• Published 4th Jul 2019
  • 3,819 Views, 30 Comments

Wanting the World to Know - desolate_account

Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara's year and a half anniversary is coming up. Everything's been great but... Apple Bloom wishes Diamond would tell her parents already. That way, they wouldn't have to keep hiding their relationship from the world.

  • ...

Wanting the World to Know

“So… you still haven’t told 'em about us?”

Apple Bloom lay with her back up against one of her family’s many fruitful apple trees. On her stomach lay a disgruntled little rich pony, a mare that was once her enemy, but who she now couldn’t picture life without. Which is precisely why it stung to know their life together wasn’t one her special somepony felt she could share with the world. Not that she didn’t understand of course. Diamond’s family was… difficult. That was the nicest way to put it. Filthy was a fine if somewhat old fashioned gentlepony, but her mother… that was a different situation entirely. Yes, Apple Bloom understood Diamond Tiara’s hesitance toward making their relationship public. But that didn’t stop the selfish feeling of dissatisfaction from sneaking up on her.

Diamond rolled her eyes, and let out an irked puff of air from her nostrils. “No Bloom, I haven’t told them yet.” Though she looked annoyed, Diamond still made a point to nuzzle her snout into the floofy stomach fluff covering the young farm mare’s underbelly. “We’ve been over this. She’d skewer me alive.”

“Nah…” Apple Bloom clicked her tongue, smirking down at her lovely marefriend, “that’d make for bad publicity. She’d hire somepony else to do it.”

Diamond snickered at her partner’s dark humor, light-heartedly though not without returning the sass. “As if. Don’t get smart with me farmhoof, I could still have papa buy out your orchard.”

Apple Bloom hummed in amusement. “Ya? Well then you could come here more often to ‘conduct business’ an’ I wouldn’t have to haul tail to the other side of Ponyville to see you no more. Plus, it’d give you an excuse to be around me without havin’ to explain to Spoiled Brat why you’re with a dirty common pony.”

Diamond Tiara failed miserably to hide her rude snicker. “Her maiden name is Spoiled Milk.”

“An’ just how is that much better?”

The pink earth pony resigned with a soft smile. “Yeah, I guess it isn’t.”

Apple Bloom took in a deep breath of air and watched with mild interest as Diamond Tiara’s body rose and fell with the movement of her chest. They made brief eye contact, at which Diamond smiled and fluttered her long, feminine lashes.

It felt strange to reminisce on their fillyhood. Just to think, that only several years ago the two had felt bitter disdain for one another. Now, well into their teen years, only a couple away from young adulthood, they regularly came here to cuddle under the shade of an apple tree. Time sure flies, huh? Crazy how that works.

Pretty soon, they’d be coming on their year and a half anniversary. The thought of it gave Apple Bloom a warm fluttery feeling deep inside. But at the same time… it made her even more bummed that only a few ponies would know. 547 whole days of being happily together, and only five ponies would be able to celebrate with them.

Silver Spoon, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applejack and Big Mac. Those were the ponies entrusted with their secret. Diamond had only felt comfortable telling one other pony, who had in her own words, “totes called it.” Which was fair. Even before becoming official, the two had been fancying one another for many moons. Apple Bloom had asked who it was okay for her to tell, and was given the green light to inform her fellow crusaders and her siblings. Her friends had teased her about falling for their old bully, Scootaloo jokingly asking if she was a masochist, and uh... no comment. But ultimately they were nothing but supportive.

She would’ve been able to tell Granny, but Diamond was worried the old mare might blabber something to Filthy Rich during a business transaction. And yeah, that made sense. Apple Bloom loved her grandmare with all her heart, but goodness if she wasn’t a slight bit off her rocker. Not the best pony to trust a life altering secret to. Still, Apple Bloom wanted nothing more than to shout from the rooftops that her marefriend was the prettiest filly in Equestria.

The yellow earth pony gave a heaving sigh and stared longingly at nothing in particular. She understood Diamond's concerns. But it wasn’t fair.

“Oh for the love of⁠— Okay pouty face, what’s the matter with you?”

“Huh?” Apple Bloom blinked, looking down in confusion. “Whaddya mean?”

“Don’t give me that. You’re sighing so hard you could damn well fill a sailboat’s sails. And save the BS Bloom, I know when you’re lying. What’s wrong?”

Years ago, Diamond’s bossy behavior was something Apple Bloom would groan at with deep chagrin. Nowadays though? Now that it was reeled in and not used to bully others? It was something she found quite endearing.

“You’re not gonna like it, Dee.”

“Try me.”

Diamond’s eyes shone with bold determination. Gosh did she have the most gorgeous eyes. But Apple Bloom shoved the sappy thoughts aside to focus on the serious conversation quickly approaching.

“Well, alrighty then… Here goes…” She shifted her weight so as to comfortably look at Diamond Tiara and gauge her reaction. “I wish you'd tell your parents ‘bout us. Before our anniversary.”

Diamond’s mouth hung agape, but for a short while, her face displayed no specific emotion.

Then her eyebrows began to furrow.

“Um? No?? Apple Bloom , I love you, but are you out of your Celestia damned mind?”

“Told ya you weren’t gonna like it.” Apple Bloom chuckled lowly.

Diamond Tiara fixed her with a sour look of confusion and non-enthusiasm. Apple Bloom steeled herself for the lecture she was about to be on the receiving end of, watching as her marefriend angrily opened her mouth.

“Why are you so fixated on this anyways? This isn’t the first time this has come up.” The pink pony began with a frown. “No, in fact, it came up like ten minutes ago. Why are you so obsessed with everyone knowing who’s plot you're plowing??”

Apple Bloom ’s delicate yellow cheeks heated to a crisp crimson. Strange how even through fur, a pony’s blush was fully visible. If nothing else it spoke volumes for how much that uncalled for remark had flustered her. “T-the hay? N-no, no that ain’t it.”

She awkwardly cleared her throat, ignoring just how pleased Diamond appeared to be with herself. Apple Bloom averted her eyes and gently spoke, “It’s just… I really wish we didn’t have’ta be so gosh darn secretive y’know? Like… I’m alright with things stayin’ just how they are. But alright ain’t quite what I want in life. I wanna be able to kiss you in public a-and… I want to take you out to fancy dinners, and have you over on holidays…” She paused to allow her lovestruck thoughts to catch up with her. “I want everypony to look at us and say, ‘wow, them two mares look damn good together.’ And I want to be with you without havin’ to worry you could be disowned if I look at you funny around your parents.”

Apple Bloom closed her eyes and took a concentrated breath in preparation. She spoke slowly and deliberately, “I wish I didn't gotta hide how I feel about you. And I wish you didn’t have to stress about kissing up to your mom all the time. That’s all…”

What followed Apple Bloom 's heartfelt and sentimental speech was complete silence. She had expected something of a reaction, certainly not utter quiet from the loud and brash rich filly. Fearing the worst, Apple Bloom lowered her gaze to meet up with that of her partner's.

A mere moment later, she was bum rushed by a pink blur of soft, well groomed fur. Before she had a second to comprehend it, a familiar and welcomed pair of lips locked onto her own. After letting out a muffled sound of surprise, Apple Bloom hummed gratefully into the kiss. She never needed an excuse to kiss Diamond Tiara.

And she always felt a touch of longing when a kiss inevitably ended. Diamond leaned back and sighed. She rolled her eyes, lips curling into a reserved little grin. "You dumb country bumpkin." She smiled, face lighting up with an expression of uncontained adoration. "Nopony gave you permission to steal my heart all over again."

Apple Bloom became giddy at the affection she was being shown. "O-oh yeah?"

"Mhm." Diamond hummed contently, pressing one more small peck against her marefriend's lips. "But, as sweet as you are Bloom, it doesn't change that I just… can't tell them. Dad, maybe. Possibly. But not my mother."

The farm pony frowned. "Pardon my french Dee, but your mom's a right bitch. Why, she could probably scare the stars right out of an Ursa Major."

Diamond giggled freely at the jab. "Oh tell me about it. I mean, I don't know if she'd even be okay with me dating another mare, but much less a filly of uh… different social standing."

"She doesn't want you sleeping with a low class, dirt workin' filly-fooler. No need to sugar coat it sweetheart."

Diamond cringed at the crass, though honest read of the situation. "Yeah… what a bitch."

"A real momma dog." Apple Bloom heartily agreed. "Still though…" She started quietly, "I get'cha Diamond, I really do. I understand where you're coming from and I know why you cant tell 'em. But… I still wish you could."

"I know dove." Diamond buried her muzzle back into the inviting warmth Apple Bloom's fur provided. "Me too."

Apple Bloom allowed a soft, affectionate grin to play across her lips. She raised a hoof and began to lovingly pet Diamond Tiara's beautiful, silky mane. The pink mare all but purred like a pampered cat.

"Maybe sometime soon, Bloom. Maybe I can tell them soon."

"Don't go rushin' it if you don't feel comfortable."

"I know." Diamond replied. "Thank you though. For giving me time."

"All the time you need princess." Apple Bloom spoke with a delicate sweetness. "I ain't goin' anywhere."

Author's Note:

Huh well this didn't take nearly as long as I was expecting. I've been procrastinating a diamondbloom story for like months and then I just like... do it in a couple days?? Ok then.

Anywho, I love this pairing a lot and it doesn't get enough attention so... here we go. Enjoy some diamondbloom.:heart:

Comments ( 30 )

So wholesome

Adorable and awesome just like you're last shipping story. Keep up the great work :pinkiehappy:


I don't see this ship being a legitimate thing

So AB told her family about this?

Just Big Mac and Applejack. She would've told Granny, but Diamond didn't want her accidentally saying anything to her father about it.

I think Granny Smith wouldn't mind those two going out.

She probably wouldn't mind at all but like... Idk. Granny Smith doesn't seem like the type to be able to keep a secret like that imo. Diamond's line of thinking here isn't that Granny wouldn't approve, rather, that she could say something about it to her dad which would lead to her mom finding out.

Does Winona approved of this?

Will this be getting a sequel or is this just a one shot?

As of now it's a one shot. I really wanna write another diamondbloom story, but idk if it'll be a direct sequel or not.

Here's an idea. You can start on how they started to fancy each other as a prequel and then do future stuff in a sequel

Hm... that's not a bad idea. :) I think I'd be compelled to make it something with several chapters, so I'm gonna have to put some thought into it. But yeah, I'll definitely consider that. Thanks for the suggestion. :twilightsmile:

Short sweet and adorable. Reminds me of the stories I used to eat up when I was but a wee fanfic reader

This needs a sequel!

Well this was cute.

I'm just sad there's not more. Like the inevitable reveal to Diamond's parents.

Cute, but we all know one day the cat will be out of the bag

Silver Spoon, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applejack and Big Mac. Those were the ponies entrusted with their secret. Diamond had only felt comfortable telling one other pony, who had in her own words, “totes called it.” Which was fair. Even before becoming official, the two had been fancying one another for many moons. Apple Bloom had asked who it was okay for her to tell, and was given the green light to inform her fellow crusaders and her siblings. Her friends had teased her about falling for their old bully, Scootaloo jokingly asking if she was a masochist, and uh... no comment. But ultimately they were nothing but supportive.

no comment

I never knew I wanted this ship, but now that I have this I kinda wanna see more of it.

This is the ship and story I never knew I needed. And I kinda want to see more of this story.

Be interesting to see the future fallout.

Huh. Never seen this ship before, but you certainly make a good case for it here...

One of my favorite ships, thank you for making such a nice story for it.

I love me my DiamondBloom, and your adorable portray of the does it all the justices!:heart:

That was certainly a nostalgic read for me. Haven't read an DiamondBloom fic in some time and this was a nice huggable piece between the two.

DiamondBloom will certainly be my headcanon for the series that's for sure.

For many the show ended just days ago. But all of you have had to go on and fill in the gaps of possibilities since Diamond's last official season appearance back in 5th season.

If the love and joy of writing Diamond Tiara in stories can last years after the 5th season and some comic issues then that's proof enough right there that FiM as a whole in this fandom if anything only has many more years to come and continue to be a fun universe to explore and expand as we have all these years.

Thanks for sparking that old DiamondBloom flame. Nearly forgotten how much I love their interactions.

Happy 4th Anniversary!

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