• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 10,546 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment - King Rose

[Displaced] My life went from cosplaying the black dragon of the apocalypse at a New York Anime convention, to being Acnologia in only 5 short minutes. What the hell? No serioulsly, what the fuck?

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Chapter 3- A Very Shitty Reunion, A Very Shitty Prince, A Very Painful Memory Uncovered, And A New Family

Chapter 3- A Very Shitty Reunion, A Very Shitty Prince, A Painful Memory Uncovered, And A New Family

Acnologia’s POV

I lay there having a pretty nice dream about me laying in a bed of flowers, and let me tell you, these flowers were AMAZING! They felt like literal clouds and they were in a multitude of colors ranging from Red Roses, to Blue Violets. I was in absolute peace. At least I was… Because after a few hours of me resting in my dream, I was rudely awakened by somepony poking my fucking side.

I scrunch my eyes in irritation, as I slowly awoke from my peaceful dream. I groan in annoyance as I slowly open my eyes. I feel the golden rays of the sun, push ever-so softly against my tanned skin. I then get poked again.

Sweet ever-loving god or goddess of death please have mercy on whatever poor soul decided to fucking wake me up by poking me in the shitting side. I thought as I looked over to my left. I then immediately take the poor soul mercy thing as I see the fucktard who woke me up.

Oh fer’ fucks sake! I internally scream, as I just dead-eye stare at the fucker who woke me up.

His mane and tail were a bright blonde, and his fur was an anti-void white. His eyes were a light blue, and he was wearing a white tuxedo. The little shit that woke was none-other than the entitled prick himself, Prince muthafucking Blueblood. This. Little. Shit.

“Who are you, vile creature? Why are you in the Royal Palace?” The prick asked with the oh-so iconic bitch voice.

I just deadpanned at him before saying: “Your aunt Celestia let me here, and I was having a great dream until you rudely woke me up. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’ma go back to sleep. So, fuck off.” I waved my left hand lazily at him while turning over and pointing my back to him.


I looked over my shoulder to see two guards just standing there. Not doing a goddamned thing. I smile and face back to where I’m looking at the other wall, away from the entitled dick that is Blueblood. I close my eyes to try to go back to my nap, and just I am about to drift back into sleep. I’m shoved off the goddamned bed. I could feel the cold tiled floor, and I can hear the little shit that pushed me smirking and chuckling. I look over to see Blueblood smiling like a little fucker.

This. Little. Bitch. I think angrily.

I then get up off the ground, and stand at my full height, which is NINE. FEET. TALL. And it smacks the smile off the pricks face immediately. I walk over to him and while he is still frozen in fear, I yank him off the ground and I stare deep into his soul.


He gives a terrified nod before I let him fall ass first onto the ground. To which he promptly runs the fuck away in terror. I smile at my handiwork, and I lay back down onto the bed to catch a few more Z’s. Unfortunately, Celestia had other plans for me.

“Sir Acnologia, Princess Celestia calls for your presence in the throne room.” A Unicorn Guard told me.

The guard was wearing the standard golden armor, and his mane and tail were a deep blue. His fur was a greyed white, and his Cutie Mark was a deep blue shield with a purple six-pointed star. This was indeed, Shinning Armor. Twilight’s big brother best friend forever. That name is still very weird.

“Alright, just let me get up.” I tell him.

I then get out of the gurney bed I had slept in, and I stood to my full height. I then walked over to the counter and I put my black cloak, and dragon tooth necklace on. I then walked over to Shinning, and he led me to the throne room.

While walking down the halls I noticed a few guards that weren’t there before. Most notably, I saw four dragon guards. This had caught my immediate interest. We walked past them, and Shinning opened the doors to reveal the throne room, which was now filled with several dragon guards, and what looked to be a few dragon nobles. Princess Celestia, and Luna were there of course too, and there was the Elements of Harmony and Spike, but there were two cloaked figures. This made me go on the defensive. I then slightly tensed my muscles.

“Ah, Acnologia. Thank you for joining us.” Celestia greeted. “I hope you got a well night’s sleep.”

“Yeah, I got a great sleep. Though I was rudely awakened by somepony, poking me in the side, but other than that, yeah. I had a good sleep.” I responded with the famous monotone Acnologia voice. “So, you mind telling me what’s going on here?”

“Acnologia, I’d like you to meet some of the nobles from the dragon lands. They act as representatives for the current Dragon Lord, Torch.” Celestia explained.

The first noble that walked up to me looked more like a general as he was wearing some sort of armor. But his scales were salmon red, and he had a huge scar that formed an “X” over his chest, and he had another scar that looked like a burn on his left side. He looked at me and said: “Hello there. My name is General Igneel Dragneel.”

My outside reaction was the same as I raised my hand and he shook it, and I replied: “My name’s Acnologia. It’s nice to meet you General.” However, my internal reaction was anything but tame, and calm.

HOLY MOTHER OF THE LORD ABOVE, IGNEEL EXISTS IN THIS WORLD!? My thoughts screamed as the other dragons introduced themselves.

The other dragons didn’t seem like much, as they were normal nobles but Igneel still lingered in my mind. Didn’t Celestia remember that in Fiore, I killed Igneel? I didn’t dwell on that long, as the cloaked figures were about to introduce themselves.

“Hello, what are your names?” I asked the tallest figure while holding my hand out.

“… You don’t recognize me?” The figure asked as I stopped dead.

My eyes went wide and I was shocked. That voice. That voice was Zeref’s.

“It seems he does recognize us.” The shortest pointed out.

My blood chilled. That voice. That voice! I-It’s Mavis’!

“You do remember us don’t you Acnologia?” The tallest spoke in Zeref’s voice causing my heart rate to speed up.

The two figures then took their cloaks off to reveal Zeref and Mavis. They were wearing the same clothes they had on when they died at the final season of Fairy Tail. My heart was beating so fast you could hear it. I took a step back and I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t make a sound. Then memories I wish I’d never see were flooding into my mind. Memories that weren’t from watching the anime. Memories that weren’t mine.

A white flash burned into my vision before fading away and revealing a gruesome scene, as Zeref looking at me with rage induced eyes, as he was holding a girl with long flowing blonde hair, in a pinkish white dress was unconscious in his arms, as they were covered in blood. He was holding Mavis. I looked down to see my hands. Only they weren’t hands. They were claws. They were void black, and they had the same markings as Acnologia did from the show. I looked back up to see myself surrounded by millions of dragon corpses. All of them were ripped limb from limb, and there was blood everywhere. I looked around to see them all staring at me. I looked back in front of me, and I saw Sonya’s beaten and bloodied body laying at my feet.

Her body then started to move slowly before looking at me and weakly saying: “W-Why d-didn’t you s-sa-save me Papa?” I then felt something climbing up my throat and I slapped my hands over my mouth.

I slapped my hands over my mouth, and I bolted out of the room without using my blinding speed. I then pushed and shoved past everypony in my way. I then found the bathroom. I opened the door, and promptly slammed it shut behind me, causing cracks to appear on the walls around the door. I then fell to my knees in front of the toilet and let loose. I furiously vomited into the bowl, and I felt like shit.

As I hung my head near the toilet, another memory flashed through my mind. This one caused me to go wide-eyed, and as the memory played out, I muttered these words over and over again: “No… No way… I-It can’t… It can’t be. It can’t be. That’s not possible…” I muttered as tears bled from my eyes. I then uttered one word. It was a name: “S-Sonya?”

Mavis’ POV

I watched as Acnologia stepped back away from me and Zeref, as I had a look of hate stamped onto my face and Zeref’s eyes were red with hatred and anger. After a few seconds, Acnologia slapped his hands over his mouth and his cheeks inflated with something. He then bolted out of the room. I was left in a state of shock, as a few moments later, the sound of a door slamming appeared. Then the disgusting sound of someone furiously puking caused me to reel back.

“What the heck did you say to him?” Spike asked dumbfounded.

“Oh, I hope he’s okay.” Fluttershy sheepishly said.

What in the world? That wasn’t something the Acnologia I knew back in Fiore would do. Who the hell is this!? I screamed in my thoughts, still shocked at what happened.

I looked over to see a similar reaction on Zeref’s face. After a few minutes of shocked silence, the doors opened to reveal the Acnologia that had ran out a few minutes ago. He looked like he had seen something that would haunt his dreams. In complete silence he walked back over to the seat between Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, and he sat down. He didn’t give off any reaction. He was completely silent.

“A-Are you okay Acnologia?” Fluttershy softly asked.

“…~~~~~” Acnologia whispered. He had whispered so softly that literally no one could hear it.

“Didn’t quite catch that sugar cube. Could ya say that a bit louder?” Applejack asked.

“… I… I-I was her f-fa… I was Sonya’s father.” He muttered while his navy-blue hair covered his eyes.

We were all left in a reaction of complete and utter shock, and everyone gasped. Sonya was Acnologia’s daughter?

I-I never knew… I thought she was an orphan. Does this mean that… Acnologia watched his own daughter die? Is that why he wanted to kill all the dragons? I thought as I heard drops of water hit the ground.

I looked over to Zeref, and his face was one of dread, shock and sorrow. Again, I heard several drops of water hit the floor.

I looked back over to Acnologia to see a steady stream of tears bleeding from his eyes. He was crying. Princess Luna then wrapped her hooves around Acnologia’s neck and hugged him tightly. Slowly the crying former-human wrapped his arms around Luna’s neck and buried his face into her shoulder.

Third Person POV

Acnologia buried his face into the shoulder of the Princess of the Night, and his tears flooded from his eyes. Some of them streamed and dropped onto the floor, as others were buried into Luna’s shoulder. Everyone, and everypony had different thoughts about this new revelation.

Sonya was Acnologia’s daughter?! I-Is this why he wanted me to cast that spell that turned him into a dragon!? But who was the mother?! So many questions burned through Zeref’s mind, as he stood there watching the former King of Dragons, and Harbinger of the Apocalypse cry.

Oh no. I-Is this the real reason behind him going on a rampage? Twilight thought as she started to tear up.

He lost his daughter… Just like I lost my parents. Applejack thought while staring wide eyed at Acnologia.

That’s… dreadful. Rarity thought simply.

T-That’s so sad. Pinkie Pie thought as her hair deflated and became flat.

Dude… How… How did he go through so many years of feeling that pain? Rainbow thought as she looked down at the ground.

Fluttershy didn’t think anything as she just held Spike like the world might end, and Spike just sat there and imagined if he lost someone close to him, like Twilight.

Just what have you suffered through Acnologia? Celestia thought as she watched her sister hug the crying dragon.

Is this really what happened Acnologia? Why didn’t you let me help you so long ago? Igneel thought as his eyes were filled with sympathy.

“Shh… Shh…” Luna cooed as she ran her hoof through Acnologia’s hair calming his sorrow. “It will be okay. I’m here for you. It’ll be alright. You don’t have to worry anymore. It’s okay.” She soothed the grieving Acnologia’s sorrow.

Soon Acnologia stopped crying and Luna released him of the soothing hug, but she still held her hoof to his back. Acnologia then wiped the rest of his tears away and looked back up to Zeref and Mavis.

“I don’t blame you for hating me. I hurt you and so many others. If anything, I deserve your rage.” Acnologia told them with sadness still evident in his voice.

Mavis then ran over to Acnologia and jumped at him, wrapping her arms around his torso. She hugged him tight and said: “NO! If anything, our rage was misguided! You were grieving, and you were in pain! You had every right to be angry.” She told the dragon. “I’m sorry you had to go through that pain.”

Zeref then walked over and put his hand on Acnologia’s shoulder. Acnologia looked up and faced Zeref as Mavis still hugged the dragon father. Zeref then said: “We’re here for you now Acnologia. You don’t have to be in pain anymore. Please accept our apology, and our friendship.” Zeref asked Acnologia.

“Heh… I’ve already forgiven you.” Acnologia stated as he pulled Zeref into a hug and returned the one given to him by Mavis.

The three wizards released themselves from the hug, and the rest of the meeting went by without problem. Igneel then had to leave and report back to Lord Torch about his findings. After Igneel left, the meeting then became lunch. Everypony had gotten salads while Acnologia had gotted some fruit, and a few gems.

As Acnologia reached for some of the fruit, his hand stopped and he eyed the gems for a bit, before picking one up and hesitantly putting a part of the gem in his mouth. He then bit down. And then immediately started to devour the gems. To him they tasted as if he was eating twenty cupcakes at the same time. Needless to say, there was a shit ton of sugar.

After eating the last gem, he and Spike at the same time burped very loudly. The two dragons looked at each other before smiling and laughing followed by the others laughing as well. After the laughing settled down, Acnologia then picked up his cup of water and smiled.

“I think it’s about time I told you what my real name is.” He said.

Everypony, and everyone immediately stopped eating and looked straight to Acnologia.

“Whatever do you mean darling? Isn’t your name Acnologia?” Rarity asked.

“While yes that is my name, it’s not my real name.” Acnologia explained.

“Well then, what is it?” Luna asked the dragon.

“Heh. Well my real name… is Acnori Quill.” Acnori told them all. “But my friends in Japan used to call me Quill. And you all are my friends so please, call me Quill.” Quill told them.

After getting used to calling Acnologia, Quill lunch had ended. And it was time for the Elements of Harmony to return home.

“Well, I believe it is time for us to return to Ponyville.” Twilight pointed out. “Thank you for inviting us Princesses.” The Element of Magic thanked the celestial Princesses.

“Well could I go back to Ponyville with you guys?” Quill asked. “I mean, it’d be easier for Zeref, Mavis and myself to get used to being here. Oh, and Luna?” Quill suggested.

“Yes?” Luna asked.

“Could you keep an eye on my dreams? I don’t want painful memories giving me nightmares.” Quill said while rubbing his arm.

“I will be sure to do so.” Luna reassured him.

“Thanks Luna!” Quill said before giving Luna a big hug.

After releasing Luna from the hug, Quill, Zeref, Mavis, Spike, and the rest of the Elements walked to the train station, while the three wizards got strange looks from the nobles of Canterlot. They didn’t mind. As they all got onto the train, Mavis brought up problem they would have.

“Have either of you thought about where we would stay?” She asked.

“We could buy a house.” Quill told her as Mavis sat between him and Zeref.

“But we don’t have any currency.” Zeref said.

“Wait a sec let me check…” Quill told them while putting his hand in his pocket. “… Ah! Here we go!” He said in victory as he pulled out a wallet.

The wallet was a pitch black color and it had a navy-blue Fairy Tail symbol on it. Opening it he found a void. No literally he found a pocket dimension in his wallet.

“Uhhhhhh… Why is there a little dimension in your wallet Quill?” Mavis asked while the three wizards looked at the wallet with confusion.

“I have no idea.” Quill responded.

Quill then reached his hand into his wallet and he reached all the way until his entire left arm was inside the wallet. Zeref looked at the wallet in pure confusion, while Mavis giggled at Zeref’s face. Once Quill pulled his arm out and in his hand was a bag filled with ten thousand gold coins.

“Well… Hey Twilight?” Quill called.

“Hmm?” She responded.

“How much would a house in Ponyville cost?” He asked.

“I believe a small house would cost around a thousand bits. Why?” She asked.

“What could you buy with ten thousand bits?” Mavis asked.

“I’d say a small mansion at least.” Twilight responded.

“Well…” Zeref started. “Then we’ve got a small mansion.” Zeref said while he and the other two wizards look at the bag with a deadpan stare.

“Oh…” Twilight responded as the other Elements and Spike had heard as well.

The camera then pans to the outside of the train when several voices are heard screaming one thing:

“Wait……... WHAT?!” All the Elements of Harmony, and Spike scream.

Time skip brought to you by Mavis, Zeref, and Quill standing side by side, and they’re showing off their Fairy Tail symbols. Quill is looking at the screen with his back facing the screen, and a navy-blue Fairy Tail symbol is seen on his right shoulder blade. Zeref is looking at the screen facing forwards and his head is facing up, which shows his flame red Fairy Tail symbol on the middle of his neck. Mavis is in between the two of them with her left arm in the air in the position for number one, and her sleeve had slide down to reveal her golden Fairy Tail symbol on her arm.

Acnologia/Quill’s POV

We arrived at Ponyville with little problem, except for the part where I had to explain that my wallet had a void in it. That was fucking confusing. But other than that, the trip was pretty uneventful. We all got off the train, and everypony had to leave and go home, while Twilight, and Spike led me, Zeref, and Mavis to town hall to meet the Mayor of Ponyville, who is named with a pun. Mayor Mare. As the five of us walked over to the hall I saw that many ponies were staring at us. I ignored it just as Zeref and Mavis did. We then reached town hall, and we were introduced to Mayor Mare who didn’t really mind of what we looked like.

“So, how can I help you.” The Mayor asked.

“Well, we would like to buy a house.” Zeref told her.

“Alright…” She started while pulling out several folders. “This is what we have available.”

I picked up a folder, as did Zeref and Mavis, and I started to look through the details.

So, this building has three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. It has a pretty big backyard, and it has three floors. The basement, the attic, and the floor with the bedrooms. It has a family room, kitchen, a porch, and it also has a few other rooms that could be used as entertainment rooms. It also has an office which I could use. Now the cost… Only six thousand? Hm… well this looks like a good one. I read through the folder. I then flipped the page to see what it actually looks like. It looked like my old house back in Japan. I smiled and closed the folder. I saw that Zeref and Mavis were finishing up looking at the folders as well.

“Hmm… I don’t think I like this one.” Zeref mumbled about his.

“Yeah this one doesn’t stand out to me.” Mavis agreed about hers.

“Well, how about this one?” I asked while showing the folder to them.

After a minute of conversing, we agreed that we would get the one I chose.

“Alright, that’ll be six thousand bits please.” Mayor told me, as I pulled my wallet out, and grabbed the bag of bits, but this time it had six thousand bits exactly.

She took the bits and put them in a safe. She then took out three keys and gave one to each of us. She gave me a map with the location of the home I bought. I was located right on the outskirts of town. Exactly where I’d like it.

“C’mon guys. Hurry up! I want to see our new home!” Mavis cheered excitedly.

“Alright one sec.” Zeref reassured her.

I smiled and looked at the road ahead of us. The road to our new home. Along the way Mavis had climbed onto my shoulders and was now atop my head. Her hands were on my head and it felt like I was with my little sister again. I smiled at the memory and continued onwards.

“Hey.” I said to get Mavis and Zeref’s attention. “Now that we live in the same house, would this technically make us family?” I asked.

“Hehehe! I’d love to have you as a brother Quill!” Mavis giggled as she hugged my head.

“I wouldn’t mind.” Zeref told me.

“Well I guess that settles it.” I told myself.

We then arrived at the house. I looked at it, and let Mavis get down. I walked up the steps to the front door and I found a note taped onto the front door.

Hello there Acnori! It is I, your friendly multiverse displacer, The Merchant. I took the liberty of transporting your house here along with different clothes for you Mavis, and Zeref. Your welcome. Until next time! Ta-ta!

I smiled and took the note off the door. I then took out my key. I then turned it and with a click, the door was unlocked. I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Mavis and Zeref shortly followed me inside, and we decided on who would get which room. We decided that since Mavis and Zeref were a couple that they would share a room while I got one to myself. My room was a fairly normal and standard room. It had a window right next to the bed, and the bed itself was twelve feet long, and nine feet wide. It had three pillows, which were all a sea blue color. The sheets were a dark grey, and the walls were painted the same navy-blue color as my hair and tattoos. The floor had a night blue carpet, and I thought ‘Perfect’ as it was the same room that I had back in Japan. I smiled and walked out of the room. I then walked into the kitchen and found where everything was. I got several items out and I opened the fridge to find it full.

“Oh! Nice!” I laughed as I got several things out.

I then started to make a dish which I was best at making. Spaghetti. I got all the necessary ingredients and made enough for three people. After a few minutes of cooking, the dish was ready.

“Mavis! Zeref! Dinner’s ready!” I called up to them.

“Oh sweet!” I heard Mavis cry as she ran into the kitchen and sat at the dining table.

Instead of wearing her signature pinkish white dress, she was wearing a fluffy pink hoodie that had a golden Fairy Tail symbol on the front, and she was wearing a matching set of fluffy pink pants. I then saw Zeref walk in wearing a black t-shirt that had a flame red Fairy Tail symbol on the front as well, and he had on a pair of black sweat pants on, and he was wearing a set of fuzzy black slippers. I smile and set the plates down in front of them.

“Well, since this is our first dinner together, how about a toast?” I say while giving them a glass of grape-juice.

Zeref eyed the drink as I gave it to Mavis, but his suspicion was calmed when I said that it was grape juice.

“A toast! TO FAMILY!” I yelled.

“TO FAMILY!” Zeref and Mavis yelled as we clinked our glasses together.

We then started to eat and talk about what we would do tomorrow. I then brought up the possibility of us making it back to Fiore. It was a possibility, but we didn’t worry about it. We ate dinner sharing laughs, and once we were done, Zeref and Mavis went up to bed while I cleaned the dishes. It had gotten really dark out and I took a step outside on the porch. I took a deep breath in and exhaled out. I smiled and looked at Luna’s beautiful night.

“Merchant, if you’re responsible for giving me the shit ton of bits and the pocket dimension wallet, thank you.” I said quietly.

Just as I was about to head back in the house, I saw a flash of light in the distance. It looked golden and red. I looked at it and I used my heightened sight to see what it was. Though I could only make out one figure, and I did smell that this was some sort of magic. But as soon as it appeared, it vanished. I decided not to think about it and go to bed. I walked into the house and turned off the kitchen and Livingroom lights. After that I walked up the stairs to my room.

Once I got up to my room, I opened my door and walked in. I then closed it behind me so no one could disturb me, and I opened my dresser to find a set of PJs’. They were only the PJ pants but that didn’t bother me. The pants were a black color and they looked just like the pants I usually wore except they had the same markings as my tattoos, and they were way fuzzier. I then got into my bed and closed my eyes. I wonder what episode tomorrow will be. I soon felt the uninterrupted relief of sleep pass over my body, mind, and soul, ready for anything that the next day would bring.

Dream Scape- Third Person POV

Princess Luna was doing her nightly responsibility and destroying the nightmares her subject had during the nights and she was walking by the doors of several different ponies. The void around her looked as if she was standing in the night sky itself. She then passed by three doors that held the dreams of Quill, Zeref, and Mavis. Quill’s door was marked with a navy-blue Fairy Tail symbol. Zeref’s was marked with a flame red Fairy Tail symbol, and Mavis’ was marked with a golden Fairy Tail symbol. As Luna walked by the three doors, a small glow appeared next to the tree wizard’s doors and silently out of the lunar ground. And swiftly without making any noise, another door appeared. This door was marked by several objects that looked like sword, and they were connected to each other by the hilts, and they formed a partial circle.

The camera then pans into the door and goes through. The scene then shows not a dream, but a memory. The scene shows the strongest of the Ten Wizard Saints laying on the ground, defeated as three figures stand in front of them. The most notable of them was one wizard by the name of God Serena. He and two of his Ishgar allies stood on either side of him. As Serena gloated and boasted about his victory in the distance in front of him a figure walked towards them.

The figure was nine feet tall, and he had navy-blue tattoos and very long and messy navy-blue hair. He wore a cloak that covered his left arm as it had been torn off. He was wearing black pants and a red dragon tooth necklace. This was Fiore’s Acnologia.

“Oh, and who might this be?” Serena asked with cockiness written in his words.

As Acnologia walked ever closer Serena continued to boast and got into a fighting stance. But just as he began his sentence, he stopped. And the blades on his back fell to the ground, destroyed. And behind him with his right arm extended, was Acnologia.

“Now only seven dragons remain.” Fiore’s Dragon King stated simply as he continued walking.

The other Ishgar wizards were in complete fear and shock, as was the strongest Wizard Saints. Serena’s arms fell to his sides, and his legs gave out. He then fell to the ground.

He was DEAD.

The scene then turns into a white void containing a woman in a tribal dress, while the rest of her facial features were covered by a hood she wore. This was the Goddess of Death, Ahnkseram. She looked over the dead body of Serena and held his soul.

“You’ve made many mistakes. But everyone deserves a second chance. At least, almost everyone.” She stated simply.

Granting Serena’s soul mercy, she sent it to a world where he could get a second chance to be the good guy for once.

Entrance of The Everfree Forest-Third Person POV

Laying in the dirt, face down was a man. He had several shattered blades surrounding him, and he was wearing clothes similar to what Zeref wore, except the colors were different. Instead of black robes, with white accents, he donned auburn red robes, with gold and white accents. His hair was a fall-leaf color, and his skin was pale white.

The man then shuffled around and his face was shown. On his face was a scar going across his nose, and his eyes were shut. While lying there he started to stir. His eyes scrunched up before one of them flew open revealing several different colors, each representing his different magic types. One section was grey, like a Gale force wind. Another was dark brown, like a Cavern. A different section was an infernal red like Purgatory. Another was deep blue like the Sea. A variation was white like the sun’s Light. Right next to the white section was a section that was pitch black like the Dark Night. And another was Acidic green. The final section was golden yellow, like a Lightning bolt. The screen then flashes into darkness.

As the darkness of the void is ever present, a bright light shimmers and reveals the symbol of the Ten Wizard Saints. And from that light these words are seen:

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

This chapter struck me when re-reading a Fairy Tail fanfic, here on FimFiction. It gave me and idea. And if you've read any amount of some story, you might be able to tell, that the lore I plan for my stories... Can get almost as deep as FNAF's. And that I am proud of. And the updates will be here and there and I can't guarantee that they will come out for a few weeks or sometimes a month or two, but they will be updated. I can assure you of that. And for this story I had to look at the new Wizard's magic to see what they had but I could only find four. So I had to look the other up using a Wattpad story called "The Dragon Father" by The-Dragon-Hearted. They are partially what inspired me to write this story so please go support them. But until next time, I bid you Adue~

I do not own Fairy Tail nor My Little Pony, nor any of the art used in this or any other chapter.