• Published 23rd Jul 2019
  • 3,919 Views, 126 Comments

This is Home. - Lucy_Marigold

Twilight is different, that's for sure. Only, she didn't know how different she was until that fateful Wedding.

  • ...


Author's Note:

A/N This is the end. I wanted to thank a couple of people who've seen constantly commenting and following along with the story. I'll be adding any sequels to the story description so keep an eye out for that.

:heart: Sebastian99, RedUnity, WhitewolfStormrunner, link4, hive vs machine and MeowofyMLP.

You guys have left comments, made my day or done something to end up on my list, thank you. I always love reading the comments or the discussions you guys have. And MeowofyMLP, thanks for the fanart.

:heart: xDHannibalxD, Cross Lament and Night_Moon60606.

You've either guessed my story or at least helped contribute to it. I will never forget the length comment you left, Night_Moon60606 or the time you helped me with my old English, Cross Lament. Or the time you flat out guessed who was gonna do it, xDHannibalxD.

:heart: Teraunce and Admiral Q Ponyform.

You two! You two stuck by my story even when I did something stupid with it! You were the first people I looked forward to seeing the new chapters and updates. I loved seeing your comments and what you thought of the chapters. It made me happy reading how you enjoyed the chapters or what grips you had with it. Every little comment made me feel loved. Thank you. :heart:

:heart: This chapter, this is for you guys. :twilightsheepish:


The Present

Celestia dismounted from the ornate carriage, her celestial mane flowing around her as the crisp winter air filled her lungs.

“How do you think Twilight shall fair with our visit, sister?” Luna disembarked with her, hooves crunching in the snow. Presents wrapped with bows and paper hovering in their magic as the regent of the sun released a sigh.

“I think she’ll enjoy it. It has been since forward since we visited.” Celestia responded as they left the guards behind, heading towards their destination, the crunching of the snow echoing around them. The regent of the sun smirked. “Did you remember your gift this time?”

Luna seemed mildly offended by the comment. “I am not a fool. I would never forget such a vital thing for our visit. Tis a shame that Cadance cannot join us this year.”

“You know how Flurry gets around Heart’s Warming, she’s as unpredictable as Pinkie Pie was.”

“I know, Tia. It is a shame either way.”

They had arrived at a wide entry, made of dark resin and flowering vines. Snow was cleared from the entry, a screen of plantlife blocking out any cold wind. Celestia led the way until they reached a large expanse.

Tinsel and Heart’s Warming decorations littered the ancient architecture. Flowers were blooming from multiple scones, providing light to the entire area. There were changelings everywhere, green and lavender, bustling around their business with young nymphs in tow.

A guard seemed to spot them, rushing over before bowing in greeting. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. It’s a pleasure seeing you in the hive again. Would you like me to escort you both to the Queens?” The familiar soldier asked, Thorax smiling as he awaited their response.

“That would be wonderful, Thorax. Tell me, how is your wife?” Celestia trotted along beside them, the changeling letting loose a laugh.

“Perfectly fine. I’ll tell her you said hi.” The guard let them further down the winding tunnels, passing the residential and shopping district. The old fountain’s statue had been replaced, the stone figure of Rhene standing there in all her glory.

They finally reached another larger area. Stairs led up to an ornate balcony, glancing upwards, the two sisters noted that the previously ruined stained-resin ceiling has been restored to its former glory, the titled mosaic below also repaired.

From the reports Celestia had been sent over the years, it had certainly taken them a while to expand the hive to suit its current state.

The two figures standing on the balcony glanced over towards their direction. Twilight Sparkle dismissed whatever she had been discussing with the changeling beside her, darting down as quickly as she could, Chrysalis in tow.

She grappled the regent of the sun in a tight embrace, a wide smile on her face. “Hello Tia, Hello Lulu. You should have sent me a message! I would’ve been able to prepare a bit better!” Twilight awkwardly rambled out.

“She’s been jittery all week,” Chrysalis commented, rolling her eyes.

“It’s Heart’s Warming Eve, why wouldn’t we visit?” Luna scoffed, smiling.

“But I thought you were going to Cadence's party. We couldn’t go because Una and Aster aren’t accustomed to such high intakes of love, let alone going to the Crystal Empire.” The lavender changeling queen frowned, confused.

“And this is why I was against having nymphs. They’re such a hoof-full.” Queen Chrysalis sighed, stamping her hooves against the ground.

“How is Nata, Chrysalis?” Tia said, laughing.

“Oh, she’s good. She’s set off to explore beyond Equestria. It’s what she wants to do and the only thing I should be doing is encouraging her to follow her dream.”

“Now, where are those young rascals, anyway?” Luna peered off of the balcony, glancing around in search of the young nymphs.

“Rawwr!” A young voice cried, jumping from the ceiling as she grabbed onto Twilight’s back, a second emerging and grabbing onto Chrysalis’s forehoof. The two queens let loose a small chuckle, shaking their heads.

One was purple, the other green.

“What have I told you two about playing that game of yours when we’ve got guests?” Chrysalis playfully chided.

The lavender one, Aster, frowned, slipping off of her mother’s back and back to the floor. “Not to do it?” She pouted. “Sorry Mother.”

“Aunty Celly! Aunty Lulu!” The green one, Una, chirped, releasing Chrysalis’s forehoof and running towards the two alicorns. Celestia scooped the young nymph into a hug.

“How are my two favourite nieces?” Celestia smiled.

“Don’t let Cadance hear that one.” Twilight chuckled as Aster’s frown disappeared and was released with a wide fanged smile.

“We have gifts for you!” Luna declared, holding the gifts high.

“Yay!” The two children cried, jumping up and down in excitement.

The group disappeared into a nearby room, laughter and joy radiating throughout the Everfree hive. This was home, Twilight's home.

12:00 AM, September 5th, 2 S.E.

The Canterlot Castle.

The clock chimed midnight, a pair of hooves emerging from the liquid mirror as she examined her surroundings. A hood was loosely draped over her frame, an orange horn poking through.

She silently maneuvered her way through the hallways, stepping on the carpet as night guards patrolled. The mysterious figure slipped into the room, eyes scanning the bedroom.

Two figures, interlaced with one another as they slept in the double bed. A crown topped with lavender gems made of obsidian sat on the bedside. The mare’s eyes flickered towards it, withdrawing a piece of plastic that looked like a shoddy recreation of the obsidian crown.

She cast her horn in light, gently swapping the two crowned before slipping it into her cloak.

And then one of them opened her eyes.

The mare bolted from the room, a loud hiss echoing behind her. “Twilight! Wake up! She’s got your crown!”

The second figure in the bed stirred to action, the two darting into the hallway as they took chase. “Stop! Thief! She’s stolen my crown!”

More ponies emerged from neighbouring rooms as the orange mare dodged and weaved through the halls.

“Stop!” The mare behind her shouted. The cloaked mare skidded to a halt, entering the same room from earlier as she rushed towards the mirror. “What did you do with my crown?”

The cloak flew back as her hood fell. The orange unicorn smirked, crown hovering in her magic. “Sorry it had to be this way… Princess.”

And she disappeared into the mirror.

Comments ( 7 )

This'll definitely be interesting. I'm surprised that you've added Sunset Shimmer to this.
It was a great story.

Oooo! I wonder what motivation Sunny has for stealing this crown!?

Can’t wait for the sequel!

Well this will be a different EQG. That's one way to sequel bait. Also I never expected to get a shout-out so thank you.

wait, what happened to Pinkie?

No problem! You commented on almost every chapter.


I can't wait for the sequel

Everytime I hear Nata I see Hinata. Don't know why

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