• Published 15th Aug 2019
  • 1,509 Views, 115 Comments

Duelist Team of Canterlot High - Brony-wan-kenobi

Six students will represent Canterlot High in a childrens card game tournament. And none of them are the main seven!

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Dark Emotions Part 1

Duel Scores:

Canterlot High: 6

Appleloosa High: 7

As the scoreboard updated, Autumn walked back to her teammates looking thoroughly embarrassed. She wasn’t the only one. Now that her front was before them, her whole team could see that her hair was still wet and clinging to her body…as was her top. Now they could all see her curves, her top becoming partially see through even in this low light revealing her bra. Both the teen boy quickly averted their eyes, noticing dozens if not hundreds of smartphones within the stands were raised to take pictures of their Fire Fist user.

“Sorry about that,” said Autumn, who seemed either oblivious to her current state…or she just didn’t care. “But that deck was just so annoying it really got under my skin, you know. Oh, thanks Wallflower.” Autumn took the towel that Wallflower had gotten her, from somewhere, and placed it on her shoulders before beginning to dry her hair.

“No problem,” replied Wallflower, her cheeks burning slightly from the praise. “And don’t worry about losing. It happens to the best of us, right?” Wallflower turned to the rest of the team, urging them with her eyes to help support her.

“Well,” began Lightning, shifting uncomfortably where she stood. “As someone who might, on occasion, let their anger get the better of them…I mean, errr.” Everyone looked at Lightning as she struggled to find the right words to say, seeming to get flustered the more she tried to vocalize what she wanted. After several more belated attempts, as well as a reddening face, she seemed to snap. “You know what? Yeah, you screwed up there! But we all mess up from time to time. At least you didn’t give up like some sort of pansy and kept fighting till the end.”

“Infernity can be annoying to deal with,” said Moondancer with a nod of her head.

“While I do wish you didn’t lose your head like that,” commented Vice-Principal Luna, looking only slightly stern. “You were at least able to get your head back in the game before things got too far out of hand. However, if this team does become a permanent addition to the school, you will need to work on controlling that temper if you wish to remain on the team. We can’t have Wallflower bringing you a bucket of water to cool your head during every duel.”

“Yeah,” added Pharynx, still looking away with tints of red on his cheeks. “It might make things more…complicated if you keep doing that. For everyone.” Autumn looked at Pharynx for a moment, blinking slowly before finally looking down at her dampened top. Rather than scream, however, she instead just repositioned the towel so that her bra could no longer be easily seen.

“Guess until I can keep a lid on it, I’d better start bringing some extra clothes to my duels,” she said with a laugh. “Maybe I can bring some of my costumes from home and do something like that Sparkle girl did. Sing a song after the duel or while you guys are dueling to really set the mood! That or I can just bring my own towels!”

“I think we’d all prefer you just not doing that in the first place,” sighed Moondancer, shaking her head slowly. Then, slowly, she turned her head back to the field as her body grew tense. One by one, the others followed suite as a growing sense of unease filled them. All of them began to think the same thing as they waited for the next announcement to ring through the air: Autumn had just faced off against their Vice-Captain, no doubt their second strongest duelist, and lost. No doubt the Captain would be even stronger, more skilled than her. So the question was: could they still win?

“Listen, Breaburn, its not too late to back out of this,” came Forecast’s whispered voice from Breaburn’s phone. “I can just use the randomizer like normal and you’ll have a 50/50 chance at dueling him.”

“Ah have ta do this Forecast,” Breaburn whispered back as he glanced over his shoulder to his teammates. Most of them were still congratulating Strongheart on her win, surrounding her and giving her all their attention. The only one who wasn’t was Sparkle who, like the spoiled drama queen that she was, was off by herself in a huff. No one was paying attention to him or his call.

“I was willing to change the last duel for you, but only to give you time to think about this,” whispered Forecast, his tone becoming more urgent and panicked. “If I hadn’t, then that Hunter fella would have dueled Strongheart. Now, please Breaburn, think about what you’re asking me to do for you.”

“Trust me, Ah know what Ah’m doing,” muttered Breaburn quickly.

“Damn it Breaburn!” whispered Forecast, his voice rising slightly with panic. “Do you understand what you’re asking me to do?!? This isn’t something that they’ll give us a slap on the wrist. Fixing matches is a serious thing! If anyone finds out, we’ll not only have to forfeit the game but we’ll both get suspended for cheating! You might not be able to duel in tournaments for a couple years. YEARS Breaburn! That’s if you’re lucky. And me, the school will never trust me to be an announcer ever again. Is it really worth it just to get back at some guy's brother? A guy who has never done anything to you?!?”

Breaburn didn’t answer right away, looking down at the ground as he mulled over his friend’s words. He was right about fixing matches, a term used within the dueling circuit to describe when two duelists were purposefully placed to face off against each other, being serious. In tournaments of any official nature, duels were supposed to be randomized in order to keep things fair and balanced. Still, there were those who tried to gain the upper hand, scoping out their opponents decks and finding out which ones were particularly weak against their own. Those duelists would then try their best to ensure that they dueled only those decks, be it by trying everything under the sun to convince the officials or to simply hack into the programming. That way, a duelist would be assured a higher rank at the end along with a greater prize. Or, in the case of a duelist team like his own, ensuring at least one win to their school. Maybe more depending on how much they wanted to push it. Naturally, those caught in the act of something like this were punished severely. Forecast wasn’t kidding when he said that he would be lucky to receive a tournament ban for the next couple of years. Not too long ago, Breaburn had heard about several students in a grand competition hacking into the randomizer system and were caught. If his memory served him right, that school was prohibited from entering any more matches for the rest of the season and all the students were expelled. And that was just what the school did to them! Since there was a $10000 grand prize for the winning school, the tournament officials took the duelist to court. Now while there wasn’t any massive prize like that for this match, there wasn’t a doubt in Breaburn’s mind that that didn’t mean they would be let off with a warning.

A lump began to grow in Breaburn’s gut as he thought about it. Yeah, if anyone ever found out, the least he would get would be a temporary ban regardless of his reason. But, it wouldn’t be just him who would suffer. The whole team would suffer, no, the town would suffer. The school’s reputation and pride would be shot once word got out that the team Captain was caught fixing matches. The entire team’s achievements over the years would be called into question and, when they were allowed to duel again, no one would trust them to work the randomizer all by themselves for some time to come. It might make it even harder for some of them to get into professional dueling. And Forecast, there was no telling what they would do to him. What’s more, the town which took great pride into everything that the school did, would no doubt be affected as well. Glancing behind him, Breaburn saw the smiling faces of his teammates as they celebrated their soon to be victory. Was he really willing to take this away from them?

Then, as he turned his head, Breaburn caught sight of Star Hunter staring at the field. Just looking at that face felt like having a white hot poker jammed into his gut. Without realizing it, his grip on his phone tightened to the point where it nearly shattered.

“Ah need this,” hissed Breaburn, now staring at Hunter. Anger and hate override all other worries, throwing them to the wind.

“Then do it on your time then,” insisted Forecast. “If you don’t get the chance to duel him, just wait till after the game and do it then! You don’t have to cheat like how his brother-”

“Ah am nothing like that rattler!” growled Breaburn dangerously into the phone. For a moment, there was silence but the teens anger did not ebb in the slightest. It was still rising as he stared at Hunter, all of his hatred coming up to the surface. “Them Canterlot folks will be leaving as soon as this here game is over. No way they’ll let me duel him then. Besides, it ain’t what he deserves. Just like his brother he is, trust me on that! He deserves ta be humiliated in front of all those fine folk.” Breaburn then took a breath and, when he spoke next, his voice was slightly calmer than before. “Look, ain’t nobody gonna find out if we don’t tell them. An’ if something does go wrong, it’ll be on me. Ah’ll just tell them Ah threatened ya or something.”

“Breaburn…” began Forecast, his voice sounding tired now. Probably realizing that there was no talking him out of this. When he spoke next it was with a defeated tone mixed with misery. Something that brought to mind a man walking to his own execution, accepting his fate. “Alright, I’ll do it.” And, without another word, Forecast hung up.

As Breaburn pocketed the phone, he bit his lower lip while some of the anger he felt towards Star Hunter began to fade. With worried eyes he looked up towards the booth in the stands where he knew Forecast was. Thanks to the fading light, the inside of the inside of the booth was too dark for him to actually see anything right now. Only shadows and silhouettes could be seen. One of those shadows took the shape of his friend sitting down, hands running through his hair as he remained hunched over for a sec. No doubt still uncomfortable about what he was going to do.

“Hey Brea,” shouted a voice from behind. Breaburn did the smallest of jumps before turning around to see Strongheart standing there with a hand on her hip, looking at him with mock anger. “Is that any way ta congratulate a teammate after a duel? Standing over here all by your lonesome an talkin’ on your phone? Expect that from Sparkle, not you.”

“Sorry about that,” replied Breaburn with a sheepish smile. “Just had ta take care of a few things, ya know?”

“No, Ah don’t,” replied Strongheart, her face becoming more neutral. “Ya always told us ta focus on the duel at hand. Anything else can wait till after, unless of course it be an emergency. And if there were an emergency, ya would be telling us all right away.”

Before Breaburn could even think of something to say, other than ‘It’s none of your business’, Forecast’s voice came out of the speakers. Only, now his tone sounded deflated. Like he had lost a great deal of energy. Even the crowd, who would normally be excited, chanting his name and stomping their feet on the bleachers, could feel this as well as they barely made any noise themselves. “Well folks, hope ya’ll are ready for the next match. For this round our Captain Breaburn will be dueling Canterlot’s Star Hunter.” The way he had said the word ‘captain’ sounded like he was trying his best not to spit it out, as he was trying to hold back the disgust in his voice. Breaburn winced at this, but did nothing else but start walking onto the field.

Strongheart, however, had other ideas as she gripped his arm as he passed her by. “Breaburn, you didn’t,” she hissed in a horrified tone. Breaburn kept his head down, feeling the smaller girl’s hand tremble as she began to put the pieces together. “Ah can’t believe ya would stoop ta this. Ah should tell Mr. Silver Star that-”

“Then do it,” growled Breaburn as he pulled his arm away. But he didn’t look at her. He knew that, if he did, the weight of his actions would come crashing down on him. So instead he kept his gaze fixed on Hunter across the field. “Go on, tell Mr. Silver Star ya think ah did. Cause us ta forfeit. Go on.”

For a moment, neither duelist said anything. They just stood there for several long seconds before Breaburn began to walk away. As he did, Strongheart finally spoke. “Ah hope this is worth it for your sake.”

Again, Breaburn didn’t respond as he walked to his spot on the field. Nor did he look back. He just kept his eyes on Hunter as he too moved out onto the field, still seeing Chaser’s file face looking back at him. With each step, his breathing became a little heavier and a little deeper. They didn’t understand, not a single one of them! But that was ok. By the end of this duel, he hoped he would be able to show all of them at this…snake was just like the rest of his kin. Maybe even catch him cheating during the duel. Oh, wouldn’t that be nice. But, he’d settle for just humiliating him. Then, when all of this was over, he’d sit down and talk to the both of his classmates.

“Well, looks like it’s my turn,” said Hunter as he inserted his deck into his duel disk. As soon as he heard the familiar click sounding that it was in place, he turned to the rest of his team. “Wish me luck.”

“Hey, you got this,” said Lightning as she playfully punched his shoulder.

“I’ve seen you duel before,” added Pharynx as he patted Hunter on the back. “I’m not worried in the least.”

“Go out there and show them who's boss!” cheered Autumn loudly, pumping her fist into the air. Right behind her was Wallflower, imitating the motion as best as she could with a nervous little smile. A small smile appeared on Hunter’s face as he nodded, happy to have the support of his team.

At the same time, Moondancer stepped in front of Hunter. “Just be careful out there,” she whispered before her lips touched his own. Out of habit and not caring at all that others were watching, Hunter wrapped a hand to her back just above her ass as he brought her closer to himself. The kiss deepened while their bodies smushed together, Moondancer’s glasses raising onto her forehead as she pressed her nice chest against his body. They might have kept going had it not been for the noise that Vice-Principal Luna made, causing them to pull apart with only a strand of spittle still connecting them.

Pulling away from each other, Hunter turned to look at his teammates once more. Both Pharynx and Wallflower looked a little uncomfortable at the moment while Autumn looked like she was ready to bounce with joy. Lightning was standing there with her jaw hanging open. As for the Vice-Principal, well she was standing there with her arms crossed, fingers tapping on her elbows as she gave the pair a dark look. He then saw Moondancer walk back into his field of vision, standing next to Lightning who turned her head to look at his nerdy girlfriend. Her mouth was still hanging open.

“Ah…I guess I’ll go then,” said Hunter before quickly moving onto the field.

Once he was away from his team, Hunter’s thoughts became more collected and focused on what was in front of him. Something felt amiss right now. Even the crowd could feel it as they had made such a noise for Strongheart that Hunter had expected something bigger, more bombastic for their Captain. But the cheers he heard now felt more forced while the faces he could make out looked confused. It was like something dark was looming over the match.

Then there was Breaburn. As the teen took his place, raising his arm so that everyone could see clearly his duel disk shuffling his cards, he kept an eye on his opponent. Given how Breaburn clearly hated him for what Chaser had done, he would have expected him to be a little excited at being given a chance to defeat Hunter. That or demanding that both schools double check his deck and duel disk to make sure he hadn’t tampered with anything. Well, he might still do that since they hadn’t started yet. Or maybe he was going to wait and try to ‘catch him in the act’ like how Sombra had done. Well, he would have to disappoint the teen. Chaser was Chaser. He was Hunter! And in this duel he was going to prove it. Still, there was something off about Breaburn’s expression that Hunter just couldn’t quite place.

“Go on,” said Breaburn after their decks had finished shuffling. His tone was harsh and swift while his gaze bore into his opponent. “Decide who goes first. That is the rules.”

Hunter looked down at his duel disk for a moment before lowering his arm. “You can have the first move,” was the simple reply.

Breaburn’s face twitched slightly. “Any reason why?” he demanded.

Hunter could feel his heart beat a little faster, but looked back at Breaburn with indifference. “I don’t need to justify my choice,” he replied. As he spoke, the crowd was growing more silent. It was as if they could feel the tension building between these two duelists.

“Ah beg ta differ,” snapped Breaburn as he pointed an accusing finger at Hunter. “Since we’re dealing with the no good brother of that cheating snake Star Chaser, Ah think Ah deserve ta know.”

Up in the stands, Spitfire’s body jerked at this revelation. Everyone at Canterlot High knew who Star Chaser was. Not too long ago, the police had dragged the teen out kicking and screaming after evidence had been brought to light that he had been secretly poisoning the top athletes in the school. The story had made headlines, appearing on national television with many reporters questioning the students. And one of those athletes who had been poisoned was the rainbow haired girl sitting next to Spitfire. As the crowd around her began to whisper darkly to each other, she turned to look at said girl. Rainbow was hunched over, sweat beginning to appear on her face as she held her stomach tightly. No doubt she was remembering the sensation of being poisoned, her body beginning to fail as she was rushed out to the hospital in an ambulance. Remembering how close she had come to death’s door.

“Hey,” whispered Spitfire as she leaned closer Rainbow. “Did you know Hunter was related to Chaser?”

“Hard not to see it for yourself,” said Rainbow, wiping away some of the sweat on her forehead. “They look almost like they could be twins.”

Spitfire nodded before glancing back to the field. Hunter did look a lot like the screaming manic she remembered from the news. Same skin and hair color as well as the same type of eyes. Perhaps they were the same height, it was difficult to really tell from where she sat. Yet there were some differences. From what she could recall, Chaser liked to dress in a style that made him look imposing or cool. Things like trench coats and slicked back hair. The way Hunter dressed was far simpler. Then there was the face. Chaser always seemed to have a smug, superior look about him when he wasn’t being hauled in by the police. Then he just looked like a maniac. His brother seemed calmer, more composed. But then again that could have been a mask, a façade to hide his true nature. She had only met Hunter a few times before, more in passing than anything else. To be honest, she didn’t know a whole lot about him other than he traded cards in the library.

“So is he anything like his brother?” asked Spitfire.

Rainbow shook her head. “I don’t know him personally,” she said. “But AJ spent a lot of time with him learning how to play Predaplants. She says he’s nothing like his brother. And I believe her.”

Hunter let out a sigh as the crowd began to mutter darkly. So, that’s how this was going to be then. “Very well,” he said finally, holding up his duel disk as he spoke. “While I built this deck to go first or second, I prefer to know what I’m up against. That’s all.” Breaburn looked like he was about to say something, however Hunter cut him off. “If you were going to claim that I might have cards hidden up my sleeves or something like that, don’t bother. We both went through the same deck registration process. If I were to do something like that, the moment I played a card not registered then I would be flagged for cheating and my team would forfeit.” For a moment, Breaburn stood there with a stunned look on his face before it quickly became an angry scowl.

“Alright you two, that’s enough,” said Silver Star, his voice echoing through the stands. “Times a wastin.”

-Star Hunter’s Life Points: 8000-

-Breaburn’s Life Points: 8000-

Turn One: Breaburn

“Alright then, Ah draw,” yelled Breaburn as he drew his opening hand. (hand: 6) As Hunter drew his own cards, he glanced over at the crowd. Already he could feel their distrust pouring down through their gazes. They were eyeing his every move, treating him like a criminal who might at any moment steal something and make a break for it. For a moment, Hunter’s free hand tightened.

“Ah’ll start by summoning Magical Musketeer Kidbrave in attack mode!” announced Breaburn as he slapped the card onto his duel disk. (1600/200) Appearing on the field was a cowboy with a tattered Stetson hat and a somewhat steampunk styled gun. Only Kidbrave’s gunslinging hand was ghoulishly pale with a red, webbed wing extending out from it like it was a vampire. “Next, Ah play mah Pot of Duality. With this Ah can take a peek at the top three cards in mah deck, add one ta mah hand, and then shuffle the rest back into mah deck. Only downside is that Ah can’t special summon for the rest of this here turn.” Hunter watched silently as Breaburn placed the spell card in the slot behind Kidbrave, a large pot with two faces on it appearing behind the monster before the duelist drew his three cards. Once they were fanned in his hand, the larger teen grabbed one and quickly added it with the rest of the cards in his hand while the rest were shuffled back into his deck. “But that ain’t all. Since Ah played that there spell card in the same column as Kidbrave, his effect activates: by discarding one card Ah can draw two.”

“I see,” said Hunter slowly as Breaburn discarded his card. “You’re still using that deck.”

“What’s that?” demanded Breaburn, drawing his cards.

“Your deck,” repeated Hunter. “It’s the same one you took to that tournament a few years ago. I was in the crowds that day, watching. As I recall, you played remarkably well.” Rather than feeling complimented, Breaburn’s muscles seemed to tense up as his scowl deepened.

“I end mah turn,” he growled.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Luna watched the scene unfolding before her with growing concern. Over the years of being Vice-Principal of Canterlot High as well as being in charge of disciplinary actions had given her a greater insight in reading the body lauguages of her students. Examining their guilt by the way they gripped their seat within her office, looking away, or how they tensed up during certain questions. Even a small twitch of the eye could clue her into something when talking to one of her students. Not that she needed this to tell that Breaburn was coming into this match with a clear grudge, one that he was taking out on Hunter. As for her student, it was because of those skills that she could tell that this was starting to get to him. While all she could see was his back, she could see that it was beginning to tense when the crowd heard that he was related to Star Chaser. Nor did she miss how Hunter’s hand momentarily tightened its grip. Clearly, this was starting to get to him.

Inwardly, Luna chastised herself. She and Celestia should have at least considered that something like this would have happened and the situation they would be putting Hunter in. His home life was difficult enough with his parents (a term she used loosely) abandoning him after neglecting him for so long. Now he was put in a position where he would be labeled a cheater or worse in front of a crowd all because of who his brother was. Thankfully it seemed that he was keeping himself under control. For now at least.

Reaching into her pocket, Luna felt around for her phone before grabbing it but not pulling it out. Silently she promised herself and Hunter that if that Breaburn kid began pushing things too far, she would call Silver Star to end this duel right away. Trash talk was one thing, but antagonizing the other student like this was something very different. As for the rest of the team, they seemed to be more focused on the actual duel.

“Alright!” cheered Lightning, having gotten her wits back together and watching the duel with great interest. “All that drawing and that’s all he could muster? A weak monster with no spells or traps? Dude must have bricked hard.”

“Shows what you know,” muttered Moondancer, looking worried. “This is probably the worst match up Hunter could go up against.”

“What’s that supposed to mean four eyes?” said Lightning as she glared at Moondancer. But that glare quickly faded when she saw the serious look in Moondancer’s eyes.

“Hunter brought his Shaddoll deck with him,” said Moondancer grimly. “It’s a powerful deck which would normally allow him control over the state of the duel. With Shaddoll Fusion, he can send cards from his deck to the graveyard in order to fusion summon any of his Shaddoll fusions.”

“Wait?! Any fusion monster he wants?” shouted Lightning.

Moondancer nodded. “But, there is a catch. In order to use that effect, he needs his opponent to have an extra deck monster out on the field. And against a deck like Magical Musketeer, one that doesn’t have any extra deck monsters, Hunter will be forced to rely solely on his draws to get what he needs. Also,” Moondancer paused for a moment, staring at Breaburn’s hand as she adjusted her glasses, “just because they aren’t on the field doesn’t mean there’s no traps.”

Turn Two: Hunter

“Very well, I draw,” said Hunter as he drew. (hand: 6) Briefly he looked at the card before examining the field. Not the best opening hand in this situation, he thought to himself. I can easily take down that monster, but the problem is his hand. It’s like a revolver with six potential bullets. Sadly, I have nothing to prevent those cards from activating or anyway to empty his hand. Meaning I’m going to have to do this the hard way.

“I summon my Mathematician in attack mode,” said Hunter. (1500/500) Now, standing on the field was an odd looking old man in robes as well as a graduation cap on his head. “When this monster is normal summoned, I am allowed to send one level four or lower monster from my deck to the graveyard. So I will send Shaddoll Squamata to the grave propping its effect to send another Shaddoll card from my deck to the grave. This time it’ll be Shaddoll Beast whose effect allows me to draw one card.”

“Awful lot of hoops just ta draw one card,” said Breaburn as Hunter’s deck began to shuffle his deck after dropping the two cards into the grave.

“Perhaps,” commented Hunter once the shuffling had ended and he drew a card. He eyed it before adding it to his hand and then pulling out the one next to it. “Now I will activate the spell card: Shaddoll Fusion. With this card, I fuse my Mathematician on the field with the Shaddoll Hedgehog in my hand. “They thought they could bind you; hold back your mighty power. While you are weakened, the corruption can never be contained! Fusion Summon El Shaddoll Shekhinaga!” (2600/3000) Both cards were pulled upwards into a massive swirling vortex, spinning around and round until they vanished inside. Then, lowing themselves from the vortex right behind Hunter were four large, curved towers followed by a massive female marionette. On one side of the marionette’s body was a dark purple while the other was white behind her were wings; an angelic white, feathery wing on one side while on the opposite was a demonic, black bat-like wing. As for the pillars, they seemed to match up with the coloring on the marionette with one side purple with while lines criss crossing while the other two had the exact opposite color scheme. Once they were on the field, strings shot from the towers and bound the puppet up tightly which then began to glow darkly.

“Since I sent Shaddoll Hedgehog to the grave, I can now add any Shaddoll monster to my hand,” continued Hunter. “So I’ll be adding another Beast.”

“Ha! Ah was waiting for ya ta try something like that!” shouted Breaburn as he placed a card in his duel disk right behind Kidbrave. “Ah activate mah trap card: Magical Musket – Desperado! This lets me target and destroy one face up card ya control!” As Lightning screamed ‘WHAT’ from the sidelines, a massive cannon appeared on the field and attached itself to Kidbrave. With a grin on his face the monster sent a powerful beam of energy at El Shaddoll Shekhinaga, blasting a whole right through its center and destroying it. “An since Ah activate a trap card in the same column as Kidbrave, Ah get ta activate his effect once more.” Calmly, Breaburn discarded one of his cards before drawing two.

“You may have destroyed my monster, but she did leave me with a parting gift,” replied Hunter as his duel disk beeped. “I can now add one Shaddoll spell or trap card in my grave to my hand. So I’ll be taking back Shaddoll Fusion for my next turn. Then I’ll set one card face down and end my turn.”

Turn Three: Breaburn

“Too bad ya don’t have nothing ta defend yourself,” mocked Breaburn as he drew. (hand: 7) “I summon Magical Musketeer Calamity to the field in attack mode!” (1500/1300) Now on the field was a red headed girl with thigh high boots, a battle bikini, and leather straps running across her body. She also wore a cape that looked like it was make of the same webbing as Kidbrave’s. On her shoulder was another steampunk looking weapon that looking like a cross between a laser cannon and missile launcher. “Next Ah’ll play the spell card Upstart Goblin, giving ya 1000 life points in return for being allowed ta draw one card.

Star Hunter’s Life Points: 9000

As Breaburn drew his card, Hunter noticed that Breaburn played the spell card in the same column as Calamity. “Now Ah can activate Calamity’s affect, bringing back one of the monsters Ah discarded ta my graveyard in defense mode. So take a knee Magical Musketeer Doc!” (1400/1200) Appearing on the field was a man with white hair and a lab/trench coat holding a sniper riffle. Once there, he took a knee. “Now Ah play the trap card Magical Musket – Dancing Needle from mah hand. This lets me banish three card in your graveyard. Now get El Shaddoll Shekhinaga, Shaddoll Beast, and Shaddoll Squamata. Oh, Ah also get a bonus thanks ta Doc. Ah can add mah Magical Musket – Desperado back from mah graveyard.”

Hunter let out a sigh as he took his three cards out of his graveyard, not offering a word of protest. “A little excessive,” he said as he pocketed the cards. “But to be perfectly honest, I would have done the same thing.”

Rather than feeling complimented, Breaburn seemed to grow all the angrier at that. “Why ya rotten-” he began before suddenly pointing at Hunter. “Calamity! Kidbrave! Attack directly!” Both monsters raised their weapons which began to glow and hum with power.

“I don’t think so!” shouted Hunter. “I activate my face down, the quick play spell known as El Shaddoll Fusion!”

“A FUSION QUICK PLAY!” screamed Breaburn. “But…But that…You can’t!”

“I can and will,” stated Hunter. “I fuse the Beast I added to my hand along with a copy of Squamata. The corruption spreads deep, turning heart and flesh into wood. Oh once mighty champion, fight for your new master to destroy his foes! Fusion summon El Shaddoll WINDA!” (2200/800)The two cards in Hunter’s hand turned into dark spheres of energy as another vortex appeared above their heads. Purple strings, much like the ones connected to Shaddoll Dragon lowered from the sky and connected to them before pulling them upwards. Up above them, a figure was lowered down to them by the purple strings. No, make that two. The first was of another dragon puppet, made of purple painted wood with ring shaped eyes and massive fangs. The other figure looked like a girl holding a staff. She wore purple clothing over her pale white wooden skin and her green hair was tied up into a ponytail.

“Like before, my monster's effects activate when discarded,” continued Hunter. “Beast lets me draw a card while Squamata lets me send a card from my deck to the grave. This time I’ll send Reeshaddoll Wendi whose effect then activates, letting me set any Shaddoll monster in my deck to my side of the field. I’ll choose Naelshaddoll Ariel.” Appearing on the field next to Winda was a face down card.

“Ya think that’s enough ta stop me?” roared Breaburn as he played another card from his hand. “Remember, I brought back my Magical Musket – Desperado so Ah’ll destroy it here and now!” Once again the cannon reappeared on the field which Doc took hold of this time and fired. It struck Winda, creating a massive cloud of dust on Hunter’s side of the field. But, as the cloud began to part, Winda was shown to still be there.

“Sorry, but Winda cannot be destroyed by card effects,” replied Hunter as Breaburn stood agasp. “So hurry up and finish your move because this duel is just getting started.”