• Published 11th Aug 2019
  • 1,400 Views, 17 Comments

When Chaos & Magic Mix (Oh So Well...) - lillytheomegawolf

A reformed Discord swaps magic and chaos for a day. It's okay, his marefriend, Celestia agreed to it. ...While she was half asleep.

  • ...

Chaos Far and Wide

It was a bright sunny morning in Cloudsdale. It was early enough that few ponies were up and about. The air was clear and the skies were calling for pegasi to have some fun. Spitfire strode out of the cloud villa she shared with her husband. She gazed out over the upper section of the mighty city and forced herself to take a moment to enjoy the sights. At the appearance of a dark blue mane in her vision she decided sightseeing was over. “Alright Clipper, let’s go already.”

Soarin grinned back at his wife as he lightly bounced on his hooves, ready for action. “Race you to Canterlot and back?”

Spitfire cast her stallion a sideward glance. “Are you full of energy or something?”

“Must be all the pie I ate last night.”

“Of course it is.” Spitfire couldn’t help but smile as she launched herself into the open skies.

As Soarin lazily took off behind his wife, a jug popped into existence right in front of his face and fell onto the soft cloud doorstep. “What the!?” The surprised blue stallion fell from the sky and bounced on the soft cloud below. “Who’s teleporting kitchen things at this time of day?” He snickered to himself. Whoever had accidentally just done that would be missing their regular morning hot drink by now.

“Are you coming?” Spitfire hovered impatiently in the middle of the road.

“Yea, Just had a jug appear in my face.”

Spitfire spotted the jug in front of her husband. “Huh. That’s random.”

“Isn’t it?” Soarin giggled as he spread his wings for take two, take off.

The couple sped through Cloudsdale side by side. Soarin lazily performed barrel rolls while his wife flew straight and true by his side. The cheeky blue stallion couldn’t help but grin as he rolled close enough to brush wingtips, blue against yellow with each cycle. The contact tingled more than normal, prompting the stallion to continue his acrobatics.

Spitfire smiled as she maintained her flight, “almost out of town. Then I’m going to leave you behind.”

“No you won’t,” Soarin playfully shot back as he somersaulted then took up a position directly in front of his companion, blue tail so close she could bite it.

As the couple left Cloudsdale airspace, Soarin put on a massive burst of speed. The acceleration was so crazy it left a vibrant trail of blue along with a shocked mare in its wake.

Spitfire pumped her wings and was surprised by the feeling of power as she shot off. For whatever reason, she was clearly faster this day than normal. She briefly wondered what it would be like to attempt a complex stunt or few at these speeds. By the trails, they were leaving and the rush of wind that pressed against her muzzle Spitfire wondered if they were somehow approaching Sonic Rainboom speeds. A grin ripped across the yellow muzzle. There was a husband to beat and tricks to attempt. Now for some fun.

Two balls of light and feathers blitzed over Ponyville on their way to Canterlot. A cone of their respective colours trailed them both as they sped along, fiery yellow gained upon cool blue till they were neck and neck.

Soarin grinned at his spouse. “This is cool!”

Amidst the wind noise Spitfire barely caught the words that were shouted at her. “Let’s try some tricks!”

“After I beat you!” A blue twirl erupted as Soarin put on a further burst of speed. He cut through two clouds, both burst into sparkles causing the cocky stallion to grin. Keen to see more fireworks, Soarin angled toward another cloud. To his shock, the cloud rebounded him like a springboard. The whirlwind of a stallion slammed into his wife at full speed.

Spitfire grunted as the wind was knocked out of her. Something dark blue was in her face but she had no power to remove it.

Yellows mixed with blues as the couple’s speed carried them like a missile back toward Cloudsdale. They impacted with a thunderclap against one of the outer clouds upon which the city was built.

Another boom rent the air as the pure white clouds erupted into storm clouds. The whole lower city began to rain on the landscape far below. A twinkle filled the air as snowflakes filled the city. They fell upward toward the higher levels of the city until they reached the rainbow factory. Cries of surprise rang through the air as the pegasi who were out and about early found themselves covered in unexpected snowflakes that were falling the wrong way.

“What’s happening?”
“Why is it snowing?”
“What’s going on?”

As a two toned groggy Wonderbolt extracted himself from a crater in the side of lower Cloudsdale, questions and exclamations blurred together till they became noise.

The half fiery yellow, half blue stallion shook his head. “What happened to me?”

“I feel as though I got my head kicked in by some idiot rookie. What kinda cloud did you hit Soarin?”

It was then the pony paused, glanced down at his own body. Something was wrong. Very wrong. The split tone colouring that perfectly cut himself in half from the sides of his face to his tail was well… as if somepony had taken one Spitfire and one Soarin and merged them together taking exactly half of each pony. Although the new form was definitely male. “What in Celestia- Soarin, why can I hear your thoughts and why are they about my wings?”

“I dunno Spitty.” The same stallion replied to himself. “Wait… are you thinking about thrashing those new rookies this afternoon?”


“So cool, wait… I’m talking to myself?”

A half smile quirked at the yellow side of the pegasus. “Yea, I think you- well are me. Uh… us. I think we are. Soarin, how fast were you going?”

“Gee, I dunno.” The blue shoulder shrugged. “But isn’t this cool?”

“Hey, are you okay?” A white pegasus mare with a cool blue mane approached the half tone stallion. “Are you talking to somepony?”


“Yea, my wife.”

“Where is your wife?” The pegasus glanced around.

The stallion fell into thought, his gaze fell. “Uh… funny story. So I was going fast.”

“Both of us were.” A yellow wing rose.

The mare took an uncertain step backward. “Uh.. okay?”

“Then I hit a cloud, hit my wife and we somehow became one pony. I think.”

“I’ll just go… yea.” The white mare took off, vanishing into a blast of lightning.

A blue hoof rose in complaint. “Wha- did you see that Spitfire?”

“Of course I did. Something weird is going on. Come on, we gotta go see the princess.”

The stallion’s muzzle scrunched up for a few moments and the yellow wing lashed out as best it could against the blue side of the stallion’s body.

“I’m in charge, stop fighting-“

“But Spitty, we can just talk to each other in our thoughts now. Isn’t that so cool!?”

“It’s weird. You keep thinking about flying, me, my body and eating.”

The stallion nodded to himself. “Yep!”

‘Oh simple Soarin-‘


“What? It’s true,” The yellow wing folded carefully and Spitfire felt her side of the shared body smile.

‘What exactly happened?’ Spitfire thought at her husband. It felt very strange to think that she was now apparently sharing a body with him and could communicate without even bothering to speak out loud. ‘And how come I got stuck as a stallion with you inside my head?’

‘I dunno. We were flying rather fast, I cut through a few clouds then one bounced me!’

“Bounced?” Spitfire realized she had spoken that aloud then continued quietly. ‘How could you possibly bounce off a cloud, no cloud can take a speeding pegasus.’

‘Well sure.’ Soarin couldn’t help but grin.‘But this one did, it bounded me right into you… then we somehow became one. Isn’t that so romantic?’

‘I want my body back.’

The stallion giggled so hard the shared body obeyed as a whole and wore a dopey smile. ‘I want your body back…’

Spitfire felt her yellow wing quiver with excitement at the mental images that flooded her. Soarin certainly had a creative imagination, including some ideas he had neglected to mention before.

Soarin sensed his wife’s reaction to his thoughts and feelings. His muzzle flushed. ‘You uh… don’t have to do that.

‘You can read my mind too, stud.’

‘Yes, and it’s scary.’

Spitfire couldn’t help but laugh. ‘Now what do we do?’

Soarin caused their shared face to break out into a slight, hopeful smile. ’I think, I control one wing, you control the other and the rest of our new body we share?’

‘Try let me use your blue wing too.’

‘Why do you get to drive?’ Soarin moaned.

Spitfire giggled, pleased by the reaction. “Because I’m boss when we fly.”


“Weeeee!” A black stallion who looked as though he had been dipped in a rainbow barrelled through the air overhead. Liquid rainbow fell from his forehooves in a fine mist.

A drop fell on the two toned stallion. It pulsed then vanished into the multicoloured coat. Rainbow twinkles radiated from the pegasus as he stood there in shock.

“What is going on here?” Soarinfire asked as both Spitfire and her husband wondered the same.

As a late riser, Vinyl much preferred the feeling of waking to the noonday sun than morning, yet for some reason, as she lay there in the large king size bed she could not will herself to fall back to sleep. Her eyes wandered the wooden ceiling. Then they closed.

Then Vinyl detected the smell of something nice cooking. The wonderful smells called to the bed bound pony.

A strange tingle ran down the unicorn’s horn. Her eyes shot open as the strange sensation dissipated into her system. That was weird.

In no time at all Vinyl Scratch was strolling into the kitchen. She spotted her marefriend and grinned. “Good morning beautiful. Something smells awful nice.”

“Good morning Vinyl. Lucky I decided to cook extra today, you normally sleep in.”

“Yea, stupid brain wouldn’t let me get back to sleep. Then I realized I couldn’t just snuggle you, then my horn tingled.”

“Tingled?” Octavia paused her preparations, concerned for her partner. “As in?”

“I dunno. It’s weird. Who cares, I feel fine now.” A wide grin split the white pony’s muzzle.

“Well, if you insist.” Octavia shrugged as she continued to put the finishing touches on the meal. “Breakfast is almost ready, why don’t you set the table?”

“Sure.” Vinyl grinned as she lit her horn.

The whole kitchen vanished with a comedic poof, cloud of smoke included. The bench, table, food… all gone.

Two mares stood in a room that was now filled with a giant amplifier, so large it touched the roof and was as wide as the kitchen bench. It was a true monster and had no place in a building as small as a house.

“Woah…” Vinyl drooled at the sight.

“My lovely breakfast!” Octavia cried out and stamped her hooves in despair.

Suddenly the veggies, buns and hay appeared a few hooves above the cellist. They promptly fell and landed directly on her back and face.

“Hey! Looks like we found your breakfast!” Vinyl cried excitedly as she danced over and took a bite at the food on her marefriend’s face. “Here, let me get this for you…”

Vinyl carefully cleaned her fillyfriend’s muzzle. An added bonus, the food was cooked to perfection and tasted delicious. “Say, this is amazing… you have got to try it too.”

Octavia sighed. “That’s nice. But I’m currently wearing it.”

“Heh… Right.” Vinyl giggled softly. Her attention returned to the giant speaker and she couldn’t help but ogle it, “I think I’m in love…”

“I do hope that you mean me, right?”

The DJ shot her marefriend a cheeky look. “Of course… what else.”

A flash of green briefly illuminated the centre of the room. Both mares turned to see the small letter that now lay on the floor.

“That’s Celestia’s letterhead,” Octavia remarked.

“I got it!” Vinyl grabbed the letter and began to read. “Huh… She could have sent that one minute ago…”

“What?” Octavia asked as she carefully approached, still laden with food.

“Oh, just says here that Discord replaced every ponies magic in Equestria for just one day and that we are to have fun. Oh, and anything crazy gets reversed.” Vinyl grinned as her head filled with crazy ideas. The DJ's eyes settled on her laden mare, "first food. Then we gotta have some fun!"

Outside the still rather wet looking castle of friendship and a decidedly not wet school, four mares, one young dragon, a female hippogriff and one blue stallion faced off against two alicorns. Water continued to trickle out from the main entrance of the grand crystal building. It pooled cooly around the feet of those who stood, ignorant to the tense environment. The missing party pony was too busy having fun driving a giant pink/purple cake the size of Sugarcube Corner in laps around the group and the castle.

"Fix my magic, now!" Rarity demanded.

Discord grinned as he casually flicked his large alicorn wings. “Well, you see… I can’t do that.”

“What’da mean?” Applejack piped up. “Can’t do it, or won’t?”

“I’m an alicorn now. I can’t.” The master of chaos continued to smile coyly as his tail found his partner’s pure white leg and snaked around it playfully.

“In an attempt to reverse Discord’s spell I accidentally caused us to swap magics,” Celestia explained. She gave her pink mane a light flick, unused to how it gathered against the side of her neck.

“You did?” Twilight asked, surprised. “But instead of the desired effects, you swapped magics?”


“Is that why your mane is pink?”

“Correct,” Celestia confirmed.

“But Princess, if you have Discord’s chaos, can’t you simply use it to return everything back to normal?” Applejack asked.

Celestia glanced at her lover then shook her head. “No. I do not wish to tamper with something I myself do not understand when the risk outweighs the reward.”

“But- I’m sure you could.” Rarity spoke up, hopefully.

“Discord’s magic swap will only last for one day, then everything will return to how it was. I decided one day was not worth undue risk. Instead, let us attempt to enjoy it for what it is.” Celestia explained.

“So I’m stuck, unable to fulfil any orders and unable to use my magic for one whole day?” Rarity gushed, her mind overflowing with dreadful scenarios and displeased clients. “But- I have deadlines… my shop is flooded by rain and I’m afraid that my next spell might destroy it completely!”

“Now, now there Rarity.” Discord tried to calm the panicking mare. “Nothing that happens today will be permanent. You should try and enjoy yourselves. Just like Celestia and I shall.”
The swirly horn lit up and the alicorn couple vanished.

“But... my magic, the classes? What do we do… whata we do…” Twilight joined in her unicorn friend’s hyperventilating, shocked by her mentors relaxed stance on a day filled with chaos.

Pinkie Pie cried out gleefully as she casually parked her giant pink and purple cake up the castle. “You girls need to try this!”

The party pony bumped something in her cake controls and the building sized cake unleashed a warning beep and began reversing away from the castle. “Oops!”

With a quick flick of a cake nob, Pinkie pushed the accelerator and the cake slammed into the castle. “Whoops!”

Cake exploded everywhere!

Rarity cried out in distress as chunks of wedding cake and cheesecake impacted with her flawless coat. She was quick to flick small chucks of the dessert out of her mane.

Other ponies the group appeared less affected by the traumatic experience. Although there were still many hooves running along coats and manes as every pony hastened to clean themselves up a bit. Luna leaned over and began carefully cleaning her hippogriff partner with her tongue. “This cake is most exquisite.”

Twilight leaned into the mighty alicorn, her eyes shut as she processed things. A smile slipped out accross her purple beak as Luna carefully licked her cheek clean then gave her a kiss.

“Yeah, tasty face.” Rainbow Dash agreed cheeky as he sampled some cake that had landed on his fillyfriend’s snout.

Fluttershy blushed smiled timidly back.

With a drawn out sigh, Rarity used her magic to dispel the remainder of the desert on herself and shrieked as her alabaster coat began to glow the colours of the cake. The now glowing pink and purple mare fumed to herself. “I should not have done that… Discord!”

“Can’t hear you!” Pinkie Pie finished as she bounced out of the cake crater and casually wandered up to her friends, completely clean and cake free.

Rarity eyed the clean mare enviously as she continued to fume. Literally. There was smoke coming out of her ears.

Rainbow Dash took notice and he giggled softly.

“Wow Pinkie, looks like whatever happened to your magic has worked out well for you,” Twilight commented.

“And what Luna did to you looks great too!” Pinkie fired back, full of enthusiasm.

Luna smiled. “Indeed it does.”

“Hey Discord, come back!” Pinkie Pie cried out as she continued to bounce happily around the mismatched group of friends.

“Darling, you can’t summon the lord of chaos…” Rarity muttered.

The pink pony scoffed, “of course I can!”

The staff of summoning chaos appeared in the party pony’s forehooves and she leant against it like a sage ready to cast her spell. “Noodle beasts! Discord, Celestia! I summon you!”

With a swish and sparkle of magic, a rather surprised pair of draconequus appeared before the group of friends.

Two six inch tall, drenched unicorns washed up in the long grass outside Ponyville’s palace. The couple clung to each other for dear life as water continued to gush around them. Once the flow of water subsided to a dribble the pair collapsed against each other. 

“Sunburst you idiot… why did you have to go and shrink yourself too?” Starlight complained as she held her stallion.

“Uh, yeah… because- because... Starlight, I shrank myself.” Sunburst sheepishly replied with a half smile as he motioned to his now tiny form.

The pale pink mare groaned with aggravation. “I can see that dummy.”

The smile disappeared, “I’m sorry. I tried to make you bigger again.”

Starlight levelled a flat stare at her coltfriend. “How did you target me and hit yourself?”

The tiny stallion twiddled his hooves. “Uh… chaos?”

The tiny mare groaned, “okay… you uh… don’t try to use any more magic. I’ll just reverse what I did and make us normal again.”

“Okay,” Sunburst was quick to agree.

The pale pink mare carefully focused. Her horn lit up with a carefully devised spell.

A soft pop echoed and suddenly there was one inch stallion and a two inch mare. 

Sunburst gazed up at his towering fillyfriend and the even bigger blades of grass around them. “Honey… I uh… Think you just shrank us again.”

“I can see that Sunburst.”

After a moment of venting, Starlight calmed down with deep, careful breaths. “I’ll try that one more time.”

“Maybe you need to consider that Chaos would not simply reverse a process like magic does.”

Starlight nodded, “I will. Um... I’ll try this. Hold on.”

A soft, cyan glow covered both unicorns and after a moment they began to grow.

“It’s working!” Sunburst called out with delight.

Suddenly the couple found themselves on a rock, on a big hill.

The hill overlooked a forest. Green surrounded the couple on all sides including the mountain behind them.

“Um… where are we?” Sunburst asked tentatively.

“I can fly!” Scootaloo cried out as her scooter flew through the air with no sign of slowing down or losing altitude. The filly buzzed her wings harder and was rewarded by even more altitude. The scooter zipped around several floating buildings, trees and the occasional pony, bearly missing most of them.

“Slow down!” Applebloom cried frantically as she clung on to her friend’s hindquarters for dear life.

“But- Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo turned as her friend’s grip slipped.

The earth pony plummeted to the ground below and landed with a crunch in a pile of apples that had not been there a moment earlier.

Tender Taps raced up to the downed filly, “are you alright?” 

“Yeah…” The splattered filly shook herself clean. “Thankfully these here apples broke mah fall.”

“Oh good… Hey, look at what I can do now!” The excited colt took his filly by the forelegs and they began to dance.

Apple Bloom’s eyes grew wide as she realized the world faded away. It was just them two there, in the middle of the street. The sunlight dimmed around the duo as they began to tango with a high, intense passion. Traditional tango music drifted across the air. Two spotlights followed the pair in the otherwise dark lit street. As they paced in sync back, forth, to the left then right the colours changed to a hot red and pink. 

The young pair locked eyes and Tender Taps ran a hoof down his dancing partner’s back. A free flowing green and light red dress materialized on the filly. She smiled and gave her colt a playful poke in the tummy. A dapper suit and bow tie appeared on the orange colt. With matching grins, they continued to tango.

Tender Taps guided his filly as she twirled and returned to him with a graceful flick of her tail.

The music changed to a slow waltz and the lights dimmed to a soft warm background glow. The pair hugged each other close. Apple Bloom tentatively placed her head against her colt’s. The orange colt grinned back and lowered his right forehoof to rest on her flank as he continued to steer them slowly around the street.

Scootaloo, at last, managed to fly her scooter back to her friend only to find her dancing with Tender Taps. The whole street was cast into darkness except for the spotlights on the pair. It was almost as if there was an invisible box around the couple. She huffed. Boys. What a distraction. Now who was she supposed to have fun in the skies with?

“Hey, Scootloo! It’s so cool to see you flying!”

Scootaloo span around, her wings easily keeping her aloft on her ride as she faced the one and only grey colt…

“Hi, Rumble. It’s Discord’s magic, but isn’t it cool?”

“Yeah! I hope he lets you keep whatever it is that lets you fly. It’s great seeing you in the sky, even if it still is on a scooter.”

Scootaloo frowned, “hey… I bet I’m still faster than you.”

“Wanna bet?” Rumble grinned back. “You haven’t seen what chaos has done to my wing power!”

“I don’t need to,” Scootaloo poked her tongue out at the cheeky youngster.

“Oh yeah?”

“On your marks!”

The duo span around to face the speaker, a half sunny yellow, half blue stallion with a split toned mane and tail floating in the sky before them.

“Who are you?” Rumble cut the flow of the impending race dead as he gazed inquisitively at the odd two toned stallion with the half fiery, half dark blue mane.

“I guess you can call us Soarin-uh-fire. Yeah. We came because we wanted to see if our daughter was okay.”

“Oh, well I hope you can find her. Things are a little wild…” Scootaloo replied as a house floated merely past the group. It was upside down. A stallion gazed out the front door in shock, the internal gravity keeping him planted the right way up for inside.

All eyes followed the house as it passed over the two dancers and their darkened street.

Soarinfire shook his head. “Yeah, we found her. If you two want to race, how about we take it to the edge of town?

“Bring it on,” Scootaloo replied with a smile.

“And prepare to loose,” Rumble added with a confident smirk.

“Hang on a sec, I’m gonna summon the rest of my kit.” Vinyl lit her horn with a confident grin.

“Are you sure about that? The princesses message said-”

“Of course, this is gonna be great!” Vinyl magicked in her DJ set up with a light flare of her horn and a confident grin.

With a pretty blue burst of light, a singing bunny troupe appeared before the two mares. They hopped merrily around the giant speaker singing the tune Vinyl had been mixing the day prior. It looked ridiculous, but somehow the bunnies produced a combined sound that was a very close, if bunnyfyed, match for the DJ’s regular system. “Awww… I thought it would make my turntables bigger or something…”

“Vinyl, I think the bunnies are the or something.”

“Right. They’re kinda cool though.” The DJ commented as she relaxed and enjoyed the bunnyfyed edition of her tunes.

A large crash sounded from outside.

Both mares were quick to rush to the window and see what calamity had befallen Ponyville this time.

“Is that…”

“Yep. That’s a cake. And it totally just exploded and painted the whole castle pink and purple.” Vinyl concluded with a pleased grin.

“I think I’ve had enough of this day already.” Octavia moaned as she massaged her temples with her forehooves.

“I think today is awesome! That announcement from the princess says it will all get changed back anyway. We should go wild!”


“Aww come on, Tavi! We should try and play some music together, or go on an adventure? Or get drunk together! We should totally get drunk and make epic music! Come on, it will be fun! Please…!”

“Oh, why not…” Octavia gave in and a smile broke out across her face. “I can’t say no to that face.”

“Yes!” Vinyl leapt at her fillyfriend and latched on with a gleeful hug.

“Vinyl dear. Is our house floating?”

The grinning unicorn withdrew and noticed the front windows were facing the ground. The street was moving. The DJ laughed. “Let’s jump.”


“Come on, with your earth pony powers and my weird chaos magic I just know we won’t get hurt!”

The orderly musician teetered, not overly given to the idea of jumping out a window.

A sudden magical push from the unicorn caused them both to fly out the window. The couple landed heavily in the middle of the road. With a swirl of magic, Vinyl stood behind a large mixing desk with turntables and giant speakers. Octavia found a glowing metallic silver electric cello in her forehooves. It was plugged into her partner's sound desk and ready for action.

As the bow tentatively moved across the strings the singing bunny troupe joined the couple. Vinyl grinned at Octavia who rolled her eyes but smiled too. They struck up an energetic beat, blasting the town with music. The rabbits, their house and several trees danced in time to the beat.

Lyra and Bon Bon sat together on their bench in the park while the world around them floated, ran or jumped madly by. The bushes pulsed with the beat of the impromptu concert. Neon lights flickered through the trees as many of the local foals played. Several freaked out looking parents looked on.

“I do hope Discord keeps his word.” Bon Bon mused softly as she watched the action from her mare’s side.

“It will be fine…” Suddenly the mint green unicorn sat up excitement lit her muzzle. “Oh, I know!”

“What dear?”

Lyra lit her horn. A pair of pink underwear landed on her head and slid down her horn. 

Bon Bon giggled. “What are those for?”

“Those go on a human.”

Bon Bon rolled her eyes but decided to humour her partner. “You mean there’s a human somewhere missing their… uh..?”

“Underpants.” Lyra giggled as she lit her horn again. “It’s fine. They probably don’t need those anyway.”

A gasp rang out from the candy maker. Lyra had transformed them both into humans. The once unicorn unleashed an excited squeal. “It worked!”

“You turned us into fairy tale creatures?” Bon Bon asked as she eyed her hands. She tenderly gave the fingers a wiggle then poked her companion in the nose.

The couple shared a glance.

“I told you, Bon Bon, they are real.” Lyra gushed. “Come on, we must check these human bodies out!”

“You- summoned us?” Discord asked as he glanced around. Then the noodlebeast noticed he was no longer an alicorn.

“You turned- Celestia! You look beautiful!” A light blush adored the grey snout of the lord of chaos as he beheld his lover.

“I- I do?” The female draconequus glanced at her white paws and uttered a cry of shock “What the-?”

Celestia hovered, borne aloft by two white wings with pink-blue tips. A pretty pink, purple, green and blue mane cascaded down past her shoulders. Unlike the mane in her alicorn form, this mane carried none of its ethereal powers. It was soft and luxurious. Two small horns poked up between her ears, one white and orderly, the other a pretty pink spiral. Celestia’s right forearm had zebra stripes that led to a soft white paw. Her right arm was that of a white lion. Soft fluffy white fur covered her head down to her chest where it faded into light cream. The cream coat carried on till it met her right hind hoof. Her left leg was bright green and could have belonged on a kirin. There was a small rainbow tuft of fur where the seapony-like tail met her hindquarters. Celestia’s tail was a cute, baby pink with a tufty end that carried the same rainbow array of colours as her mane.

All in all, Discord’s blush continued to grow as he admired his mare- er… draconequus.

“Pinkie, did you just turn the princess into a draconequus?” Twilight gaped.

“I think so.” Pinkie replied, a wide grin adorning her muzzle. “I’m keeping this staff for later… It’s awesome!”

“You should give the daedra back his toy, Pinkie.” Discord commented with a grin as he continued to admire his pretty noodlebeast.

“Oh! Gotta go! My sisters need me!” Pinkie Pie suddenly exclaimed. She shoved the magic staff into a portal to another world then drew herself up. The bouncy pony placed her right hoof on her forehead and vanished with a high pitched teleporty sound.

“Wait, what?” Rainbow Dash glanced around. The lone stallion shook his head then grinned as he eyed the noodlebeast couple. “Pinkie being Pinkie… With added chaos… Kinda cool to see somepony enjoying this.”

“Indeed,” chuckled Celestia. The new draconequus raised a fluffy white forepaw and snapped her fingers. 

A two pony large chocolate mud cakes appeared, floating on a rainbow cloud. Celestia clapped her paws together with joy. Discord grinned, happy to see such a beautiful draconequus so delighted.

Luna giggled as her sister took a dainty bite out of the large dessert. “Now sister, cake, really?”

Celestia giggled like a giddy school filly as she took a helping of cake. “Now is the perfect time for cake.”

“Aaaagh!” Rarity suddenly broke down. 

All eyes turned to the drama queen as the pink and purple mare bemoaned her condition. “But what about my beautiful white coat and perfectly curled mane? Can any creature fix this disaster!?”

Celestia carefully eyed her right forepaw. After a moment’s hesitation, she snapped her fingers.

Rarity stood, pristine and back to her natural colouration. The fashionista sighed with relief as she checked herself over quickly to make doubly sure everything was back to normal. “T-thank you, princess… Now… please allow me to find someplace to hide while I wait for this dreadful day to be over.”

...then her coat began to glow. Rarity froze. "Oh no..."

And the alabaster mare became a softly shining crystal pony with a vibrant blue mane.
"I look..." Rarity uttered an excited squee and began admiring herself in a full body mirror that had appeared in front of her.

"Happy accident?" Celestia ventured.

"Verry happy. Thank you, princess!" Rarity replied eagerly.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Okay... so, I’m a stallion, Twi is a hippogriff… you're now a crystal pony. Pinkie is Pinkie... that leaves Fluttershy and AJ. What do you wanna turn into Flutters? I bet you'd be cool as a dragon. Dragonshy!”

Fluttershy withdrew behind her mane. “I like plain old me, thank you.”

The blue pegasus shot his fillyfriend a smouldering look. “Really?”

Yellow wings flickered as the shy mare’s muzzle heated. “Um.. yes. If that's okay.”

"Ah'm fine just the way I am too," Applejack added. "We got enough weird changes to this here group."

“It’s not half bad being a different species, you might enjoy it AJ,” Twilight spoke up as she admired a foreclaw and how different it was to her normal hooves. “Claws certainly give me a few ideas that need testing.”

“Like what, love?” Luna asked as she admired the lavender coated hippogriff.

“Point is…” Twilight shot her marefriend a shy look then turned her attention back to the distressed unicorn. “I think we can have a lot of wonderful new adventures today.”

“Well, count me out. Please.” Rarity froze as she spotted something in the skies above. “Sweetie? It can’t be.”

Carousel boutique flew gracefully through the air as though it were some kind of airship. It was sideways, pointy roof facing the direction it was flying while the filly herself sat happily on the front door. “Weeeeee! Look sis, I made it fly!”

“Yeah, and we can make it do this too!” A brown coated colt with a two-tone orange mane poped up through the window and quickly took his place beside the white unicorn filly.

In the young colt’s hooves, he held a gamecolt handheld game system. As he steered left, the whole building veered to the left. With a push of another button, the shop flipped upside down and suddenly the two young ponies were hanging upside down like bats as they flew overhead.

“Watch out!” Rarity cried as the pair almost crashed into the school of friendship.

“They look like they’re having fun to me,” Discord chuckled.

Rarity rounded on the grinning trickster. “Yes, well… if anything were to happen to them-“

“I can guarantee you. No creature can possibly be harmed by my chaos today.”

“Good. I’ve always wanted to fight the lord of chaos.”

Everypony turned at the sound of a new entrant. There stood two crystal ponies at the edge of the school grounds.

Shining Armour stood, glowing by his radiant pink wife’s side. “What do you say Discord? Interested in a fun little challenge?”

“Are you sure?” Discord glanced around the assembled group. “I had hoped for a day of fun and chaos. Not fighting.”

“But I want to see what you’re like with mother’s magic,” Cadance added. “You look nice mom!”

“Thank you,” Celestia giggled as she did a tight loop then shrank to a pint sized noodle.

“Is that a private offer? I want in.” Rainbow Dash declared as he placed a wing proudly over his fillyfriend. “I wanna see what I can do as a stallion.”

“How about we make it a game, like an Ogres and Oubliettes boss fight?” Spike spoke up excitedly.

“Sounds good to me.” Shining armour was quick to agree.

“Eeeyup!” Big Mac added.

“An' where did you come from?” Applejack asked as her brother ambled over to stand beside her.

“Ah heard mention of Ogres and Oubliettes.” Big Macintosh placed his dice set down in front of him.

With the snap from Celestia’s paw, the group found themselves on the opposite side of the castle and school. Now much further away from Ponyville, the mighty draconequus of the sun snapped her tail and the dice grew to the size of apple trees. The large twenty sided dice then rolled outward and away from the party to form a large circular perimeter. There they sat, like sentinels.

“How's this for a safe setting?” The sunny draconequus asked.

“I think it will do nicely.” Twilight was quick to agree.

"Eeyup," Big Mac agreed along with his sister.

Spike rubbed his claws together. "I call dibs on DM'ing."
The young dragon was transported by swirling dragon magic to the top of one of the large dice. The larger, teenage looking Spike smiled as he looked out over the mismatched group. Although it was clear that both Fluttershy and Rarity were less keen on the event, everypony seemed happy for the young dragon to lead the game.

Author's Note:

We are back. One year and a week after first release.
It was a real blast to write when I finally managed to get in the zone again.
I would very much like to hear your thoughts on this latest installment.

I would like to thank fan art for the ideas for the new noodlebeast. I think Celestia makes a very cute draconequus.

And next chapter... we expand even further on the shipping and chaos.
Because you know... these many couples are not nearly enough...
Is the story nuts enough yet? I'm pretty happy with it. But I think we can always add more crazy :pinkiehappy: