• Published 14th Jul 2019
  • 1,367 Views, 15 Comments

Dearest Rarity - Tranquil Serenity

Spike writes a letter, THE letter, to his beloved Rarity.

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Dearest Rarity

My eyes search for yours in a world devoid of color - for the sapphire blue offset by lashes of dark ebony - those eyes haunt my thoughts, echoing enchantingly in my most treasured remembrance. Your ivory coat, so pure and smooth; a white more pristine than any shade or hue found in all of Equus. Your sweet voice is as a song, a tune wafting though the air, only giving form to the most musically sublime harmonies. Your flowing lavender locks fall elegantly, swirling and whirling in hypnotically tantalizing curls. The whole of your appearance is imbued with your own uniquely feminine poise, shining out with the most angelic countenance.

You are so beautiful, dearest Rarity.

So beautiful, and so beyond a mortal such as I.

But of more beauty still is the heart, the soul beyond the face I so admire. You have a truly generous spirit, Rarity. So kind and so giving. In inspiration you inspire others, and in satin labors you weave and create masterpieces. Your talents never cease to awe and impress, nor do I expect shall they ever.

With a name that befits your uniqueness, you are indeed a rare being in this universe, dear Rarity; a truly rare being.

And I know that a creature as precious as you, as prized and as cherished, would likewise seek a gem of similar intrinsic value... and as well you should.

But where is one to be found that can match you in anything? And where is a being who could ever hope to be worthy of you? Besotted as I am, I have remained ever-watchful for that champion, that challenger, but I confess to having seen none who could even contend.

But if none is your equal, dearest Rarity. If not one can ever be worthy of you... Could you ever think consider...? Could you ever conceivably accept someone as inadequate as I?

I have gazed into a mirror and seen past my modest appearance, and into my own heart, searching it tirelessly, seeing that my character is flawed and that I am in much lacking... but that nevertheless my heart for you has ever remained true. For a long while it was enough to merely bask in the luminous glow of your striking presence, but that question... that burning question I have tried so hard to push back into the deepest recesses of my mind... it resurfaces faithfully, and now it does so once again.

Is devotion enough for you, radiant angel? Is it sufficient that I could dare ever address you as my beloved?

A thousand times; yes, a thousand times I have put quill to ink to tell you these things, and in every instance the result was a crumpled paper I would burn to ash, desperate to keep the secret of the depths of my feelings to myself, until I could finally find the words to properly express them.

I now realize, Rarity.... that such a day can never come.

For no words could ever express my true feelings for you; a little older and wiser than before, I see that now.

I could put pen to paper a million times, or even a hundred million, and the words would still render themselves insufficient, cold and apathetic compared to the passionate intensity of my sincere affection for you; of my adoring allegiance to you.

For a dragon, duty is all.

But the desire of a dragon's heart is stronger still.

So say the word, dearest Rarity. Tell me once and for all where your own heart lies. Speak it. Tell me no and I'll enshroud these feelings in darkness, covering them up in veil of night that will never again reveal the unquenchable fire that eternally roars within.

To you I am a friend, and if you wish it, I shall ever remain to you as a friend.

But... if you should say yes... If you should tell me you feel even a tenth what I do for you, or that you'll at least give me a chance, or better still... that you care for me as I do you...

Then I will remain at your side until Celestia's sun dims to nothing, and Luna's stars and shining moon are no more, my heart yours from the moment I first saw you... until the end of all things.

And make no mistake, oh graceful princess of my heart; my priceless, exquisite, and wondrously magnificent Rarity...

I love you....

With all that I am, was, or ever will be.


With an attentive flourish, Spike signed his name in the bottom right corner of the parchment with his quill pen. He sighed and set the feathery instrument down, drawing up a breath before commencing to feverishly inspect his words once more. It was to the be the final draft of many, and he wiped nervously at the beads of sweat beginning to show on his young drake forehead.

As painstakingly composed as it was, he knew it only to be imperfect. And he had, not for the first time, that sickening, gnawing feeling in stomach that he should just scrunch it up into a ball, set it aflame, and start all over again... but he knew where that train of thought always led, and that if he gave in, the years would just continue to draw on as they had before... until they finally culminated in a perpetual cycle of regretful self-questioning, one phrase repeating itself endlessly: 'what might have been?'

He took the letter into his claws and stood, rolling the paper into a scroll which he then tied a deep purple ribbon around after the much shaky fumbling of his usually well-coordinated digits. He cradled the finished product in his arms, close to his chest, and looked up at the crystal ceiling of his bedroom in the Friendship Castle, praying silently that he was not making the most grievous mistake of his life.

Forcing back the tears threatening to fall from his eyes, he drew himself up firmly and cast a look towards his closed bedroom door. Resolve played out on his features. He walked across the glossy fractal floor, turned the doorknob, and cast aside what was not the first obstacle in a very, very long line of them he'd had to face.

And he promised himself that it would be the last.

He walked through the archway and quickly disappeared into the hall, leaving the door swinging uselessly behind him. The breeze from the open window breathed softly through the wistfully flowing chiffon curtains, slowly easing the chamber entryway to a gentle close with a resounding click.

Author's Note:

Please direct your grammar and spelling corrections to PM. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 14 )

The ending leaves a bit to be desired, but overall, not bad!

Have a Thumbs Up!

What a nice way to capture Spike's thoughtful side.

Hmm. I like it! I kind of wish there was more to the ending. It dosen't really feel like an ending. I was actually going to track this story until I realized that it was complete. If the story was about writing the letter and nothing else, then add a scene with Spike deciding that finally finishing the letter and expressing his feelings is what's important. You know, a little character growth. Otherwise, maybe actually explore Rarity recieving the letter? Or heck, why not both? This seems like the type of story that would benefit greatly from being just a bit longer. You earned a big thumbs up!

this needs a sequel follow-up
or another chapter for the same purpose

:duck: Oh thank you Spike, Opalescence made a mess by the kitchen table and I was all out of paper towels ......
:facehoof: They were married two years later and their foals were....
:pinkiegasp: reallysuperdupercutebutyouhadtofireproofthebabysroomandeverywhereelseinEquestria

I left the ending open purposefully, leaving it up to the reader's imagination as to how Rarity responds to the letter. I wanted it to be more about Spike getting his affections for Rarity on paper, finally having the courage to let her know how he feels. I'm thankful you all enjoyed this little piece for what it was though. :twilightsmile:

i'm not a fan of open ends

Very poetic how Spike writes about his live. Nicely done

Glad you enjoyed. Yeah, I tend to just write short stories and move on to other ideas, but I'm happy you found this piece interesting. :moustache:

As you wrote yourself - I can see why you left it open the way it is. I won't say that I didn't hope for a resolution, buuut... I kinda expected this midway through. From reading this and a short comment about him being older now, I think this plays out a couple of years after the events as seen in the show. With someone like Twilight and Starlight around, living in a library no less... I can imagine his eloquence growing to this extend quite well. (Trying to impress Rarity might've contributed as well.) His prose is a little 'too much' for my taste, personally, but it's fitting for him.
Now as for Rarity's reaction... I think she'd deny him. Because Rarity is Rarity, she'd try to let him down softly, cautiously, because she doesn't want to hurt him more than is strictly necessary. That being said, I do think she would decline. Head-cannon is a nice thing and all, and I do - sometimes - like how their ship can and might work out, but given the shows context... I think age was the problem from the start. He's young. Really, really young. Like, 'Sweetie Belle is his playmate'-young. And even though she's not exactly old, she is at least older than him. By a significant amount of years. Because in those early years, every one of those count. There's a huge difference between being 12 and being 13. Or being 15 and being 16. However, there's barely any difference between being 30 and being 31. Anyway, that's just me thinking about how this might go on...

Thank you.

Yeah... It's difficult for me personally to think how Spike and Rarity in the show could end up together with it really feeling right, and her turning him down would be a rather depressing 'resolution' after he sent her such a letter. Hence I simply left it at a 'putting pen to paper' and an exit - meant to convey a sense of the feelings of love and admiration he feels for her, whilst simultaneously also highlighting the disquieting emotions he would likely experience taking courage to tell her. I prefer to leave the 'end' up to the reader too, partly so shippers and non-shippers aren't put off by the conclusion if it doesn't match up with their tastes. Thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts. :twilightsmile:

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