• Published 30th Jun 2019
  • 1,153 Views, 18 Comments

SNST - Jninja15

Sunset Shimmer inherits the power of 'One for All' to attend Beacon Academy. Secrets of Headmaster Ozpin rise making every students' lives more interesting.

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Moon 2.1

Beacon Academy Student Profile

Name: Twilight Sparkle

Race: Faunus

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Weapon of choice: “Harmony’s Compass” a spear with a head shaped like an eight-pointed star.

Semblance: “Telekinesis” She can lift inanimate objects with her mind. She can only lift one or two objects at a time and up to a person’s weight, but she can’t lift herself with this. (This power does not work on vibranium objects.)

Twilight Sparkle glowered as she stared at the back of Ruby Rose’s head as if trying to bore a hole through the other girl’s skull with her mind. Twilight was trying to listen to Professor Port’s lecture- if one considered grandiose stories lectures. However, she was distracted by the rose-colored student huntress, clearly being a nuisance even from three rows away. It was surprising that no one noticed her disrupting the class. Maybe they were all enamored by the professor’s ridiculous storytelling. Thankfully, someone else did see Ruby’s behavior and snapped before she did. If Twilight had to tolerate Ruby’s behavior for another minute, she probably would have thrown the heaviest textbook she had straight at the girl’s head.

Weiss Schnee had suddenly stood up from her seat and asked the professor to demonstrate her abilities. Professor Port obliged heartily, allowing the heiress to fight a boarbatusk he had caged in the classroom off to the side.

Even more annoyingly, Ruby began to cheer. Which was fine on its own, but she was so enthusiastic that it would have been more distracting than anything. And it was distracting for Weiss. Distracting enough to the point where Weiss snapped directly at Ruby and Professor Port almost had to step in to prevent Weiss from being gored by the grimm. To the professor’s credit, he did hide his concern very well, exuding confidence in the student’s ability to slay the beast.

Twilight sighed. “Well,” she said to herself. “At least I’m not the only one suffering from having a terrible leader.” The bell rang, and Twilight looked to the seat directly to her right and saw Sunset Shimmer asleep and drooling on an open notebook. Twilight rolled her eyes and didn’t bother to wake the half-wit girl as she exited the classroom.

Correction, she attempted to leave the classroom when a girl with fluffy pink hair like cotton candy and a pair of lighter pink pony ears suddenly appeared in front of her face.

“Wowee!” the pink girl said enthusiastically. “That was some fight that that girl put up down there. At first, she was all like, ‘Come at me, bro.’ and then the grimm was all like ‘RAAA! I’m gonna get you!’ Bam! She was knocked off her feet, and then he was all like, “Bwahaha! I got ‘chu now!’ and then she was all like ‘Nope.’ and stabbed it in the gut.” she finally took in a deep breath from her tirade. “I was on the edge of my seat. Were you?”

Twilight edged back as if suddenly realizing she was too close to something disgusting. She said nothing for a moment as she stared wide-eyed at the unexpected intruder to her personal space. “Uh. Sure?”

“I know, right? It was such an intense fight.”

‘I’ve fought bigger.’ Twilight thought. She then spared a glance at Sunset to see her still sleeping at her desk.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie.” the intrusive pony faunus said as she held out a hand. “What’s your name?”

Twilight glanced at the hand and didn’t shake it when she responded. “Twilight Sparkle.”

Pinkie didn’t seem to mind the lack of a handshake as she pulled it back and clasped both of her hands behind her back. “Nice to meet you, Twilight Sparkle.” She beamed.

“Nice to meet you too,” Twilight said hesitantly. “I’ve got to get to my next class. Goodbye.” Twilight brushed past Pinkie Pie, making her way to the hall.

“Wait.” Pinkie said.

Twilight groaned internally before silently turning back around, trying to keep a pleasant poker face on.

“Here.” Pinkie held out a slip of yellow paper. It was printed to look like it was supposed to be made out of gold and on it said, “One ticket for the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“What’s this?” Twilight said, taking the paper in her hand.

“It’s a little party I organized for me to get to know everyone at school. Everyone’s invited.” she then leaned in conspiratorially. “But I’m mostly doing this for the plot.”

Twilight cocked her head a little. She disregarded the second piece of information and focused on the first. “You’re a freshman, right?”

Pinkie nodded. “Mmhmm. Yeperooni.”

“And you already organized a party on campus after one day of classes?”

“Pfft. I started organizing this the moment I sent my application.”

Twilight nodded absently. “Okay. That makes sense now.” She read a little bit more of the ticket. “So, you already got drinks, snacks, and music for your little party. Are you supplying all of that yourself?”

“Well, no, I’m kind of lying when I say it’s a ‘little’ party. It’s not just a party for the freshmen, but for the upperclassmen as well. So, I’m prepared for a big crowd, and I got help. I have been called a professional party planner.”

“While that’s impressive,” Twilight said, her expression and tone belying what she said and felt. “I don’t have the time to go to a silly party.” She lied. It was more like she really did not want to go. She didn’t like people. Also, this seemed like the sort of thing that Sunset would be at. Twilight would take any opportunity to be as far away as possible from the sun-themed huntress-in-training and poor excuse for a leader.

Pinkie took the ticket back as Twilight handed it back to her. If Pinkie was offended, it was impossible to tell through the big smile on her face. “Okie Dokie Loki! Big parties aren’t for everybody. I’ll be sure to make yours a small one.”

“Please don’t do that.”

“Make it small?”

“Thow me a party.” and Twilight walked out of the classroom, finally fed up with the conversation.

Pinkie watched the purple huntress go and shrugged. “Oh, yeah, I’m definitely going to throw that one a ‘not-party.’” she then winked at no one in particular and looked to the still sleeping Sunset. “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie!” she shouted a little too loud, a foot from the sleeping faunus’ ear.

Sunset shouted in alarm, throwing herself out of her seat and onto the floor.


Twilight could not believe herself. She was right that Sunset would go to Pinkie’s stupid party. What she didn’t expect was that Sunset would abuse her -alleged- authority as team leader to make it an order for everyone to go to the party.

“I mean, this ticket is really just a fancy poster. We don’t each need one to get in.” Sunset said.

“I don’t think that was a problem to begin with.” Starlight said flatly, clearly as unenthused as Twilight with this prospect.

‘At least I’ll have someone to commiserate with while I have a migraine.’ Twilight thought.

Natsu, however, was as eager to go to the party as Pinkie was chipper in presenting it. “A party? This early in the semester? Will there be food? Drinks?” he then gasped with realization. “Spicy wings?”

“Uhh.” Sunset stammered as she looked at the ticket poster. “Food and drink, yes, but it doesn’t specify for spicy foods. I hope not. I don’t like spicy food that much.”

“Well, no one’s going to force you to eat it,” Natsu said plainly.

Sunset winced, realizing that she had said something stupid. “Yes, you’re right, Natsu. Thank you.”

“No problem.” Natsu then put an arm around her shoulder and squeezed the back of her neck, causing Sunset to look like a deer in the headlights and then blush a little. “Making you feel better is what friends are for.”

Sunset’s blush lessened, and she smiled. “Yes, I do believe so.” then she pried herself out of his grip. “The party is this Friday night, in two days.” She looked at the ticket again. “I don’t think there’s a dress code...”

“Ooh, this Friday night?” Twilight said, making a show of her hesitance. “I’m busy this Friday.”

“No, you’re not.” Starlight said.

“Yes. I am.” Twilight said through gritted teeth.

“No, you told me yourself you had plans to go into town and, I quote, ‘get away from-’”

Twilight put a hand over Starlight’s mouth. “Hooomework.” she finished for Starlight. “I have a lot of homework to do.”

Starlight removed Twilight’s hand from over her mouth. “No, you don’t. You were bragging to me just yesterday about how you finished all your homework already while you were telling me about going to town.”

Sunset’s eyes lit up. “Even the calculus homework? Can you help me with that, please?”

“I thought you were taking trig?” Starlight said.

Sunset looked to Starlight with a blank expression. “What’s the difference?”

Twilight dragged her hand down her face as she groaned. “I hate you all,” she whispered to herself.

--Friday Night--

Team SNST entered the campus event hall, where Pinkie’s party was already in full swing.

Twilight did not like any of this from the start. The music was too loud, there were too many people for her liking, and she had heard too many horror stories of people pulling stupid pranks by putting stuff in the punch. Pranks like a plastic eyeball or something. She sighed and looked at Sunset leading the way. Their so-called “leader” looked more like a frightened chihuahua crossed with a praying mantis than anything. If this was how she was going to act in a social engagement, Twilight could not imagine her faring any better in a combat situation if she couldn’t shield-surf her way out of it.

Before Twilight could stew more negative thoughts about her other teammates, Pinkie Pie burst into view in front of them. She had confetti in her hair, a noisemaker in her mouth, and a small conical paper hat sitting almost delicately on top of her poofy mane of hair. Pinkie blew the noisemaker, startling Sunset and nearly hitting her on the nose with the contraption.

“Welcome to the party!” Pinkie shouted over the noise, removing the noisemaker from her mouth. “So glad you could make it, Sunset, Twilight.”

After Sunset recovered from her heart attack, she returned Pinkie’s ever-present smile. “Glad to be here.”

“Wanna introduce me to the rest of your team?” Pinkie asked.

After introductions were made, Twilight made her way to the punch bowl, hoping to get a fruity drink that would hopefully make this experience tolerable. Unfortunately, the rest of her team followed close behind her. Natsu and Sunset were gawking at the party decorations and the number of people around. Meanwhile, Starlight was trying to blend in like some kind of assassin.

Twilight rolled her eyes at her team as she became the de facto leader to the punch bowl. She had a particular plan to avoid as many people as possible. Step 1: she would hold two drinks, pretend she was bringing someone else their punch, and go find the darkest corner of the room she could. Step 2: If someone dared to talk to her, she would say she needed to fill up her drink and say she would be back in a moment, then repeat step 1 and find a different corner. However, this all hinged on her being rid of her team. She’ll burn that bridge when she gets to it.

Twilight had just begun pouring her second drink when she noticed a blonde, spikey-haired boy staring at her with a passive but malicious intent. She thought back to her father’s stories of his college days and looked closely at the punch. The punch looked a bit odd. However, it was too dark for her to be sure, and she didn’t want to look suspicious herself if this turned out to be nothing. So, she decided to make use of Natsu for once. “Hey, Natsu.” she elbowed him. “Here.” She handed him the paper cup filled with punch.

“Why, thank you, Twilight. You’re not as mean as Sunset makes you out to be.”

Twilight gave a sideways glare at Sunset as the girl shrunk back, hiding behind Starlight for a moment.

Natsu chugged down the glass of punch.

Twilight looked over to the blonde and saw the smile grow even wider. She looked back at Natsu.

“That’s some good punch,” Natsu said, the blonde’s smile fading into a frown. “Another!”

Twilight obliged, shrugging as she poured him another glass, and they drank simultaneously. Then, Twilight’s eyes bulged out of her head. She felt a cold sweat all over her face and down her back as her face grew as red as Sunset’s hair.

“Um, Twilight?” Sunset said. “Are you alright?”

Twilight responded with a shrill scream as a thin stream of fire poured from her mouth like a tiny flamethrower. She ran around the room, desperately looking for something to quench the inferno she had just swallowed. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice her frantic state except her teammates, Pinkie Pie, and two boys standing a few feet away.

“Kachan!” Izuku bemoaned as Bakugou was laughing his guts out. “No one has the same spice tolerance that you do.”

Bakugou calmed down and wiped a tear from his eye as he elbowed Izuku playfully, then pointed to Natsu. “He does.”

Then Pinkie Pie took a swig of the punch, thought for a moment, and then licked her chops.

“And so does she.”

Izuku sighed, shook his head, and walked away, grabbing a paper cup on his way.

“Do you think we should go after her?” Sunset asked nervously.

“Nah.” Pinkie and Natsu waved as Pinkie held an industrial-sized bag of sugar cubes and poured it into the spicy punch.

Starlight eyed the cotton candy student warily as the girl took a swig of her new concoction.

Without hope for salvation inside, Twilight made her way outside to a sort of balcony overlooking one of the streams that ran through the campus. Sucking in the cold night air as a last-ditch effort to cool her burning throat and risking hyperventilation.

“Here.” she heard a male voice behind her say, holding out a paper cup filled with milk.

Twilight snatched the cup and greedily shot it down. “Thanks,” she said, her voice hoarse, panting heavily. “Got any more?” she asked, holding out the paper cup and leaning over the railing.

The green-haired boy pulled a quart of milk from behind him and poured her a glass.

Twilight snatched the quart from Izuku’s hand and traded him the tiny paper cup, and began chugging at the quart slowly. A little bit of milk was drizzling down her neck by the time she stopped halfway through the container.

Izuku laughed as he leaned against the railing with Twilight, cradling the cup in his hands. “I’m sorry for my friend, Katsuki’s, prank. Sometimes, he doesn’t know when to draw the line.”

“Well, tell him that he’s crossed it.” Twilight said spitefully, her voice returning halfway to normal.

Izuku hissed a breath through his teeth and tilted his head to one side. “I’ll tell him, but that’s no guarantee that it’ll stick.” he then extended a hand to Twilight. “I’m Izuku Midoriya, by the way.”

Twilight eyed him skeptically before deciding to reciprocate the handshake. “Twilight Sparkle.”

“So, Twilight,” he began hesitantly, “you’re on Sunset’s team, right?”

Twilight scoffed and turned back to the stream. “She’s the team leader if you can believe it.”

“Really?” Izuku said with a smile. “Good for her. I’m still surprised that she made it here.”

Twilight turned to the green-haired boy. “Do you know her?”

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, we used to be friends when we were kids. She, Katsuki, and I.” He looked to the horizon with a wistful expression.

Twilight snorted. “What happened? Did Bakugou almost send her to the hospital by overdosing her on hot sauce?”

Izuku tried to hold back a chuckle and looked guilty for failing. “Uh, well, the worst part is, I don’t know. Other than the fact that I moved away for a couple years, but-” he trailed off. “When I came back, they weren’t friends anymore. At first I thought she moved as well, but I saw her eating alone at the lunch table after a couple months. I wanted to go talk to her and ask her how she’d been but Katsuki stopped me at every turn.” he twiddled his thumbs. “I’m too afraid to ask them at this point.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes as she thought about the story. “How old were you when you came back?”

“About ten, why?”

“Probably peer pressure.” she said as if it were a standard procedure. Looking away, half interested in the conversation. “The other boys probably would have mocked him for hanging out with a girl at that age.” she gave him a sideways glance. “Did you have any friends who were girls while you were gone?”

Izuku thought about it. “No, not really. I-I guess.”

Twilight stood straight and slapped the railing. “Well, there you have it. Peer pressure. Tsk. Friends will always hurt you in the end. Best not to waste time on it.” She turned to walk away.

“Whoah-whoah, hey.” Izuku looked at Twilight as if he’d been slapped in the face by a fish. “You can’t seriously think that, do you?”

Twilight shifted her weight to one leg and crossed her arms. She let a moment of silence hang in the air before answering. “Yes.”

Izuku was left speechless, sputtering hopelessly for a response before he gave up and changed the subject. “In any case...” he sighed as he worked his lips, determining if he wanted to continue talking. “In any case, as her team member, look out for her. Please? She’s a good person and I still consider her my friend. Just don’t tell her that, I don’t want Katsuki finding out and doing... something about it. Okay?” he looked sincere as far as Twilight could tell. “But you can tell her I said ‘Hi.’ and congratulations on becoming team leader. By the way, what’s your team’s name? I wasn’t at the other half of initiation.”

Twilight winced, “SNST.”

Izuku laughed. “Dang, she’s the leader and gets the team named after her. Ha! Just like Ruby and RWBY, that’s hilarious.”

“Yes, I’m sure it is.” she said through gritted teeth. “What’s your team name?”

All mirth in Izuku’s attitude disappeared, replaced with embarrassment. “K-KILL. We’re team KILL.”

Twilight quirked her head. “I’m surprised they let you have that name in school.”

Izuku shrugged. “Yeah, well, that’s what you get when you have to name the teams based only on the first letter of each member’s name and you group them based on first eye contact and what relic they delivered.”

Twilight nodded sagely. “That does sound like a poorly designed naming system. Well, good night.” she hastily turned and started walking away.

“Hey!” Izuku shouted. “Look out for Sunset for me, alright?”

Twilight looked back at Izuku for a moment. “I make no promises.”

Author's Note:

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time. I was not confident in my direction for this arc until I had written a couple more chapters, and this previous semester of college was very rough on me. Hopefully, over the summer, I can take more time to write and post regularly once a month. Or something like that.

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