• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 1,711 Views, 18 Comments

Luna's Daughter - KayeStar

Ruling the night? Guarding dreams? Guiding ponies? Luna's got that down pat. But after an abandoned foal takes her heart, she takes on a whole new challenge: motherhood

  • ...

School's In

Now that Selene was acquainted with Twilight and had settled herself in nicely with the royal family, Luna thought it was a good time to get her into a school routine. She and Celestia converted an unused wing of the castle to be Selene's "school". Celestia built a classroom, made in the traditional style with things like an alphabet banner and a puzzle rug. She considered adding toys in one corner to make the room more appealing, but decided against at Luna's objection that it'd distract Selene from learning. She opted for some plants instead. There was a seat in the back of the room for Luna to oversee as Selene was taught, though it would only be for a few weeks to let Luna feel confident she was wise in her choice of tutors. A different corner of the room was left bare with only a small chair facing the wall. Luna and Celestia hoped it wouldn't be necessary, but they were wise enough to realize that was wishful thinking. Selene was a child, after all.

Cadance recommended some of the tutors who taught Flurry Heart in the past, which Luna accepted after seeing how Flurry Heart performed under them and their experience with other students. Celestia warned Luna not overwhelm Selene with too many teachers at the start. After all, since Selene attended ordinary school beforehand, she was used to having one teacher for all of her subjects. Luna kept her warning in mind. In the end, she decided alternating between two teachers - one for morning and one for afternoon - would be an easy start.

Celestia took Selene for a second visit to her schoolhouse. Luna offered to tag along, but Celestia declined, certain there wouldn't be a repeat of the first visit. Besides, Selene had to learn she needed to behave herself around other ponies besides Luna. Luna couldn't argue, and she liked Celestia was willing to spend one-on-one time with Selene. This time, Celestia chose to walk Selene to the school instead of flying her there. Naturally, that made the trip much slower, but Selene seemed to not care.

"Caaaaan... terrrrr... lot! Cannerslot!"

"Canterlot," Celestia corrected.

"Aww! I messed it up again!" Selene groaned. "What am I doing wrong?"

"The T sound," Celestia answered. "Say canter."


"Say lot."


"Say canter."




"Say it together."

"Canter. Lot. Canter. Lot. Canterlot! I got it!"

"Good job, Selene," Celestia praised her.

"I like easy stuff," Selene said. "Like Selene! And Luna! And Sombra! And... not your name! Your name's hard."

Celestia chuckled. "It rolls off the tongue after you learn it."

The remainder of the walk consisted of Selene's random opinions on whatever she could give an opinion about. It was funny to think this was the same filly who hid her face when she first met Celestia. Now, she was content to talk about this and that.

Suddenly, Selene froze in her steps, appearing shocked at something ahead. Celestia paused too, but before she could ask, Selene ran under her belly and hid behind her forelegs, clinging tightly. Celestia didn't see anything or anypony to be afraid of. After two colts with their parents walked past the two of them and were out of sight, Selene breathed a sigh of relief and stood at Celestia's side again.

"Thanks for not giving me away."

"Do you know those colts?" Celestia asked, concerned.

Selene nodded sadly. "They're not really nice."

"They wouldn't be some of the foals who bullied you, would they?"

"Y-yes. They used to pull my mane and tail, and it always hurt. One of them sat on me."

"I'm so sorry you had to deal with that." Celestia kneeled down and spread a comforting wing around Selene. "It won't happen in my school. I promise. Don't be afraid to come any of us."

Selene felt better and was back to her cheerful self in an instant. Their walk continued, with Selene singing to herself what Celestia recognized as a lullaby Luna liked to sing.

They reached the school before Selene could recognize where they were, but the moment she did, she was in awe as much as she was the first time. However, she quickly remembered their first visit and how badly that ended. Her excitement died before she could show it.

"Let's go inside, Selene," Celestia insisted. Selene followed wordlessly, which was enough to Celestia to pick up on Selene's sudden change in mood. She led Selene to where she wanted to take her last time: the cafeteria. It looked no different than other school cafeterias, but its size was still enough to impress Selene. Its elegant decor gave it the feel of being a room from the royal castle itself. Small chandeliers hung from the ceiling, though the windows brought in enough natural light to illuminate the room without them. The tables were in rows, but there was enough space between each table for a group to eat on the floor between them. The arrangement looked more pleasing than at her old school, where the cafeteria tables were put as close as they could be with only enough space between them to walk sideways.

"What do you think?"

Selene's agape mouth answered without sound.

"Glad you like it!" Celestia giggled.

Selene snapped her mouth shut. The thought of being the only pony who wasn't a unicorn in a room full of unicorns still made her nervous, but if Celestia promised everything would be okay, Selene would try to believe her. Plus, she did want to play on that playground again. Without getting in trouble for it.

Celestia declared it was time to go, so Selene followed her out without fussing. Since she behaved herself, Celestia flew her back to the castle. Selene held tightly to Celestia's neck, but spread out her own little wings, wanting to feel the wind beneath. If only she could fly by herself. Pretending was the next best thing.

The flight should've been a short trip, but Celestia slowed down as she spotted some gray clouds coming toward them. The wind picked up, and Selene clung to Celestia and shivered. The sky began to grow dark.

"Is Luna making it nighttime?" Selene asked as Celestia slowly descended toward the ground.

Before Celestia could answer, a clap of thunder boomed, scaring Selene out of her skin. She almost fell off Celestia's back, but Celestia caught her and quickly landed.

"C-can you ask Luna to make it sunny again?" Selene pleaded.

"Shhh, shhh," Celestia soothed. "Luna isn't doing this. It's a storm." A clap of thunder and Selene curled into a ball in Celestia's hooves. Celestia placed Selene on her back again and teleported them both directly outside the castle, where Luna was waiting. The moment Selene spotted her, she dashed to the night mare's side and clung to her for dear life. The sisters hurried to bring Selene inside just as the rain began and thunder continued to roar.

"There now, Selene," Luna consoled her. "The storm will pass. We'll stay inside until then." But the thunder made Luna's attempt to soothe the scared filly useless. Every time it clapped, Selene shuddered, curled into a ball of fear.

"It's only loud noise," Celestia tried to assure her as she stroked her back. "Thunder can't hurt you. It only annoys you for a while."

Still nothing. Luna gazed at the downpour and thought for a few moments. Thankfully, an idea didn't take long to come to her, though it was a rather silly idea she never thought she'd do with anypony who wasn't Celestia.


"Hear me, thunder!"

Selene recognized that voice! She remember when Luna used it to scare off her father in her nightmares. Selene uncurled herself and stared at Luna, standing at the entrance doorway and facing the storm.


Luna roared!

Selene slowly started to giggle. Celestia caught on to what her sister was doing, and she stifled her own laugh.


Luna stomped. So did Selene. Then, Celestia.


Luna and Selene roared, though Selene's roar ended in giggles. Luna came back to her side. "Feel better?"

"Yeah! That was fun! Can we do it again?" Selene begged.

"You two have your fun. I need to see Sombra," Celestia said. "Don't bring down the castle!"

"We promise!" Selene agreed as Celestia trotted off. More thunder sounded, followed by the playful roars and silly stomps of the two ponies each time the storm made itself heard. They continued until Selene was laughing too hard to fake another roar. "Wheeeeeee!" she cried as she pounced on Luna, knocking her over (well, Luna let her think she did) for a hug. "That was fun, Luna! You're so silly!"

"So are you, silly filly," Luna replied, tickling her for a few seconds to keep her laughter going. Luna felt a huge smile grow across her face. Something besides the silly game was making beam and feel joyful like she hadn't felt before. She'd figure it out later. In the meantime, she kept her attention on the giggly filly snuggling on top of her. "Selene, I didn't ask. How was your trip to the school?"

"I was good!" Selene exclaimed. "And the cafeteria is really, really, really, reeeeeallly big! I can't wait to go!" She let out a wide yawn.

"Naptime?" Luna suggested.

"No nap! Naps are for babies!"

"I'll read you a story."

"Hmmm." Selene made a mock suspicious face.

"Two stories."


In the privacy of their bedroom, a fire spread warmth while luscious curtains blocked the rainstorm from view. A thick comforter provided further warmth as the couple amorously nuzzled each other, taking in each other's beauty and savoring every moment of each other's touch. A groan escaped the sun mare when she felt a gentle bite on her neck. A kiss near her chin and another on her lips followed that, and the latter lasted for what felt like a long while. She shuddered lightly, but with pleasure, when she felt his hoof gently scratch down her back. She pulled back from their kiss, face blushing brightly, and let herself be pushed over, only to ensnare and embrace him before he could do it to her. They gazed at each other smugly, but affectionately, as she pulled herself above him and their passionate kiss resumed.

She didn't realize the disadvantage of her position until she felt a touch beneath her wings that instinctively made them sprout. She gasped, he snickered, and she slyly declared he was in trouble. Her golden hold pulled their comforter over them, and the blanket came alive with the intimate actions and sounds of the ponies beneath it.

Several minutes passed before either pony emerged from beneath the blanket. Resting on their sides, they held each other close, his chest supporting her head as a pillow. She let his heartbeat give her comfort and slowly lull her into sleep. He caressed her cheek and whispered he loved her, reminding her he knew he was a fortunate stallion. She was too humble to accept that without returning it, exclaiming she couldn't ask for a better husband. Finally, she allowed her mind to drift off and she fell sound asleep. He planted a light kiss on her nose before he joined her trip to the land of dreams.

Selene awoke from her nap after about thirty minutes. Just as she stretched out, she heard hoofsteps enter her room.

"Hello, Selene," Luna said pleasantly. "Are you refreshed?"

A yawn and a stretch from the still sleepy-eyed filly answered that question.

"I will assume so. Come along. I want you to meet your teachers."

"It's time for school already?"

"Not yet, but I want you to be prepared." Luna walked to Selene's bed and lowered her head. "Come on now."

Selene smiled and hopped from her bed onto Luna's back. Luna carried her to the classroom she and Celestia made some time ago. Luna felt a little anxious. She had everypony's support in doing this, but there was still a little nagging feeling she made the the wrong choice. Then again, Cadance did say worrying is essentially what parenting is.

"Luna, are you going to come to school with me?" Selene asked, fully awake.

"For a few weeks, yes," Luna replied.

"A few weeks? What's a few weeks?"

"Perhaps a month."

"Do you they make you leave after that?"

"Certainly not, but I cannot always be around," Luna explained.

"I know! That's why Celestie and Sombra babysit me, right? And they're really fun! Oh, I get it! You'll get Celestie or Sombra to be with me in school when you can't be there!"

Luna slowed down to think. How could she explain this in a way that wouldn't upset Selene? She didn't want Selene to think she didn't want to be there nor did she want to ruin her enthusiasm. Of course, any answer that wasn't yes might upset Selene, but she could at least try to minimize it.

Luna breathed deeply and answered Selene. "No. That's not what I meant. When those few weeks have passed, you will be alone in class. Only your teacher will be present."

Selene frowned. "But why? I want to be with you!"

"I am happy you enjoy your time with me, Selene, but you must learn to be without me."

"But that's why I have Celestie and Sombra, right?"

"School is different. School is a time when you are to be without pare... guardians."

"Oh... Like regular school." The sad tone that took over Selene's voice cracked Luna's heart. "Okay."

"It won't be as bad as it sounds. You are the only student, so you get all the focus," Luna told her, trying to perk her back up. "You have your lunchtime and recess at my sister's school, and she is there while her school is in session. Did she not assure you it's okay to go to her if you have a problem?"

"Yeah. She said I could talk to her," Selene remembered.

"That's right. And I want to hear about your school day too. You can tell me when I arrive to escort you to Celestia's school and---"

"You're going to take me to Celestie's school for lunch?!" Selene's smiled came back and her eyes shined.

"Indeed! Sitting in class with you will last for only a month, but I will be there every day to take you to and from her school. If I cannot, Sombra will escort you instead. I suppose I should've mentioned that?"

"Yay! Can we fly?"

"Of course. And Celestia will escort you to the cafeteria until you memorize the way. Then, you can follow the other students."

"I can't wait! I can't wait!"

"Yes, Luna, you should've mentioned that!" she scolded herself, though she was happy to see Selene joyful again. "Selene?"


"Please remember this. It will always be okay to talk to me about anything."

"Okay!" Selene replied, not thinking much of it. They arrived inside the classroom, and Selene immediately noticed two ponies she'd never seen before. She squeaked and hid her face in Luna's coat. Luna approached the ponies, but Selene didn't peek.

"Selene, it's alright. My sister and I are very familiar with these ponies. As are Cadance, Shining, and Flurry Heart. They tutored Flurry for years."

Selene looked up with one eye, but quickly hid her face again. "Are they princesses too?" Selene asked with her voice muffled by Luna's coat.

"If we were, I'd be a prince instead of a princess, young pony," one teacher chuckled.

"Awww, so shy. How about we introduce ourselves?" his friend suggested. "Can I have your hoof?"

Selene apprehensively stuck out her hoof and peeked again with one eye when she felt the unfamiliar pony touch it.

"Pleased to meet you. My name is Starlight. Starlight Glimmer."

Starlight stepped aside, and the other teacher shook Selene's hoof. "I'm Sunburst. And you are?"

"Se... lene."

"Selene?" Sunburst asked.

"Selene Skyla Rose."

"What a lovely name!" Starlight complimented. "Selene, Sunburst and I will be your tutors. I'll see you in the morning and Sunburst will see you in the afternoon. Princess Luna will sit in the back and observe, but she won't participate."

"Why not?" Selene asked Luna.

"Because school is for you and your teachers," Luna answered. "I am staying to ensure your class time goes well. If I participate, I can't watch. You must ask Starlight or Sunburst to help you instead of me."

"We know that'll be easier when we've been around for a while," Starlight said. "So, no offense taken if you don't want to talk to us just yet. But we will be your teachers, so we'd love if you did."

"Uh, okay," Selene muttered.

"Selene, please look in that corner," Luna told her, pointing a hoof toward it. Selene looked in the back corner farthest from them, where the small chair was placed.

"You're going to sit there, Luna?" Selene asked.

"No," Luna replied with some sternness in her voice. "You will if you misbehave. Do you remember what I did when you disobeyed Celestia? The same applies in school."

"I'll be a good pony! I promise!"

"We're sure you will," Starlight agreed. "But so you know, you have three strikes."

"No! I'll be good! I promise! No strikes!"

"Selene, please relax!" Luna rubbed her back for a few seconds. "She does not mean physical strikes."


"Oh... Oh, no! I wasn't talking about hitting you!" Starlight explained. "We would never do that! Princess Luna would have our heads!"

Selene stared at Luna with a pleading face. To her relief, Luna reaffirmed their words. "Nopony is allowed to hit anypony, for any reason. I don't hit you, Selene. Nopony else is allowed either."

"Whew!" Selene felt much better. "So, what does strikes mean?"

"Chances," Sunburst answered. "Starlight meant to say you have three chances. If you misbehave three times, that's when we have Luna interfere."

"If that happens," Luna spoke, "you won't be allowed to have recess and you won't be allowed your toys after school either."

"That's boring! I'll be bored all day!" Selene protested.

"It would be punishment. That's the point, Selene," Luna reminded her.

"And if you exhaust your chances when Princess Luna isn't here," Starlight said, "you'll have to tell her you misbehaved when she comes."

"I don't want to do that!"

"Behave yourself and you never have to worry about it," Luna told her. "Does that make sense?"

Selene nodded. She remembered when Celestia made her do that. She would actually prefer sitting in the corner to having to tell Luna she hadn't been good.

"Now that we have the rules out of the way, let's talk about the fun stuff!" Starlight exclaimed. She led Selene to a desk in the center of the room, and helped Selene onto the chair. "This will be your desk. Open the top."

Selene lifted the desk top to find textbooks, notebooks, pencils, crayons, and a coloring book. "Wow! What's this stuff?"

"For your classwork. Princess Luna says you have a little trouble with reading, so I'm going to teach you phonics and arithmetic."

"Arrr... reeth..."

"Math," Starlight said. "Reading and math."

"Then," Sunburst cut in, "after you return from lunch and recess, I'll be here to teach you geography."

"I know that!" Selene exclaimed "It's, uh, places! Where places are!"

"Can't say you're wrong," Sunburst agreed. "That's the simple way of putting it. We heard you like arts and crafts."

"Yeah! I have a craft table in my room!"

"Well, at the end of every school day, I'll do arts and crafts with you," Sunburst told her. "Whatever you would like."

"Do you think you'll enjoy learning with Starlight and Sunburst?" Luna asked.

"Yes! I like art the best!"

The adults looked among each other and stifled laughs. "Shocker," Starlight muttered. She spoke out loud to Selene. "Your first day of school is next week. Bring a big smile!"

"Wait! What time does school start?"

"10:00 in the morning to 3:00 in the afternoon," Luna answered. "Each of your subjects is an hour long."

10am? That was later than her old school. And she liked that idea! Mornings sucked.

Selene had no more questions, so Luna told her to wait in the corridor for a few minutes while she spoke to Starlight and Sunburst in private. Selene obliged, but asked if she could call Melodía and Ivory to tell them everything. Luna said yes and teleported a phone from elsewhere for Selene to use. She only warned her to keep the conversation low. Selene agreed and took the phone into the corridor, out of earshot of the adults, and vice versa.

"I appreciate the two of you will take on this role. Are you certain you have no regrets?"

"We're honored, Princess Luna!" Starlight insisted. "I mean, teaching a filly will be different than teaching a teenager, but from what you told us, she's not much different than Flurry Heart."

"Flurry Heart gave us the usual trouble you expect from students," Sunburst said. "Not always paying attention, maybe acting up once in a while. Never anything serious. Starlight and I will be fine."

"And it'll be nice to teach something different than magic," Starlight added. "I'm thrilled to help a young pony learn life skills."

“My only fear is if she becomes frustrated and throws a temper tantrum when I am not present,” Luna confessed. “She becomes frustrated easily when she struggles.”

“Flurry Heart sometimes pitched a fit when she thought she was taking too long to get the hang of something,” Starlight remembered. “That’s easy. If she’s getting upset because she’s struggling, we break down what she’s having trouble with. Worked every time with Flurry Heart. Eventually, she’d ask for help instead of getting mad.”

That reassured Luna. Starlight and Sunburst seemed well prepared, and Luna felt confident the first day, at least, would be no trouble. She checked on Selene in the corridor, who’d finished with her phone call, so they saw Starlight and Sunburst out of the castle. Selene happily waved goodbye, her initial shyness completely forgotten.

“Luna?” Selene said when her new teachers were out of eyesight.


“Starlight reminds me of Twilight. Are they sisters?”

“No, but they’re asked that question often. Starlight was Twilight’s student several years ago.”

“Really? Was Twilight a good teacher?”

“From what I heard, it was a learning experience for her.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means Starlight taught Twilight as much as she learned from Twilight.”

“Do you learn from me?”

Luna nodded. “I learn every day with you, young one!”

Selene smiled.