• Published 19th Jul 2019
  • 1,718 Views, 19 Comments

I'll Never Hurt You Again. - Neutral Boy

A young innocent boy who wanted to kill himself after being neglected and abused has made a terrifying wish that would change everyone's lives forever.

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Chapter 1: The chaotic sins of CHS.

{Earlier, before the male student is transferred to the hospital. . .}


"It's all my fault. All of it is my fault. Why? Why?! Why?!!!

I should've realized the severe consequences of my decisions and actions.

My revenge, my pointless revenge on the wrong person.

Goddammit, god fucking dammit! Why did I pick up this damn thing in the first place?!

If I just did some tests back then, none of this would've happened!

Everything at school has gone completely out of control since "they" showed up.

The ones that I talked to and introduce them to Canterlot High School.

Oh gods, why did I think it was such a disgusting good idea to pair them up with the girls?

Even worse, a student named Croma I've seen several times of him having the worst life in school. Getting bullied on, neglected by his friends & teaches, his homework burned & torn apart, punched, kicked, spit on, slapped by girls, thrown at lockers, and having a couple of his bones broken.

It was just too much for me to handle on seeing him like this.

Now here I am, the person responsible of this whole mess, trying to save his life. Even though this was all my fault to begin with and feeling guilty about it, I didn't want him to die because of me.

"Come on, come on, please don't die."

I kept giving him CPR and some air from my mouth, but no response from him.

"Croma! Please don't die! I'm so sorry that I have cause your life a living hell! I'll do whatever it takes, even when the years go by that I can one day earn your forgiveness! I'm begging you Croma, please don't go!"

I also saw the three girls helping me with the CPR as we tried to restart his heart and air.

"Don't go dude!"

"Please, ah can't see ya die here!"

"He's not breathing!"

"I know!"

I didn't know on how many tears are flowing out of my eyes, but I ignored it and continue to give him some air.

"Croma. Please don't go. Croma. Croma! CROMAAAAAA!!!!!"


My eyes widen when I see him throwing up some water as he's gasping some air.

"Croma! Oh thank goodness your okay!"

The four of us hugged him with tears of joy. I didn't know on what would've happen if he died.

I hear him calming down and he seems to be sleeping.

"Sweetie Belle, go call an ambulance on mah phone." Applebloom told her friend.

"You got Applebloom."

I saw Sweetie Belle got up and go for her friend's bag to go call for help.

"It's okay Croma, we'll get you an ambulance as soon as possible."

{Meanwhile at CHS, during Croma's nap at the hospital. . .}


Ugh, another day in school of my office.

Everything is going out of control faster than a certain prom queen bully.

I can't imagine of how many students are suffering from all of this mess to begin with.

Maybe it's probably me and my staffs fault for not dealing with these threats and fights around the school.

I'll have to see if my friend outside of Canterlot can come help me out.

"Inkwell, can you do me a favor?" I called her on the phone line.

"Yes Ms. Celestia?" She responded back.

"Could you call an old friend of mine? He should be done overseas from last year."

"You mean the Detective?"

"That's him, can you ask him to come over for our help at school?"

"Sure thing Ms. Celestia, I'll notify him if he's done overseas and then-"

Her voice on the line got cut off and I tried to call her again.

"Inkwell, are you on the line? Inkwell?!"

No response or call, I groan in my seat and rubbing my forehead.

"Great, something's going on with the connection again. Better go call the electric technician."

Getting up out of my seat, I head over at the door to go grab my phone out of the car.

Yet, when I turned the handle on my door, it won't open up.

"Oh come on, open up you stupid handle door."

Suddenly, I felt a chill running up my body as it seems cold in my office.

"W-What is this? W-Why is it so cold in here-"

"Hello, Principal Celly."

I froze when someone was calling to me. I turn slowly and my eyes were widen in shock.

Someone, or perhaps something, is in my office wearing a black robe and showing two wings on it's back.

Only, the presence is giving me the cold chilling vibes, like I need to run away or hide.

"Who, w-who are you?" I whispered.

"Poor deluded Principal of CHS. . ."

It moves the left hand up as I was moved forward by an unknown force and grabbed by the throat.

"You have no idea on how many times you fucked up and disgraced your family's name."

I gasped and I tried to move the hand squeezing my throat, but to no avail.

"Be patient young fool and stop struggling, or perhaps you want us to be more ruthless and much more brutal. My sister is already at your house paying a visit to your younger sister, Luna. So, unless you want to see your young sister die from a heart attack caused by us, I suggest you cooperate."

My eyes water in tears of knowing they do mean business and will kill my sister.

"O-O-Okay, I won't resist. J-Just please don't kill my sister."

"That's what I like to hear."

I felt the pressure loosen from my throat and I fell down catching my breath.

My eyes glance to see the being crouching down at my level.

"Now then, we have so much to talk about Principal Celestia. About how you and everyone else have failed CHS. All the way towards a neglected, abused, bullied student who has made his wish before wanting to commit suicide. Which of course, we have heard him and granted his wish."

At this point, I realize on who the being is talking about.

"W-Wish? W-What wish did he say exactly?"

The dark figure glares at me as I flinch, terrified from it.

"The fate of this world's unbalance, or more specifically to you humans, the end of the world."


Oh no, did I just hear that right? He was committing suicide?

T-This is. . . . . all so wrong, w-what have we done?

I-I better go tell the girls. M-Maybe they know of any solutions or ideas.

Or if they don't have one, perhaps I can um. . . . . . . . . . heh. . . . .

Wait! D-Don't think like it me. I'm still in a relationship. . . . . . . r-right?

{Elsewhere. . .}


Outside of Canterlot, a young girl with blue pony tail hair is making her food at a restaurant.

"Tacos, tacos, gonna make some tacos~." She sang.

Making the last few ingredients to put, she has completed the taco recipe.

"Voila! My masterpiece has finally come true in my dreams."

Before going to take a bite, she heard some footsteps coming and glances to see her sister.

"Oh, hey there Aria." The pony tailed girl greeted waving her right hand.

Aria grumbles to her as she sits on the other side of the table, rubbing her face with her hands.

"What's wrong grumpy pants? No job yet for you?"

Her sister puts down both of her hands.

"Sonata, Adagio had a panic attack again."

Aria's sister tilts her head and took a bite of her taco.

"Panic? Like an excitement fan panic or what?"

"No you idiot, remember her first panic attack back in Eqeustria?"

Sonata froze, realizes on what Aria has said and looks down sighing.

"O-Oh, I remember it in Equestia. Poor Adagio, I can't imagine from the look on her face of many emotions she has felt. Being lied to, hurt, and even her innocence taken away. When did her second panic attack happen?"


Aria's hands were shaking, remembering the look on her sister's face the first time to now.

"It was when she came back from Canterlot a few weeks later. I waited for her at the bus stop when it's raining, but the bus didn't came. It's when I glance at the sidewalk, I saw her walking with no umbrella covering her. I walked up to her to see if she's alright and why she didn't go to the bus. It was then, when I notice her panic triggered and she kept screaming & crying. So, I had to take her back to our place for her to calm down. I didn't know on what caused her to panic, but it's probably connected to her trip in Canterlot."

She grabs something out of her pocket and pulls out a crumbled paper & damaged phone.

"After Adagio fell asleep, this is what I found in her pockets. It's something she kept mumbling in words I couldn't hear of and her phone must have some pictures she has took before it got damaged."

Aria moves the two items towards her sister.

"Sonata, after you get done and come back home, I need you to go make a trip for a few days in Canterlot next week. Meanwhile, I'll take over on watching Adagio to make sure she won't panic again while taking care of her. If something happens, call my phone immediately and I'll come pick you up."

"What?! Why me? I can't go out there if they know we're still alive!"

"Shut up and think straight you dolt, just try to disguise yourself from those fools. Find any store you can to help repair her phone and investigate on what's happening at Canterlot."

Aria gets up and walks away, but stops to glance at Sonata.

"If you see the Rainboom jerks or anyone else friends with them, either run away or hide. I'm not forcing you to go Sonata, but I need to know on who or what caused Adagio's panic. Take some time to think it over. If you don't want to do it, I understand. Although, if you do accept it, then be on guard and watch your back out there. I'll see you later, Sonata."

Aria patted her sister's head before walking out of the restaurant.

Sonata on the other hand, finishes up her taco and groans, face planting on the table.

"Hmmm, I hate it when my sisters give me tough choices." She mutters.

In the pony world of Equestria, two figures are seen in Princess Twilight's castle.

One is a little purple dragon and the other, a tall draconequus with multiple animal body parts.

"I'm telling you Discord, Twilight is having trouble of sleeping lately." The purple male dragon said.

"Yes, yes, I've heard you say it me for several times Spike. More importantly, why would you invite me over this weekend? I was having a delightful schedule with my fluttery friend on a hunt with a rare, endangered, species like myself." Discord responds, hovering with his wings.

"Because you um, well . . . . . . h-have a more expertise of chaos dreams than Princess Luna."

Discord gasps and halts his flight, lowering down to the little dragon's eye level and Spike steps back.

"I can't believe it, in all of my years in life, a little purple dragon has complemented moi? A spirit of chaos and disharmony, having more expertise than one of the princesses? Oh, it's a dream come true to present a celebration in honor of this special day of the year!"

Discord snaps his fingers, on the floor is mini puppet discord juniors on a parade.

Many of them were having the balloons and statues of the great Discord and sidekick.



Discord wipes a tear from his eyes as flowers appear, along with a Mister beauty chaos pageant winner ribbon on him and a crown showing #1 chaos mischief god. He blows some kisses to everyone and waving at them.

"Thank you my loyal subjects! I couldn't have done it without my sidekick complementing me!"

"Discord. . ."

He turns to see Spike tapping his foot unamused.

"Oh fine, spoilsport."

He snaps his again as everything went back to normal.

"So what does a little dragon, the only assistant slave to purple smart horse, want my help for exactly?"

Spike grumbles in fume before letting out a sigh, refusing to draw out his flames at Discord.

"Twilight hasn't been getting any sleep lately. The last few week after our trip in Canterlot, Twilight had a nightmare and I don't mean about living books want revenge on her and having a pony dinner special so stop your snickering."

His draconequus friend stops the snickering and whistles innocently before Spike continues.

"While I did try to calm her down, she kept saying something to herself. In her words, she dreamt about visiting a portal to the human world. Only when she has got there, it's all in living Tartarus. She she tried to go back, but the portal didn't open as she was dragged into the damaged building of CHS by those scary monsters that look her friends human counterparts and the other ones she doesn't recognize."

Discord pulls out a pair of glasses and writes down his notes.

"Judging by the details you have provided me, you believe something is happening on the other side of the portal from Twilight's supposed nightmare? The one where bacon haired friend, Sunset Shimmer, is in with her human friends?"

"Yes, Twilight is feeling very scared and worried on what has happened in the human world."

Discords hums himself to thinking and a little discord pops in with a hammer, hitting a lightbulb.

The light above him shines as he thought of an idea.

"Spike, my good little friend. I, the great Discord of Chaos and Disharmony, shall help you."

His little dragon friend perks up in excitement that his friend is willing to help him and Twilight.

"Wait really?"

"Yes indeed, I'll help your purple bookworm's problem. All I need is a little back up of recon."

He snaps his fingers as five discord juniors appearing with soldier equipment on.

"ATTENTION!" Discord yells out, dressed up as a boot camp leader and his five soldiers stand up front.

"My allies, you five are to embark on a dangerous stealth mission assignment by our G&O dragon friend here. Spike believes his pony bookworm friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle, thinks that something is happening in the human world where Sunset Shimmer is at. I need you five to find out what's going on behind the scenes, grab anything in particular for evidence, mask your escape if possible, and then report back to me in 72 hours. Any questions?"

"SIR NO SIR!" The five little discords responds to their captain leader.

"Good, then grab your equipment and head out in a few minutes! Jr. #1, your in charge on leading this dangerous mission. Remember; You must never leave any man behind. Gather any information as soon as possible. Understood?"

Jr. #1 salutes to him.

"Yes Daddy Discord, you heard our leader men! Operation: Anti-Shipping Destroyers is a go! Move out!"

The five juniors cries out to battle station and hurry to go prepare for entry in the human world portal.

Discord wipes his tears as his little junior allies marches on.

"They grow up so fast." He smiles and blows in handkerchief.

Spike however, rolls his eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"You do realize that you don't have children yet with-"

His mouth is covered by Discord's griffon claw hand.

"Shhhhh, I'm having my moment. Don't interrupt the viewers."


"No Spike, I don't support you clop shipping with Rarity nor your harem and counterpart."


Author's Note:

The last day of 2021 before the start of 2022.

Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that some or possibly perhaps most of the chapters will have in horror elements. I'm not like any good of writing in horror elements, but I'll try my best write in good ones.

Also though, if anyone isn't comfortable on horror or dark stuffs, then I'll say that you stop reading the story and enjoy reading a different story somewhere else. If anyone does have the guts to read mine, then strap yourselves in and prepare to hold your crush or pony/waifu plushy tightly.

Plus, I had to restart from fresh on chapter 1 so I hope this does count for the new start on my story. This'll be the last time on this story of starting fresh so if anyone decides to nag at me to rewrite it or saying mean things on my story, this is my response to negative people out there. Kiss my ass and go F*** off, go read at another story or other site if you don't like mine.

Hope everyone's doing alright and smell ya later.

Comments ( 3 )

Seems to me that celestia and luna are finally gonna get what they deserve.

Actually seems something was keeping them from noticing?
Plus the first of it is confusing something or someone got something and messing everyone up.

I'm sorry it super hand to follow this thing.

I don’t think so. Based on what we’ve heard celestia and luna were being neglectful before anything strange got involved.

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