The White Mamba asked the other boy slightly aggressive.

He sounded like he despised even the slightest mention of parents.

There was silence for a moment, as the other boy didn’t know how to answer, seeing the rage in the eyes of the White Mamba.

“Ah- Eli, I’m sorry.” He replied slightly scared, “I didn’t mean-“

“What do you call me?” Eli shoved him.

His eyes were blazing, showing he seemed to hate even his real name, with the other child gilder being too scared to answer

“What…did you call me?” He shoved him again, an aggressive tone.

“Etepe, Eli, what’s the matter?” A soldier that passed by asked. “Fighting will get you nowhere Eli.” He added before the boy charged forward and grabbed the soldier’s knife, throwing it back and forth between his hands. “Cut it out, kid! That ain’t a toy! Eli.”

“Don’t call me that!” The boy yelled and charged again, with the soldier managing to block it but Eli overpowered him and threw him to the ground, holding the knife by the man’s neck. “I’m not a kid! You hear me?!” Eli yelled before Ocelot grabbed his arm.

“Enough.” The Russian pulled him up and shoved him away. Eli charged at him but Ocelot grabbed his hand and threw him to the ground, causing the knife to fall to the ground. Eli charged again but Ocelot shoved him, causing him to hit the ground again.

Eli spit and walked way, reluctantly accepting his defeat.

“On the battlefield, they used one another’s nom de guerre. But here, we insist they use their real names. That hasn’t sat too well with Eli…” Ocelot told Snake as they looked after the boy. “Or should I say ‘Nyoka ya Mpembe?’ He thinks his boys are letting grown-ups walk all over ‘em.”

“We should better avoid Eli as good as we can,” Blau suggested slightly trembling.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Dinky replied, the others nodded and they went to bed.

Despite this unsetting event, they all had sept well. “So, Patch, what’s the news?” Abstraction asked at breakfast.

“Currently, the Boss is coming back from a mission where he should rescue a hostage from a rouge child soldier group. The hostage was the brother of that same general who wanted the kids at the mine dead. But that hostage wasn’t related to the general at all, the general's true brother was the man who gave them the mission request. So, In order to protect them from potential retribution from the Mbele forces, Snake saved the hostage and commander of the child soldiers, with the former stating, ‘If I'm working for you, I can be No. 2 or No. 200 for all I care.’”

“The Boss is back. Let’s go refuel and load up on artillery.” They heard a soldier outside.

“We’re good to go, chief.” Another replied as suddenly a completely terrified soldier ran into them and fell to the ground.

“What’s the matter?” The first soldier asked and his terrified comrade pointed towards and they saw Quiet walked towards them, a knife in her hand.

The two soldiers with another had blocked her way but she simply threw them to the ground and lunged at the terrified man.

She tackled him and attempted to stab him, he barely held it back by using his teeth, causing the ponies to gasp in shock.

The moment the adult ponies were about to rush outside, Snake yelled, “Stop this! Now!”

Quiet turned around to stab him instead but he blocked it and managed to tackle her down.

The terrified man looked at this bloodied mouth. “What the hell, you…freak!”

Quiet struggled, so Snake ordered, “Gimme a hand!” The three soldiers that she had beaten, stood up and did as told, the adult unicorns assisted with their magic as Ocelot injected the woman with a sedative.

After she was pacified, the three soldiers brought their wounded comrade away.

“Payback for how they treated her?” Ocelot suspected.

“Doesn’t explain the others. She had every chance to kill them. Tighten security on her cell. This happens a second time…There won’t be a third.” Snake warned and brought her away.

“W-why did she do this?” Katja asked still in shock. After her captured, Quiet had been locked up in a cell on the medical platform, thus not any contact with the ponies but they had heard that she refused to wear clothes, and anyone who tried to put clothes on her ended up injured to the point of needing breathing tubes.

“I don’t know. And she won’t tell us.” Sergei replied.

“By the way, anyone saw Chernov?” Lovec changed the subject.

“He’s in the sickbay, having felt ill this morning. Actually, a lot of the staff fell ill recently but I and Abundo pulled through so far.” Dawnwind explained.

A fellow staff member walked out of the cantina, coughing heavily. “Are you okay?” Dinky asked before the man coughed blood and collapsed.

They all stared in shock but Lovec was about to check him before Abundo held him back. “Don’t touch him!” He pointed to the man’s chest and they saw blisters on it, worms were visible in it too.

“Is that…” Midnight mumbled shocked.

“Yes, the same symptoms we saw at the oilfield and the Devil’s house. We got an epidemic, we must inform the others.”

Everyone wasted no time and once alerted, Ocelot and Miller alerted Snake as well and they realized that all the ill staff had the same symptoms.

“It’s gonna be very difficult to find out who’s infected, as during incubation, there’s no sign of infection, only when they become symptomatic and I have never seen anything like this.” Dawnwind realized.

“Nor have I. Still, there must be something. Let’s check the files of those who got infected.” Abundo suggested.

And so they did, checking backgrounds of everyone, yet all infected were Russians and Africans, so this helped little.

“This is pointless…” Lovec became frustrated, “We only lose time and Chernov could die!”

Dinky took a closer look and noticed something. “Kikongo.”

“What?” Blue asked confused.

“What they all have in common, is that they speak Kikongo,” Dinky explained and showed it to them.

“It could only be coincidence, but we can’t take any risk,” Midnight commented, “Siyarjit, inform Snake and help with the others to coordinate the quarantine of everyone speaking Kikongo. I and my friends will help Snake to find a cure for this.”

The prince nodded. “At once, Lord Commander.”

With that, the knights, Blue and children boarded the chopper, as a mission came in that could be the next step in finding a cure.

“Boss, there's a target on the run somewhere on the savannah. Your job is to find and eliminate him. He's a logistics officer for the PF known as Rogue Coyote. On the side, however, he colluded with the Buta regime, abducting people from Mbele villages and ‘supplying’ them as slave labor. That's right - he's a human trafficker. His victims ended up all over the place - brothels, black-market organ trade, diamond mines... And he was the one who sent Shabani and the other kids to the Devil's House. But then an Mbele rebel group finally added him to their hit list. The target decided it was time to quit, and now he's trying to leave the country. If he makes it back to his country, he'll be no more than a civilian and he'll avoid facing a court-martial. Like so many other war-biz junkies... I'll bet he plans on enjoying a new life financed with his blood money. The client's order is to take him out. How you go about that is up to you, Boss.”

Again, Miller gave out details.

“Unfortunately, we don’t know what route they’re taking. All we have to go on is a coded transmission sent by the PF at the Ditadi Abandoned Village. It appears to be a work-up of the target’s security plans, but to decipher it we’ll need an Intel file with the encryption key.”

Knowing that, the scouts went into position, marking the targets in the outpost, also seeing four prisoners in the tents scattered throughout.

Snake sneaked towards the radio of the outpost where the Intel was suspected to be, Midnight and Wolf took care of the prisoners.

“That prisoner you extracted was a civilian abducted by the target. He says the trafficker is trying to make contact with a human rights NGO. He hopes that by handling over his list of buyers, they’ll guarantee his safety.” Miller reported, “But I don’t get it. Why an NGO? Why run to someone else for help?”

Two guards stood before the radio but had a conversation, allowing Snake to get past them.

“So I hear you're into some high-paying stuff recently. Escorting that trafficker, right?”

“Yeah. Why don't you get in on it?”

“I don't want to get involved in any kidnapping shit.”

“Whoa, cool it. I thought you needed the money! Didn't you just have a kid?”

“That's why, man. I heard about him. Some of his ‘products’ get delivered to the Devil's House.”

“Where did you hear that?”

“Uh... you know, just a rumor.”

“Listen, if you don't want in, fine. Just don't go shoving your nose in where it doesn't belong.”

“I don't know anything, and I don't care.”

“Smart man.”

“See ya, I guess.”

After Snake had the Intel, Miler updated them.

“According to this information, the target is headed for Kiziba Camp. We also have hos movement route. Eliminating him will be much harder if he makes it to the Kiziba Camp Take him down on the savannah.”

With that, the scouts kept an eye on the road, seeing a man with 5 CFA soldiers moving along it. “Open fire!” Snake ordered and both snipers did as told, assisted by Midnight and Wolf from the clouds, putting all to sleep and Snake extracted the target before they called the choppers.

This time, Ocelot gave the debriefing.

“Our trafficker was very talkative. ‘Guinea pigs...’ That's what became of his kidnap victims. Says he got a good look at that "factory" at Nzo ya Badiabulu when he dropped off some fresh guinea pigs for them. Along with our man without a face. His instincts told him to run like the rat he his. Said it wasn't worth the money. Figured he could be next. That's why he went to the NGO for help. He thought that in exchange for his buyer's list, they could set him up with a new identity someplace far away. He had an idea of who he was up against, and he didn't want to take any chances. A true rat. But like us Dogs, he knew when he smelled trouble. And something else - he says ‘The 'specimens' come from deep in the forest...’ We don't know what he meant by ‘specimens’ just yet. But those guinea pigs' symptoms match what we've seen on the infected at Mother Base. Deep in the forest... maybe that's the clue we need to beat this infection. Boss, the truth could be right around the corner.”

“Looks like we got a good hint.” Midnight commented as they were back at Base. “Still, given what was happening at the Devil’s house, I can’t blame the trafficker for trying to run. How’s the quarantine?” He asked Abundo.

“It seems Dinky was right, Kikongo was the common point between the infected. We managed to keep the number of new infected low. But we keep our eyes open.”

“I guess all of Mother Base owes you one, Dinky, Sergei said and she blushed slightly.

“Please, it was just focus…”

A few hours passed, with the Intel team hard at work investigating the cause of that illness spreading through Mother Base until a distress call came in, with Snake responding to it.

“Great news!” Patch reported to his friends. The Intel member Snake rescued has found out about ‘the pathogen.’ and the old man who knows how to treat it... Code Talker.’ He even told us where he is.”

“Okay, let’s go, there’s no time to waste!” Midnight pointed out.

“Allons-y!” The children exclaimed, earning a chuckle by the adults.

Miller briefed everyone.

“Boss, you need to make contact with the Code Talker, the old man who's supposed to know what's behind this infection. The Intel Team member you extracted was able to pinpoint his location. A forest that stretches across the Angola-Zaire border. The locals call it Lufwa Valley - the Valley of the Lost. The target's in a mansion deep in this valley. A PF is deployed there, but we've also spotted an unidentified group operating in the area. If Cipher developed this pathogen, there's a good chance our target played a central role in that process. But is this their "weapon to surpass Metal Gear...?" Will the pathogen, or its cure, lead to Cipher? This guy is the key to everything. Boss, make contact with Code Talker, and extract him if you see fit. We can't afford to lose any more men. We have to stop it.”

“He’s a high-value target who’s probably involved with Cipher’s research. This information came at a heavy price. And you can bet security on-site is gonna be tight. Watch yourself out there, alright? Make contact with the target – Code Talker, and if the treatment requires it, extract him to Mother Base.”

As they landed and moved through the canon towards the mansion, Ocelot commented, “No sign of the enemy. Judging by security in the area, I'd expect to see a patrol by now...”

Barely had he finished, Lily explained, “Look!”

Out of the left, where the woods were covered in mist, four female creatures appeared, wearing what looked like electronic eyepieces. Three of them leaped into the air, the other one knelled and imitated holding a rifle before a sniper rifle metalized in her hands.

“Is that…It’s the Skulls!” Miller exclaimed, “Damn it, so Cipher is behind this!”

“We can’t afford a fight, time is crucial here.” Blue pointed out, “We must avoid them.”

“I agree, any ideas?” Snake asked on the radio.

“I see a crack on the canyon near the waterfall, maybe you can climb it up?” Wolf pointed to it.

In response, Snake sneaked over to it and climbed it up, with his companions follow him as good as they could as he moved across it, coming eventually to a wooden bridge.

“No sign of those snipers…Did they give up?” Miller wondered, “Whatever – just get to the mansion. Pronto.”

The way led to the backside of the mansion and the scouts saw that it was guarded by ZRS.

“That's the mansion where you'll find Code Talker. Not something you see every day in the African wilderness. It was built by a local warlord. Must have lived a life of luxury... Until his government conspired to murder him. Local legend has it that his ghost roams the area around the mansion seeking revenge. None of the villagers dare to go near the place. Crackpot superstition... or a rumor designed to keep prying eyes away.” Miller told everyone as Snake managed to sneak past the guards and entered through the front door.

He moved towards the basement, noticing lit candles along the way until he came to a locked door. After pick-locking it, he saw candles everywhere and they went out the moment he stepped in, also noticing a man sitting in the middle, drawing his pistol.

“I’ve been waiting, tl’iish.” The man spoke calmly. “Or should I say bidee’ hôlôni?” He added and all candles went on again and Snake could see him clearly.

An old man with white hair and eyes. “That’s him. That’s Code Talker.” Miller confirmed.

“Look familiar?” Snake showed him the pictures of the infection. “It’s infection my men. How can we cu-“

“Silence,” Code Talker held up a hand and made a hush gesture, “Or death. They could be in here.” He pointed to his throat. “Stay quiet. Your life depends on it. Sit.” Snake did without hesitation. “A parasite has infected your band. Those are its larvae.” He pointed at the pictures.

“They enter the throat and attach themselves to the vocal cords. They mimic the horst’s membranes flawlessly. No one can tell the difference.” He then handled Snake a vial with a sample of the parasite. “Upon reaching maturity, they mate. Sustained exposure to a particular sound triggers copulation. The resulting larvae then feast on the host’s lungs…killing it.”

He then grabbed an Indian pipe. ‘The particular sound’,” Code Talker took a drag and exhaled, “Is words. They attack only those who speak a certain language. Not just one. I cannot say which language your parasite are attuned to.” He offered Snake the pipe. “But silence is the best way to keep them from laying their children. This contains a herb that they dislike.”

Big Boss took a drag and had to cough a bit, yet it had the intended effect for Code Talker.

“Good. That should deafen them for a while. You have brought yourself time. Speak.”

“Is there a cure?” Snake gave the pipe back.

“Once symptoms manifest, larvae have already infested the alveoli. At which point...”He put the pipe out, “Nothing can be done. There is only one way to halt the onset, which would prevent infection.” Code Talker replied as he received the vile back and Snake offered him a hand.

“I need your help.”

“He stole the ones I sealed away, forced me to do this terrible work.” The old man said with regret and Snake concluded.

“Skull Face.”

“Even a country like America sways in his wake. I could not defy him. The fate of the Dinê lies in his hands. However…Perhaps the ni’ii’shi’a led you here. If my ‘children’ have upset the hozho of the world, it falls to me to set it right.” Black markings appeared around his eyes.

Knowing he was too old for a Fulton, Snake decided to carry him to the chopper.

“He claims they are the dream of every ruler since the dawn of time. Teach them your enemy's words, then unleash them on his lands. Destroying only those who speak his tongue. He calls them his "ethnic cleansers."” Code Talker spoke as they walked up the stairs.

“Ethnic cleansers..." That's what Skull Face is after...? Then Nzo ya Badiabulu was... Boss! He's going to wipe every language besides English off the face of the earth!!” Miller exclaimed in shock.

“Ironic, isn't it? They gave us language, and now they take it away. It was thanks to them that man first learned to speak. But now, the hands of their clock turned back, they've been warped by the hands of man.” Code Talker added.

Outside, the scouts noticed that all guars started to stumble, holding their heads.

“The guards are acting strange. Almost…Dammit, they’re controlling those soldiers. Be careful.” Ocelot warned as he realized it was the work of the Skulls.

Yet Snake managed to put all processed soldiers to sleep with his tranquilizer before they could react. “Cover me!”

“You got it!” Blue acknowledged and she and the knights neutralized all soldiers outside in were in Snake’s way until he reached the chopper and they extracted as well.

“I hope it isn’t too late for Chernov,” Katja mumbled worried.

“I hope so too.” Lovec added before they heard Code Talker and Snake over the radio over the radio.

“Tell me how to fight it.” Snake wanted to know.

“I hid the answer in a micro this one carries. It turns the male parasites into females…preventing reproduction. One parasite infecting another. However…it doesn’t affect only the parasite. It alters the host as well. Your infection will be contained, but you and your men will also be rendered infertile. That is the price you must pay to regain your speech.”

“That freak show back there…They the work of your ‘children,’ too?” Snake asked, referencing to the Skulls.

“A different strain from the vocal cord parasite, known as ‘the one that covers.’ It acts as the host’s skin, providing strength in exchange for nourishment. But I did not know those men were infected. They were forced to serve him. Then steal my research. Have you seen one of their vehicles?”

“The yellowcake…” Miller realized.

“Captured a convoy they were escorting. Cargo’s some kind of mineral.” Snake replied.

“What became of it? The metallic archaea?” Code Talker asked in alert.

Suddenly the choppers rumbled, alerts went off and both pilots shouted, “Clouds ahead!”

Everyone saw that said clouds were rusty brown and thick, not normal at all.

“It’s them?!” Code Talker exclaimed and without any warning, the chooser started to rust and the children screamed as there was a bang and both choppers spun out of control.

Midnight saw that the glass had shattered, killing the pilot. “Hang on!” He yelled as they all got thrown around and Fletcher combined a shield spell with Blue to brace everyone for impact.

The force was strong enough that they all blacked out upon crashing into the ground.