• Published 18th Aug 2019
  • 4,059 Views, 164 Comments

Rekindling the Flames - CoJoThom98

Wanting to put old wounds behind them, Sunset and Flash agree to start over as friends. But this rekindling of friendship may have accidently ignited other feelings as well.

  • ...

Ch. 11: Amendment

Flash sits in his room working on his history homework. He’s at his desk, looking over a text about the First World War and the 1920s, and it is a dry, confusing read. His eyes scan over the pages trying to make sense of the words, while he tries to maintain focus by rubbing his tiring eyes and lightly slapping the temples of his head. He looks over at his phone that sits on the right side of his desk. He thinks about calling his teacher, Mr. Time Turner, to ask him something. At the beginning of the semester, the teacher laid out an option for students who would happen to be absent from class for an extended period, wish to give their grade a major boost, or for any other reason.

He grabs the phone, pulls up his list of contacts, and clicks on the contact for Mr. Turner. The line rings a few times until Mr. Turner picks up. “This is Time Turner, to whom am I speaking?” he answers in his British accent.

“Hey Mr. Turner,” Flash says, “this is Flash Sentry, from AP World.”

“Ah Mr. Sentry, how are you doing on this lovely Sunday?” Mr. Turner asks.

“I’m doing fine,” Flash responds. “Listen, Sunset Shimmer and I had a little bit of a… falling out last Friday and since we share first block, I was wondering if I could um…”

“You want to take an independent study hall so as to avoid triggering any sort of tension?” Mr. Turner assumes.

“Yes sir, but just for this week,” Flash says. “I’m hoping things will be smoothed out between us at that point.”

“Hmmm, well this is highly irregular,” Mr. Turner says, “But as you have been an exemplary student, I believe I can accommodate your request. Come by the classroom before first block tomorrow, and I’ll give you your assignment, recommended sources, and your study hall approval form.”

“Thank you, sir,” Flash says with a sigh of relief.

“You are more than welcome, Mr. Sentry,” says Mr. Turner. “I hope things between you and Ms. Shimmer get better.”

“I hope so too,” Flash responds. He ends the call, sets the phone down in its original spot, and tries to reassert his focus on his homework.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work; as he turns the page, his mind plays the memory from yesterday at Sugar Cube Corner. He remembers the shock and betrayal he felt after he heard what they did. Finally, he remembers and feels the disappointment, not in them but in himself for failing to forgive them. His mind again replays that scene from Friday evening. The distraught look in Sunset’s eyes and the pain he felt from her rejection. Flash leans far back in his chair, runs his hands through his hair and lets out an exhausted sigh.

There’s a small knock at the bedroom door. “Come in,” he calls. The door creaks open and in walks Scootaloo along with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Flash retains in his tired posture.

“Hey, bro,” says Scootaloo with some restraint. “How’s it going?”

“We wanted to see if yer doin’ okay,” says Apple Bloom.

“We heard about what happened yesterday,” says Sweetie Belle. “And… the day before that.”

Flash doesn’t look at them. Instead, he closes his eyes and rubs them with his right thumb and index finger. “I’m fine, girls. Thanks for checking on me,” he says in a tired tone. He still feels their presence and briefly looks over to confirm his suspicion. Each of the three girls are staring at him with concern. Flash looks back at his book and says, “Is there something else you want?”

“We just want to hear what happened from you,” says Apple Bloom.

“We want to help you Flash,” says Scootaloo.

Flash can feel a bitterness begin to rise. “Look, girls,” he says. “If you want to hear what happened, all you need to know is my heart got broken on Friday and my trust was breached on Saturday. I’d rather not talk about it.”

Sweetie Belle begins to speak, “But Flash—”

“I said I don’t want to talk about it!” Flash snaps, cutting Sweetie off and causing the girls to jump back. Flash looks at the girls who stare at him with shocked expressions. He looks up and sees his mother standing right behind them, looking at him with a stern look and her arms crossed. Flash’s expression changes from frustration to dread, he can feel the color drain from his face.

“Excuse me, girls,” says Heartsong The Crusaders to turn around and face her. “Could you wait for me down in the kitchen? I will need to have a chat with you, but I need to talk with my son first, alone.”

“Yes ma’am,” the girls collectively say. They walk past Heartsong as she walks into the room. As Heartsong closes the door behind her, Scootaloo sneaks a last concerned peak before it shuts all the way. Once they are alone, Heartsong softens her look a little, walks over to Flash’s bed, and takes a seat at the end. Flash swivels around in his chair to face her, though he doesn’t look at her directly.

“Do you want to tell me what’s going on, Flash?” Heartsong asks in a calmer and more comforting tone.

Flash sighs and “No, but I have to talk to someone,” he mumbles. He looked up at Heartsong and words start pouring out.“It started this past Friday. I told Sunset that night how I really felt about her, and she, more or less, said that a relationship between us is impossible,” Flash says. “And yesterday, I found out that her friends were watching us the entire night, even up to the point where I made a fool of myself in front of the girl I loved. So I guess I’m still frustrated about the past few days.”

“I see, is that why you snapped at Scootaloo and her friends?” Heartsong asks, Flash nods. “Hm, well, let’s talk about Sunset, why don’t you go into a bit more detail about that night?”

“Mo-om,” Flash whines, mostly reflexively. Heartsong smiles gently at him.

Flash folds his arms and looks off to the side at the wall. He’s hesitant to replay that memory again. He would rather just sweep this whole situation under the rug and never come back to it; leave the past in the past. But a part of him knows that he needs to fix this problem and he won’t be able to do this on his own. He looks back at his mother and slowly nods.

“Fine,” he says. “We spent most of the night at the food truck festival, but we spent the latter part of the evening in the park, by the duck pond. We ate dinner, had some nice conversation, and just enjoyed each other’s company. When we were walking on the bridge, I opened up my heart, and at first, I thought everything was falling into place. We came real close to uh… kissing.” He blushes furiously at telling that part to his mother. She simply nods and gestures for him to continue. “But at the last second, she stopped herself and told me that this can’t happen. She then ran off, leaving me alone.” He swallows a lump forming in his throat and purses his lips.

Heartsong leans forward, places her hand on her son's knee and looks at him with sympathy. “Oh dear,” she says in a comforting tone, “I’m so sorry to hear that. Why didn’t you tell me or your father about this?”

Flash shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know,” he admits. “I guess I didn’t want to trouble you guys with something like this. Plus, it’s embarrassing”

“Embarrassment aside, Flash,” she says. “You’re our son, if it’s important to you then it’s important to us. We are your parents, and we want to help you in any way we can. Speaking of which, have you spoken to Sunset at all since Friday night?”

Flash shakes his head. “No, I haven’t,” he says. “I haven’t even seen her since that night. We share first block but I already asked for an independent study hall from Mr. Turner, so I shouldn’t have to worry about awkward reunions this week.”

“Well, you can’t avoid her forever,” says Heartsong, “You’re bound to run into her at school at some point. Anyway, have you thought about that night since? Any sort of reflections?”

“I have but I don’t know what else there is to reflect on,” says Flash. “I poured my heart out, and she basically said that a relationship between us is impossible. I keep wondering if there was something I did wrong. Did I push too hard or did I say the wrong thing? No matter what, I can’t figure out what I did wrong or if she really does feel that way about me.”

“Are you certain that’s how she truly feels?” she asks skeptically. “Because you seem to forget that I know Sunset too, and I’ve seen how she acts around you. It’s almost as if you’re the only person in the world that matters to her. My advice would be to give it time; she was most likely just a little scared of a romantic relationship between the two of you may yield. Just be patient and wait for her to do things in her own time.”

Flash makes a small, skeptical huff with his nose. “You know her friends said something similar yesterday,” he says. “Right before they told me how they spied on me and Sunset that night. Regardless, I don’t think I can handle a third heartbreak from the same girl.”

Heartsong leans back on the bed with both her hands propping her up. “Yes, let’s talk about those girls,” she says. “They spied on you two the entire evening, and didn’t do anything to help you?”

“That’s right,” he says. “Even when my entire world was crashing down around me, they just sat there and watched. Not once did they think they should intervene or give me some kind of support. They were the ones who pushed me to start pursuing a relationship with Sunset, but in the end, they were some kind of voyeurs.” Heartsong slowly nods as she hears her son rant. “I thought they were my friends but I guess I was wrong.” He leans back in his chair and lets out a sigh of emotional exhaustion.

“I see,” says Heartsong. “Let me ask you something, Flash: do you think that your friends would intentionally try to humiliate you?”

“No, I know they wouldn’t do something like that on purpose,” Flash admits as he rubs both of his temples. “But that still doesn’t change the fact that they just watched.”

“You right, it doesn’t,” says Heartsong. “Now here’s a follow up: why didn’t they do anything?” Flash shrugs in response, unsure of their reasoning for their inaction. “I believe,” she reasons. “That they felt that you had everything under control up until that final moment.”

“Why would they think that?” Flash asks, confused.

“Considering how close you and Sunset came to kissing, you had the situation in the bag,” she says. “Granted, things beyond your control changed the outcome but, up until that moment, you had everything handled. I imagine that your friends thought the same way. So when things did spiral out of control, they probably weren’t sure how to intervene, or even if they should intervene. Now, that doesn’t excuse their spying, or their not reaching out to you sooner, but it should give you an idea of what they may have been thinking. Besides, if these girls are anything like Sunset, then I’m sure they regret what they did.”

Flash leans forward in his chair, placing his head in his hands. He thinks back to yesterday, remembering the hurt looks on the girls’ faces when he refused to accept their apology. It was obvious that girls were regretful of what they did and were sincere in their apology. But the bitterness he felt kept him from granting them forgiveness.

“They did, and I refused to accept their apology,” says Flash, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him. “I’m such a jerk.”

Heartsong gets up from the bed, walks over to Flash and places her hand on his left shoulder. Flash looks up at his mother, looking down at him with a warm smile. “I think you know what you need to do,” she says. “I’ll leave you to think about your next action.” She turns and walks to the bedroom door, opens it, and exits the room, closing the door behind her.

Flash turns around in his chair to face his desk. Instead of resuming his homework, he stares at the wall, pondering what needs to be done. I’ve got to fix this mess, but how? Where do I even start? As if waiting for its cue, his phone rings. He grabs the phone to see who’s calling him, it’s Soarin. He accepts the call and holds the phone up to his ear. “Hey, what’s up?” he answers.

“Hey,” Soarin says. “So Rarity just called me and said that our tuxedos for prom are finished and ready to be tried on.”

“Yeah?” Flash replies.

“Yeah, and I know you and the girls aren’t on the best of terms right now,” Soarin says. “So do you just want me to pick up your tux and bring it over to your place?”

Flash takes a minute before answering. He first thinks about letting Soarin go by himself but he hesitates when a thought dawns on him. If I’m going to fix this mess, I might as wellstart with Rarity. She gave me the push to pursue Sunset.

“Um, actually, Soarin,” Flash says. “I’ll meet you over there instead. I need to talk to Rarity.”

“Oh,” Soarin says in a surprised tone. “Well alright, I’ll see you over there then.”

“I’ll see you there,” Flash says. He ends the call, grabs his wallet and keys, and walks out his to his car outside.

“Why would you do something like that?” Sunset exclaims to her friends.

They are all gathered at Rarity’s boutique to try on their dresses for the prom. Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight are waiting in the sewing room while Rarity assists Applejack with her dress. Usually, the girls would independently try on new clothes from Rarity, but she insisted on assisting her friends individually this time around so that they can see her full vision. However, despite finally trying on their dresses for their big night, they are also gathered for another, and arguably more important, reason.

Since her trip to Equestria, Sunset has been brainstorming methods to, for lack of a better term, tie the knot with Flash. She spent the rest of yesterday creating possible routes to pursue. Some were likely to fail and others have a strong potential to succeed. Today, she’s meeting with her friends to figure out a plan that would finally create a conclusion to this month-long saga. However, before the planning could even start, the girls felt it necessary to let Sunset know what they had been doing for the past few weeks. Including what they didn’t do that night on the bridge.

“We thought you two had everything under control,” says Rainbow Dash. “You were inches away from making out. We felt pretty confident.”

“Unfortunately, that confidence faded away quickly after your sudden change in attitude,” says Twilight. “We were just as shocked as he was; we didn’t know what to do.”

“We thought about going after you or comforting Flash,” says Fluttershy. “But we were concerned that we would make the situation worse.”

Sunset pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration. “Let me get this straight,” she says. “Not only did you defy my wishes by working behind my back, orchestrating our entire relationship, and not only were you planning to spy on us making out, but you also hung Flash out to dry when he needed you the most. Am I missing anything?”

“We WERE planning to look away once you two actually kissed,” Rarity shouts from the dressing room, slightly indignant, “We are ladies of class.”

“Um… there’s also what happened yesterday,” Fluttershy says quietly.

Rainbow Dash crosses her arms and winces at Pinkie Pie. “Yeah, thanks to Pinkie,” she says. “Things between us and Flash aren’t exactly the best right now.”

Pinkie stands up, looks at Rainbow Dash angrily, and lets out a loud scoff. “Ugh, how many times do I have to apologize for that?” she exclaims, slightly outraged. “You should know by now that I have loose lips!”

Rainbow Dash gets up and gets in Pinkie’s face. “Yeah and they sink a lot more than just ships!” she scolds.

Rainbow and Pinkie growl at each other for a brief second. The conflict is quickly ended when Sunset gets in between them and pushes them apart. “Enough, both of you!” she exclaims. Sunset takes in a deep breath. “Look, the fact of the matter is I need your help, and you need mine. So you have a choice to make: we can either spend all day exchanging blame or we can start thinking of ways to fix this mess we created. So what will it be?” The four girls exchange looks with each other and, after a brief moment, they look at Sunset and nod.

Before one of them could say anything else, Rarity comes out of the dressing room and closes the door behind her. She clears her throat to get the attention of the other five girls. “Ladies,” she says. “May I present to you, Miss Applejack!” Rarity pulls the door wide open and out walks Applejack, displaying her dress. It is a shoulderless, apple-green dress with a brown leather outer corset, a long skirt with a slit down her right leg and tassels and a repeating red apple pattern lining the bottom. Her hair is braided and drooped over her left shoulder and her signature hat is decorated with a few red apples along the trim. The girls gaze at Applejack in wonder.

“Whooooa...” Twilight exclaims with wide eyes.

“You’re sure to knock a few guys dead come Friday night, Applejack,” Rainbow teases.

“Without a doubt,” says Sunset.

“Applejack,” Fluttershy declares. “You look beautiful!”

“I’ll say!” exclaims Pinkie. “You sure went all out, Rarity.”

“Oh, this is only the beginning darlings,” says Rarity. “What do you think, Applejack?”

Applejack looks at herself in a mirror. She is stunned at how beautiful the dress is, how beautiful she looks; she is almost speechless. “Shucks Rarity,” she says. “This dress is amazing. I feel prettier than Reba McEntire at the CMAs. I don’t know how to thank you.” She walks over to Rarity and gives her a big hug.

“There’s no need to thank me, dear,” Rarity says as they pull away from the hug. “I’m more than happy to share my gift with my closest friends. Now, go and change back into your normal clothes. Fluttershy, you’ll be next.”

“Oh, I can’t wait,” Fluttershy says in quiet excitement. Applejack heads back into the dressing room and closes the door behind her.

“Now, I overheard what you girls were talking about while I was helping Applejack,” Rarity says as she turns to face the girls. “And I agree with Sunset, it’s time we rebuilt our bridge to Flash. Which is why I made sure to invite Soarin today.”

“Why Soarin?” Twilight asks.

“Come on Twilight, use that big brain of yours,” Rainbow teases. “No one knows Flash better than Soarin, they’ve been best friends since middle school.”

While Rainbow is talking, Fluttershy hears two car doors slam shut from outside. She walks over to the window to see who pulled up. She looks out and, from across the street, she sees two figures walking towards the boutique, Soarin, and Flash. “Oh no,” she mutters to herself. She turns around and tries to get the girls’ attention, “um, girls?”

“If anyone is going to know the ins and outs of Flashy, it’s going to be Soarin,” says Pinkie

“Girls?” Fluttershy says again a little louder.

“I don’t see why it’s necessary to have Soarin over,” says Sunset. “I’ve known Flash a lot longer than any of you.”

“Girls!” Fluttershy quietly shouts, she begins to grow desperate.

“Sunset does raise a valid point,” says Twilight. “Besides, since Soarin and Flash are best friends, doesn’t inviting him run the risk of Flash also coming over as well?”

“GIRLS!” Fluttershy shouts at the top of her voice.

“What!” they all shout back.

Fluttershy points outside the window. “Soarin and Flash are here,” she says.

All their eyes shoot wide open and the color from their faces drain. Rainbow dashes over to the window and sees Soarin and Flash walking into the shop. “Crap baskets,” she says.

Sunset collects herself and a determined spirit takes over. “Well, I guess there’s no point in avoiding this,” she says. “So much for coming up with the perfect plan.”

Rarity whips her head to look at Sunset with shocked confusion. “Wait, you’re not seriously thinking about doing this right now, are you?” she asks.

“I might as well,” says Sunset, “or else first block is going to be extremely awkward this week.” She begins to walk towards the sewing room door but she halts when Rainbow dashes in front of it, barricading the exit.

“Are you nuts?” Rainbow cries. “Do you have any idea how awkward that’s going to be?”

“In case you forgot Sunset, you basically broke his heart that night,” says Twilight. “If you tell him your true feelings now, it’s going to be incredibly jarring for him.”

“Well then what do you suggest I do then?” Sunset asks frustratingly.

“You need to hide!” Pinkie exclaims.

“I’m not going to hide from him,” Sunset counters.

Rarity and Pinkie rush over to Sunset and grab both of her arms. “We are not suggesting dear,” says Rarity.

“What are--whoa!” Sunset cries as Pinkie and Rarity pull her towards the fabric closet.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Soarin asks Flash before they enter the boutique.

“Not really,” Flash answers, “but I do know this is something I need to do. I burned this bridge, I need to repair it.”

“I don’t think that’s how bridges work,” Soarin jokes to lighten the mood. “What are you going to do if Sunset is here?” he asks, more seriously.

“If she’s here then I’ll just… kill two birds with one stone,” Flash says with wavering confidence.

Soarin looks at his friend with suspicion. “You haven’t planned very far ahead have you?” Soarin asks.

Flash rolls his eyes. “It’s a fifteen-minute drive from my place to here,” Flash argues. “I didn’t exactly have enough time to come up with a beautifully crafted apology. Let’s just go in.” Flash opens the door and walks into the boutique with Soarin following close behind him.

The two enter into the main area of the shop, expecting to find Rarity there to greet them. Instead, they find the place to be empty. The boys look at each other confusingly.

“Where’s Rarity? I thought she told you that she had our suits ready for us?” Flash asks.

“She did, perhaps she’s upstairs in her sewing room,” Soarin says. On cue, a loud crashing noise is heard from upstairs. The boys snap their heads to the general direction of the source. Without thinking twice, the jolt towards the sound, heading up the stairs and down the hall to the sewing room. When they reach the door, Soarin reaches out to turn the doorknob but the door opens and Rarity takes a step out.

“Oh, Soarin and… Flash, I wasn’t expecting you’d come,” she says with some surprise. Flash just gives a small nod of acknowledgment in response.

“Is everything okay in there, Rarity?” Soarin asks. “We heard a pretty loud crash from here.”

“Oh, yes yes, everything is perfectly fine,” Rarity says. “Pinkie just accidentally knocked over a pile of supplies.”

“Pinkie Pie’s here?” Flash asks.

“Everyone is here, except Sunset,” says Rarity. “Why don’t you come in?” Rarity leads Soarin and Flash into the room. The boys are greeted by Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. While Soarin verbally greets them, Flash gives a small wave and a nod. An awkward tension grips the room. “So, I imagine you gentlemen want to see your tuxedos?” Rarity asks them.

“Yes, and I’d like to try mine on first,” says Soarin. “Flash wants to talk to you girls.”

“Very well,” says Rarity. She walks over to rack and picks up a hanger with a suit bag protecting Soarin’s tuxedo. She walks over to him and hands him the suit. “The men’s dressing room should be right next door, just take a left as you exit.”

“Thanks, Rarity,” he says. Soarin turns around and heads towards the door. Before he exits, he stops by Flash and puts his hand on Flash’s left shoulder. Flash looks at Soarin, who gives him a look assurance. He takes his hand off and walks out the door, closing it behind him. The awkward tension strengthens with Soarin’s absence.

“So, Flash,” Rainbow says breaking the silence, “how um… how have you been?”

“I’ve been okay, I guess,” Flash responds.

“You... wanted to talk with us?” asks Fluttershy.

“Yeeeah,” Flash says as he looks off to the side, rubbing his neck. “Listen, girls, about yesterday--”

“Hey Rarity,” Applejack says as she comes back from the dressing room, interrupting Flash. “I’m all finished up in… there.” Applejack stops in her tracks when she notices Flash in the room. “Flash, I didn’t know you would be here.”

“He wants to talk to us,” Twilight briefly explains to her.

“About what?” Applejack asks. She then winces as she realizes what it probably is about.

I really should’ve planned this out a bit more. Screw it, here goes nothing. Flash breathes in and collects his thoughts. “Girls, I’ve come to apologize to all of you,” he says.

“Apologize?” Fluttershy asks.

“For what?” Pinkie asks.

“For my behavior towards you the other day,” he says. “You may have… No what I mean is, I was unreasonably angry and stubborn towards you. You showed immediate and tremendous regret for your actions, and I refused to accept your apology. I should’ve tried to help mend the rift that was beginning to form, instead I decided to drive a wedge into it. I wasn’t as forgiving as I should’ve been, but I am now. I accept your apology and I forgive you, my only hope is that you can do the same for me.” Flash lowers his head in humility.

The girls look at each other, stunned. They expected there would be great difficulty, that rekindling their friendship would not be easy. They never expected Flash to forward wishing to amends. He is the wounded party after all, if anything, the situation should be revered. Yet here he is, offering forgiveness and only wishing for the same kindness in return. They are not sure how to approach him at first. After a brief moment, Pinkie Pie is the first to walk up and embrace Flash like a long-lost friend. One by one, the rest of the girls approach Flash similarly, ultimately resulting in a group hug.

“What are you apologizin’ for? Of course we forgive you, Sugar Cube,” Applejack says as they all pull away, except for Pinkie.

“And we’re glad that you’ve forgiven us as well,” says Rainbow Dash.

Flash smiles gleefully as he wipes a single tear from his eye. The bitterness he once felt has been replaced by feelings of happiness. He looks down and sees Pinkie Pie still clinging to him. “I think you can let go now, Pinkie,” he says chuckling.

“Not yet,” Pinkie says, “it hasn’t been long enough for an apology hug.”

The rest of the girls and Flash exchange confused looks. “Is-Is that a thing?” Fluttershy asks in a confused, dry tone. Pinkie Pie pulls away from her hug and gives Flash a big smile.

“Well, now that we sorted that out,” Rarity says as she wipes a tear from her eye. “I imagine you would like to try on your suit?”

“Yes please,” Flash says with a half-grin. Rarity walks back over to the clothes rack and searches for his suit.

“So what are you going to do about, well, you-know-who?” Rainbow asks, lowering her voice slightly on the last phrase.

“Honestly, I don’t even know,” says Flash. “For right now, I’m just going to keep my distance. I’ve got a study hall lined up for first block this week, so that should help. Also, ‘you-know-who?’ Come on RD, you can say Sunset’s name, she’s not Voldemort.”

“I think that’s a wise decision,” says Applejack. “Hopefully things will be a little less rough come prom this Friday.”

“Here it is,” Rarity says in a sing-song tone. She comes over to the group with a Flash’s tuxedo in a suit bag. “I think you’ll love the color palette I picked out for you. You’re going to look so handsome come Friday.”

Flash takes the suit from Rarity. “Thanks, Rare,” he says. “I’ll go try this on now.” Flash walks towards the exit, opens the door, and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

A knocking is heard from the closet on the other side of the room. “Is it safe for me to come out yet?” Sunset shouts through the door.

“You can come out of the closet now, Sunny,” Pinkie calls back. Fluttershy giggles at the phrasing.

The closet door opens and Sunset stumbles out, taking in a few deep breaths. “Sweet Celestia, about time already, it was starting to get really stuffy in there,” she says as her friends go over to check on her. “Also, I heard everything that was said.”

“That’s good,” says Twilight. “Now that the issue between the rest of us and Flash is fixed, focusing on you and him should be a lot easier now.”

“I hope so, but we still need to plan carefully,” says Applejack. “Or else we might accidentally cause a forest fire if we fan the flames too hard.”

“Wait, you’re actually going to help this time?” Rainbow Dash asks Applejack. “I thought you wanted to remain hands-off.”

“I also said I will help if and only if Sunset asks for it,” says Applejack.

“Anyway,” Rarity says ending Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s little spat. “AJ is right, we need to be meticulous in our planning if we want this to work.”

“We better get started,” says Sunset. “We only have a few days before prom and we don’t have a time looper this time.”

“Before we begin, this operation needs a name,” Pinkie says.

“A name?” Fluttershy asks.

“Oh totally,” says Rainbow Dash. “It needs to be some cool, like ‘Operation: Love Struck.’”

“Ugggh. Is this really necessary?” Sunset asks, putting her hand to her head in exasperation.

“Not really but it’s all in good fun,” says Rarity. “Oh, how about ‘Operation: Sun Beam.’”

“‘Operation: Blossoming Romance?’” Applejack suggests. “Nah, that’s a dumb one.”

“‘Operation: Turtle Doves?’” Fluttershy suggests.

“That might work best if it was December,” says Rainbow. “Unfortunately it’s almost May.”

“‘Operation: Solar Flare?’” Twilight suggests.

“I got it,” cries Pinkie, “‘Operation: Peanut Butter Cup!’”

The girls look at each other confused then look at Pinkie. “Peanut butter cup, really?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“It makes sense when you think about it,” says Pinkie. “Peanut butter and chocolate are a perfect pair and Sunset and Flash also make a perfect pair.”

“If this is happening anyway, I might as well have a say in it,” Sunset says. She raises her finger to her chin and ponders for a brief moment. “How about ‘Operation: Rekindling the Flames,’” she says.

The girls look at each other and begin to nod in agreement. “That’s not a bad name at all,” says Twilight. “It perfectly sums up what we’re trying to do.”

“I agree,” says Fluttershy.

“I reckon it’ll work,” says Applejack.

“So we’re all in agreement?” Sunset asks. The girls all nod their heads. “Alright, now that the naming convention is out of the way, let’s plan to meet tomorrow after school at Sugar Cube Corner to begin planning for this Friday.”

“Excellent,” says Rarity. “And speaking of this Friday, Sunset, I want to show you your dress next.” Rarity leads Sunset into the dressing room and closes the door behind her.

Author's Note:

As I'm currently writing this, chapter one of Rekindling has just hit 800 views. WOO! If it can get a thousand views by the end of the year, that would pretty amazing.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, only two more chapters remaining. In fact, both of these chapters will probably be released in the same week. As far as release dates go, I'm not sure but I'm aiming for some time between Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.

Thank you guys so much for reading and for your patience. I know I promised to have this out before Thanksgiving, but I wanted to give my editors time to properly look over it. Thank you again for reading and I'll see you next time. Tops to you!