• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 1,853 Views, 13 Comments

Nifty Nuptials - pabrony

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Author's Note:

Before you begin enjoying the story, please bear in mind that this takes place before the story A SciTwi Shimmer Christmas. That's why certain things may seem off, timeline-wise. Without further ado, please enjoy Nifty Nuptials.

"Got the mail, babe!" I called to Twi. "And there's a few more RSVPs for the wedding here."

"That's great! Who are they from?" asked Twi as she came padding into the living room in her bathrobe.

"Let's see...Rainbow Dash...Moon Dancer…Lyra and Bon Bon...Vinyl and Octavia…" I paused when I saw the last reservation card.

"Who's the last one?" Twi asked.

I looked at Twi with a look of disbelief. "You are never gonna believe this. Fluttershy is gonna come to the wedding."

Twi's face mirrored my own as I showed her the card. "I hope she paid attention to the locale of where we're holding the nuptials."

"I hope so too," I replied.

I went through the rest of the mail that consisted of bills and an adult magazine that me and Twi read for the articles. Twi, meanwhile, had gone into the kitchen for something and I happened to notice that her robe had been left on the love seat.

"Um, babe?"

"Yes, Sunny?"

"Are you wearing anything?"

She walked back in the room with a Nutty Buddy ice cream cone, naked as the day she was born.

"Nope," she said with a goofy smile as she seductively licked the ice cream.

I felt my cheeks light up as she allowed a dollop of ice cream to land on her breast. "Now? Really?" I asked her.

She chuckled and flopped on the love seat on top of her discarded robe. "No, silly. I'm just preparing for our wedding. You want me to put the veil on?" Twi teased.

I let out a giggle of my own as I cuddled up next to her. "No, but I will take a bite of your ice cream," I replied seconds before snatching the cone from her hand.

"Hey! Get your own!!"

I tapped my chin a couple of times with her dessert before taking a bite, booping her on the nose with it, and handing it back to her. She gave me an annoyed - but playful - look after receiving her Nutty Buddy back from me.

"You are impossible," she said.

"That may be true but…" I wiped the ice cream off of my chin with my finger and then fed it to my fiancé. "...you're adorkable."

"Oh really?"

"Mhmm. Why do you think I fell in love with you?" I asked as she snuggled her nude body up against me, continuing to work on her dessert.

"Because of my hot body," she replied.

"Well that too," I responded, eliciting simultaneous giggles between us.

She finished her ice cream a few minutes later and grabbed a blanket to cover us both up with. We found Revenge Of The Nerds on TV and began to discuss some of the wedding plans; mainly the bridesmaids and groomsmen.

"So I was thinking," I began, "instead of Shining Armor being the best man, I ask your brother-in-law if he'd like to have that honor."


"Yeah. Just to break up the pattern of us being in the center and Shining and Cadence across from each other," I explained.

"But why him? Why not Big Mac?" Twi asked.

"Well, I feel since he's technically part of the family, he'd be the better choice."

"Fair enough," she said. After kissing me on the cheek she continued, "Shining is probably going to be upset though. He's been expecting to be the best man since we announced our engagement."

"I know but I think it would look better for the photos," I said, stroking her hair.

"Do you think Fluttershy will still want to be a bridesmaid?" Twi asked me after a short silence. "You know, with the wedding being on a nude beach and all."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I guess we can always ask her. Who else did you have in mind for bridesmaids?"

"I was going to see if Princess Twilight would want to do it," she answered. "She is coming, right?"

"That's what she said. She said she's coming and bringing Fizzlepop along with her."

"Fizzlepop? Who is that?"

"Supposedly it's her fiancé," I said. "She never mentioned him or her until she RSVP'd last week."

"Whoever they are, they must be someone controversial if she's keeping her relationship with them on the down-low. Logically thinking, of course."

We both giggled once more as the movie had gotten to a scene where the nerds were getting even with the fraternity and sorority that embarrassed them at the party they threw.

"Would you have done this to the sorority, babe?" I asked with a grin. "The voyeur cams, I mean."

"Are you kidding? They are smoking hot and I would love to be able to watch them at all times," Twi said with a laugh. "How about you?"


Twi shifted around so that her head was in my lap but still covered up with the blanket that she had on. Tugging gently at my shirt, she said, "Hey what about Wallflower? She's comfortable being nude around others."

"Ehhh, I don't know," I said tilting my hand back and forth. "I think she's more into exhibitionism and voyeurism than social nudity. Remember, she was <censored> at the sight of us <censored> before the graduation ceremony."

"True, but she's still fine with baring it all."

"It's your call," I told her. "I would suggest Pinkie but I don't think she would handle herself too well."

"Really? Like not willing to strip down or-"

"Oh, she'd be more than willing to run around stark naked. I just don't think we could keep her in one spot during the ceremony if she was a bridesmaid," I explained.

"Good point. Who else have you thought of asking to be ushers?" Twi asked.

"Flash and Bulk Biceps for sure," I answered. "I thought of-"

"Please don't say Timber," Twi interrupted.

"Hell no. We didn't even send him an invite, remember?"

"Oh yeah."

"I was going to say Zephyr Breeze."

"You're kidding, right? That perv?"

"If Fluttershy is on your side of the altar, I think she could keep him in line," I said with a smile.

"Okay," she said, feigning acceptance.

"Well, has Big Mac sent in his RSVP? We might need to look for a back-up for you if he doesn't want to come," Twi said.

I stared at the television for a moment as I let what she said to sink in. "Now that you mention it, he hasn't responded yet."

"Do you think it's because of the rumor?"


"Yeah. The one about the real reason that his name is 'Big Mac'."

I stifled a laugh at her statement. "If that's the reason, then he's either really ashamed of it or afraid to make all the other guys jealous."

"Eeyup!" Twi replied, doing her best impression of Applejack's brother.

Another laugh filled the room which was followed by another silence. Twi began to get still and at one point let out a small snort. I gave her a shake and reminded her than it was just past two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Hey, are we still writing our own vows?" I asked as she sat up.

After a quick peck on the cheek, she answered, "Of course, sweetheart. We decided on that weeks ago. Why? Are you having trouble with yours?"

"Yeah, sort of," I replied nonchalantly. "I know what I want to say but...I don't know."

"You're having trouble putting them into words?" asked Twi.

"Yes. Exactly. I want you to feel my love through my vows as much as you do physically," I said. "I want them to be perfect."

"Don't worry too much about them. Like you always tell me, 'everything will work out fine'."

I kissed her on the forehead. "Thanks, babe. By the way, are you going to put any clothes back on?"

"Not until tomorrow," she replied with a grin.