• Published 12th Dec 2019
  • 525 Views, 21 Comments

Helix and Hooves: Trainers of the Future - The Kelduo

Two friends travel into the future to prepare for a dangerous threat to Equestria.

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Chapter 20: History in Hammerlocke

Author's Note:

Major spoilers for Pokemon Sword and Shield ahead! You have been warned!

As with Motostoke, Hammerlocke turned out to be a massive city loaded with houses. However, it was much more of a medieval town with plenty of ancient sites to visit.

But the Doctor and I couldn't appreciate the town for long, because standing smack in the middle of the place was none other than Bede, who was currently talking to Oleana and the chairman.

The Doctor held a Poke Ball in his hoof.

I put my wing in front of him. "Not yet, Doc. You know better than to interrupt a conversation with a battle, right?"

"Oh, hehe..." the Doctor sheepishly chuckled before putting it away.

Instead, we eavesdropped from a fair distance.

"Mr. Chairman, I've found plenty more Wishing Stars in the northern half of the Wild Area," Bede said.

"Good," Oleana replied stoically as usual. "It is excellent that you have retrieved more Wishing Stars for Chairman Rose, whom you clearly remember is the one who endorsed you."

Bede took out a sack and gave it to the chairman. "Surely these will help to solve that problem that's been troubling you, right?"

"Of course!" Rose answered as he put away the sack. "But this isn't just about me. As a matter of fact, it concerns the entirety of the Galar region!"

A problem that concerned the whole region? Now he had our attention.

"And Wishing Stars aren't the only thing we will need. The other thing we need is a powerful Pokemon Trainer, somebody like Galar's very own Champion."

Bede smirked. "Is that so? Then it might please you to find that I have recently taken a massive step towards becoming the next Champion, for I have managed to show one of the new Gym Challengers just how outclassed she was. As long as I keep up the pace, I know for certain that I will defeat the Champion!"

"Oh! You've defeated one of the newer Gym Challengers? One of the special Challengers who really shone out from the rest?"

"Yes, sir. By the time I was done with that Pinkie Pie fellow, she was barely shining at all."

The Doctor and I had to keep ourselves from jumping out and strangling Bede.

"Most impressive! I saw how easily she defeated the Gym Leaders, so I feel you have done an incredible job achieving victory when you battled her! I hope you will continue to keep that passion for battle burning in your heart!"

"I won't let you down, chairman. Nothing will douse my burning desire to win every battle I find myself in!" Bede started walking west. "I'm off to Route 6 and beyond to hunt down more Wishing Stars and continue my Gym Challenge."

Oleana stopped him. "Wait, Bede. There is something I must discuss with you." Bede followed the secretary north over a drawbridge into the central tower.

Chairman Rose waved as the Psychic-type user went with Oleana into the stadium. "Good luck, Bede! I trust you to continue supporting the region with your efforts!"

He glanced south and noticed us.

So much for stealthily eavesdropping.

"Ah, if it isn't Helix and Doctor Whooves!" he said. "By any chance, did you two happen to overhear our little conversation?"

After getting a nod of approval from me, the Doctor replied, "Why, yes we did. We were just coming into Hammerlocke when we saw the three of you were having a chinwag. Didn't want to interrupt you, so we waited 'til you finished before passing by."

"I'm glad you took the time to listen! As you two know, Wishing Stars have the potential to massively boost the power of Pokemon, in both senses of the term. But when it comes to the amount of energy they contain, that's just the tip of the Bergmite!"

The Doctor and I exchanged looks. We were surely thinking the same thing.

I innocently asked, "What use could you possibly have for such a vast amount of energy?"

"Excellent question! Follow me into the stadium here, and I'll explain there." The chairman walked in the same direction that Bede and Oleana did.

We quickly followed him into Hammerlocke Stadium, eager for him to fulfill our curiosity.

The inside of the stadium was dark gray like the walls surrounding Hammerlocke, with a crimson carpet lining the way to the arena.

Chairman Rose met us near an elevator on the east wall. "This majestic building isn't just Hammerlocke's stadium. In fact, it also doubles as a Power Plant!"

"A power plant?" I asked. "As in, the kind that supplies places with the electricity needed to help humanity thrive?"

"Precisely!" He took out a tablet and showed showed it to us. "Here, this has all the info you need on the Power Plant!"

The tablet had a diagram of the central tower in Hammerlocke, as well as the Power Plant beneath it. An underground cable or pipe was connecting the plant to a town on the right side of the diagram, just left of an image of the chairman talking about the Energy Plant.

"It's quite simple, really." Rose pointed to the top of the tower. "Energy is absorbed by Hammerlocke Stadium's tower..." Then he moved his finger to the power plant. "...which then sends it to the underground power plant where it is converted into electricity..." And then, to the town. "...and delivered to people throughout the region!"

The Doctor nodded. "Ahh, that makes sense. No wonder you need to obtain Wishing Stars, so you can supply the tower with their energy!"

"I beg your pardon?" We turned south, where Lucina, Luke, and Kirby were coming in from the entrance. With a concerned look on her face, Lucina continued, "Did... Did I hear one of you mention Wishing Stars and energy in the same sentence?"

"Er, yes... Why do you ask?"

Lucina appeared somewhat traumatized. "The Wishing Stars... The origin of their power to Dynamax may be familiar to you. Long ago, a great black storm shrouded Galar in darkness..."

"Let me guess," I sighed. As something of a Pokemon veteran, I know the drill when it comes to past events in the Pokemon world. "The Wishing Stars have to do with a Legendary Pokemon, which caused the Darkest Day?"

I heard a quiet gasp from the chairman, but my attention was fully on Lucina. "...You don't appear to be surprised by this revelation. Are you used to these sorts of discoveries?"

I nodded. "Z-Crystals came from Necrozma. Super Abilities came from the Master Crown. Kirby learned to throw Friend Hearts thanks to energy from the Heart Spears that sealed Void Termina in the Jamba Heart."

Kirby confirmed the last two with a "Poyo".

The Doctor added, "I've never made any astounding discoveries like this before due to living a calm and peaceful life, but as an avid fan of Power Ponies and other comic books, I know that it's stereotypical for powerful beings or artifacts to leave behind life-changing items or abilities after being destroyed or the like."

Lucina stayed silent for a few seconds. "...So you are familiar with this sort of thing happening. I don't like to jump to conclusions, but would it be safe to say that you two might be convinced that..."

We turned towards Rose, who had an understandably nervous look on his face. "That Chairman Rose is using the Wishing Stars to awaken the aforementioned Legendary Pokemon for what he considers to be a good reason, yes."

He rubbed the back of his head. "Erm, well, why should that concern you? I'm only doing this to save Galar from an energy crisis that will happen within the next thousand years!"

"Thousand years?" Luke scoffed. "We won't even be alive by the time Galar runs out of energy! You're just speeding up region-wide extinction by bringing about the second Darkest Day!"

"Not if I can control it!"

Lucina deadpanned. "...Are you serious? You're going to try to control Eternatus, the Legendary Pokemon known for having infinite energy?"

Chairman Rose nodded calmly. "Relax, I've got a Mawile. If the Poison and Dragon type tries anything, my Steel and Fairy type will completely wall it and wear it down enough to tame it."

"What if that somehow fails?" I asked.

"If I can't stop it, then Champion Leon will. Everyone knows he's unbeatable!"

"And if the Champion fails?" the Doctor asked.

That caught him off-guard. "...Then I can at least say I tried to save the Galar region from an energy crisis."

This time, Kirby of all people deadpanned. "...Poyo." He motioned towards the two Lucario, whose Auras flared to life. Then he motioned towards me, and I held in my hand the very same quill that I killed Frightlight with.

After that, he turned around and pointed out Dalton, Splash Hoof, and the latter's parents coming into the tower. A heart-shaped aura came from Kirby's hand, and it lead the four to brandish their weapons and abilities.

"Kirby's right," the Doctor said. "The Champion isn't the only one you can rely on. This group of friends boasts some wicked capabilities that can play a big part in taming that monstrosity!"

"And if you want to stop us from saving the day..." I shrugged. "Don't worry about that just yet. We won't come after you until you've clearly started carrying out your plan."

Rose raised an eyebrow. "But... why? You could just try and stop me right this instant."

"Normally we would," Splash Hoof spoke up. "But after going on a bunch of awesome adventures, we've taken a bit of a liking to battling really strong opponents. Stopping you right now would be no fun, because that means you wouldn't be able to wake up that Legendary Pokemon for us to take on!"

"Are you sure? I know you're eager to fight every tough Trainer and Pokemon you find, but I somehow doubt your ability to tame the very same Pokemon that brought about the Darkest Day."

Dalton shook his head. "You're talking to a group of heroes who are close friends to the Swords of Justice. They've personally witnessed some of our incredible feats and would definitely tell you we are ready."

Chairman Rose was unusually flabbergasted by this. "The Swords of... Wait, what?!"

"Besides, we have the decency not to stop a villain's plan when it's barely even started to come together. Professionals have STANDARDS."

"To think that you have gained the trust of the Swords of Justice... And that they'd assure me that you can handle such a terrifying task..." The chairman anxiously smiled. "I... I don't know what to think of that, not to mention the fact that you're all sparing me for the time being. On the one hand, that gives me something to look forward to. But on the other hand, your calm demeanor unnerves me somewhat, almost like you actually know what you're talking about and know that you can defeat me and take Eternatus if it goes berserk."

"Come on, it's a win-win," Stormchaser said. "You get to wake up that Legendary Pokemon to provide Galar with energy while the Darkest Day lasts, and we'll get to tame it if things go downhill for you."

"Well... If you put it that way..." After thinking about it for a while, Rose nodded. "Alright, then! Sounds good to me."

Oleana approached the chairman from the reception desk and whispered something into his ear.

"Oh! Looks like I'd better get back to work. There's stuff I need to catch up on, and the same can be said for you." As he walked away with his secretary, he continued, "You might want to check out the vault next. Just keep heading west, you can't miss it!"

Taking his advice, we left the tower.

When we had crossed the drawbridge and were out of earshot of the chairman, Dalton broke the silence.

"So... Can anyone fill us in on what was going on with you guys and the chairman?"

"Sure thing!" the Doctor answered. "Here's the deal: Helix and I were listening to Chairman Rose explain how Hammerlocke's stadium acts as a Power Plant, and that made me realize why Bede was collecting Wishing Stars for him. Turns out they contain loads more energy than we initially thought, so Rose wanted Bede to gather Wishing Stars to fuel the Power Plant."

Lucina continued, "But I overheard and became suspicious of Rose, so I warned Helix and the Doctor about the origin of the Wishing Stars. As luck would have it, they were by no means surprised by the Wishing Stars' connection to the Darkest Day. In fact, to my relief, they told us that they had a feeling Rose was using the Wishing Stars to awaken the Pokemon responsible for the Darkest Day."

I grinned. "And we were right. He wanted to save Galar from running out of energy in a thousand years, and he falsely believed that he could control the fiendish Legendary Pokemon. And he said that if he failed, the Champion would be able to tame it because he's supposedly unbeatable."

Dalton widened his eyes in understanding. "Ohh, so that's why Kirby looked so unamused and used his friend powers to tell us to show off our abilities! He was disappointed in the chairman's failure to realize that we could all take on that Pokemon of Galar lore, so he wanted us to demonstrate our skills!"

"Good on you to come to that conclusion!" Lucina beamed. "Though, I have the same concerns as Chairman Rose when it comes to you lot allowing him to summon the Legendary Pokemon Eternatus. Are you really going to be able to tame a Pokemon with unlimited energy?"

Luke laid a paw on Lucina's shoulder. "Mom, when all my friends and I worked together, we managed to defeat the actual God of Kirby's universe!"

Lucina, Azure, and Stormchaser all exclaimed, "WHAT?!"

"You heard right," Splash Hoof said. "And Roborygon got it all on tape! We'll have to wait for him to come back from researching the Galar region and the local Pokemon, though. He returned to the Wild Area to research the local Pokemon there after watching my battle against Kabu."

Stormchaser stared blankly in astonishment. "Proof that you all conquered a literal God... The moment we meet this Roborygon, I want him to show us the footage of that amazing fight!"

Azure nodded eagerly. "I second that!"

"I want to watch the footage as well," Lucina said. "But I hope you're all good with patience, because Galar has an overwhelming amount of history to indulge in. So for the time being, I suggest we follow Rose's advice and head for the most historical location in all of Hammerlocke..."

She led us all the way to the west side of Hammerlocke, in front of a pair of wooden gates that led into a tall medieval building. "The vault, which holds one of Galar's stories of lore."

"One of the region's stories of lore?" the Doctor asked. "Does that mean Galar has more than one legend passed down from generation to generation?"

"It certainly does."

"So there are more legends and myths to look into..." The Doctor's eyes lit up, as if he was a foal getting exactly what he wanted for his birthday. "This is brilliant! I've got to feast my eyes on every legend Galar has to offer before kicking the bucket, no matter what!"

He galloped towards the gates, which elicited a gasp from the two Lucario. "No, wait--"


We winced as the Doctor's headfirst charge into the gates resulted in him getting a large bump in his head. "Ohh, my aching noggin... What was that about waiting...?"

Lucina walked up to him. "I was trying to warn you that a Duraludon was blocking the way in..."

"Dura what now?"

As the Doctor got back into his hooves, a rattle came from the gates. They opened inward, and the Doctor ended up face-to-face with a metal, wingless dragon of sorts that had a short tail, a tall body, and claws that looked like some kind of scooping tool.

The so-called Duraludon got onto all fours.

Then it charged up a white ball of energy in its mouth.

"Look out, Doctor!" Lucina shoved the Doctor out of the way, and Duraludon fired a silver laser that hit her instead. The attack looked like it should have at least knocked her off her feet, but she was still standing after it ended.

"Right on, Duraludon!" we heard someone say from inside the vault. A man in a purple and orange, dragon-like outfit showed up next to the Pokemon. I recognized him as Raihan, the Dragon-type Gym Leader. "Now then, let's see who's trying to force their way into...?"

His expression changed from confidence to surprise when he saw the blackened Lucario before him. "Wait a mo... Lucina, is that you?!"

Lucina wiped off the ash on her face. "It's been a long time, hasn't it, Raihan?"

After a wave of surprise washed over the rest of us, I asked Lucina, "You know each other?"

She smiled at us. "When my husband and I showed our kids around Galar, we got to know the locals, and we have good ties with the Gym Leaders."

Raihan added, "Yeah, Lucina and Lucien even helped me out with my training when they dropped by Hammerlocke every so often. So you can see why I was worried sick when they suddenly just stopped showing up." He then scolded his Pokemon. "Duraludon, I thought I told you to fire away only if you saw an unfamiliar face that wasn't a human. Don't tell me you didn't recognize Lucina!"

Duraludon looked down in sadness as it let out a metallic whine. "My Flash Cannon wasn't supposed to hit her! I was focused on an entirely different target..."

"Don't blame that Duraludon of yours, Raihan!" The Doctor ambled back in front of the gates. "I'm the one who caused all that ruckus by trying to head into the vault. Lucina just pushed me away so I wouldn't get hit by that attack."

"Is that so?" Raihan put a hand under his chin as he gave the Doctor a once-over. "Huh, no wonder my partner got the hump with you. With that bag on your back and all, you look like a proper Trainer on an adventure through the region, but I saw nothing like you during the Gym Challenge ceremony."

"In that case, allow me to intro--"

"Hang on, there. I'm just gonna check something real quick..." Raihan took out a crimson Rotom Phone and scrolled through it. "Let's see here... 'Doctor Whooves'? Well, what do you know! Says here you're officially a Gym Challenger! Eh, guess you got held up somehow and couldn't attend the ceremony... Ah well, no worries." He shook the Doctor's hoof. "Glad to meet ya, Doc! I'm Raihan, the Dragon-type Gym Leader, and Champion Leon's greatest rival! Though, if you wanna battle me, that'll have to wait. You need to beat all the other Gym Leaders first, because I'm the final Gym Leader and therefore the strongest of them all!"

"I look forward to our battle, Raihan," the Doctor replied. "I'm sure you'll be a worthy opponent, what with your specialty being Dragon types and all. Back where I come from, dragons are not to be taken lightly."

Lucina tapped the Doctor's shoulder. "You're not wrong about Dragon types being strong, but it's probably in your best interests to know that Raihan also likes to use weather in battle. Ah, but we're getting off-topic." She turned towards the Dragon-type user. "Would you mind if we took a gander in the vault? I'd like to tell my new friends a little about the legends of the Galar region."

"So you wanna check out the vault, eh?" Raihan moved out of the way for us, and his Duraludon did the same. "Then by all means, go ahead! Anything for Lucina and her friends!"

Lucina did a "follow me" gesture with her paw, and we went with her into the vault lobby.

"By the way, catch!"

We caught some cards that Raihan tossed towards us, and they happened to be copies of his League Card.

Lucina chuckled as she led us up the stairs. "Just like he saw us off the first time we met: he offered us his League Card so we could get to know him. You never change, do you, Raihan?"

After giving the Doctor the TM for Charm I found on the balcony, we walked up the last flight of stairs and entered another pair of gates.

Beyond the gates was a large, empty room with a very high ceiling. On the far wall were four ancient tapestries, and observing them in the middle of the room were none other than Sonia and Tails.

Tails' vulpine ears alerted him to our presence. "Oh, hey guys! Look who it is, Sonia!"

Sonia turned around and saw us. "You guys are here too? Gotta say, you picked a pretty good time to visit the vault."

Lucina stepped forward. "I took these fine Trainers here so they could learn about the Galar region of old by feasting their eyes on those tapestries up there."

Luke seemed perplexed by his mother's comment. Lowering his voice, he said, "But Mom, I thought you were going to tell the others what you told--"

Lucina shot her son a silencing look. "I was going to," she replied quietly, "but this young lady and gentleman don't appear to know the truth. Let's let them have their fun, and I'll tell you lot the real story afterwards."

Luke nodded.

"So you're here to check out the tapestries too?" Tails said. "Then you're in the same boat as us. I'm here to learn more about the Galar region in general, and Sonia wanted to learn about some strange Pokemon that reside in a forest called the Slumbering Weald."

"Strange Pokemon in the Slumbering Weald?" Lucina smiled. "I might be able to help with that. But first, let's have a gander at these tapestries!"

We nodded in agreement.

First, we looked at the far left tapestry, which depicted two young men, one in red and one in blue, watching something fall from the sky. "Looks to me like that's a Wishing Star those two are watching," Sonia said.

"I'd say you're right," the Doctor said. "But the puzzling thing is what comes next..." The next tapestry depicted a red and black storm that terrified the two individuals. "The Darkest Day came after a Wishing Star fell from the sky? That's no coincidence!"

The third tapestry depicted the youths watching a blue sword and a red shield dispel the storm. "A sword and a shield stop the Darkest Day..." Tails shook his head. "But how can those two medieval objects alone put an end to the Darkest Day?"

"Maybe they didn't do it... by themselves." I thought hard as I saw the last tapestry: the two individuals were wearing crowns, meaning they were now royalty. "Do they have to do with those two Pokemon we encountered back in the Slumbering Weald?"

"Encountered...!" Lucina whipped around and looked me dead in the eye. "You actually encountered the legendary canine duo Zacian and Zamazenta?!"

The Doctor and I nodded.

"Or so we think," Luke clarified. "We were searching for a Wooloo that had found its way into the Slumbering Weald, but the two Pokemon stopped us while summoning very dense fog to obstruct our view. However, I sensed no aura from the creatures. It was like they were illusions, for our attacks phased right through them!"

"Illusory creatures not affected by your attacks?" Lucina closed her eyes in thought. "The duo have been asleep for a millennium... Could it be that those Pokemon you encountered were actually the spirits of Zacian and Zamazenta working to prevent you from going any closer to their resting place?"

"That's a pretty impressive theory," Sonia said, "but it still doesn't answer Helix's question about whether the sword and shield have to do with those Pokemon..."

"Well... I've already spilled the beans about Zacian and Zamazenta..." Lucina shook her head in resignation. "Might as well go ahead and answer your question myself." She pointed at the third tapestry. "While that shows the sword and shield only, that wasn't the whole story. The youths used them to summon Zacian and Zamazenta, who then equipped them to fight off the Darkest Day themselves. They are the true heroes."

"But if they are the true heroes," Tails asked, "what about the youths who became crowned in the fourth tapestry?"

"They are also heroes, for calling upon the cyan and the magenta to save the Galar region. The reason why only the youths and legendary equipment were depicted here and not the Pokemon is simple..."

Lucina sighed.

"Zacian and Zamazenta were omitted because humans naturally consider themselves superior to Pokemon, an opinion that several Pokemon loathe, including myself. They think they're so amazing and glorious just because they have put together advanced civilizations, invented various amenities that humans use all the time nowadays, and engage in wars whenever they disagree about something. They think Pokemon are nothing more than tools for sport, pleasure, and profit."

The Doctor asked, "But if Pokemon know humans are so selfish, why do they let themselves be caught?"

"Because humans need us, and we need them. Pokemon help humans because it's the right thing to do, not to get anything back. And even if we did do it to get something back, that something is very important to us. Whether they know it or not, they're giving us a purpose and, if we're lucky, a new friend and a peaceful life, when they catch us."

"A... purpose?" Sonia asked.

"Yes. Out in the wild, away from humans, Pokemon don't have any important objectives they need to do. Their only real goal is to keep their kind from going extinct, and living without a purpose sounds... boring, wouldn't you say? But being able to help out humans satisfies us, because we get to contribute to society, even if it isn't Pokemon society."

Luke grinned. "So, you want to contribute to society?" He took out his Expedition Badge. "After we finish with our Gym Challenge, there's someplace I want to take you. I think you'll like it."

Lucina looked down at the Badge, then at Luke. "Of course, Luke. Let's go there the moment the Champion's Cup ends. And speaking of going places..." She turned and headed towards the exit. "We'd best be off to Route 6! Come on, everyone!"

We followed her out of the vault, leaving Sonia and Tails behind to continue checking out the tapestries.

As we went down the stairs, Lucina looked back at the Doctor with a concerned look on her face. "I can tell what you're thinking by reading your aura, Doctor. To resolve your confusion regarding my statement about humans considering Pokemon to be tools for pleasure, well, I'll say nothing more than this..."

She shuddered.

"If you ever hear someone mention Vaporeon and humans in the same sentence... buck them in the face for me. That way, you won't discover some... disturbing information."