• Published 13th Aug 2019
  • 2,840 Views, 77 Comments

overpowered troll - jen_lee_hattie

This is a self-insert/displaced fic. what happens when a goddess asks if you want to be OP as fuck? what happens when you say yes well you about to see what happens.

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A part of Jenny's backstory reviled

”Time doesn't heal anything it just teaches us how to live with the pian. " ~ Vegeta

Naruto sadness and sorrow

(jenny’s P.O.V/near the bedroom of the Hyperbolic Time/Gravity Chamber)

after sans left, I went to the beds because my mind was starting to hurt and I was feeling tired from all that training I was doing.

(jenny’s P.O.V\ USA redmon\ 7-5-2013\dream/memory)

I was in the car with my mom, dad, and sister driving somewhere. when my mom gets a call found my papa and he was on Bluetooth and he told all of us that when he gets home that he found my nana died on the bed from over dues of her medication for her seizures. my mom was crying so hard that I didn't know what to do or say to make her happy angina.

(jenny P.O.V\ time skip three days\ funeral\still dream/memory)

I along with my family attended the funeral for gindy joreno my nana and I was crying hard on the inside and a bit outside and on that day I viewed to myself that I would only cry if it was for a happy thing and not something sad. and after we said our final goodbyes we left and she was cremated.

(Jenny P.O.V\ time skip six years\still in dream/memory\in a radom hospital)

I stand there watching as another one of my family did this time my dad's mother, she was dying from some kind of lung desired that made getting Oxygen in them hard and we know she had a limited time on this world but we thought we had more time and I amidst I cry a lot because she meant a lot to me just like my nana did.

(Jenny P.O.V\back at the bedroom of the Hyperbolic Time/Gravity Chamber)

”Dads mom and nana I miss you a lot as always ” I said as I cried a bit for reliving those memories of how they died and after that, I went to see if this place has any alcohol I could drink to take away the pain.

(Jenny P.O.V\Kitchen of the Hyperbolic Time/Gravity Chamber)

after looking around for a bit I found what I was looking for and a note from Yami that read as

I had a feeling that you would remember some of you more hurtful and dark memories so I am Giving some alcohol, but note that this is meant to last you at least 20 years so please do not drink your self to death, Because this is only a one-time thing.

after reading the note I look at the alcohol she left me and open one of them and drink the whole thing in one go and after that, I stumbled my way back the bedrooms after getting one more thing of alcohol with me and when I get to the beds I open and dink the alcohol that I bright with me and probably went to alcohol asleep with weirdness incarnated dreams.

Author's Note:

This a very personal chapter I made because what happened in this chapter actually happen to me and this is hard for to make as is, and before anyone complains to for this or call me some that want everyone to pity me for what I am going to typed that is wrong because I am trying to add character and reason for what my OC/self insert to do what they do.

I change the names of all the people that are in this chapter and I honestly forget their names.

Hope you all enjoyed this relive of part of Jennys backstory, and sorry for my chapters being short I will try to make them longer,