• Published 14th Jul 2019
  • 5,673 Views, 104 Comments

Fallen Order - Jar Man

  • ...

Change of hope

Author's Note:

Howdy folk Souls here I hope you all enjoy this chapter. One of my friends suggested romace should be added so I might give that a try and if i don't like it then our heroes shall remain single and ready to mingle. :twilightsmile: oh and another thing a friend asked was why i focused mainly on the three characters and the reason is the story is about them and no one else really i see many stories where it shows other ponies perspective but I wanted to do something different NOW I shall stop typing and get to work on the next one. :moustache:

"Stupid box I hope your family at FedEx gets wet" I was helping Twilight with her new shipment of books and I stubbed my toe on a corner.

We left the post office then went to the market to get some extra stuff, she brought me along for the heavy lifting. The books She got ranged from time travel to gateways to other worlds, hopefully they could help us in our efforts. My nightmares have began to stop every now and then, but my sleep paralysis is getting worse I keep getting them more frequently and sometimes I wouldn't even talk to anyone all day. Twilight suggested i see a doctor but I shot that down like it was a German bomber.

"I don't see why your making a big deal of this I mean I've had this problem for years it hasn't effected me that bad" I defended.

"If its not so bad then why do you keep falling asleep when we read or eat?" She countered.

"You got me there" I admitted in defeat.

We walked back to the library to put up the books and head over to Pinkie Pies and Apple Jack's place to get the guys. Colin went to help Apple Jack with Apple's I prayed he didn't break his leg kicking trees, Kelso went with Rainbow Dash and helped Pinkie Pie make whatever Pinkie Pie makes. I set the box down and began to set them up the first one was "What to expect in travleing to another universe" by a doctor hooves?

"Hmm I might have to find this guy later" I said to myself.

I set up the books then went to Pinkie Pies place first since it was closer. I was at the door before someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see a mint green unicorn wearing a blue sweater and jeans with a very creepy smile on her face.

"Uh oh" I thought, from what i remembered back home she was the human enthusiasts and was a crack head at it.

"Hi I'm Lyra what's your name?" She stuck out her hand.

"Hello I'm Kobe" I shook her hand but she wouldn't let go.

She pulled off my gauntlet and began to study my hand. I pulled back and ripped my gauntlet from her hand and put it back on. She frowned at that.

"Hey I was studying that!"

"Your gonna study my fist flying at your face if you ever touch me again" I said with displeasure.

She recoiled a bit but smiled.

"I always knew my first contact with you would be interesting" she said with excitement.

I backed up as she came closer, I fell through the doors and she was on top of me now.

"How about we head back to my place and we can talk?" She spoke in a not so kid friendly tone if you know what I mean.

"No women shall tempt a child of God " I replied then launched her out the door with my legs, thank God for those leg workouts.

I got up to get Kelso as fast as possible before she came back. There was no one here, I heard noises from a door to my left. I walked over to the door and heard some one laughing I opened it and made my way down the stairs. I saw Kelso, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash making cupcakes and got and uneasy feeling.

"Here Kelso try this we made it just for you!" Rainbow Dash held a pink and purple cupcake in her hands.

I watched as he picked it up and studied it for a second. I wanted to see of my suspicions were correct but that would make me a bad friend.

"Oh hey Kelso i was just looking for you!" I said walking over to them.

"Oh hey just in time too want a cupcake?"

"No but lets go and get Colin before it gets too late" I urged putting his cupcake down. Pinkie Pie looked saddened but as soon as I looked at her again she had a big smile on her face like always.

(10 minites later)

We walked down the dirt road to Apple Jack's farm. I was speed walking trying to male a quick trip and not run into that crazy pony again. Kelso had to jog every once in a while since he was the hight of the girls who were between 5,2 and 5,5 with me being 6,0 colin was the same as me, we usually had to duck under some door ways like the bathroom and basement.

Loud girly screams could be heard from the farm, i looked at Kelso and we ram to see what the problem was. I sprinted hard and made it to the farm in a few seconds I looked around for the source of the screams then a stick hit my helmet. I looked up to see Colin hiding in a tree while holding a stick like there was no tomorrow.

"Uh...Colin what are you-" he shushed me and gestured me up the tree. I sighed and climbed up the tree and stood next to him on a branch.

"Bro what's going on i heard screaming?" I whispered

"Yeah that was me" he quickly replied

I rolled my eyes wondering why.

"Why were you screaming like a girl?" I questioned trying to get a better balance on the branch.

"Dude Apple Jack is acting wierd man like really wierd" he answered.

I tilted my head not understanding what he was talking about. Before i could ask some more a southern accent came from below.

"Colin where are sugarcube I just wanna talk?" She called out like she was looking for a dog.

I looked at Colin who shook his head with his finger over his faceplate. I nodded leaned back hoping the branch under that was making cracking noises wouldn't snap. It snapped and I fell on my back.


I felt somthing wrap around me then drag me.

"Well hello Mr Kobe how are you this fine afternoon" she looked at me with a crazed look.

"Well it's been pretty interesting other then that its been fine. You?" I was beimg sarcastic but she didnt seem to get it.

"Well I've been working with Ol'Colin amd he just dissapeard. Have you seen him?"

I glanced up for a second and saw Colin quietly climbing higher. I looked back at Apple Jack and shook my head. She didn't seem to believe me and looked up to see Colin staring back at her.

"Oh no"

Apple Jack was about to use her lasso but was knocked out by a hay bail. I looked back to see a big red pony with overalls and was buff.

"Oh my cheezits thank you so much Mac. Next time we play D&D snacks are on me" Colin climbed down and helped me up.

Kelso finally arrived and was wheezing and panting then collapsed. We picked up Kelso and I thanked the big red pony who just nodded and went back to work. We dragged Kelso all the way back to the library in a slow jog. I saw Lyra and Rainbow Dash in the distance and they saw me, I busted inside and barricaded the door.

"Hey what's going on guys?" Spike asked we shushed him and leaned against the door while a certain pony banged on it.

Twilight came down stairs after hearing all the noise with a book as her weapon. I snatched the nook and added it to our defences.

"Guys is everything okay?"

"No theres crack heads outside and we are the last hope" The said crack heads were now using full force to get in. I slipped a little but recovered in time to slam against the door.

"Oh Kobe you cant keep me away forever i will get you!" Lyra sang. I dreaded those words but didn't let up.

After 20 minutes everything went quiet. I looked outside and the girls were gone, I breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the couch.

"I'm gonna make dinner I ordered some meat from the Griffin empire I don't understand how Y'all can eat that stuff" Twilight said making a face.

I went to help her with the meat since she didn't know how to cook it. The Griffins sent steak and pork chops and the kne thing I love just as much as Jesus was bacon.

"Ooh yes" I drooled over the package before tearing it open. I lit up the stove and cooked away while playing Wheeler Walker Jr.

After dinner was ready we all sat down, i said my prayer and we chowed down. I looked at spike then back at my bacon.

"Hey," I handed him a piece. "try this"

"I can't eat meat" he said looking at Twilight who was looking at both of us.

"You're a Dragon who eats my college funds for a living come on." I shook ths piece infront of him. "You'll like it trust me"

He looked back at Twilight who didn't seem to pleased with my efforts. After a minute he took it, sniffed it then took a bite.

"Soo..?" I smiled crossing my arms.

"It's actually pretty good!" He exclaimed taking another bite. I looked at Twilight who sighed and shook her head.

"What? meat will help him grow you don't want him to stay a manlet forever do you?" I cut into my steak.

"He doesn't need meat to grow he's groaning just fine" she commented eyeing the bacon strip spike was eating.

"Hey little dude how old are you?"

"I'm 11 why?" I looked him up and down, he was definitely too small for a eleven year old.

"You're 11 and 3,11 you should be, last time I checked 4,10" I replied knowing full well he doesn't have some height disability. "I'm just saying Twilight he's not gonna be a big strong dragon if he eats rocks for the rest of his life"

She sat in silence for a moment thinking, i slipped spike a slice of steak without her looking. He liked it too, soon I shall have a big ol'dragon to help me out.

"Well I guess that is the case but i don't think the others will be comfortable with that"

I shrugged and leaned back.

"Just do what we do eat it when they aren't around although one day they will have to face it but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it" Colin chimed in after finishing his plate.

We all finished and I cleaned the dishes then went into the basement to sleep. We all said our good nights and slowly drifted off to sleep.

(2 hours later)

My eyes shot open, I was having another episode I looked around as best I could with my eyes trying to get a good look of the room, but I was facing the wall the worst place to face. I heard the sound of foot steps lightly making it's way to my bed, I eye screwed my eyes shut wanting the episode to end. I tried to make any noise but nothing would leave my mouth I looked from the corner of my eye and saw a shadow of some hooded figure towering over me.

"possunt olere metus" Is all the thing said before dissapearing. My episode ended and i shot up so fast my my blood rushed through my skull.

I wiped the sweat from my face then walked up stairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and poured some water, I took a sip and looked at the window. No one was outside then from the reflection was a pony behind me, I whipped around with clenched fist and noticed it was Lyra.

"Hey there" she said with a sinister grin

"What the fuck are you doing in here!?" I demanded, she came closer I tried to right hook her jaw but was stopped with her magic.

"I knew it was true all these years ponies made fun of me but now they will all see" an evil chuckle came from her and i did not like it one bit.

I went for a Spartan kick but that failed too. I tried to yell for the guys but my mouth was closed with magic as well.

"Oh no you will not be getting away that easily this time," she picked me up and headed for the door "we have so much to do together"

She took me out of the library and teleported us to some house. We went into the basement and when the lights came know I saw so many human anatomy charts and even a skull of one, not that it scared me much I would fade into mist if i died again. Lyra but me against the wall and put a chain on my ankle then her magic faded from my mouth.

"Ok first off when I get out of here I'm gonna introduce you to my best friends Mustang and Sally" I raised my fist as a threat. She laughed at that and sat in a rolling chair hold out a quill and note pad.

"Your jokes are amazing but we need to get down to business," I tugged know the chain to test it's strength sadly it looked like a professional welded it. "Now first question, where are you from?"

"Eat my ass you twat"

"Question two are there more of you?"

"I'm going to stab you"

"If you don't answer my questions I will never let you go and you will have to stay here forever" she said with a hot attitude.

I rolled my eyes.

"Are there more of you"

"What's it to ya?"

She smiled widely and scooted her seat up.

"Well I heard of three mysterious creatures matching your description fighting evil here and i want to know if there's any more humans here"

"You look like a 5 year old dutch girl who does cross fit, so why don't you cross fuck off." I deadpanned.

She glared at me then stood up from her chair and walked over to a desk, on the desk were folders and loads of paper. A minute passed and she came back with some papers, she handed me them with her hands. This was my chance, I pulled her arm putting her in a choke hold, I plugged her horn with one hand and held her with the other. I held my tight grip till she stopped moving, I checked her pulse she was still alive I quickly grabbed the keys releasing myself.

I walked to the stairs but stopped, i wemt back and locked her up to the chain and took the key with me.

"Stupid ponies"

I couldn't sleep for the rest if the night so I sat on the couch and stared at the wall for the next 4 hours. I started thinking about how unlucky I've become first i die from a dragon, get tortured by some bug lady and now I get kidnapped by a human loving pony like why did my life get from meh to really bad so quickly? I took off my helmet inspecting it, it only had that one scar on it like it always has. Tiny footsteps came from my side and I looked to see spike with a bowl of gems and whipped cream.

"Couldn't sleep either?" He asked hopping onto the couch.

"Not exactly," I shifted "What are you doing up?"

"I've been reading my super hero comics and I just can't get enough of it" he handed me a comic book. I looked at the title 'Power ponies' I cringed at that remembering what happens during that episode.

Morning hit and every one was finally up, I told Twilight of the event that has happens and she immediately sent a letter to Celestia. We ate breakfast but decided to stay home for today due to yesterdays events. Colin and I sat on the balcony on the 2nd floor looking over Ponyville.

"Man I hope we can find a way home before this place grows on me" Colin chuckled.

"Yeah..." I just stared into the distance

"We will make it home right?" He asked

"Yeah of course...of course"

I honestly didn't know if we would we were sent here for a reason but was never told if we would return home.

"You don't want to stay here do you?" He asked.

"I don't really-" a flash of light blinded me making me dive to the ground, i swear these ponies and their flash bangs.

"Hello my friends how are you enjoying my sun!" Celestia sang.

"Princess you really gotta control that flash I think my retinas are gonna go out" I replied uncovering my eyes. She sheepishly smiled.

"Sorry I shall work on it, but i have a surprise for you and your friends"

Me and Colin looked at each other then back at her. She pulled out a map and laid it down In front of us on it was a big circle around some mountains.

"I was reading on dimensional travels and since my old teacher was the only pony to be able to travel to another world and make it back I decided to look through his stuff," she pointed at the circle. "In his notes he said there is an ancient ruin where he traveled to the other world"

"So you think we could find something there?" Colin asked. "What if it doesn't work aimce its been like what, a thousand years or more?"

"It's worth a shot man even if it doesn't work" I said. If we could make it work we could probably make it to where we get back home.

The location of the mountains seemed pretty far from Ponyville and sadly no trains could bring us closer. I haven't been calming in a hot minute so it would be fun to see nature in all its conquered glory, I wonder if the girls are gonna go.

"Did he say how he got it to work?" Colin and Celestia were discussing the portal.

"He used a teleportation spell on what he called was the 'philosophers stone' which helped create the portal"

"I guess we could invite Twilight since we can't use magic" Colin mumbled.

"Why not all the-"

"NO!" we both yelled quickly, she shrunk back into her sweater.

"ok" she said with a muffled voice.

We said our goodbyes and took the map inside. I placed the map on the living room table and went to get Twilight.

"Hey Sparky want to go on a trip to possibly find us a way home by exploring some ruins that Star Swirl guy went to?" Her eyes widened and her smile i swear was gonna break her face gave me the answer.

We all gathered by the map and planned our trip which was gonna take 3 to 4 days so I packed 2 weeks worth of food for all of us while Colin and Kelso bought climbing gear and a bow with the gold I 'borrowed'. Twilight got 2 tents which were pretty big when put together. All together it was Me,Colin,Kelso,Twilight and spike so it was like a little family trip.

Then out of nowhere the princesses popped in with camping gear as well.

"We heard from an anonymous source that somepony is going camping"

"Oh great"

Once we had everything Me and Colin carried the heavy stuff like the tent and extra gear we set out during the next morning at 5 a.m.

(15 hours later)

We hiked through the plains singing songs and playing little games like I spy and would you rather. We took a few breaks every now and then mostly for Kelso and Celestia who never enjoyed the outdoor life like me. I saw a good sized flat land we could set up camp at, i wanted to save as much food for us as possible so I went hunting.

I saw some rabbits of good size a few minutes into the hunt, I drew my bow and readied for a 2 for 1 combo. Once they aligned I let the arrow fly and just as I wished it impaled them both. I brought them back for me and the boys to eat I'm the only one who ever had rabbit so they would be in for a treat. Twilight and I both agreed months ago to not insult the others diet, I skinned both rabbits and cooked them over the fire and Lord did they taste good but it could have been better with some salt and pepper with some garlic bread.

Once we finished all of our tents were set, the princesses and Twilight had theirs and me and the boys had ours....or so i thought.

"You can sleep in mine since the guy's will all go to that one and it would be crowded," she blushed slightly "if you want to that is"

She was right it was gonna be crowded with all four of us I could have swore the tent was bigger earlier but whatever, I did the crawl of shame into the tent with the girls and tried to be as far as possible. Twilight laid a foot away then it was Luna then Celestia. They said goodnight and i just hufded in response then drifted to sleep. Well tried to for 20 minutes.

"Psst Kobe are you awake?" Luna whispered. I stayed quiet wanting nothing but sleep.

"Twilight are you awake?"

"Yeah what's up"

"Thanks for inviting us"

That traitor!

"No problem I need all the help I can get"

Hold up what?

"We are here for every step of the way my student" Celestia was awake too great.

This was gonna be a long night...