• Published 22nd Jul 2019
  • 2,679 Views, 368 Comments

Amber Ashes - GMSeskii

Six mares from extremely different worlds find themselves in a desolate expanse of sand. They will come together and discover that existence is much larger than any of them thought it was.

  • ...

Splitting Up

Less than five steps into her world and Fluttershy already felt horribly guilty.

“I shouldn’t have been so hard on her.”

Rarity frowned. “Maybe. But you had every right to be angry. She essentially forced you to act against your will.”

“She was trying to help.”

“Even if somepony’s intentions are good you can still get angry.”

Fluttershy let out another deep sigh as they crested the hill – not even the sight of her home, Musk, was enough to cheer her up. Here she was, home after all this time, and all she felt was terrible.

“I need to apologize to her.”

“You can do that later.” Rarity realized that she wasn’t in her combat outfit at this point, not even carrying any swords. She took one of the remaining swords off Fluttershy’s back. “We have work to do here.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Right. Get the hunters. Talk to…” she looked at the halo floating above her head. “…the gods.”

“Feel strange?”

“I was brought up to worship them,” Fluttershy said. “Then I decided that, from the myths, most of them weren’t worth the clouds they sat on. Except Saturn… who was dead.” She chuckled. “I suppose that makes sense, doesn’t it? A goddess wouldn’t want to worship any but herself.”

“And you are certain you’re okay with this?”

“It makes me about a thousand times angrier with the other gods, since they were directly responsible for my condition. But otherwise, not really. I guess I subconsciously always knew.” She frowned. “Though I can see why you and Pinkie would assume this ‘should’ shake me.”

“At least the gods are still here for you, in a way. They abandoned my world.” She twirled the sword in her magic, scowl deepening. “And they’re going to hear about that from me…”

“How do you plan o-“

“FLUTTERSHY!?” Two voices shouted in unison. Instantly two red unicorns tackled her, hugging her from two equally uncomfortable angles.

“Guys… armor… agh!” Fluttershy fell over with a laugh.

The Red Twins looked down at her and grinned. “Look at you!” Riot called, shaking her head. “Down most of your weapons! You gave them all away, huh?”

“Quite a few…” Fluttershy admitted, standing back up. “Rarity? These are the Red twins, the best hunters I’ve ever known. I had the fortune to grow up with them. She’s Red Riot, and he’s Red Rage.”

“Charmed,” Rarity said with a bow.

“Guys, this is Rarity, Queen of Ponsia and the Enchantress of the Crystal Sea.”

Rarity smiled softly. “Ponsia doesn’t exist anymore, Fluttershy.”


“I say she looks good enough to be a queen, kingdom or not,” Rage said, waggling his eyebrows. Riot punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. “Aw, sis…”

Riot giggled. “Glad to have you here, Rarity! Are you one of those otherworlders?”

Rarity nodded. “You were with Twilight and her group, right?”

“Yep. Before Jupiter banished her, of course. Temple Brick’s still livid about that.”


“Oh. Our priest of Jupiter.”

“I think I’d very much like to meet him…”

“First things first!” Fluttershy called. “Riot, Rage, we’ve discovered the location of the king of monsters.”

The hunters gasped audibly.

“He’s hiding in the center of another world – Rarity’s – eating it of all its magic.”

“W-what are you going to do?” Rage asked, both awed and terrified at her statement.

“We are going to bring all our allies together from all the worlds… and we’re going to destroy him.” Fluttershy grinned. “He has plagued the other worlds with curses different from our own. We will end a lot more than just the monsters.” She laid a wing on each of her childhood friends. “I need you to gather as many hunters as you can. Stay local, for now, but we may grab hunters nationwide. Take my sigil from my workshop if you need proof that I am the one making these requests.”

“Of course, Fluttershy!” both said at once.

Riot frowned. “Wait, why don’t you do it yourself?”

Fluttershy tapped the halo over her head they had been purposefully not commenting on. “I need to see Temple Brick and… talk to the gods. Rarity might be doing most of the talking though. I’m expecting a lot of shouting.”

Riot frowned. “That…”

“Gather the hunters,” Fluttershy said. “I’ll explain the halo later. A lot of strange things have happened in the other worlds. Okay?”

“Right,” Rage said, grabbing his sister. “We need to go.”

“O – okay!” Riot forced a smile.

They ran off, leaving Fluttershy and Rarity alone.

“The temple is that white building there with all the columns,” Fluttershy told Rarity. Without further prompting, she teleported them right to it.

Temple Brick was shocked to see them. “F-fluttershy! You’ve retu-“ he saw the halo and paled considerably. “Oh…”

Fluttershy grimaced. “Brick, don-“

He bowed. “I am not worthy!”

“Brick, really it’s fi-“

“I, through ignorance, did not give you the reverence you deserved, Saturn! There was much due you that I snubbed! You are greater than I, and I plead for you to forgive my blasphemies.”

“I don’t even consider them blasphemies and I’ve already forgiven you for all the times you were a pretentious jackanape.”

Rarity snorted.

Brick looked up into her eyes. “I thank you, o’ goddess of battle, Saturn, the no-longer-lost!”

“…Can you just call me Fluttershy?”

“If that is what you wish, Fluttershy, exalted one.”

Fluttershy clicked her tongue. “Anyway… since I’m Saturn, I’d think I could use Jupiter’s statue to have a little ‘chat’ with my siblings?”

“By all means, no ground is too holy for your hooves.”

“Rarity is coming with me.”

Temple Brick paused. “...If that is your will.”

Fluttershy nodded. “It is. Now, once we’re gone, I want you to contact all the priests you can. We’ve found the king of monsters in another world. We’re currently creating a plan to take him out.”

“Satu- Fluttershy! Have you forgotten your own legend?”

“She doesn’t fight alone anymore,” Rarity said, putting a hoof on Fluttershy.

“I have Twilight, if that matters,” Fluttershy added. “Now…” She took a step toward the temple.

Her hoof crossed the outer ring of a hole in magic. She felt the ripple of nothing go through her armor, temporarily interrupting the runes in her armor. The weight made it difficult to jump back quickly.

Nod, the nondescript temple assistant, stepped out from behind a nearby column. “You will not be speaking to the gods.”

Brick blinked. “Nod?! What are you saying!?”

Rarity lit her horn and raised her sword. “He feels like the creature! He works for Rx’len!”

“You blaspheme my master…” Nod said, scowling. Slowly, a monstrous tentacle thing appeared behind him, much like the one Fluttershy had seen in New Alice City, except the shape was clearly different, the sounds it made were slightly higher pitched, and it didn’t give her quite as bad of a headache.

But she couldn’t think of it as a monster. She knew monsters.

This thing was a demon. The word Pinkie had used described it all too well, Fluttershy felt.

Rarity and Brick stepped in front of Fluttershy, the former brandishing a sword and the latter readying a fist of Jupiter.

Then the demon was behind both of them, attacking the frozen Fluttershy. She would have been flattened – but Red Rage came out of nowhere and smashed the demon in the eye with a giant hammer.

“Never thought I’d see the day I’d get to smash the face of the king’s personal servants in…” Rage chuckled, pulling his hammer back. “You are ugly.”

“I don’t think looking at it is healthy!” Riot shouted as she shot the creature with a lightning bolt gun.

“You had to aim that shot!”

“For the greater good!”

Rarity swung the sword – more than a little pleased to find it was the flaming blade. She was less than pleased to find that the creature didn’t seem to care about fire. Or the lightning bolt. And it wasn’t anything more than slightly annoyed from the hammer hit…

Some part of Fluttershy’s mind screamed figure it out!

Rarity didn’t hear that. What she did hear was the demon getting back up, reaching for Fluttershy with an impossible tentacle.

So Rarity cast the explosion spell.

The demon flew into several pieces – all of which continued functioning perfectly fine. All the ponies nearby fell back, including Nod. The moment he cried out in pain, the eldritch eyes all turned to look at him in concern.

Come on… Figure it out...

Rarity focused on the largest glob of eldritch goo, lifting the sword high, ready aiming the tip right at it. Both the reds and Brick followed her lead.

Oh, come on!

Rarity winked.

She teleported behind Nod and drove the sword into him.

The eldritch beast roared in rage from all its divided mouths. It tried to reform – but without the anchor of Nod, it dissipated into nothing more than black dust.

And Fluttershy was back.

“In my own temple… a servant of…” Brick twitched. “He is seeking to stop you directly. Your audience must be granted quickly.”

“Audience…?” Riot said, confused.

“Sat- Fluttershy’s audience with the gods.” Brick bowed, extending a hoof. “The statue is yours.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Right. Reds? Brick? We’ll need everything. And Rage?”


Fluttershy’s expression became serious. “Fetch my shield.”

Rage nodded in understanding.

Fluttershy turned to walk into the temple – but then she realized she’d forgotten something and would have to ruin the cool moment. “Um, sorry, can you get my helmet too? I left it there when I vanished.”

Rage smirked. “Sure thing, Flutters.”

“Yeah. Well.” Fluttershy coughed. “I’m going now.” She led Rarity up to the statue.

Nothing happened.

“You don’t know what to do, do you?” Rarity asked.

“Nope,” Fluttershy admitted.

“Maybe just touch it?”

Fluttershy shrugged, putting one wing around Rarity and touching the other to the statue.

There was light…


Applejack stepped out into the Mesh with Rainbow, appearing right in the shade of the apple tree.

Rainbow pocketed the dimensional device – now loaded with all six universes. “Convenient.”

Applejack nodded in time with the clank clank clank. “An hour and twenty-two minutes to dinner.”

“Uuuugh, that’ll take forever,” Rainbow muttered. “We could just fly to the top…”

“That’d cause a bigger scene than last time, and you got labeled as a contagion just from walking around.”

“Eh…” Rainbow tilted her hoof back and forth. “…So, how’s it feel to be back?”

“Not as fitting as I was expecting.” She furrowed her brow. “I kept time perfectly. Doesn’t feel like an accomplishment anymore. Guess there’s still stuff to do.”

“Oh yeah…”


Applejack and Rainbow looked up to see something crawling down the gears of the Mesh toward them. It had eight spindly-brass legs and made a light tick tick tick sound with every movement it made. Noxious smoke poured out the back of the thing from a rumbling, dirty engine.

Sitting in the cockpit was a blue earth pony with a frantic expression on her face.

“Oh geez…” Rainbow said, readying the dimensional device.

“WAIT! YOU AREN’T A CONTAGION!” The spider-thing jumped to the ground, kicking up a significant amount of dirt. “We need you!”

Applejack nodded. “Blueberry. I see Dust managed to get to you.”

“She is an amazing manager and I’m promoting her to the highest levels for getting me while the rest of the idiots were tripping over their hooves.”

“I also see you pulled out a spider. I thought we ran out of fuel for those before I was born.”

“Not completely,” Blueberry said, turning off the engines. “The Mesh still has some excess produced at the faucets. Just not enough to use them for constant repair work… but in an emergency such as finding a possible source of new energy, that’s definitely when we use them!” She laughed nervously.

“Are you… okay?” Rainbow asked.

“I have not slept since Dust came into my office two cycles ago.” Blueberry twitched. “I have been searching the area for you on the off chance you didn’t leave.”

“We left.”

“Yes, that much is obvious, but you’re here now!” She pulled her mane back in a vain attempt to look presentable. “Help us!”

“That’s the idea,” Rainbow said.

“But they might need our help to do that,” Applejack added. “Turns out, the winding down might be an attack from a real contagion.”

Blueberry stared at her blankly. “What.”

“I don’t understand it, but there’s some thing called Rx’len that’s eating worlds out there, and ours is connected to it through what it calls a curse. Or something.”

“That doesn’t make any sense, the laws of thermodynamics…”

“And maybe that has nothing to do with it,” Applejack said, waving a hoof. “Point is, they can’t exactly help us with this thing eating everything they have.”

“Applejack, since when did you talk like a manager?”

“Things change out there. Do we have anything we can take to another world? Like…” She held out a hoof. “This spider?”

Blueberry looked at the spider. “It’s all yours. I’ll get as many portable devices as I can. We do not have enough fuel for all of them.”

“We can provide the fuel,” Rainbow said. “Dust told you about magic?”


“Well, once we’re in another world we can just duplicate the fuel you have. Probably not enough to fuel the Mesh… but enough to run a bunch of spider-mechs? Sure!”

“We’ll need the best mechanics to drive them,” Applejack said. “Young, so they won’t be driven mad without the Mesh’s beat.”

“Done and done!” Blueberry nodded. “Anything else?”

“Yeah. You activate this by pressing this button.” Rainbow opened a portal back to the desert behind her. “The ponies in the flying boxes that say they’re with Unity are with us.” She tossed the dimensional device to Blueberry. “Don’t break it.”

Blueberry looked like she thought she was holding the Holy Grail.

“Don’t let us down now!” Rainbow called, dragging Applejack through the portal.

Applejack waved back at Blueberry. “Don’t pass out.”

The portal vanished with a pop.


It was white. Everything was white.

Just like Rarity.

Rarity returned the sword to Fluttershy. “Don’t let me grab any of them.”

“Uh… sure.”

“Anyway…” Rarity cleared her throat. “HEY! WE’RE HERE!”

One of the gods appeared – but it wasn’t the muscular shape of Jupiter she’d seen on the statue, but a tall, almost frail looking man with hollow eyes and a light blue robe.

“…Wait, didn’t w-“ Fluttershy began.

“You did,” the deity said. “As far as Jupiter is concerned, he’s storming over here with no small amount of fury.”

“So why isn’t he here?” Rarity demanded.

“Because I’ve held him for… a time.” He smiled wryly. “I am Uranus, god of time. It has been a long time coming, Fluttershy.”

“…Not Saturn?” Fluttershy asked.

“You are more Fluttershy than you are Saturn,” Uranus said. “You just carry her burden.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Thank you. …Why have you interceded?”

“Because of her.” Uranus pointed at Rarity. “The Enchantress. It is good to see the fruits of my prophecy.”

Your prophecy?” Rarity gawked.

“Yes. My prophecy. I-“

“URANUS!” an immense voice thundered. The immense form of Jupiter appeared behind the wiry god, fists clenched. “Did you really think you could trap me with those temporal tricks of yours!?”

Uranus sighed like an old man. “I expected to have at least a couple minutes with my work.”

“Yes. Your work…” Jupiter snapped his fingers, summoning a white throne for him. “Why don’t you explain it for me? I’d love to hear exactly what you did.”

Uranus sagged, resigned to his fate. “I plotted Rx’len’s defeat.”

“YOU FOOL!” Jupiter shouted. “It would not give us another chance!”

“That is why I made it so I would have no direct say in the matter!” He folded his hands together and frowned. “I spoke with your Rune, Rarity. The lost soul of Capella, the Star.”

“It’s… alive?” Rarity asked.

Uranus shook his head. “It is merely scattered memories. She remembered war… a terrible war she devoted her very life and celestial body to win. She fell before she could truly be unleashed on their memories, falling onto an unknown world.”

Rarity and Fluttershy could suddenly see it – and it wasn’t Uranus that was showing them. It was something in them.

A beautiful world made of endless crystal, culminating in a mountain glowing with six bright gemstones. In the sky, a great yellow star appeared, approaching, falling into pieces… until it consumed the world in golden fire.

“That world was inhabited by a single entity. I do not know its name. It died with Capella… but together, their remnants managed to keep from falling into nonexistence. The world became six.”

Uranus drew a familiar symbol with his fingers, depicting five worlds encircling another. “When Capella solidified into a Rune, this symbol was more important than all the others. It was what the nameless entity left on her, a reminder of what it was. Six separate essences of Harmony… that would in time come to be represented in six ponies.”

“And you never told us any of this?” Jupiter asked.

Uranus shrugged. “I figured it wasn’t really of concern at first. Six special mortals, spread across the worlds, five of which we didn’t even care for. And when Rx’len came… I didn’t say anything because of what you would have done.”

“Which was?”

“Refuse to leave an understanding of the prophecy in the core world when we left.” He gestured at Rarity. “The legend of the Enchantress who would restore magic to a dying world.”

“If Rx’len knew…”

“He did not. He may now, but…” Uranus frowned. “New Alice City’s is dead. The restoration of the nameless entity’s power is no longer possible. The initial form of the prophecy failed.”

“You are an old fool.”

“We are all the same age, created with the new world itself,” Uranus pointed out. “Furthermore, I said initial form of the prophecy. The ponies have still found each other, and are forming connections beyond even what I saw due to the actions of the Starcross and Rainbow Dash.”

Jupiter drummed his fingers on an invisible wall. “You will be punished for this.”

“Shouldn’t we at least wait to see what comes of it?”

“Bah,” Jupiter growled, turning to Fluttershy and Rarity. “Saturn. Enchantress. Your purpose here was not to learn of pointless prophecies or the origins of the six worlds. Why are you here?”

“I’m here to plead for your help,” Fluttershy said.

“And I’m here to yell at you,” Rarity added.

“Yeah, I think I’ll just stand back…” Fluttershy smiled weakly.

Jupiter narrowed his eyes. “Saturn should be the one to speak to us, mortal.”

“Is that all we are to you?” Rarity asked. “Mortals? Mortals that you will abandon at a moment’s notice?”

“We had little choice.”

“You could have fought!”

“We would have fallen!”

Some of us fight even though we expect to fall!” Rarity pointed an accusatory hoof. “I don’t run! It’s hopeless? I stare it in the face! I wandered that desert for decades! I should have fallen long ago and, frankly, maybe it would have been better if I did! But at least I kept going! You took one look at the monster that attacked you and gave up.”

“He bested us. We considered the world a loss and retreated.”

“Well now he’s going to eat everything and unleash a reign of terror. Your time is up!”

“When Rx’len absorbs Capella fully, the connections demanding the six worlds remain together will dissolve. We will take our world and leave Rx’len far behind.”

“Continuing to run?”

“We cannot risk our own existence.”

“Then why do we mortals do it all the time!?”

“Because you are MORTALS!

“Then why did Saturn fight?” Fluttershy asked.

“You were foolhardy and loved battle.” Jupiter brought Fluttershy up to his eyes. “You have matured since then considerably. But when you fought, you were little more than a bratty child finally excited to have real bloodshed. You were the goddess of battle, Saturn. You have no doubt blocked all of your past to forget you were the cause of endless war before the monsters arrived.”


“Maybe you are.” Jupiter threw her away. “It changes nothing. Uranus’ foolish plan has failed.”

“They are going to face Rx’len,” Uranus said.

“And, even combined, they have less power than we do.” Jupiter folded his hands together. “Either Rx’len will destroy the world or that Starcross will.”

“We have a secret weapon,” Fluttershy said, flying up to Jupiter’s face. “You ever look at Earth?”

“Such a boring place. Why?”

“There’s a pink mare there who can shape reality.” Rarity said. “Her name is Pinkie Acorn, and the stories she writes come true.”

“…Fascinating…” Uranus said.

“You don’t get to talk,” Jupiter grunted. “I am not going to place my faith in some excitable pink lunatic who spends too much time with her head in the clouds.”

Rarity blinked. “Strange. Why do you ask people to put faith in a self-absorbed orange tyrant who spends too much time above the clouds?”

Jupiter glared. “You are banished from this universe.”

“We are gathering an army of hunters to face Rx’len,” Rarity said, flatly. “We will not be leaving until that is complete.”

Jupiter narrowed his eyes. “You cannot defy me.”

“We’re going to face Rx’len, king of monsters, eater of worlds.” Rarity narrowed her eyes. “Try us. Prove that you aren’t a coward. Face us. Or help us.”

“This is pointless. Try whatever it is you are going to try. You will fail, and you will die. We will live. We won’t even need the hunters, we will be far enough from Rx’len we can extinguish the monsters ourselves.”

“You fear it that much…?” Fluttershy shook her head.

“We are gods,” Uranus said sadly. “We are not meant to be legitimately threatened.”

And then the two were cast down from the heavenly realms. Rarity managed to teleport to the ground while Fluttershy’s wings kept her afloat.

“No help there,” Rarity said. “Can’t say I’m surprised.”

“At least you got to yell at them.”

“Didn’t do anything.”

Fluttershy nodded sadly.

“Hey! You’re back!” Rage pulled a gigantic shield off his back and placed it in front of Fluttershy. “Here you go!”

“…That’s bigger than you…” Rarity observed, jaw dropping.

Fluttershy smiled, slinking the monstrous hunk of cobalt-blue metal over her back. It was shaped vaguely like a scale and had a pink design on the front – a butterfly with a sword for an abdomen. “The shield is my greatest creation,” she said as she put on her helmet, hiding her face. “I can’t fight. It can fight for me.”

Rarity noticed how shiny its surface was. “…How reflective is that?”

“I haven’t encountered anything it can’t send right back.”

Rarity stroked her hoof across the metal, in awe of its perfect craftsmanship. “A deadly shield… now I’ve seen everything.”


Twilight and Pinkie stood together, watching as a bunch of Thieves poured out of a portal into the desert sands just outside the ruined Starcross ship. A few dozen Unity ships floated in the air nearby, casting shadows over the very confused and shaky Mechanics of the Mesh, trying their best to keep their spiders active, as well as constructing a truly massive drill. Yet another portal was bringing in hunters of all sorts, each brandishing truly ridiculous weapons.

“Looks like we’ve got an army,” Twilight said with pride.

“Yep,” Pinkie said, frowning. “Lots of them are going to die.”

“Does it have to be that way?”

“It’s how armies work.” Pinkie said, shaking her head. “If we use them, there will be casualties. Lots of them.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “Is there another way?”

“I don’t think so. We need to use everything we have at our disposal to make it a true finale.”

“You left Hazel on Earth.”

“Earth isn’t useful. They have weapons of mass destruction and armies… but that’s nothing compared to the might of Unity, and we’d never get them to agree long enough to send anything over. We don’t have enough time.”


“If I were writing this story – which I will be, soon enough – I’d make it so everything comes down to the wire. Either Scarcity or Rx’len are close to accomplishing their goal. Probably both at the same time.”

“And with Quasar going missing…”

Pinkie nodded. “Yeah. It’s not looking great. But, paradoxically, that means we’re approaching the final chapter. Where there will be a happy ending of some kind. I don’t know how to write any other sort of story.”

Twilight turned to her, concern on her face. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I wrote myself okay,” Pinkie said. “It’s impossible for me not to be. I… I feel bad about the thing with Fluttershy. No, I’m not writing that away. I’ll apologize to her, and it’ll actually mean something.”

Twilight smiled and flapped her wings in the desert breeze. “It amazes me how young ponies can learn things so quickly…”

“That might just be a consequence of me messing with my own head.”

“Nah. I think you’re really learning. Already grabbing hold of your powers.”

“I’m never writing another novel again,” Pinkie deadpanned.

Twilight blinked. “…What?”

“I can’t be trusted to create and define worlds.” Pinkie swallowed hard. “I… I’m not God. I can’t be God. I can’t imagine why He gave me this power, but I can’t write books with it. Not ones just for entertainment. Places like New Alice City are just too cruel when they’re real.”

“Then what will you do?”

“I have no idea.” Pinkie frowned. “Words were my life and joy… they meant everything to me.”

Twilight put a wing around her. “You’ve helped me see existence wasn’t what I thought it was, Pinkie. I’m sure I can find something for you to do with your life.”

“Heh… thanks.” She wiped a tear from her eye – and noticed four ponies walking up to them.

Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy in full armor, and Rarity.

“Okay…” Pinkie said, breathing in. “It’s time to talk about… The Plan.”