• Published 30th Jul 2019
  • 1,300 Views, 21 Comments

Sweetie's Imperfectly Perfect Night - Tranquil Serenity

Sweetie Belle is going to be singing her first solo ever onstage in a prestigious competition! If only she'd told her sister about it beforehoof...

  • ...

Sweetie's Imperfectly Perfect Night

The dressing room was empty of all but a few other ponies. Sweetie Belle stared through jade eyes into the vanity mirror in front of her. The mare was going to be the last one on stage, so she could afford the extra attention to detail. She turned her head, noticing the roses, violets, lilies, and forget-me-nots were all in place in her mane. She'd messed up her mascara several times, eventually opting to skip it altogether - it was going to be an emotional night in any case, and there was no point in drawing any undue attention to her tears if it came down to it. The blush was tough to apply, as it was a delicate balance between too much and too little. She studied her reflection, forcing herself to breathe in, and out... several times. She wasn't even sure if she looked right. The fine art of beautification was more her elder sister's forte.

Sweetie Belle's stomach twisted in knots, and she was almost sure she was going to be sick. It was the moment she'd been waiting for, for perhaps her whole life. She's written a song and practiced as responsibly as she could given her enthusiasm ever since she'd signed up for the contest, giving her voice enough time to rest in-between rehearsals so she didn't make herself... a little hoarse.

The aspiring singer would've facehoofed at the terrible pun that just wafted through her thoughts, but she really didn't want to ruin her makeup just now.

She took another feverish glance at the wall clock. Forty-five minutes. She met her own gaze in her reflection once more. She smiled.

Too fake.

She softened the smile.

Too rehearsed.

She grinned.

Is that spinach?! How long has that been there?!

Sweetie Belle removed the offending piece of salad from her pearly whites and inspected her teeth again. Abruptly, she groaned loudly, slumping dejectedly in her seat.

"Ugh! I wish everypony were here!"

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had wanted to come and cheer her on, but serious Cutie Mark Crusader business had come up rather abruptly, so in fact they were covering for her while she auditioned. Her friends had assured her they'd be there for her in spirit though.

And then Rarity was... Well, she hadn't told Rarity about it at all. She'd wanted to, but her sister had just seemed so busy lately running her chain of boutiques and helping Princess Twilight. And besides, some part of Sweetie Belle really didn't want to mention the audition tonight. If she bombed, at least she wouldn't be failing in front of her sister too.

But now that the time had come, she really regretted not asking Rarity to be here tonight. Even last minute would've been fine, as there were two reserved front-row seats that were now just going to stay empty.

Sweetie Belle straightened up and checked the mirror once more. But this time it almost made her cry. Now that she was so close to going out onstage she realized just how much she truly looked a mess. Nothing looked the way that it was supposed to, and all the pleasing contrasts she'd worked out in her head between the shades of makeup and the colorful flowers were admittedly rendered more contrast than pleasing in reality.

It really was a good thing she'd forgone the mascara, as Sweetie Belle was just on the cusp of bursting into tears.

Suddenly, she heard the creak of the dressing room door opening.

"Forty-two minutes 'til I'm on," Sweetie deadpanned, not bothering to look away from the mirror. "I'm aware. Thanks though."

"Well, you don't seem very excited for a mare who's just about to fulfill her lifelong dream."

Sweetie Belle stopped immediately at the sound of the familiar voice. She whirled around to face the pony who'd just entered, and there — miracle of miracles — stood the one she'd wanted to see more than anypony else in the world in that moment.

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle cried, leaping to her hooves and enveloping her big sister in a tight hug.

"Ohhh!" Rarity remarked, surprised by the sudden contact. She soon chuckled however, returning the embrace.

"How did you find out?" Sweetie asked, still holding her sister tightly.

"Apple Bloom and Scootaloo," Rarity replied simply, running a comforting hoof down Sweetie's back. "Honestly, and to think you were going to go on without your sister here to cheer you on!"

"It's just that you seemed so busy."

"Nonsense, Sweetie!" Rarity replied, sounding quite aghast. "If I can't make time for my little sister's big moment, then what kind of a sister would that make me?!" The two ponies parted. "Now, I know you—Good gracious, Sweetie Belle! What did you do to your beautiful face and mane?!"

Sweetie Belle averted her gazed in embarrassment. "It's a real mess, isn't it?"

"Well, it... uh... It could use a little bit more... sprucing up, I'd say," Rarity said gently, trying very hard not to let on how awful it really looked. "How much time 'til you have to go on, again?"

Sweetie looked back at the clock. "About... forty minutes...?"

Rarity released a momentously horrified gasp.

"But you said it really isn't that bad!" Sweetie said defensively.

The fashionista ground her teeth together. "You. Sit. Makeup kit. Now."

Not wanting to upset her already irate elder sister, Sweetie Belle quickly obeyed, doing everything exactly as she was told.


Sweetie Belle stood just off-stage in the wings, heart nearly beating out of her chest in nervous anticipation as she awaited her queue. Her mane was done up with several loose curls falling along the sides of her face, and the style was completed with a single white lily. The makeup on her face was very minimalistic, yet it suited her complexion perfectly. And no mascara was even required!

The aspiring singer caught sight of her sister just then, taking a seat in the front row, a reassuring sight which brought a smile to her face even in the tense moment.

"And that was contestant number 27! A very strong showing for this talented stallion!"

The announcement was accompanied by appreciative hoof clops from the audience as the grinning performer made his way off stage. He gave Sweetie Belle an encouraging wink as he passed her on his way backstage, her response a weak smile he likely missed in his glee at having done so well himself.

This was it. This was the moment she'd been waiting for.

"Next up, contestant number 28! Give it up for Ponyville's own... Sweetie Belle!"

The sound of welcoming applause greeted her ears, and she took one last glance at Rarity for comfort, who in turn gave a reassuring smile. Steeling herself, Sweetie Belle drew herself up proudly, allowing her ivory legs to carry her forward with firm steps.

Confidence, she told herself. Remember, if you sell it they'll buy it.

The unicorn contestant took her place center stage and smiled warmly out at the audience. She tried not to gravitate her gaze to her sister, despite how tempting it was. She was playing to a whole audience up here, and she couldn't be noticed playing favorites. Once the applause had petered out, soft blue and yellow dots of light began swirling about the stage, a spotlight clicking to life to shine directly down on her. She stepped a little closer to the mic, then turned her head and nodded to Vinyl Scratch offstage - who nodded in kind and set the correct record whirling.

Sweetie lowered her head ever so slightly, closing her eyes in concentration as she focused on the music, listening for the part she was supposed to start singing. Gradually, the rhythm of her heart started gathering together with the melody and lyrics she'd so painstakingly composed. At last, she took a deep breath and opened her eyes, beginning her solo with soft, soulful tones.

♫ I am colors, paint dripping down a white canvas
I am a voice, echoing, lost in the madness
I am a mare, pretending she's got this
I wish to be seen, but all I do is vanish ♫

♫ And I struggle to find the words to say
Just what I am, what role I play
I carry a map, but always seem to lose my way
It's the classic broken but beautiful cliche ♫

♫ Oh, and I constantly struggle to become more
Then end up asking myself what I try so hard for
I measure my deeds by the standard's of others
And fail every time when I add up the numbers ♫

♫ But maybe there's more to life than what they know ♫

♫ And maybe there's more to me than what may show ♫

♫ I may not have the greatest story
Have all the praise and glory...
But at least I can sort the real from the fake ♫

♪ And every friend I have's a diamond, make no mistake ♪

We; yeah, we have our sharp edges
But we are no less precious
In the sun we still shine bright! ♫

We; we've got flaws but we're special
Hearts beating strong with potential!
I know we'll be alright! ♫

♫ Words... whispered so harshly
Their judgments won't cost me a thing ♫

Truth... I'll own my truth bravely
So nothing will phase me
Together I know we will wiiiiiiiiiin! ♫

We; oh yeah sure we're not perfect
But that doesn't mean that we're worthless!
We each have our own bright ligiiiiiiiiiht!

We; we strengthen one another
We come through for each other!
We are all.... flames that passion igniiiiiiiiiites! ♫

♪ I'm just a mare, pretending she's got this
Unsure and uneasy... alone ♪

♪ I'm just a voice, feebly lost in the madness...
But with my friends I'm a queen on a throne! ♪

We; yeah, we have our sharp edges
But we are no less precious
In the sun we still shine bright! ♫

We; we've got flaws but we're special
Hearts beating strong with potential!
I know we'll be alright! ♫

♪ Words... whispered so harshly
Their judgments won't cost me...... a thiiiiiiiiiiiing... ♪

Silence punctuated the end of the song's last note and Sweetie felt her chest tighten with unease waiting those last few long seconds for the audience's response. Her eyes took in her observers. She noticed most were looking to her with nigh-shocked expressions. She even spied several tear-stained faces, but the judges' chiseled features were as stoic and unreadable as could be.

Please like me. Please like me. Please like me...

The head judge stood up dispassionately, his form proud and his demeanor one of marked apathy. Sweetie Belle involuntarily inhaled a sharp breath.

Then the stallion's eyes softened, and for a moment Sweetie was sure she saw a glint of watery emotion present in them. The judge clopped his front hooves against the ceramic floor, slowly, deliberately, repeatedly, his lips curving from a thin line into an appreciative smile. Before Sweetie Belle could even register what had happened, the other two judges and what appeared to be the whole of the audience stood, following suit as if his response had released them from the all-encompassing trance. The applause was loud and there were even happy screams and encouraging whistles.

Sweetie Belle touched a hoof to her lips, looking through filled eyes to her sister who winked back at her, standing tall and clopping her hooves harder than anypony.

Sweetie Belle couldn't believe it. It was all so much more overwhelmingly wonderful than she had ever dreamed it would be.


The younger of the two white unicorns trotted along beside her sister under the luminous moon that shone out serenely, its light standing out even amidst the brightly twinkling stars in the Ponyville night sky. Sweetie Belle had a smile irremovably plastered on her face that reached all the way up to her eyes, and she had such a spring in her step it was like she was walking on streets that were made of rubber instead of packed dirt.

She proudly carried a 1st place trophy aloft alongside her in her magical lime-green grasp. The sight reminded Rarity of a younger Sweetie Belle in times past whenever their parents brought home a chocolate ice cream cake. Of course, the fashionista remembered that Sweetie would always do a little dance in place when they did, unlike the very grown up Sweetie of today.

Then suddenly, low and behold, Sweetie Belle stopped and tippity-tapped her hooves on the spot, squealing with delight; all just as she used to when she was a filly. The fashionista ceased her own walking to giggle at the sight. Well, then again... she corrected herself. It had been years since she'd seen her little sister so happy.

"Oh, Rarity!" Sweetie Belle beamed. "They liked me! They really really liked me!"

"Why, of course they did, darling!" Rarity cooed. "And how could they not? You didn't get that cutie mark for scuba diving, now did you?"

Sweetie Belle chuckled at that. "Nope! And I didn't get it for bullfighting either!"

The two ponies laughed mirthfully in unison at that.

"Oh! Oh, my!" Rarity said through her chuckles, holding a hoof to her chest. "The day you and your friends attempted to become matadors was quite the horrific fiasco!"

"I'm just glad the bull was so understanding when he found out why we interrupted his nap," Sweetie replied sheepishly. "He even gave us cookies!"

With one last rousing rush of cheerful laughter, the remnants of their merry giggles finally petered out, and the younger unicorn sighed contentedly. "Oh, Rarity. I'm just... I'm just so happy!"

The fashionista looked to her little sister, lifting a hoof to lovingly cradle Sweetie Belle's face. "I'm..." Rarity began gently, her tone betraying what could only be described as heartfelt admiration. "I'm so proud of you, Sweetie Belle. Not just for tonight or for your beautiful singing or for that lovely song... but for the wonderful mare, and caring pony you've become."

The young singer blushed, timidly averting her gaze in response to her sister's unexpected praise. "Well," Sweetie Belle said shyly, "I did learn from the best, after all."

Rarity's eyes swam with emotion, and she gently pulled her younger sister into a hug.

For a while they just stayed like that, sister and sister, embracing one another beneath a diamond-filled sky, on what was the most perfect of imperfect nights.

Author's Note:

Please direct your grammar and spelling corrections to PM. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 18 )

Aww, this sure is a really sweet story~ :heart:

I like it! :twilightsmile:

BRAVO! haha:twilightsmile:
this was a pretty fun and charming short story, the length felt right, not too long or too short and rarity and sweetie's interactions were just heart-warming

An inspirational story with a beautiful song included.

Love the bond shown with these two sisters. Very touching

Very cute and sweet

It was a nice story.
Your stories are great.

She is a cutie. I think it's just the best when she gets all excited and her voice does this adorable shrilly little squeak. :rainbowkiss:

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