• Published 20th Jul 2019
  • 2,687 Views, 36 Comments

One Giant Gallop - RK_Striker_JK_5

Twilight Sparkle attempts to go faster-than-light. Crossover with Star Trek.

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Chapter One

Twilight Sparkle leaned back in her chair and stared out the transparent-crystal viewport in front of her. She sucked in a breath and willed herself to calm down, but her stomach still did flip-flops. Her mind backtracked through nearly four years of research, material-procurement, building small-scale prototypes, diplomatic problems, and now finally, here she sat in the cockpit of the One Small Trot, Equestria's first warp-capable starship. If it works, she thought to herself.

Next to her in the small, cramped cockpit sat Spike. Immediately behind her was Trixie Lulamoon, formerly of Canterlot High and now helping Twilight navigate galactic politics. Immediately behind Spike sat Sunset Shimmer, the Princess of Redemption and another of Twilight's trusted aids in figuring out where Equestria could stand in the Milky Way. All four wore custom-made spacesuits specifically tailored for their body plans.

The intercom crackled to life. “Ground Control to One Small Trot. Ground Control to One Small Trot. Twilight, status? Over.”

Twilight tore her gaze away from the viewport and looked down at the control panel in front of her. She turned a knob with a flick of her magic and leaned in close to a microphone. “One Small Trot to Ground Control.” her eyes scanned several dials and gauges. “Status is all-green. How are you doing, Starlight?” She paused for a moment before gasping slightly. “Oh, sorry! Over.”

Starlight Glimmer's voice came over again. “It's fine, Twilight. Ground Control is fine down here, although I think Captain Kang and Science Officer Mara are about to declare some sort of blood oath against Prince Rutherford or something. I swear that yak... Oh, what, Moondancer? Oh, right! Sorry! We're at T-Minus ten minutes until launch and counting. Beginning powering up of main engines. Over.”

The One Small Trot started shuddering. Trixie looked over her own console. “Main engine is powering up,” she said, her voice hitching. She clapped her front hooves together. “Oh, my god. We're doing it. We're actually flying this rocket into space and then going to warp! Trixie can't believe this is happening to her!” Her eyes widened. “This is the coolest thing ever!”

Sunset reached out with a wing and gently ran it down Trixie's right foreleg. “Easy, Trixie! In through the muzzle, out through the mouth. We don't need you hyperventilating while we're trying to make orbit or something.”

Spike looked over his shoulder at Trixie, then looked to Twilight. “Sure we can't substitute her for someone else?” he asked, chuckling.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I'm sure, Spike. Sunset, status?”

Sunset's eyes scanned her own console. She turned some dials and flipped two switches. “Structural integrity field and inertial dampening fields are online and in the green.” She paused. “I wonder if Zephram Cochrane had either of those on the Phoenix.”

Trixie nickered. “Well, the one in this reality did, Sunset. At least according to the historical records I've gone through.”

Sunset grinned. “Who would've thought Trixie Lulamoon would willingly spend hours going through old records. You're almost diligent!”

Trixie focused on her console. “You're lucky I don't have my smoke bombs on me,” she said.

“And you're lucky we're sitting on top of a highly-experimental warp engine and I don't feel like fighting,” Sunset retorted.

Any further arguments were cut off as Starlight's voice came through the intercom once more. “Ground Control to One Small Trot, main gantry is pulling away. We are at T-Minus five minutes and counting. Over”

A loud clang echoed through the cockpit. The shuddering increased. Twilight sucked in a breath. “Confirmed, Ground Control. Over.”

Spike swallowed. “Last call for anyone to use the bathroom,” he said, wiping sweat from his forehead.

The other three chuckled, but went through their routine, calling out status reports to Twilight. She looked around at Spike, Sunset, and Trixie. “All right, for the record? Thanks for helping out and agreeing to fly with me on this crazy mission. I don't think I could've asked for a better crew.”

Trixie smirked. “Although I appreciate your words Twilight, I don't know about that last part. Scotty, Spock, and Captain Kirk might have been better choices for you,” she said, winking.

Starlight's voice came over again. “One Small Trot, we are at T-Minus one minute until launch. Fifty seconds... forty seconds...”

Twilight's eyes narrowed. “Hang on, everyone. It's gonna get bumpy for a bit!”

Thirty seconds... twenty seconds... fifteen, fourteen, thirteen... we have main engine ignition... eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five–engines are hot–four, three, two, one. Liftoff!”

Even with the inertial dampening system on, all four crew members felt themselves press back into their seats. The One Small Trot lifted into the air on a tower of flame, flying from the launch pad built in the Badlands and Equus itself. It pierced the sky, exiting the atmosphere and leaving the world behind.

Twilight's eyes darted back and forth as beeps and flashing lights competed for her attention. She ground her teeth together and forced herself to remember her own checklist. “Trixie, status report?”

Trixie sucked in a breath. “Main engines are at full power and in the green. Fuel consumption within expected rates.”

Sunset planted her hooves on her chair's armrests. “Structural integrity field is holding. Inertial dampeners–” She rocketed forward, almost impaling her console with her horn. “Well, we're not chunky salsa. So yay?”

The sky outside quickly darkened, changing from bright-white to blue. The clouds parted as the sky changed to deepest black. Stars appeared, shining brightly as the atmosphere was left behind.

Twilight allowed herself a moment to marvel at the transition. She tore herself away and looked down. “All right. Prepare for first-stage shutdown and separation on my mark. Three, two, one... mark!”

Trixie and Sunset each opened a toggle and, with timing borne of practice, each flipped their switch in sequence. The One Small Trot shuddered as explosive bolts separated the main engine from the rest of the ship. Panels were also blown off, allowing two small warp nacelles to unfold.

Trixie's head swiveled back and forth. “A shame we can't see the Enterprise or K'naiah's Pride out the viewport.”

Sunset grinned. “Better than when the Phoenix did it and had the Enterprise-E hanging over it. I'm just glad they're there in case something goes wrong.” She flipped another switch. “Plasma injectors coming online. Nacelles are charging.” She slowly nodded. “I think we're set.” She looked up. “Go ahead, Twilight. Say it!”

Twilight leaned forward. “Engage!”

The One Small Trot flew through space, nacelles brightening. It left its mother world behind, accelerating with every second.

Spike looked down at a speedometer. “Twilight, we're approaching the warp barrier. We're almost at critical speed!”

The nacelles suddenly flashed. The One Small Trot stretched out an impossible length, hanging there before the aft snapped forward to meet up with the forward half as the ship broke the light-speed barrier.

The stars outside the viewport started streaking by. Twilight's eyes widened. “We are...” She looked down. “Holy horse apples! We're at warp one! We're traveling at the speed of light!”

Spike reached over and patted her on the shoulder. “Twilight, you did it!”

Twilight shook her head. “No, Spike We did it. All four of us, working together!”

Trixie barked a laugh. “Well, traveling to another reality, becoming a unicorn and helping to build a warp-capable starship is one way to achieve immortality.” She paused. “Can I move here?”

Sunset snorted. “I'm surprised you haven't already.”

Twilight pulled down on a lever. “All right, throttling the engines down below warp one.” The rumbling of the engines lessened. “Trixie, cut power to main impulse engines.” At Trixie's acknowledgment, she glanced to her side. “Spike, engage braking thrusters. Bring us to a full stop, then turn us around a full one hundred-eighty degrees.”

The One Small Trot's main engine died down. Thrusters in the nosecone and main body fired, slowing and bringing the rocket to a full stop. It hung there in the void for a few moments before spinning around, eventually coming face-to-face with its point of origin.

Twilight's eyes narrowed. She finally pointed at a large pinpoint of light, brighter than the others. “Is that... that's Equus. It looks so small.”

Sunset and Trixie exchanged a look. Sunset motioned to Trixie, who leaned forward and spoke. “It's about to get a whole lot bigger.”

Author's Note:

1. This is written in tribute to the fiftieth anniversary of Apollo XI.

2. I did watch the launch and flight of the Phoenix from Star Trek: First Contact for inspiration and technical details.

3. A little mood music.

Comments ( 36 )

But...but...it's so short...I need moar !!!!

Time for a new adventure.

And so these brave little ponies (and the token dragon) go.... where Humans, Vulcan, Andorians, Tellarites, Romulans, and Klingons... have gone before.

Always happy to see more content from this universe. Thank you so much!

Beautiful, just, beautiful!

Also this!

Excellent one-shot that serves as both a sequel to your first MLP/Star Trek crossover AND a tribute to the moon landing's anniversary. Wonderful work on the exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up in all the right places.

And now, for a nice cup of tea, Earl Grey, hot......

Too bad we didn't get this blasted over the comms.


Beautiful, just, beautiful!

"Magnificent desolation!"

Going where Ponykind's hoof has never set foot!

Or something like that?

Good job! :D

A wondrous moment, wonderfully captured. Thank you for it.

Also, Trixie is sure to lord this over Trixie, who may claim to be Trixie in an attempt to get more ponies to attend Trixie's shows.
Confused? So are the non-Trixies.

Nicely done, but it leaves me yearning for more! Maybe ST: P will get us another fic from this universe. God I can't wait for that to release. Picard, Seven, fucking Data somehow. It's gonna be magnificent.:heart::pinkiecrazy:

Why "somehow?" It's not as if Spiner's dead or wholly estranged from CBS, and even if he was, recasting is a thing.

As for the character, his return was teased at the end of Nemesis, but they never told that story because Nemesis bombed so badly that Paramount never made another TNG film.

I say somehow because Data was on a ship that asplodered. I mean yes, he's an android but his 'brother' or whatever weird relationship he claimed to B4 was a completely different being. And a fairly simple minded one at that. Assuming Data somehow had a backup file of his personality stored offsite, I believe the character would consider it unethical to jump into the frame of his brother. I think it's more likely Picard is having dreams or flashbacks of Data than him being salvagable from that ship or copied from a backup.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see Data in any capacity. But they're gonna have to do some dancing or retconing for him to actually be alive.

9743347 As if they didn't already retcon absolutely everything... and utterly ruin Khan.

If you're talking about the Abrams' Trek movies... I mean, they're literally an AU past that the MU pooped out from space magic. That venn diagram is almost two barely touching circles at this point.:rainbowlaugh:

9743754 And then we have the new Star Trek Discovery series, which retcons everything... :facehoof:

Face it, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who have all been destroyed.

The only old classic series not mutilated is... Red Dwarf.

Hollywood: Oh really...


Eh, if I'm being honest, I generally liked Discovery. There were certainly less than stellar episodes, but overall it's not bad. The way they handled Michael in regards to the rest of the universe was... odd. It basically came off as lazy a way to write in their OC brigade without setting everything else askew. But I am excited to see what they can do so far into the future.

One thing I've been saying for years to the trekkies in my family, is that I'm tired of all the time travel/prequel bullshit. I've been ready for them to carve out something completely new that doesn't rely on old characters being fanfic'd into mediocre movies. So the next season of Discovery, and the premier of Picard both have my interest piqued.

"Princess of Redemption"? That's just cringy as shit. Hard to take it seriously with that sort of thing.

Absolutely, and it'd surprisingly fit in the world of Pony, especially for Sunset or Rainbow Dash.

I really hope you do a continuation fic. Maybe set in Picard's time? Considering how old you're implying ponies live, you could have some of the CMC be on the crew. Or Twilight meeting Data, that alone would be hilarious.

Thank you, I love this universe.

You've never seen the US pilot? Good. It didn't work well.

9901379 Wut… you mean... they actually did a US version of "Red Dwarf"?

(one trip to IMDB later)



Excuse me, I must now launch nukes at the San Andreas Fault and split the left coast into the Pacific, and rename the remnants 'Luthorland'.


One small trot is but the first of many. Canter on to the stars, little ponies! Also, moar of this Trixie, yay!

Would you go so far as to say your interest has been piqued hard? :pinkiehappy:

One little doubt: does the Sunset Files means that this (especially part II) now exists in universe?

Sunset grinned. “Better than when the Phoenix did it and had the Enterprise-E hanging over it. I'm just glad they're there in case something goes wrong.” She flipped another switch. “Plasma injectors coming online. Nacelles are charging.” She slowly nodded. “I think we're set.” She looked up. “Go ahead, Twilight. Say it!”

I was almost expecting her to pull a Shatner by saying "Warp...Speed...Mister Sulu!", and for either, Sunset, Trixie, or Spike to respond with an "Ohhhh Myyyy!!!"

Nah. Too obvious, and too easy.

Comment posted by Peachy Moon deleted Feb 4th, 2020

Here I am rereading both this and its mother story and well. It still makes me tear up with happy tears. Thank you for this


So I'm just now reading this as I finished the earlier fic and then you had to end it with a Leslie Fish song-- so perfect.

What 10085831 said.
Though I prefer this choral arrangement, which feels less melancholy to me.

Regardless, Hope Eyrie never fails to bring a tear to my eye.

Okies, looking good..
the only real problem I could detect, is that this is marked complete and thus will have no more chapters ..

To New Adventures ♡
1👍 = 115 :yay:

I do believe it is time for more!

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