• Published 1st Jul 2019
  • 472 Views, 6 Comments

The Life and Times of Azure Glide - TheWingman

You've read the stories about Azure Glide. Now, here's the journey of his human counterpart.

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Chapter 3: New Friends

Throughout the first week of school for Azure Glide, not much has changed for the little kid. Despite the attempts of the school, Amore, and Thistleweed’s parents, Azure’s bullying never ceased. He kept getting singled out by the bully as his preferred target to assert his dominance over or for the sake of making him cry for his amusement. Each day that passed made Azure dread going to school, hoping the weekends would come soon.

When Friday came around, Amore did the usual routine of getting her adopted son ready for the day. As she did, she noticed he had a gloomy look on his face like the one a weary person would wear after they were put through a ringer. She let out a sigh as she finished drying him off and helping him into his clothes. He didn’t talk much during breakfast, worrying both his parents. As he finished his coffee, Diamond Heart motioned Amore to join him in the kitchen.

“Diamond,” Amore said, “Azure is starting to worry me.”

“I know.” Diamond Heart sighed, glancing at his son “Poor kid, bullied on his first day and that bully’s parents aren’t doing a thing.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Dunno, to be honest.” Diamond took a hearty sip from his mug of coffee. “It’s either that or the kid is willfully disobeying them. Usually, kids like Thistleweed would only be emboldened by any harsh rebuke and continue to do so out of retribution, believing it to be his victim’s fault.”

“Dear, are you sure?”

“Amore, I’m not a psychiatrist but I’ve been down that road enough to know what it’s all about. The kid’s parents need to make sure that he stops going after Azure or he’ll have some major issues later down the road.”

“That you’re right.” Amore sighed as she leaned against a wall, “But, what about Azure though? How can we help him?” Amore watched as her husband paced around with a hand to his chin. Whenever she saw him like this, Amore knew he was deep in thought. If there was one thing she could count on, it was his brains.

“Well,” Diamond hummed, “the only thing I can think of is if he makes a friend, even if it’s just one, it’ll help him for the better. It’ll help him see that others do care.” With a smile, Amore wrapped Diamond in a brief hug, “All we have to hope for is either he approaches someone or someone approaches him. Developing friendships are especially important for kids at Azure’s age.”

“Honey, I hope you’re right” Amore agreed, “I just want Azure to be happy.”

“Don’t worry, dear. Everything will be alright.” Sensing her distress, Diamond Heart pulled his wife in for a gentle embrace, rubbing her back to calm her. “I promise.” Breaking the hug, Diamond sighed, “So, about that one thing I’ve mentioned on Wednesday?”

“Yes?” As soon as the words left her husband’s mouth, she knew what he meant. They’ve been planning on it for the whole week and only on Wednesday did they make the decision. “When do you think you’ll be able to take care of it?”

“I have a half-day today, fortunately. After I get done, I’ll swing on over there and take care of it.”

“Do you think Cadance and Azure would like it?”

“I’m sure they will. It’ll be a big surprise.”

“I have no doubt it will.”

“Anyways I gotta get them to school. I’ll see you later.”

“Bye, honey! Bye, kids! See you both later!” Diamond waved as his wife and children walked out of the house. With a yawn, he stretched his back before settling down at his computer desk. Turning it on, he sighed as he was about to partake in another day of work. It was the norm for him but it paid decently. “I hope Azure likes the surprise. Something tells me he’ll need it.

Parking at the school, Amore sighed as she saw Cadance off to her classroom. As she walked over to the kindergarten building with her son in tow, she wondered to herself if Azure would be alright. Even though she scheduled a meeting with Thistlseweed’s parents, she wondered if it would be enough. She didn’t even need to look at Azure to tell that he was uneasy and afraid to go back there.

Entering the building, they were greeted by the familiar sight of the children playing and Mrs. Autumn. Right away the teacher noticed the mother and son enter and got up from her desk to greet them.

“Hey, Amore.” Autumn greeted before glancing at Azure with a look of worry, “How is he?”

“He’s… starting to improve but it’s a slow crawl.” Amore sighed, “I’m going to be talking with Thistleweed’s parents later on today. Hopefully, it will curb his worrying behavior.”

“I’m sure that his parents will make sure he never does it again. I understand that you’re busy so I won’t keep you any longer.”

“Okay. Anyways, take care and if anything happens to Azure, let me know.”

“Always.” As Amore left the building, a fearful Azure tried reaching out to her, only to be stopped by a hug from Autumn. He didn’t want his mom to leave. She was the one he looked to for protection from all the bad things. If she’s gone, the bullies would come to hurt him. “Azure, things will get better. I promise.” As much as Azure would like to believe her, doubt clouded his mind. Would things really get better for him? All he could do was wait and see what the day held in store for him.

As he sat at his table, Azure looked around at the other kids chatting and doing stuff ranging from playing with blocks or drawing. However, one kid caught his eye. His skin was a near snow white and his hair was long with multiple hues of blue He never saw him before so he must’ve arrived before he did. Yet, he was wary to trust him like all the other kids. To him, he could just be another potential bully.

For most of the day, he kept to himself and away from the other kids, barely speaking a word unless it was to Autumn. Occasionally, he would net a rude remark from Thistleweed and his friends and a crayon or two thrown at him without notice. By then, he’d gotten used to it like it was a staple of his school life but it still hurt. It was the sense of things not getting better that whittled away at his spirit.

When recess rolled around, Azure kept to himself for the entire time, bouncing a ball against a brick wall with a withdrawn look on his face. Despite the suggestions from Mrs. Autumn, her words fell on deaf ears, further worrying her. Being left to himself, a sense of isolation washed over the young kid as his playing started to slow to a crawl.

As he stopped playing with the ball and started to cry, a pair of footsteps grew closer and closer. Sensing a familiar malevolent aura, Azure didn’t bother to turn around to see that it was Thistleweed behind him. He was none too happy with Azure after his parents found out what he did. Having toys taken away among other things, he continued to make things difficult for Azure every day since. With a firm and forceful shoe to the back, he knocked Azure to the ground to a yelp of pain.

“Did you think I would let you get away with being a tattletale?” Thistleweed sneered, “Well thanks to you, I can’t play with my blocks for a long time!”

Thistleweed expected a response but didn’t get any. “Not going to talk?” Infuriated by the silence from Azure, still laying down, Thistleweed kicked him in the back. Azure yelped loudly in pain with a bit of sobbing to Thistleweed’s amusement. “Looks like the crybaby is at it again. You know what… I’m going to make you cry worse!” Thistleweed then wound up his leg for another kick with some added force. Just as his foot was about to make contact, a shoe blocked the blow. To his surprise, it was the new kid with the blue hair.

“New kid,” Thistleweed growled, “you’re getting in my way.”

“Leave this kid alone.” The new kid said in a serious tone. Thistleweed was none too happy. No kid will tell him what to do.

“No! He got me in trouble and now I want him to pay!”

“By being a big meanie about it?”

“No kid tells me what to do!” With a palm, Thistleweed shoved the kid back but he didn’t fall to the ground. It shocked him as the kid remained stoic against his assault. “This… This is my business! Bug off!”

“No. Leave him alone or I’ll go tell the teacher. You think it’s worth getting in more trouble?”

Thistleweed, for a moment, pondered the new kid’s words. Apart from getting his toys taken away, he was either sent to his room or spanked. He never liked any of it at all and feared it would get worse. As much as he hated it, Thistleweed had no choice but to back off. He still had a bit to lose.

“Fine.” Thistleweed scoffed as he walked off. “You got lucky, new kid!”

Staring back at him for a brief moment, the new kid looked at Azure with a sense of worry. He could hear him sob as he curled up to shelter himself. Cautiously, he knelt down in front of him to see if he was okay.

“Hey, are you okay?” He said in a gentle tone, grabbing Azure’s attention. His face was soaked with tears. He reached out with his hand to help him up. Azure was hesitant to do so, feeling his gesture to be a deception. “I’m not going to hurt you. I don’t even want to.”

Still hesitant, Azure slowly reached out to the kid’s hand and grabs onto it. To his surprise, the kid’s grip had an aura of trust to it, something Azure hadn’t felt all week and his smile was genuine. He slowly got up and looked at the kid in his eyes. The certainty in his expression caused him to lower his guard.

“Th-Thank you.” Azure stuttered, “Who are you?”

“I’m Shining Armor.” The kid introduced himself, “What’s your name?”

“A-Azure Glide.”

“How long has that kid been bullying you?”

“Since my first day on Monday. It was all because they saw me as an oprhan.”

“Really?” Shining sighed, “Don’t worry about that. He’s a big meanie who likes hurting others.” Thinking for a brief moment, Shining Armor pulled a saddened Azure into a hug. Azure didn’t believe it yet it felt real, everybit of it. Returning the hug, a relieved smile steadily crept across his face. Shining was the first kid in his class to show him kindness and that sense of isolation swept away with his next words, “If you want, I’ll be your friend.”

“What?” Azure gasped with surprise, “Weally?”

“Yes.” Sensing the sincerity in Shining Armor’s tone, Azure was able to pull himself from his shock. To him, it was something he dearly needed, a friend that would have his back. But, why the new student and why so suddenly? Was he truly someone who’s nice to him? In the end, it did not matter to him. He was more than happy to have a friend. “Come on, recess is almost over.”

Walking back into the classroom, Azure sat with Shining Armor at a table, chatting and drawing with crayons. All the while, Mrs. Autumn watched the scene unfold. It was the first time she saw Azure genuinely smile and being happy. Yet, she was relieved that things were beginning to get better, even if it was just a small step.

When it came time for Azure to go home, Amore walked in to see her son and Shining Armor playing with some blocks. Smiling, she went over to hug him and he was glad to see the smile she was familiar with. It brought her great joy that he was brought out from his sorrow. During the car ride home, Azure was more lively in conversing with his mother and sister. He was genuinely happy to the relief of his family.

“Okay kids,” Amore said as the van pulled up to the house, “your father and I have a nice surprise for the both of you.”

“Cool!” Azure exclaimed with glee, “What is it?”

“What is it, mommy?” Cadance asked.

“Go inside and find out.”

Walking inside their house, Cadance and Azure looked around, expecting a big gift box but found none. Not even a physical hint clued them in on what their mother promised them. But, they soon heard a small yelping noise growing closer accompanied by a pitter-patter of footsteps. Then, from out of a hall, came a St. Bernard puppy, joyfully looking around. Locking it’s sight with Azure, it ran over to the kid to his excitement.

“A puppy!” Both kids exclaimed as the puppy pounced onto Azure, licking his face while he laughed. Though they expected toys or something of the sort, a dog was better than a plaything.

“Looks like the kids like him, dear.” Diamond said as he walked into the living room, hugging her with a smile on his face, “Kids, this is Sumo. He’ll be the new addition to our family.”

“Sumo.” Azure said as he and Cadance gave the dog a hug. “He’s so cute.”

“And fluffy.” Cadance added as Sumo wagged his tail, “Awww, he’s a happy little puppy.”

“That he is, dear.” Amore said, “I’m glad you both like him.”

Petting Sumo, Azure smiled brightly over holding a puppy in his arms as it wagged his tail wildly. He loved this new four-legged creature that was an unbridled ball of energy and joy. Not only did he gain one friend but another one that was quite the energetic ball of fur. After a weeks worth of feeling isolated, it was a much needed relief and improvement.

Later that night after being put to bed, Azure slept comfortably in his bed, dreaming happily. Unbeknownst to him, the door creaked open and through it trotted Sumo, looking around until he found his sleeping friend. He struggled for a bit before he was able to climb onto his bed and crawl into his arms. On reflex, Azure cuddled with Sumo by wrapping his arms around him and pulling him further in. Smiling, Azure drifted further into dreamland, happy as he’ll ever be.

“Good Sumo.”

Comments ( 3 )

Squeeee!!! They got a puppy!

a man best friend is a dog great story so far😃

I aim to have the chapter be a big uplifting moment for Azure and a new friend and a puppy sounded like the right choice. Plus, Sumo is a reference to another dog of the same name from a certain PS4 Game.

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