• Published 15th Aug 2012
  • 1,287 Views, 19 Comments

How To Save A Life? - Braveheart106

Sometimes we make sacrifices, for the people we love the most....

  • ...

When the Going Gets Tough...

Author’s Note: Hello again all! I’ve undergone extreme changes, and decided to listen to some of my reviewers (Sonic Flameboom, Zach Langstroth, and many others). I made a new goal, I no longer wish to get featured, I want something that means so much more to me, and that’s pleasing the community, and you, the reader. I want you to remember my stories, and be glad you’ve read them. That would mean more than anything, even going to Equestria forever. I love all my readers, and hope they truly do enjoy and love my work. Remember to leave a like, and leave a comment as well, I really wish to hear your thoughts. Now enough on the mushy gushy stuff, on to the story! (All properties of Hasbro ya’ll hear?)

“I guess I was wrong all along, right Doctor?”
“Yeah Derpy, but it doesn’t matter to me, just don’t leave me.....please”
“Sorry Doctor, I did what I did for a reason, tell Dinky mommy loves her”
“Derpy, NOOOOO”

Suddenly Derpy woke up with a jolt. Things had been pretty weird for the mare lately, since she was always having these crazy dreams. The morning sun shone brightly in her room, shining on her body, making her real hot so she got out of bed. She noticed Doctor Whooves, her boyfriend and her daughter’s father role figure, was gone.

“Must be downstairs” Derpy thought as she went to the bathroom to prepare herself for the day.

As she brushed her teeth, Derpy noticed something move in the hallway, since their shadow illuminated on the wall. Although she shrugged it off, and began to spit and rinse. Little did the pegasus know her daughter was sneaking up on her, attempting to scare her.

“MORNING MOMMY!” Dinky yelled behind Derpy, making her jump and take flight, only to bump her head on the ceiling.

“Dinky! You frightened me!” Derpy said still shocked as her daughter began to giggle.

“Sorry mommy, you’re just so easy to scare!” Dinky said as she hugged her mother, as Derpy returned the gesture.

“I guess I am, though let’s get you ready for Breakfast so you have something to eat before School ok?” Derpy said as a frown appeared on her daughter’s face, making Derpy feel bad.

“Mommy, I don’t wanna go to school, nopony likes me there! I have no friends, and they all pick on me, especially Diamond Tiara” Dinky said as she complained.

“Sweetie I know, I told Ms. Cheerilee to watch out for you, and I promise if you go to school, mommy will take you somewhere special after!” Derpy said smiling as Dinkie looked up at her mother.

“You promise?” Dinkie asked.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a muffin in my eye!” Derpy said as she and her daughter hugged and laughed.

“Now you brush your teeth, I’ll be downstairs ok?” Derpy said as she began to leave the room.

“Ok mommy!” Dinkie said cheerfully as she brushed her teeth.

As Derpy walked downstairs, the smell of Eggs, Carrot Muffins, and Toaster Strudels filled the air.

“Oh you’ve outdone yourself today Carrot Top!” Derpy said smiling as she walked to the table, and sat next to Doctor Whooves.

“Thanks for the compliment Derpy, You know I cook larger meals on Friday!” Carrot Top said when she noticed Derpy and Doctor were nuzzling each other, making her sigh.

“Nopony cares to even hear me talk” Carrot Top said smiling at the two as she continued making Breakfast.

“Morning love” Doctor Whooves told Derpy as he kissed her cheek.

“Morning to you too, Doctor” she giggled as she gave him a peck on the lips.

“Eww mommy!” Dinky said as she pulled out her seat and sat in it, making Derpy, Carrot, and the Doctor laugh in unison.

“Oh Dinky, you’ve seen me do this before!” Derpy said smiling at her child.

“I know, but its still weird!” Dinky said, when they all suddenly heard a CRASH! come from the hallway.

“Oh no” Doctor Whooves said nervously.

“Not the vase again” Derpy said as Dinky looked at the adults in confusion.

“What? Who’s that?” Dinky asked as they heard the noise coming closer.

“Its-” Carrot Top said when she was interrupted.

“Hi *hiccup* guys” Berry Punch said as she drunkenly walked (and tumbled) her way down the stairs.

“Oh no, are you ok?” Dinky asked innocently as Carrot Top only snorted in disgust.

“Yeah that drunken waste of a pony is ok, she’s so revolting at times with her ‘late night parties’ and ‘excessive drinking’ every night of my LIFE!” Carrot Top said when Berry Punch came and put a hoof around her.

“You didn’t say that in *hiccup* BED last night!” Berry Punch slurred as Carrot Top blushed hard.

“You drunken fool, go back to bed, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Carrot Top said as Berry Punch smirked and swished her tail.

“Yeah yeah yeah, you DON’T *hiccup* know what I’m saying Carrot babe, well I’ll wait for “Round 3” in bed!” Berry Punch giggled as she walked casually back to their room, quickly sobered up.

“D-Darn you Berry Punch! I swear that mare can sober up so quickly after a drink; but still likes to act like a drunkard. She could probably trick Celestia herself if she tried!” Carrot Top complained as Derpy uncovered Dinky’s ears.

As Derpy looked at the time on her wall, it read 7:45 A.M, making Derpy’s eyes widen in pure shock.

“Oh Celestia, Dinky you’re gonna be late for school!” Derpy said shocked as everypony stopped what they were doing and looked at the time.

“Oh you’re right! Quick if you leave now you can still make it” Carrot Top said as she handed Dinky her lunch box and a muffin.

“I can’t take her, I haven’t showered yet!” Derpy said frantically as she quickly brushed Dinky’s mane.

“Don’t worry love, I’ll take her to school as I go to work” Doctor Whooves said kindly, making Derpy smile.

“Oh you’re such a gentle stallion! Thank you” Derpy said as she kissed him.

“Uh mom, school?” Dinky said impatiently, as the two adults blushed and smiled.

“Oh right!” the Doctor said as he put Dinky on his back, and ran as fast as he could to her school so she could be on time.

Doctor Whooves ran as fast as he possibly could, as Dinky held on tight around his neck. He saw the school in sight, but knew he’d have to pick up the pace.

“Almooosst Theeerreee” The Doctor hissed through his teeth as he bolted full speed up the hill, passing Big Macintosh and the Crusaders.

As soon as the bell tolled 8 AM, the Doctor stopped right in front of the door, and nearly crashed into a waiting Cheerilee.

“Oh! Good morning Doctor” Cheerilee said smiling as Dinky climbed down from his back.

“Morning Ms. Cheerilee, good day we’re having huh?” he asked the school teacher, as beads of sweat rolled down his cheek. Cheerilee noticed this, and began to smile.

“Wanna come in for a drink?” Cheerilee asked kindly as the Doctor smiled with relief.

“Thank you very much for the offer!” Doctor Whooves said as Cheerilee looked to see if any more kids were coming, then closed the door.

As Cheerilee poured him a cup of Orange Juice, Doctor Whooves looked around the classroom, and noticed Dinky sitting in the back of Filthy Rich’s daughter, Diamond Tiara. He smiled at Dinky, who flashed him the brightest smile he’d ever seen.

“Uh Doctor, I got your drink” Cheerilee said tapping him, as he snapped back to focus.

“Oh! That was quick, um thank you so much Cheerilee” he said smiling as he began to leave.

“Say bye to Doctor Whooves class!” Cheerilee said as the class waved and said bye, especially Dinky, who yelled ‘I love you’ at the top of her lungs.

“Oh be quiet, Derpy reject!” Diamond Tiara said as Silver Spoon snickered.

“Diamond Tiara” Cheerilee said sternly.

“Sorry Ms. Cheerilee, I was just saying what she is. Besides, she’s as big of a derp than her mother!” Diamond Tiara said coldly as the class silenced, and Cheerilee stared in complete shock of what she just heard.

“You take that back, at least my daddy isn’t a fake con like yours!” Dinky said angrily as Diamond Tiara laughed.

“Oh please, you don’t even have a father! He was too ashamed he made a sad excuse for a pony like you, and would have to see your mom’s ugly eyes every day of his life!” Diamond Tiara said laughing coldly as Dinky began to cry.

“Ya’ll better shut ‘yer trap Diamond Tiara!” Apple Bloom said as she got up from her seat.

“Yeah! Leave Dinky alone you brute!” Sweetie Belle said as she got up to comfort Dinky.

“Oh yeah, and why should I?” Diamond Tiara said as Scootaloo came from behind and put her in a choke-hold.

“Simple, because I'll continue to do this you evil freak!” Scootaloo said as she dropped her on the floor and began to fight her, making the whole class cheer.

“Girls, THAT’S ENOUGH!” Cheerilee said as Apple Bloom joined in, and the three froze mid punch.

“Everypony outside, except for you five!” Cheerilee said angrily as the students left hastily.

“All of you find your own corners to sit in right now” Cheerilee said as they all separated from each other.

“Diamond Tiara I am disgusted and surprised at your behavior today” Cheerilee said as Diamond Tiara looked down in shame, and anger.

“I’ll have to call your father to pick you up, and visit later to discuss what you did here today” Cheerilee continued, when Diamond Tiara looked at her in fear.

“Please don’t tell my father, he’ll ground me oh please don’t tell him!” Diamond Tiara cried as Cheerilee and everpony else in the room rolled their eyes in annoyance.

“Sorry Diamond Tiara, but you’ve brought this upon yourself. Now for the rest of you, I’ll be calling your parents/ guardians as well. Except you Scootaloo, you live with me” Cheerilee said as they all cowered in fear of what shall be coming, but this only made the teacher smile.

“Fear not my little ponies, for you all did good, even though the fighting was not needed. Although I’m still very proud of what you did for poor Dinky here, and I’m sure your family and your grades for today will agree” Cheerilee said as the fillies looked at each other and smiled, proud of what they achieved.

“Now you girls go outside and have fun, Dinky I called your mother, she’ll be here for you in a short while sweetheart. In the meantime, go outside and play as well!” Cheerilee told the young filly as she smiled and ran out with her new friends.

“I hope you know you’re in HUGE trouble for what you did here, missy” Cheerilee said sternly as Diamond Tiara groaned and hid her face on the desk with her hooves.

Meanwhile to Derpy....

“C’mon line hurry up! My Dinky needs me” Derpy told herself as she waited with Carrot Top and Berry Punch on line at the Supermarket.

“I know you’re worried Derpy, don’t worry we’ll get to her” Carrot Top told the blonde mare kindly as she smiled.

“Yeah, and we’ll give that little brat and her uptight father a piece of our minds!” Berry Punch said boldly, making Derpy laugh. She loved her friends, they always cheered her up, no matter what. Suddenly Derpy felt something tap her shoulder so she looked around, only to see its Octavia and Vinyl Scratch.

“Derpy!” Octavia smiled as she hugged her long time friend.

“Hey Octavia, hey Vinyl” Derpy said as she waved at the dj, who waved back and smiled back.

“ I see you went shopping too, we just started!” Octavia said laughing as Derpy forced a laugh, making the gray pony stop and stare at her.

“Derpy you don’t seem all that happy, is something the matter?” Octavia asked curiously, as Derpy sighed and began explaining.

“So now Cheerilee wants us there pronto, but this is gonna take forever!” Derpy said as Octavia thought.

“Ok seems like you’ve got a dilemma... Wait I got an idea!” Octavia said smiling as Derpy looked at her confused.

“You guys go, I’ll watch your stuff and pay for it, and I’ll send Vinyl to go do our shopping!” Octavia said as Derpy smiled and hugged her friend.

“That’s a GREAT idea! Thank you so much I’ll pay you later. Meet us at the school!” Derpy said smiling as she, Carrot, and Berry ran out of the grocery store, determined to go get Dinky and take her home.

As the three mares sped their way through Pony-Ville and reached the school, they all stopped outside to catch their breaths.

“Ok guys, be ready for the waterworks!” Carrot Top said as she opened the door, and they all became slack-jawed at the sight. The room was near empty, with only Cheerilee, Diamond Tiara and her father occupying it.

“Oh hi Ms. Whooves, she’s outside playing right now. Do you wish to go get her?” Cheerilee asked as she looked up from Filthy Rich and his daughter.

“Um yeah, I’ll do that” Derpy replied as she went outside through the back, only to see her child laughing and playing with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The best part was that, for once, Dinky was smiling and truly enjoying herself. Derpy couldn’t help but smile as she saw her daughter play tag and run around the playground without a care. Suddenly Dinky stopped running and noticed her mother at the doorway, smiling brightly.

“Mommy!” Dinky cried happily as she ran and hugged her mother tightly.

“Oh my Dinky” Derpy said as she fought hard to hold back her tears.

“Mommy today Diamond Tiara was real mean to me! She talked mean things about you and daddy” Dinky said as she waved goodbye to her new friends as they began to leave.

“Bye Ms. Whooves, I’ll call you and explain this whole situation” Cheerilee said as they all began to leave the school.

"Bye Filthy and his rude daughter!" Berry Punch said smirking as she stuck her tongue out at him.

"The name is Filthy RICH DARN IT!" he yelled behind her as she shut the door hard behind her.

As they all waited for their two other companions to arrive, Dinky decided to break the silence with a question that had been in her mind all morning.

“Mommy....what happened to my real daddy?” Dinky asked, piercing Derpy’s heart as the bad memories began to flood in her mind of her ex-boyfriend.

“I-I-I’ll explain later muffin” Derpy said with a fake smile.

“I knew this day would come soon, but I wish it wasn’t now.......” Derpy sighed to herself as she hugged her daughter again.

Well that was long, you guys asked for longer chapters, and I hope I pleased. I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, and will continue to follow this story. Don’t forget to read my other story “My Sweet Burning Desire” as well! Give a like, Please for my sake leave a comment, and give a favorite! I hope you truly do like this story, and don’t forget to review as well, I wanna improve, and be approved as well. Until later brothers(and sisters)!