• Published 6th Jan 2012
  • 1,554 Views, 9 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - Bonds are Eternal - AdamThePony

Following upon "On Light Hooves I Tread", the Author ends up in the Equestrian Wasteland

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Prologue: From Dust

Fallout: Equestria - Bonds are Eternal
A FanFiction by Adam Nelon

Prologue: From Dust

"From Dust we are Born, and to Dust, we return..." - Ecclesiastes 3:20

Living as a human again was a refreshing change of pace. It has been five years since those faithful events transpired which had me intertwined in several misadventures in Equestria. I still tell many of those tales to my daughter, Catherine, to help her sleep in the evenings, which she loved ever so fondly. I had, for the first time in years, known true peace.

But, over time, peace beget complacency, which beget boredom, which beget longing.

I had grown a longing, nay, a wanderlust to return to the place I left so long ago. As much as it was to my own chagrin, I missed those rainbow-colored equines. I missed the bright and idealistic world which contrasted to the highly-cynical one I had the displeasure of living in. While Catherine and my wife, Heather gave me solace in the day, that nagging feeling of nostalgia kept eating away at my patience.

Had Equestria become like a second home to me?

It certainly seemed to be the case. This in mind, I decided to make my own personal exodus. When Cathrine had been tucked into bed, and Heather had fallen into rest, out like a lantern, I began to pack provisions for myself. First, I gathered as many beverages as I could (mostly Soft Drinks, but also Grape Juice.) into a refrigerated bag. Then, I stuffed into a large satchel non-perishable snacks like Fudge Rounds and Rice Crispy Treats, along with salted potato chips. I know, not the most healthy foods, but considering where I was headed, that wasn't to make a difference. Next, I went to basement of the house in which our family of three took lodging in. Here, I treasured something that I rarely let anyone see; the Gifts that my Friends in Equestria had bestowed:

From Pinkie Pie, I got a Cupcake. Go Figure.

From Fluttershy, I had gotten a necklace with a fine-cut ruby.

From Applejack, I received a ten-gallon hat

From Rainbow Dash, I had received some vintage Wonderbolts goggles and a T-Shirt.

From Rarity, I got a cloak made mostly of Dragon Scales (presumably, the ones Spike may have donated.)

From Twilight, I got two books; The first was a collection of fables, short stories, and legends of Equestria, and the Second was a large tome called The Explorer's Encyclopedia to Everything Ever Explored in Equestria. Seems that Twilight was a fan of alliterative (and redundant) book titles when it came to her selection.

The articles of clothing went on my body. Surprisingly, the trip to my world converted them nicely. Of course, my outfit was fairly ridiculous by any stretch of the term, but it was still nice that they gave me such things. Pinkie's Cupcake was put into a sealed container, then placed in the Non-Perishables satchel, along with the books, which had to be artfully placed in the bag to prevent crushing the food. I also was mindful to fill a few canteens with cold beverages in case of an emergency. I then snuck into my office, quietly shifting through the shelf of the desk upon which my computer was situated, bringing out a few sheets of paper and an old-fashioned quill and ink set up to carefully pen the text of my final letter to anyone who would care to find and read it:

To whom it may concern,

While my time here has been wonderful, and Twenty-Three years of Trial and Tribulation was well-worth the experience I gained from it, I am afraid I must resign from this world. No, I am not killing myself. Rather, I am going to a world where I hope I can find the solace I desperately need right now. However, I will not leave this world without leaving something in my memory. This being said, I bequeath to my Daughter and Wife (both of whom I love dearly) a chest that has been lying in the basement of my estate for some time now. Inside, I bequeath all of what you find inside to be yours as you see fit. Inside are secrets I see fit to only share with you, but should you choose to, you may share my gift with others.

As to where I am going? Well, that will be explained when the other members of my estate examine the contents of my chest. I know not what shall be waiting for me on the other side, but I do offer this; If you can, you may try to persue me. But, doing so may not be easy. It would require no less than an absolute miracle for you to find the way there, and even in doing so, the result may not be to your intentions, Should you choose to undertake it, I only advice caution.

I love you, Cathrine and Heather. I don't want to see you two hurt from my absence. So, if you can, smile; Wish me luck in where I'm going, because I may never be able to return. I wish the same to you. Cathrine's going to grow up beautifully. I just know it. And I know that as her mother, you'll do all in your power to assure that she does.

Goodbye, everyone. I hope that someday, our paths cross once more.

Yours Truly,


With this, I laid the note upon the glowing screen of my computer, where the filtered light would indicate the note's presence. Strewn across the desk were an assortment of colored bottle caps, mostly red, green, and white. Inside each of them was an assortment of symbols, but they were incomprehensible to me. Not to mention, I never used them. I figured that I may take some with me to show my friends, so I scooped them up, placing them into a small bag to place in my satchel. With this, I was set. There was only one last matter to attend to.

I returned back to the chest from which the valuables I had been kept, and took from it a key. It was a small metal skeleton key, meant to fit in any lock I chose to place it in. It was in fairly rough shape, so I had my doubts the key would be of any good use. But, regardless, I put it to use on the lock of the basement door, turning the knob and lock on the door. The door opened, not to the stairwell that would descend into the simple basement, but rather, a simple void of bright light. Thankfully, the goggles cut down on the glare, but it was still painfully bright. I slowly walked into the void, and behind me, the door slammed shut in such frightening urgency that it sent shock through my spine.


I looked behind me. The worn key had, through some oddity I could not ascertain, snapped in two. One end was still in the door's keyhole, which I could no longer reach, being on the opposite end of the door. The other half had managed to slip through the small space beneath the door, and was within my reach. Curious, I took the (now no longer a) key to my hand, and before I could thoroughly examine it, it turned to ash and burned away! The already bright room began to glow twice its candelas, blinding me into submission.

As the lights faded, I saw a familiar visage; I was standing inside a miasma of rainbow, before a regal black silhouette. I could see a white smile stretch across the silhouette's face. It was a mare, many times my size.

"I knew that you wouldn't be able to keep away. Equestria has that effect on people." Chuckled the mare. "Although...I'm afraid something may be wrong."

I froze. I was expecting a warm welcome, but my blood was turned to ice at the statement implying the contrary.

"W-What may be wrong?!" I asked with a quiver.

"Well...to be frank, while Alicorn magic is potent, it is also unstable. I may have done something wrong in creating the transport spell...while I can still safely assure you will be in Equestria...The one you're going to is not the paradise you or I hoped...it is a time of trials and tribulations...the beings that once knew peace now know only strife and war...The formerly lush lands are now barren, the air tainted by arcane radiation...." The silhouette shivered, dejected. "Even I may not have been spared."

She then smiled, wrapping me in a wing. "But, don't worry; I have faith in you. As long as you keep your wits and your heart about you...you will do well...now...farewell, and may your path lead you to salvation..."

Before I could inquire further, I felt the Alicorn's horn touch my forehead tenderly. I began to lose consciousness as my eyes shut slowly...

For my first few moments of consciousness, I was silent and kept my eyes shut. Then, I felt something prodding me.

"Oi. Wake up."

I refused to move for this stranger.

"Oi! C'mon! Get your arse up! Ain't askin' ya again."

Something sounded odd about this stranger. His(?) voice didn't sound venomous, but it seemed rather strained. Like this guy had a sore throat. I could definitely make out a cockney accent in his voice. Commonwealth English.

As I began to open my eyes, I saw an Earth Pony. Or, at the very least, an assortment of rags and sheets in the rough shape of an Earth Pony. The only part that wasn't covered by rags were a slit for his eyes, which were distinctly an almond color.

"Ah, Stranger! Yer Awake! C'mon now, let's getcha up on yer hooves." The colt advised, lifting me from the ground onto my feet. As I was reoriented, I was hit by a splitting headache. I held a hoof to the lower part of my face, trying not to aggravate the current pain.

"You look pale, Stranger. You feelin' right?"

I shook my head feebly. "I'm not feeling so hot...tell me, am I bleeding?"

I could see the colt looking me over a moment, then shaking his head. "You look fine ta me. Like any Unicorn I've seen."

That was good news to-wait, what? Did I just hear him call me a Unicorn? Last I checked, I was a Pegasus. I had to confirm this for myself. So, I attempted to open my wings, trying to strain myself as hard as I could. I saw the pony nickering a bit.

"Sorry to say, but ye don't have wings. But, if yer trying to use yer little telekinesis spell, ya might want to focus in yer head."

I then took a hoof to my face and the strange pony was indeed correct; I had become a Unicorn in the transfer from Earth to Equestria. I went from being a graceful flyer in Equestria to a glorified egghead.

"While I admire yer bravery, takin' a nap in the middle of the Equestrian Wasteland ain't exactly the smartest thing to do. Especially without a weapon. Why doncha' come along with me. I've got something that just might help ya; provided you've got the caps to pay for it."

The area around me as we made the pilgrimage to this mysterious shop somewhere in the middle of this "Equestrian Wasteland" was a barren land of violated soil, separated by a spiderweb of cracks etching out in all directions, making it seem like a sandy cobblestone. In the air were cries and hisses of creatures far into the distance than I could possibly measure. The air itself had an odd taste to it. It tasted...acrid. I made a note into looking into obtaining (or at least crafting) a re-breather for safety reasons. I then noted further how far I would have to go to obtain such a thing.

While the journey itself was odd enough, there was the matter of what this stranger's shop was; Apparently, it was a dilapidated shack with torches burning with...green fire?! What the hell? Thus, I had to ask, "How the hell can fire burn green?"

The rag-clad pony turned to me with a chuckle.

"Yuh haven't been in the Wastes too long, 'ave ya."

I shook my head.

"Tsk, Tsk. Typical. Look, I'm feeling generous, so 'ere."

He hoofed me a 10 millimeter pistol with a clip already loaded, and a strange device. I could somewhat recognize the pistol's shape, but the device looked odd to me. It seemed to be a large form of wristwatch, bearing a large screen and a series of dials that a hoof could easily manipulate. I looked in both wonder and in confusion.

"Ah, yer wonderin' what this is. It's called a PipBuck. Real common technology 'round these parts. Keeps track of all your shit, tells you what you need to do, helps you manage your health and wellness, among other fine features. GImmie your left forehoof for a minute."

I nodded, following the colts instructions as the large device was snapped onto my ankle as it began to flash to life. Next, he gave me a strange metal apparatus. It looked like a small satellite dish, but the ball at the end was shaped like an earpiece.

"There's an Earbloom. Lets ya listen to recordings and transmissions in private. As for that gun..'how bout ya give me 5 caps, and I'll let you get your bearings on shooting and give ya an extra clip?"

An offer I couldn't refuse. I was only a unicorn for probably an hour, so I needed to learn the natural abilities of the breed. Particularly, the telekinesis spell. I dug from my saddlebags my five bottlecaps, and handed them eagerly. The apparent merchant looked them over and bit down on it for authenticity before accepting my tender.

"Right. Come with me."

I nodded, holding the pistol in my teeth for the moment, following the colt to a fence where bottles were planted in the stakes of wood. I couldn't make out the labels on the bottles, mainly due to their having been weathered beyond recognition, but I saw a filly of some description on the least weathered one. She was enjoying the drink marked on the bottle, apparently.

"Right. To get your gun up, first let your mind go blank and focus. Think about a feather...how it rises and falls in the wind...and then apply that image to your weapon..."

I nodded. Picturing images was something I was proficient at quite well. In fact, when I was a Pegasus, it was thanks to this that I was able to pick up the art of flying. I thought of the wind raising my sidearm, and the gun came up to my face. I took it to my eyes, looking intently down the sight as I was ready to squeeze the trigger with my magic.

"That's it...line up yer sight...let 'er rip when ya feel ready..."

I focused my aim for a moment or two, my sights set on the center bottle, then, with a single pop, the bullet was let loose, and the bottle shattered in the blast.

"Good on ya! That's a markspony if I ever saw one!"

Another shot, this time without much focus. The base was shattered, leaving the neck to slither down.

"Good! Last one!"

The final shot cracked, and the bottle leaped off the stake. I smirked as I reloaded a fresh clip.

"Right. You seem to have gotten your bearings. So, with this, I think I can trust ya with a little job. See, a couple days ago, I was carrying a shipment of scrap metal and other gubbins here to try to makeshift equipment. Problem was, some nasty geckos tried for me, and I had to drop the load to get back safely. If I give ya this here Huntin' Rifle, would ya mind doin me the favor of gettin' back me stock, and (if ya can) kill those nasty buggers for me?"

"What would I get in return?"

"Ah, a good question. How's 50 caps and some information for ya?"

I mulled over the idea for a moment. While the offering was fairly meager, in this alien land, any knowledge I could procure would help me on my journeys.

"Alright, you've got a deal."

I couldn't make it out clearly, but I suspected the strange pony to have grinned as he hoofed me a rifle made with iron sights. It seemed to be a bolt action type. Clip-fed. The thing was knackered, but it had been restored to a fairly good condition. Truly, whoever this pony was, he knew much about maintenance. With this, he attached a sling to the rifle, which would allow me to hold it more easily. As he fiddled with my PipBuck (Which, as I could tell, was a PipBuck 3000-A), a map flickered on the screen with a small arrow.

"Right. You're ready to roll, stranger. I did ya the liberty of marking the last known location of me swag onto yer PipBuck. Oh, and before you go, try this; Focus your mind for a few moments on a single spot. With any luck, you can analyze in depth your aim and get a bit more precise. If you master it, you can hit almost impossible targets with much greater ease."

Interesting. A targeting spell?

"It's a spell that your Pipbuck helps you perform; They call it S.A.T.S."

I made a mental note of this tip, beginning my first true assignment.

The compass upon the screen of my Pipbuck was surprisingly accurate. Despite its age, it worked like a charm. I suppose whenever this Stable-Tec had created something, they built it to be durable and reliable. The target was just in reach, and much as the stranger had promised, there was a large crate in the middle of nowhere. Considering what could be the contents, it came as a surprise that it hadn't been looted by anypony. There was a small swarm of what I supposed were Geckos. The large beige reptilians were bipedal, and seemed to have rather nasty jaws. While most were circling the box or idling about, one was resting atop it as a king.

I decided to take cover behind a rock and consider a plan. I decided to attempt to use the "Targeting Spell" I was told of. I brought the focus of my hunting rifle to the gecko upon the crate. I took a moment to scan the creature with my eyes as I saw a light green outline around it.Then, afterward, I began to see that outline divide itself into parts. I thought of shooting the 'leader' in the head, hopefully making the group disperse in one lucky shot. But, I then came to the thought that with the loss of their king, the Geckos would search for his assassin within moments after.

This in mind, I altered the focus to a further target. Because this one was perhaps 3 meters further than the "King", I had to resort to torso shots. I prepared two of them and then let loose the first two cartridges.

BLAM. BLAM. The first shot was a glancing blow at least, but it was the second that seemed to do him in, considering it had slumped moments after, With this, I took to cover, reloading the rifle. The bolt jammed a bit, but it was easily defeated. This rifle would need maintenance. I felt the damn thing was gonna break. I moved onto the next target closer to him, going for two head shots. One shot missed, and the other went right between the eyes.

The collective squeels resulting were most likely not a good sign. I had to make my move on the leader, and soon. I took aim in S.A.T.S. and blasted away the last two cartridges from the Varmint Rifle. The squeals began to retreat for a moment, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Then more squeals sounded off, coming near me. Crap.

I didn't think I'd have enough time to reload the varmint rifle, so I switched to the 10mm Handgun, unloading rounds into the rushing geckos. While one of them was easily felled, I still had two coming after me. S.A.T.S. was having a cooldown, so I had to think of something. I switched back to the rifle and reloaded it. By then, the two geckos were flanking me at both sides, so I had to think on my hooves. One of them lunged at me, but, I managed to shove him off with the butt of my rifle, pumping a cartridge into him. The second took a shot directly in its hungry maw.

I huffed a few tired breaths before looking out from the rock. What remained were the bloody corpses of geckos who had no earthly buisness dealing with a crate of possibly valuable supplies. Most of the others had simply bolted away, leaving me to get the crate and return it to its owner.

With this, I used my telekinetic prowess to help me push the crate back to the Merchant.

"Ah, stranger! You brought me supply crate back! Good on ya!" The merchant said, shaking my hoof in approval before laying 50 bottlecaps into my saddlebags/

"There's your payment. And now for yer information. Now, while I can't teach ya everything about the wastes, I've marked some place ya can. See, there's a town just a stone's throw from 'ere called New Appleoosa. One Derpy Hooves (otherwise known as Ditzy Doo) lives there. She's the author of the Wasteland Survival Guide. She sells copies to most everypony, so she should have at least one copy in her possession. She'll also sell you equipment, but I guarantee ya that ya won't find any prices better than mine. I've marked New Appleoosa on your Pipbuck. Your Eyes-Forward Sparkle should tell you where it is."

He then patted me on my flank. "Now, off with ya. I'm sure we'll meet again. Just look for the Balefire Torhces, stranger!"

With that, i was off to my first real quest since being dumped in this unforgiving wasteland.

Footnote: Level Up
New Perk: Gun Nut - You are obsessed with using and maintaining a wide variety of conventional firearms. With each rank of the Gun Nut perk, you gain an additional 5 points to the Small Guns and Repair skills.

Comments ( 9 )

Well its a start, I'll give you that. Reminds me of when a human enters Equestria story, and FOE. Don't get me wrong I like FOE stories, you just gotta get the plot more, together. But over all, Its well written and for that you get some stars.

This is different... a human-pony in fallout equestria?

You will get starz

btw the discription says:
As suck, I advise you to read that first, to get a clue on some of the elements of this fanfic.

continue the work!


Thank you for that note.

As for continuing it, that is where I have trouble. The universe of Fo:E is large, and I need to familiarize myself with it again.

Yea I know what you mean. I trying to remember it from a while back. Lately I have been deep into fallout lore and I am revisiting FOE. In general I am pretty knowagable in NORMAL fallout. If you need ideas for fallout not already mentioned in FOE then I would be glad to help.

Thank you very much. I need a helping hoof.

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