• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,831 Views, 72 Comments

2-D Pony - BleedingRaindrops

Two dimensional. You'd think it would be fun, right? Wrong. It's the worst existence imaginable.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Damn this two dimensional existence! I can’t even hold a quill in my mouth to write this all out. I was going to try to write a letter so somepony could understand me, but—

What? Hello? I can hear myself. Wow, this is surreal.

Can anypony else hear me? No? Drat! I guess I’ll just have to lumber on through this miserable existence, alone. Damn that pink pony, she did this to me. I’m not sure how, but I know it was her. I was just strolling through the Everfree—I knew that was a mistake—and then: Pink, everywhere. Some blue leaves, and then I woke up. And, and...

Oh listen to me, rambling on and on like this. Nopony can hear me but me. Still, it is almost comforting to imagine that I’m not the one really saying all this, and there is somepony out there in this strange looking world that I can talk to, if not just me.

Okay, since nopony can hear me but me, you are all a bunch of useless, imbecilic, disgusting and... And—Oh my—strange looking ponies.

I’m serious, look. Oh wait, you’re me. Stop it me. Anyway look, they’re... seriously weird. They’re all bulbous and... Oh no. Oh Celestia no! It would appear that I’ve been trapped in this form long enough that three-dimensional objects have begun to look strange to me.

Wait. What’s that?

A wall. Oh thank goodness.

I never imagined I would feel so at home, being flat up against a wall.

It has occurred to me that I cannot hear anything the bulbous ones are saying.

They are all gathering around me. Staring at me.

Well who wouldn’t? You’re a colorful, flat... Oh that’s right, I’m two-dimensional. Damn that pink pony, she did this to–

Stop it! You’re talking in circles.

I’m also talking to myself thank you.

Yes, yes you are.

Agh! Stop!! They would probably lock us up if they knew.



They seem to think I am some sort of, moving mural.

And I can’t seem to leave this damned wall!

I suppose if I can’t talk to them or hear them, I might as well try to communicate through movement.

Yes, you can all see me. Good.

Come on, come on. Get the message.

I’m a pony, just like you. I was cursed into this form by that pink—

There she is! That’s her; she’s the one who did this to me.

They seem to have understood that. They’ve all turned toward her.

She sees me.

Yes, yes me! The one who chased you through the woods. There’s been some mistake, you need to fix me.

She seems to have taken the hint.

I can’t believe that worked. Whoohoo! I’ll be out of here soon.

She’s... leaving.

Wait, No! Come back!

Let me out of here.

She’s back, and she’s brought a purple one too.

Her horn is glowing.

It’s not as bulbous as the rest of her body.

Oh my, she’s gone red in the face, I hope she’s alright.

Her horn has stopped glowing. She’s on the ground, wheezing.

The striped one is conversing with her, and gesturing to me.

Yes, yes help me please!

The Zebra is shaking her head. The pink one is crying.

They’re not going to free me, are they?

The pink one has returned. She is still crying. If I could just move I would–

I can’t... move.

Why can’t I move?

The purple one is with her. Her pointy horn is glowing.

Curses and slander! Damn you, you!... you.

Is she... crying too?

It’s pointless; she’s never going to get me out of here.

Wait, what is that?

She’s—she’s holding out a roundish, stick like thing, with little lines coming off of it. At least something out there isn’t quite so bulbous.

She’s dipped it into a shiny round container.

It’s got some sort of red paste all over it.

What are you doing? Wait! Stop! Don’t touch me!

Ugh, gross. What is this stuff? it’s so sticky.

She didn’t cover up my face at least. I can still look around.

I have lost all feeling in every part of my body.

I no longer feel the wind against my impossibly flat frame.

Probably an improvement; you might have been blown over otherwise.

Shut up.

I can’t even feel that ugly, disgusting paste she covered me in. Thank goodness for that at least.

The days are beginning to blur together.

If you can even call them days. I mostly just watch that bright light over there go up, over and over again. And every time the same thing happens: it goes out of my range of vision, and the world begins to grow dark.

I have begun to lose track of time.

I have no idea how long I have been here, but that paste the pink one smeared on me has left me unable to escape.

The paste has begun to crack.

Can I... can I possibly wriggle free?


It is barely hanging on but I still cannot seem to move beneath it.

The bright light comes up over the distant horizon for... I can’t even count how many times it’s been now. I don’t even know how long I’ve been here.

Why am I still talking to myself?

I think the only solace I have left is the sight of these flowers every morning.

Yes, their sweet aroma every morning is very heartening.

They bring me hope.

Yes, hope that I might escape this wretched prison someday.

I think, if I ever get out of here, I might take up gardening.

Yes, that seems like a worthy notion. I’ll plant flowers, lots and lots of beautiful flowers.

If I could just get this damned paste off.

The pink one is... standing right in front of me.

She’s begun scraping off sections of that awful paste.

Thank Celestia. I’m saved.

She’s crying again. Why is she crying?

Wait. She’s... smearing more on.

No! Stop! Not the face, Not the face!

I—I think I’m... Blind.

I’ve nearly lost all touch with the outside world.

Damn you pink pony. Damn you to hell.

I woke up this morning to discover...

I woke up?

How do I know that I’m awake?

I can no longer smell the flowers I used to love so much.

I can no longer smell anything beneath this ugly black paste.

Do I... even exist?

I’m going to be here forever aren’t I?

Comments ( 72 )
Comment posted by BleedingRaindrops deleted Aug 9th, 2013

Master Of Insanity - Black Sabbath

Not sure if Flatland crossover or not. Must investigate... :twistnerd:

Wow, powerful stuff! I like it :pinkiehappy:

Huh. I had to look that up in english, but that's very interesting. Actually I've never heard of Flatland before, but that is a good catch.
Really all this was, was writer's block. I was drawing a pony out of boredom and... poof.

Oy, what's this? An OC generated picture with absolutely NO downvotes?

Flatland was a philosophical satire of the Catholic church and their dogma, though. Not sure this is quite as deep...

Complete? But... is that really all? Stuck... forever?... Why would Pinkie(?) and Twilight(?) do this? WHY?! That's just... horrible... dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Redheart_gasp.png :fluttershbad::fluttercry:dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra_cry.png :raritydespair::raritycry:

Not bad I enjoyed it, have abosolutely no idea what happened but whatever. I feel as though there should be more though...

This left me with absolutely NO idea what happened to him as far as flowers and the past goes. Maybe that was the part of the point? Ah well

1073378 How did you get the other emotes?

1073887>>1073378 I second viper9172 :rainbowhuh:

There's a reason I marked it as dark, and this was just to get over writer's block anyway.
If you'd prefer the sad version, I could send you a link, but--call me crazy--I like this one better.

After thinking about it for a few hours, I've decided to modify it. It still holds a similar light to what I was thinking, without making the Pinkie Pie seem quite so evil.:pinkiecrazy: The original is still on GDocs if you want to read it.

I know it's marked "dark", but it's also marked "everyone"! But that ending... is... pure nightmare fuel! The whole thing is nightmare fuel!
Being turned inexplicably into a two-dimensional being.
Having your mind altered to think of three-dimensional beings as weird and feeling at home on a wall.
Not being able to hear or speak.
Being thought of (supposedly) as a "moving mural", not even living, or even a pony.
Eventually not being able to/forgetting how to move.
Being left, painted over, and forgotten after a failed "rescue attempt(?)".
It's just an endless stream of frightening concepts that solidifies into utter despair when the ending is reached and we're told there is no hope... not saying this is bad (I fav'd and thumb-up'd, after all), but DAMN!... DAMN!... But one thing that I still don't get after multiple readings (each one leaving me shivering) is Twilight's actions... Specifically, why did she leave his head uncovered the first time? And the crumbling paint suggests a long passage of time, but what was Twilight doing, and why did she eventually give up(?) on the poor 2-D pony?

I marked it "everyone" because honestly, if you opened it after reading the synopsis, and noticing the [dark] tag, you ought to be ready for this.

what was Twilight doing, and why did she eventually give up(?)
Did you read it before or after I modified it? in the modified version, it's supposed to be infered through "the striped one" shaking her head at the 2-D pony.
(damn I hate when the author is here to be conversed with, it ruins the whole aspect of the [dark] theme. I should have posted as anonymous or something.)

Story goes like this (as far as I can tell):
1. Pinkie Pie accidently (or for a prank) leads a pony into poison joke
2. Pony becomes 2-D
3. cant give the pony a curing bath, especially after it's stuck to the wall
4. Twilight tries to use magic but it fails and they realize the pony will be stuck that way
5. pony is covered up in paint/cement/whatever and left to an existensional existence of thought until the universes mysteries are unravelled and the 2-D pony learns to ascend into a pure energy form that can manipulate the universe at will A.K.A. God.

About the rating: There is obviously no "repulsive content" that would justify anything over "everyone," but what DOES happen... Well, I suppose it's fine as is... like Majora's Mask being "E" in spite of... everything.
And I think I get it now... Or at least I've come up with my own explanation.

Comment posted by BleedingRaindrops deleted Oct 7th, 2013

Holy shit! Thumbs up!

I honestly don't get it.

Welp, we can't get you back to normal so I guess I have to TAKE AWAY YOUR ABILITY TO MOVE.

What's this?

You're starting to get free?






Did I mention I wrote this in an hour one day when I was completely bored and stuck on writer's block? :pinkiecrazy:

It may not be exactly what you think. Check out the latest addition, soon to be posted.
Teh Sequel :pinkiecrazy:


Heh, has it really been a year? :pinkiesad2: Shame EqD will never accept this, minimum of 2500 words and all.

1075135 Wow. That original truly fits the dark tag. Good job on both.


Wow, that's dark. Props for managing something like that without buckets of gore.

Onward to the sequel!

Oh sweet Luna that is dark.
Now to read the squeal.:pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:
I think you need to use separate img tags.

umm, wow. :fluttershysad:


You went too dark here. The problem is, there is no conceivable reason that Pinkie Pie would paint over that pony. It's a poison joke with no cure or, they can't administer the cure for some reason, that much is clear. But Pinkie Pie's reaction to that wouldn't be to ignore said pony's silent screams and bury them alive in paint. She'd like... mount a big wheel onto the side of the barn so the pony could get off it, and then dedicate the rest of her life to rolling the pony around places. Or maybe she'd get a saw and cut him out of the barn so she could mount the wall section in her room so she could always keep him company.

I could see Twilight covering it up by herself alone, as a temporary measure to avoid getting in trouble until she finds the cure, but that would precede months of study culminating in a nervous breakdown, where everyone would loudly yell at her that she's doing it again, and then she'd sheepishly remove the paint having learned her lesson. Maybe a more antagonisty pony would cover it up, like Trixie, or Lyra, or Rainbow Dash, but having Pinkie Pie be the one applying the brush strokes went beyond my ability to suspend disbelief.

I mean, I could understand if maybe he had a supernaturally scary aura or something, but you just put a fence up saying "warning: scary pony inside." Hell even demolishing the barn and smashing every fragment of him to dust would be more reasonable than slapping a coat of paint over it.

Could save this story in the sequel perhaps, but I sure wouldn't want to be in your shoes. You'd have to somehow provide a plausible explanation for how Pinkie Pie could be coerced into doing that. Celestia said one million years dungeon if she doesn't? Paint over him or you lose your cupcake privileges? Yeah...

And thus you've stumbled upon the reason why I put so much time and effort into the sequel. To be honest, I never expected this to be popular. It was just something I wrote down one day to get past writer's block. Trust me, I intend to cover a lot of this in the sequel, but revealing everything at once does not an exciting story make. :pinkiehappy:


Well uh... glad I brought it up then... :trixieshiftright:

Hot DAAAAAAAAAAAMN this is good. Hello, sequel!!!

Comment posted by Not Here Anymore deleted Sep 19th, 2014

5022976 Because every dimension, even ones with magic as one of the base foundations, has to work like this one. :applejackunsure:

Actually i mentally edited your comment when i was reading it to what i thought u were going to say. Didn't even realize until i reread it. How did you come to that conclusion? This is the first time i've heard of a theory like that and i usually watch and read things on that subject.

Also please don't take theories and state them as if they're fact. Seeing as there is no proof or even anyway to get proof besides very complex math and even then it would still be just a theory until they get hard proof he has just as much chances to be right in how 2d works as you do.

I appreciate the support, guys, but let's not start a flame war.

Aaaaaand this story officially now has more views than words. And I didn't even have to update it. :pinkiehappy:

When i first saw this fic i thought it was a comedy, maybe even a black comedy.... I. was. so. fucking. wrong.

My mind just slowly went :pinkiecrazy: all while I read. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

The cover art and the description made me wary of reading this. I loved it.

Somehow Parappa gets along pretty well...

Harsh D:
How did the Pinkie get her that way anyway!? (maybe the sequel will help)

wow... I... this is like one of my dreams... like serious, I had a dream like this... deep stuff...

....I don't know what to think.....

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