• Published 29th Jul 2019
  • 3,575 Views, 31 Comments

Massage Stories - nobody495

Spike gets a massage one day. This leads to a lot more weird stuff happening than he realizes.

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Commission: Gabby

Author's Note:

The following is a commission paid for by viken666

Far, far later, a lot had happened. One of the biggest changes had to be in the form of more friendly relations with the various species of Equestria, from griffons, to sea ponies, to yaks, to even Changelings. Ponies were making friends with more than just ponies. Among these relations was a certain dragon and a certain griffon. Said griffon was a gray-feathered griffon that was a lot more excitable and cheery than most griffons, and has become pen pals with said dragon. This griffon was none other than Gabriella, otherwise known as Gabby or Gabby Gums, a griffon that’s begun hanging out with Spike more and more now that she’s been spending more time in ponyville.

Rarity would come to learn of their friendship, and after seeing how much he’d hung out with Gabby instead of her, she was a little jealous. However, that bit of drama was settled cleanly enough, and the three were able to enjoy spending time together. Which was a good thing, because right now, Gabby was in the process of trying to do something very nice. After all, their monthly anniversary was coming up, and she felt like she’d have to do something nice for him. So, seeing as the pony’d known him a little longer than she did, she decided to approach Rarity about the subject.

One knock later, Rarity would open up the door to the Carousel Boutique.

“Oh Gabrielle!” Rarity greeted. “Oh it’s so nice to see you again!”

“Thanks, Rarity!” Gabby greeted. “I actually came to ask you a bit about Spike. Wanted to whip up a special gift for him.”

“A special gift?” Rarity muttered. “Hm, there don’t appear to be any significant holidays nearby, nor is his birthday near… May I ask what the occasion is?”

“On this day a few months ago, we’d started sending letters to each other!” Gabby answered.

“Oh, an anniversary!” Rarity cooed. “Well, I’ll think for a moment. This is a moment of sincere commitment, but not too serious. Nothing you need to spend exuberant bits on, but still enough to show you deeply care…” Rarity stroked her chin as she thought more and more on the subject, trying to ascertain just what the right course of action would be. “Then again, judging by bits is a far too simple way of assessing gifts, no it has to be something full of compassion and heart, something you know for certain that he should like…”

“Maybe a gem in that case? I know he loves eating those,” Gabby suggested.

“Nice try,” Rarity said. “Unfortunately, a mineral meal is a bit too common to be a special meal for him. No, we need something more rare-“ the fashionista started. At that, an idea seemed to spark in her mind, though that idea seemed to bring with it a bright blush.

“You ok, Rarity?” Gabby asked. Rarity, meanwhile, glanced side to side cautiously, as if anticipating somepony to be there. Her gaze narrowed, and she proceeded to search around her building, behind chairs, behind doors, just outside the front door, her bedroom, and all the while Gabby would follow her in confusion. Eventually, though, Rarity would make sure the griffon was far from any window, far from any door, and isolated in one room with her.

“There was this one thing we used to do a long time ago,” Rarity said. “But, after a while, Twilight decided, rather brashly, that the whole thing was too obscene for any of us to do with that boy.”

“Too obscene?” Gabby repeated. “What did you guys do?”

“First, you didn’t hear this from me,” Rarity started. “Buuut… A while ago, Twilight took Spike to the spa for a massage. I heard him liking it and, well, ‘like’ is an understatement. More of us ponies took him aside to massage him, and he loved it each time. But, Twilight decided that things were getting out of hoof, so we had to stop that for a while.”

“Hm?” Gabby muttered in confusion. “How’d everything get out of hoof?”

“Long, somewhat embarrassing story,” Rarity simply answered, waving off the question. “Anyways, you want him head over heels? A massage is a good way to do it.”

“O-ok, so I pay for a massage for him?” Gabby asked.

“No no, Twilight would find out if we paid the spa ponies,” Rarity figured.

“Then, maybe you could show me how to?”

“No, if she finds out somepony else were to try that with Spike and she traced the technique back to me, I could receive quite the lashing. No, you need to find somepony else to teach you, maybe a book.”

“Yeah, a book sounds good,” Gabby agreed. “Yeah, I could find one, give it a read, and then find Spike!”

“Aaaaand… you’ll do it far from here,” Rarity said. “Remember, Twilight doesn’t want anypony doing that kind of thing with him.”

“Wait, are you suggesting I sneak Spike out and away from Twilight to do things in secret with him?”

“Yes yes, I’m aware of how it sounds,” Rarity assured. “But right now, I assure you, this would be the perfect gift, and you won’t be able to accomplish it if Twilight finds out.”

“I-I guess,” Gabby supposed. “May as well find another library to get that book, right?”

“Oh yes, perfect thinking, Gabrielle,” Rarity cheered. “Now, the day is young. Go out and find Spike the technique that’ll make him melt.” Gabby gave a cheerful salute and nod, before she turned the other way and began to leave the Boutique.

“Thank you, Rarity!” she cheered as she began to fly away. The fashionable pony gave her a wave, before closing the door behind the griffon. With her out, she sighed as her mind was still overwhelmed with thoughts of that day with Spike.

“…Maybe I myself should follow her from a safe distance… to make sure she’s safe, I mean…” Rarity decided.

Elsewhere, Gabby would arrive at a library far from ponyville, this one ran by a fairly old earthpony.

“Hiya!” Gabby greeted. “I’m here to find a book for massaging!”

“Oh, you want some kind of training manual?” the older pony asked. Gabby nodded in affirmation. “Ok, lemme look real quick...” The librarian then took up a large book on the desk, and began scanning through it, muttering to herself and checking over what is and isn’t checked out. “Hm… Sorry, we’re all checked out, aside from one book.” Gabby turned her head curiously.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“It’s a book in chiropractics,” the librarian said. “It could be pretty tough for a someone so green.”

“Oh, I-I’ll do it really well!” Gabby assured, practically bouncing in place. “Come on, come on! I gotta try it at least! I’ll look over it all and do whatever it takes to do it right!”

“Alright, alright, hold your horses,” the librarian said, waving her down. “Stay here, I’ll head on out and look for it.” With that, she turned around and headed deeper into the library, straight for the precise section the book had listed. Eventually, she returned with a somewhat large book on her back, her trotting over towards the excited griffon. “Found it. Now, if you’ll please, do return this in a week.” As she spoke, Gabby held the book carefully and looked over it, it titled “Chiropracting for Dummies”, and seeming about as thick as half a phone book.

“Thank you, ma’am!” Gabby greeted. “Oh don’t worry! I’ll only need some of that to get to know all of this. I’ll see you later!” With that, she turned, and began to head out.

“See you later!” the librarian said. “And good luck with your aspirations!” With that, Gabby would step out of the library, spread her wings, and then fly out, where she’d immediately begin reading over it.

“Hm… there’re certainly a lot of talk about angles and force in here…” she remarked to herself.

About a week would pass, where Spike was enjoying some time by himself, where he’d taken up a comic book of the Power Ponies to read and enjoy. Thankfully, he’d already done his chores, so he could indulge himself a little bit. And thank goodness, cause he needed to get back into his stories. However, as he read, he’d hear a knocking on his door.

“Hey, Spike?” Twilight asked. “Ms. Gabby is here to see you.”

“Oh really?” Spike asked. “Wonder what she’s here for.” Spike set the comic book aside, before heading out of the door, and traversing the halls towards the castle’s front door. There, he’d come across his pen pal in the flesh, waving at him excitedly.

“Happy monthly anniversary!” Gabby cheered.

“Anniversary…? O-oh right!” Spike recollected.

“Anniversary? You never told me you were in a relationship,” Twilight remarked.

“No, no, this is the anniversary of when we started writing each other,” Spike clarified.

“Ah,” Twilight said in understanding.

“Anyways, it’s really nice to see you again!” Spike said, leaving the castle and getting near Gabby. She nodded happily.

“And lemme tell you, I’ve got something super, duper fun in store!” Gabby cheered.

“Can’t wait to see!” With that, Gabby would take one of Spike’s claws in her own, before walking off. Twilight meanwhile, would be none the wiser as she’d assume the two of them were just off for an innocent little hang-out. Which they were, rest assured.

“Come back before sundown!” Twilight said while waving the two of them off. She’d then begin to close the door… Before opening it back up. “Hm… I mean, Gabby is far from a threatening individual… Maybe I should follow them from a safe distance…” She stepped out, before closing the door behind her…

The two of them walked far, far away, to the point of heading out of Ponyville’s town borders, where they’d begin heading down the path to the Everfree forest. Spike, however, seemed fine enough with walking. He didn’t find anything suspicious about going down to the forest for anything, especially with Gabby leading him.

“Say, uh, why aren’t we flying?” Spike asked, motioning towards his wings, a new development between the massage fiasco and now.

“Come on, doesn’t a simple walk feel nice right now?” Gabby said. “Us being together, so close, enjoying the calm breeze as opposed to the rushing air?” As she explained, Spike shut his eyes and leaned his nose up in order to take in the sensations she was describing.

“You know, you’re right,” Spike said, smiling. Gabby smiled wider though, both in response to Spike’s happiness, and in anticipation of what she had planned for the boy. The two simply enjoyed their company for a while, soon managing to go from the trail, through the entry of the Forest, before Gabby would lead him into some of the bunch of bushes.

“Hm, this is a funny place to keep a gift,” Spike remarked as they went deeper and deeper into the brush.

“Well, this is a bit of a, as Rarity put it, ‘precaution’,” Gabby said.

“What do you mean?”

“Well…” Gabby looked about curiously, soon feeling like the two of them managed to get deep enough in the forest. “…Would you mind laying down so that I can show you?”

“Uh… ok,” Spike said. He stretched his back a little, before kneeling down, and lying upon his belly, propping his chin on his arms which he crossed in front of him. As he lied down, finding himself before a close friend that wanted to bring him to a somewhat secluded area, the young dragon suddenly had a spark of déjà vu rush through his mind. “Hm… Y-you mentioned Rarity, right?”

“Oh, are you starting to get it?” Gabby asked. “Rarity told me you haven’t had a good one in such a long time! I’d hate to leave you hanging much longer, so I figured now would be as good a day as any to try it out!” Spike rose a brow, and tried to look over his shoulder, where he’d see the gray-feathered griffon loom over his legs, ready to pick one up. She held the ankle with one claw, and the thigh with the other.

She brought it up, and Spike looked over his shoulder to try and get a read on what she was doing. She started by gently thumbing, one digging into his heel while the other bore into his thigh. Spike’s eyelids fluttered at those feelings, and he let out a soft moan. However, this was not the true nature of this massage. No, he’d realize it when he felt her place a knee on his backside, before tugging upwards with all her might.

A loud cracking noise ushered from Spike’s leg, and the young dragon gasped in both surprise and… well, he couldn’t quite put his finger on that emotion. There was a sharp pain, definitely at first, which got a cry of pain from the small dragon. However, after that brief moment, Spike could feel everything seem to settle into place, which instead brought a sigh from Spike.

“O-ooogh~” Spike moaned. “Oh wow~ D-did that work? Or did you just break it and now I can’t feel my leg?” Gabby simply giggled at his silly reaction. She then brought the claw grasping his thigh up, and tickled his sole, getting the boy wriggling and shaking, snickering. “H-hey! Quit it!” he laughed. “O-ok, I get it!” Gabby snickered, before pulling her claw away and setting his leg down.

“Oh, Spike, I know it’s scary, but it’s meant to be such a great sensation,” Gabby assured. “When I do some of this, I’m able to adjust your bone structure a little, where what should happen is that the pain those joints stored should go away. You can already feel it working, right~?” Spike grunted, and tried giving his legs a little wobble. And as he did, he could feel a significant difference. The leg she held felt significantly looser, especially when compared to his other.

“Y-you’re right,” Spike remarked. “Oh man, that leg feels just like new!” Gabby nodded in affirmation, before swiveling over Spike so that she could sit upon his rear while she took up his other leg.

“Can’t leave this poor thing all alone~” she said as she held the ankle, his thigh getting squeezed up between her thighs, which clenched around it. She held him tight, her fingers drumming against him until he could feel her pen pal shaking with anticipation. She felt kind of mean for this, making him wait and all. And yet, feeling her friend wriggle around beneath her… there was something strangely fulfilling about that. In a moment, Gabby began to blush as she held his leg captive, his little foot twitching in her grasp. Eventually, she decided she’d teased him enough.

She wrapped both claws around his ankle, before pulling up. She let his thigh extend upwards just enough, before she squeeze her thighs in place to anchor it down just right. And with that pull, his leg popped like it was full of bubble wrap, accompanied by a swift moan of pleasure from the little dragon.

“O-oh Gabby~!” Speak practically squealed. And at that, Gabby gave pause, her cheeks burning brightly as his voice reached her ears. She shivered, her wings furling out rigidly. Her shoulders shook about as she gently set Spike’s leg down, before setting her claws down on his thighs. She found herself panting a little, at which she clutched her chest, hoping to steady her heart.

“Mmm~ Spike~” she moaned as she cupped her chest. Her eyelids fluttered, before she sighed. She’d open them up in response to a gnawing feeling inside her. It was hungry, but not for food. No, the distinct lack of Spike’s noises or Spike’s shakings made her realize her body was starving for more of those adorable sounds and wriggles. She felt her cheeks lift up, and she walked around towards his feet, where she’d pick one up.

With it in the air, she clasped both claws around it, her thumbs meeting in the middle of his sole. And at that, she could feel his whole form seize up in anticipation, at which she felt her tongue dart out to lick her beak. Her thumbs dug into his sole, rubbing circles into it, which got a shuddering breath out of Spike. She’d simply go about this technique, rubbing up and down, from joints to heals. And then, she’d give a swift yank in one direction, getting a snap from the foot joint.

“Ah~!” Spike squealed out, him punching at the ground while his tongue lulled out past his lips. Gabby, meanwhile, shuddered, a jolt running from her nose, down her spine, and out to the tip of her tail. She blushed harder and harder and she herself was wriggling about as if she had several hands petting her right now. “Oh yes~! I had no idea how much I needed this~!” Gabby’s wings flapped excitedly at Spike’s elation. She loved, loved, loved, loved this. And, she just as excitedly rushed over to the other foot, where she performed a repeat of the last act. Rubbing her thumbs, grinding circles, heel to joint, and all the while Spike moaned and shuddered. Then, she gave another swift yank, getting a crack out of him.

“Ooogh! Gabby!!!” Spike squealed, banging on the dirt beneath him. She set those legs down, before dashing out in front of him to get a good look at him. There, she could see that he too was pink in the face, saliva dripping down the corners of his mouth while his tongue was down to his chin, his wings flailing about in excitement. Gabby shuddered and clenched her thighs together, biting her beak as she watched over his bliss-filled face.

“Mmm~ You’re doing super good~” Gabby said, before moving towards one of his arms.

“Ha… ha…” Spike gasped, before glancing towards her curiously at her words. “U-uh, thanks? I-I mean, I’m sort of just laying here…”

“Oh, never mind,” Gabby muttered. She’d then lay down on top of Spike, before grasping either bicep and hoisting them over her shoulders, Spike trying to glance behind him. Then, she pulled and pulled and pulled, his arms squeezing against her shoulders and she clenched her teeth. Spike, meanwhile, grunted and wriggled about, his body rocking beneath her bottom. Feeling him like that, she was already shivering in anticipation. And eventually, there came the loud crack noise, and in the moment, she could feel his arms setting into place, popping just right. And goodness that excited her.

“Haaaaaa~!” the two of them moaned in unison, both wearing a fairly similar expression, a strong blush on either one’s face and either’s tongue lulled out of their jaws, their eyes rolled in the back of their head. Gabby held the position, pressing against Spike so she could feel him pant and pant and pant. And then, she released her grip and let those arms flop down. Spike was limp, panting and panting beneath her, his whole form burning with pleasure. Gabby, meanwhile, was on top of him, panting herself like she were experiencing a similar level of pleasure. Though, as far as she was concerned, she may as well be, considering how sweet those sounds and those pants felt to her.

The two laid there for a while, left to bask in some sort of afterglow. Spike’s arms and legs felt good. For a moment he was figuring that was it, but considering how his limbs were feeling, he had no reason to complain. However, when the griffon brought her claws up on either side of his head, he’d suddenly come to understand that this wasn’t over.

“O-ok, Spike…” she muttered, still panting. “I understand that this’ll be a little scary at first. I was a little cautious when I read this chapter. But this should feel nice… If done right…”

“Wh-what are you talking about?” Spike asked. However, he could feel him begin to twist his head towards one side. She pulled harder and harder and harder, and Spike’s eyes began to bug out of his head. “W-wait-!” he gasped. However, she yanked his head to the side, twisting it to its limits. And then, with a powerful enough tug, there came a pop, the dragon’s head suddenly plopping down after the fact.

“Ha~ Yeah, that was nice, right Spike?” Gabby asked. There was a pause. Pause. Further pause. Gabby’s cheerful look then came down into a more upset expression. “Spike? …You ok, buddy?” Further pause. More… more… “Oh… oh no… Oh no no no no no no no no-!” However, she’d be cut off by a gasp from beneath her. And at that, the griffon breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh man, you gotta be quicker on the feedback than that, I was seconds away from thinking up plans to hide you.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Spike said. “It’s just… that twist there felt so, so nice… For a moment, I just sort of passed out. Nm~ Wow, my body is really light. It feels like those creaky joints of mine have just been oiled up. Wow~ I am so loose~ I don’t even think I can stand for a little bit.”

“Oh-ho, there’s so much more than that~” Gabby assured. “I just pulled your limbs. There are a few other joints I’ve gotta work out. Here!” With that, she got off of Spike, before spinning him onto his back, before sitting down right on his waist. Spike gave a grunt as she applied her pressure, his legs failing to kick a little. In the meantime, Gabby would reach down to grab one of his wrists, before pulling a hand up to her, clasping it between her claws.

And as she held it, she couldn’t help but blush a little, holding her pen pal’s hand like this, having practically rubbed her body all over him beforehoof. Thank Celestia she was only sitting on the waistline, she could only imagine… No, no, no time for thoughts like that. She was here to massage him, not to do anything too obscene. They were friends, after all. Just friends, and doing absolutely nothing that would make that kind of situation more awkward than their interactions with Rarity have already made it. In a moment, she briefly wondered if that fabulous pony was in this sort of situation, having such strange thoughts racing through her while she’s just giving the boy a massage.

Anyways, she spent a little too long thinking. So, she brought her thumbs down, and rubbed into his palm, getting a more subdued moan from him, less of a scream and more like a bliss-filled sigh. Gabby rubbed and rubbed and rubbed, going from the bottom edge of his palm to his finger joints. Up and down she rubbed, before bringing a claw down to hold his forearm. Then, she gave a twist, ushering a snap, eliciting a sharp cry from Spike.

“Ah~!” he moaned, his hips swiveling a little. Gabby felt the insatiable urge to lick her beak, giving his digits a few teasing touches, pushing them forwards and pulling them a little.

“Hmhm~ Your hand feels really loose, pal,” she mentions. “You still feel this stuff, right? Still got feeling in there?” Spike sighed, and nodded in understanding. Gabby smiled happily. “That’s good~ Hm~ Has anyone told you you’re kind of like a stress ball? I know it sounds demeaning, but it’s true. There’s just something strangely endearing about putting the squeeze on you and yanking you just right~” She sighed, and brushed his hand against her cheek, before setting it down. For a moment, she could swear the small dragon lit up with pleasure, like he was a little heated blanket beneath her tush.

She rubbed into his palm some more, getting more of those blissful moans. And then, came another twist, getting another crack out of his poor joints. For a moment, she’d wondered how much his body’s gone through to get this creaky. She teasingly flexed his fingers again, before setting that down. Spike panted and panted, all of his limbs feeling loose. He was so overwhelmed with all these sensations, that he was no longer at the point where he could voice his pleasure. The most he could squeak out of his lips was a squeal of bliss and a pant.

While he was lying like that, Gabby turned herself around, arranging herself to sit on his belly, at which she leant down to grab one of his legs before hoisting both up. She’d simply extended his leg before, but now that she held his foot, she began to prod it in anticipation, herself shuddering, her thighs clenching around Spike’s. Her thumb would trace circles into his soles and heels, at which she could feel a slight jolt go through him, his body thrashing a little from the tickles. Gabby was grinning widely as she felt him squirm beneath her.

Eventually, she’d hold his feet, before twisting them to their limits as well! She stretched them opposite each other, left foot towards the left, right foot towards the right. She’d stretch and stretch and stretch that foot out, before another loud crack would sound out. She saw his toes tense up right at that, a sheer sign of how much he was truly enjoying this. And to further prove that to her, she could hear a gasp come out of the boy beneath her. With those twisted, she gently lowered his legs, down on the ground.

“You feel everything, right? Feet? Legs? Arms? …Body?”

“Y…yes…” Spike ushered. “Sp-speaking of, your butt’s kind of crushing me…” At that, Gabby couldn’t help but give a snicker.

“Oh? I didn’t realize how hefty my rump is,” she laughed, before leaning back a little. She was putting more weight on Spike’s stomach, ushering a grunt of pain from him. He could only futilely struggle about, still unable to lift his limbs. Gabby laughed at the struggling beneath her, before standing up, allowing him the chance to sigh in relief. “Well, it’s been fun, Spike. But, I think our session’s almost at an end.”

“Y-yeah… I-I can’t feel a spot you haven’t got to.”

“Oh, there’s one left, pal~” Spike looked up curiously, before Gabby turned him onto his front, before she’d lean down. She’d squeeze her hips up against his, his tail beneath her while the rest of her body was over his back. She’d wrap her arms around his chest, and her legs around his thighs. Her legs seemed to try and anchor him in place, while he could feel her upper half begin to wriggle a little. “I’m going for the biggest one, here. And when I do, I want to feel every creak and crack come out! So just hold still for a little longer, and I’ll just…” She began to twist her upper body one way while her legs held his lower half down.

She kept on pulling and pulling, twisting his upper body while his lower stayed still. More and more he’d pull, and he could feel his spine streeeeeeetch out. He began to feel a little panic, a nervous sweat dripping down his brow. Further… further… further… Then, he eventually got to the point where several cracks came forth from his spine. And when that started, the dragon’s tongue lulled forth from his maw. Gabby couldn’t help but copy his expression as she practically felt each pop against her torso, each segment of his spine seeming to snap right back into place.

She kept on twisting, feeling each and every pop against her, herself huffing and puffing and blushing while Spike did similar. He was practically bubble wrap in her grasp, and she was enjoying every single bit of it. Eventually, even Gabby was unable to twist further, though she brought a claw down on his glutes to keep it in place while the rest of her crawled off of him. Once there, she put her other claw on his shoulder, and twisted even further. By now, she could hear the last few cracks come from his back, and in a moment she could feel Spike’s hardy body seem to melt into a sort of gelatin beneath her.

With that stopped, she rearranged his body, making sure his body was more straight now. She left him lying for a little, before standing back to admire her work. Her friend was panting on the ground, scarcely moving a limb. There used to be a bit of pain in his form as a result of her tugs, but each tug gave way to a wave of relief, which’d eventually culminated in him being too overstimulated to stand. Funny, for some reason Gabby was feeling slightly similar.

“Th-that was… wow~!” Spike moaned. “Oh Celestia, I feel soooo loose~” He gave his limbs a few flexes, grunts of effort issuing from him. “Huh… I-I feel too tired to stand… You know, lying here sounds nice.”

“Y-yeah, I think so too…” Gabby said. She’d walk over Spike’s body, standing over him, before leaning her body down upon him. Soon, her torso was upon his back, where she’d curl up on top of him, her head on the back of his while she squeezed her body such that she was only lying just above his tail. “Hm… You even feel softer~” In a moment, her throat seemed to vibrate, ushering forth an almost purring noise as she lied upon Spike. The young dragon, meanwhile, rose a brow.

“Are you… purring?” Spike asked, a slight chuckle in his throat. Gabby then blushed.

“N-no…” she muttered. Spike, however, snickered some more, before sighing happily.

“Heh… Man, I have no idea how I could pay you back for this…” Spike muttered.

“Oh, we can solve that after we sleep this off,” Gabby said. She wriggled about on top of Spike a little, before sighing and lying in place. “Happy anniversary, pal…”

Elsewhere in the forest, a certain white unicorn was hiding in the bush, though her complexion now bore a little red to it. She was in the process of fanning her face, feeling like she was on the verge of fainting. But passing out so close to these two, so soon after what once could perceive as an intimate… No, it wasn’t intimate. Just a simple massage. Nothing more, nothing less, just a friendly massage between ponies. Still, it might not be in her best interest to be so close to them post that. She began to leave, before bumping into another body, this one purple with a horn and wings.

“Twilight?” Rarity asked. “What are you doing-?” The white pony cut herself off as she noticed her friend’s similarly bright red face, her pupils seeming to be pin-prick thin as she gazed off into space. She could swear Twilight gave a slight, hypnotic-induced sway, or maybe she was drunkenly swishing about.

“I-I…” she started. “…I think I need to take a cold shower…”