• Published 26th Aug 2019
  • 9,446 Views, 136 Comments

Your Saitama and You - Element of Power

Saitama seems to be surrounded by strange creatures, and stupid humans. Maybe one of the creatures are strong?

  • ...

Chapter 2

He walked through an alley between two of the buildings, headed straight for the main road. Saitama thought he would get a better idea of what this place was from there, since that's where every creature would be.

Before he even got to the end of the alley, he could already see all the pony creatures passing the entrance to the alley, every one of them a different blindness inducing version of the rainbow. Then, while he was watching, an orange pony with a hat and a human passed the alley. The man was short, only about 5 foot, and was completely naked. He was carrying a crate full of apples, his face never moving from an uncaring stare.

"Wait, that's my thing! He's stealing my thing! I should probably be... worried?" Then, Saitama looked higher, right at the man's gleaming head. "He's bald. Sucks to be him." He says, refusing to look at his own head.

After the man walks out of sight, Saitama continues to walk toward the main road. Then, a blue pegasus pony enters right in front of him. He almost has to shield his eyes from the awesomeness colors in it's hair, which looked like a rainbow itself.

The pony puffed it's chest out. "Your bigger than any human I've seen... but that doesn't make you better than me! Your still a human." She said, obviously trying to sound scary.

Saitama just stared at her. "Ok."

She jumped, almost falling back. Her wings were out, like she was about to fly away. Her fur was also a bit spiked, like a frightened cat. "W-WHAT! I mean... Pfft. Whatever. Talking human. You're still weaker than me!"


She started fuming, literally. Steam started pouring out of her ears while her face scrunched in anger. "Stop it! You know what, let's settle this with a hoof wrestling match!"


"Well, GOOD! Follow me to my house."She started walking off, so Saitama shrugged and followed. They went back into the alley, and took turns into different alleys, never going to the main road. He caught her glancing back, before she finally spoke.

"My name's Rainbow Dash, the fastest pony in Equestria. But, how can you talk? Human's can't talk, they're just animals!" She didn't look back while talking, choosing to keep going forward.

"You guys are the animals." Saitama answered, remembering the larger version of ponies from his world. Rainbow Dash spun around in anger.

"No! Humans are animals, not ponies!"



Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth, growling, before spinning back around and continued to walk. Saitama just shrugged again, and walked.

They finally came to the end of an alley. Right in front of them was the main road, and in the distance, up in the sky, was a huge cloud, in the shape of a house. Before he could leave the alley, Rainbow Dash turned to him.

"So, human's don't talk, so you're going to have to act like that if you're going to go around undetected or whatever. You already stick out because of your size. And your... not nakedness" She informed him.

Saitama just looked at her, before agreeing. "I guess." The two of them walked out, right into the stream of ponies. Rainbow Dash was trying to hurry to her house, while Saitama kept the same pace he had. All around him, ponies were staring at him and talking amongst themselves. One pony even went up to Rainbow Dash, offering her money.

"Hey, that's a good human you've got there. It's one of a kind! I can take it off your hooves for a good amount of bits." He whispered to her. Rainbow Dash just ignored him and kept going.

Soon, they were in front of the cloud house in the sky. The both of them looked up, before Rainbow thought about something. "Can you even stand on clouds?"

Saitama just shrugged and said, "Let's find out." He bent his knees, and jumped straight up into the air. Lower clouds went flying past his vision as he neared the house. He stopped ascending right at the edge of the cloud, so he landed right there. Surprisingly, he didn't fall through.

He looked back down, and saw Rainbow Dash sprawled on the ground. Where he jumped, there were two footprints, with cracks spread out a good distance away. Even the few trees that were around were uprooted and pushed away.

Rainbow got up, shaking the dizziness away. 'How did he do that? He just, jumped straight into the air!'

She spread her wings and followed, flying higher and higher to reach her cloud. When Rainbow Dash landed, she immediately noticed he was indeed standing on the cloud.

Saitama pointed to the large and lavish house made out of clouds. "So, that's your house?"

Rainbow Dash looked smug, obviously soaking in what she thought was admiration. "Of course! It's awesome isn't it?" Saitama didn't say anything as he walked to the door.

"Hey, wait up!" Rainbow went after him, going inside with him. Saitama looked around, seeing the messy and out of order house before him.

"It's just like my apartment. When Genos hasn't cleaned it for me."

"Alright!" Saitama turned, seeing Rainbow Dash at a table with her hoof over it. She looked at him, and she was filled with... determination! "It's time for that hoof wrestle!"

Saitama walked over, and sat down. He took his glove off and put his own elbow on the table, before taking her hoof in his hand.

"Ready, Set, Go!" Saitama felt Rainbow Dash start, pushing against his arm with a surprising amount of strength. Her jaw was clenched, her foreleg shaking from effort.

But Saitama didn't budge.

He just sat there, watching Rainbow Dash struggle to move him. She kept trying to shove his arm, straining for nothing. "AAARGH! Why isn't this working! Just move you stupid baldy!"

A shadow appeared over Saitama's eyes. Rainbow Dash shakily looked up at him, seeing the dead look in his eyes. She tried to pull her hoof from his hand, but it was like the hoof was trapped in stone. Then Saitama spoke.

"Dont. Call. Me. BALDY!!"

Saitama pushed his hand at lightning speeds, throwing Rainbow's hoof through the table, winning the "hoof wrestle" but shattering the table. The table was just a pile of wood chunks the size of his finger, and Rainbow was buried under the mess.

The pile shifted, before a rainbow mane (manebow? mainbow?? Rane?!?) pushed out, followed by her head. "Hey, that's not fair, you cheated! How are you so strong!"

Saitama looked at her, before responding. "Are you sure you would like to know. To know the secret to my power. I have told others, and they couldn't handle the truth."

Rainbow's eyes widened, before shouting "Yes! Absolutely!"

Saitama closed his eyes, "Fine". His eyes burst open, and he shouted out, "100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!" He started breathing deeply, catching his breath.

There was silence as Rainbow looked at him, before she started yelling. "That can't be true! I do more than that on a daily basis! You don't see me shattering tables in hoof wrestling!"

Saitama simply sighed. "I knew you wouldn't believe the truth."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Whatever, uh... what's your name?"

"Saitama." He walked over to one of the windows looking outside. In the distance, he saw the town in chaos. All the ponies were running for their lives, while a group of giant bees with bear heads and four arms chased them around.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash. There are these bear-bug thingies attacking the town." He calmly told her. Rainbow raced over to the window.

"Those are bugbears! We've got to go stop them!" She flew out the door and down to the town, leaving Saitama at the window. He could see her fly off, a rainbow streak in the sky behind her.

"Bugbear? Isn't that what I said?" He left the window, jumping down from the cloud. He landed right on the indents his feet made before, sending more cracks across the ground. He started walking toward town, hoping that they didn't take care of the bugbears until he got some action in.

By the time he got there, all the ponies that were running around were all gone. He saw a couple of them run out of sight and into what he assumed was town hall. He kept going, headed to the sounds of the bugbears.

He rounded the corner, and saw the group of three bugbears. In front of them, he saw Rainbow Dash flying around their heads, along with four other ponies. The purple unicorn was shooting purple energy from her horn, hitting the bugbears, but barely doing any damage. There was also the orange pony he saw before, who was using her hind legs to buck the bugbears. Next to them, there was a white unicorn, using her horn to shoot the bugbears with... gems. Finally, there was a pink pony, who decided to shoot the bugbears with pies shot out of a cannon. Surprisingly, this was doing more damage than the rest, even if it still wasn't much.

As he got closer, they all turned to look at him, even the bugbears stopped roaring and swiping to look at him.

"Um, why's that human here?" The purple pony asked.

" 'N why's it so tall?" The orange pony from before said.

Rainbow looked scared, before she quickly spoke. "He's my new human! Y-Yeah, just got him!"

Before any of the ponies could question it, the bugbears roared again, reminding them of the current threat. Except, the creatures didn't attack the ponies. They instead speeded straight for the new threat, Saitama.

Saitama simply stood there, while the ponies started shouting at him to get out of the way. As the enemies quickly flew closer until they were right in front of him, he pulled his hand back, and punched the leader.

The bear's eyes widened as every bone in his body shattered, then the rest of his body almost disintegrated. The two bears behind him shared the same fate merely from the shockwave of Saitama's attack. All the tiny specks of blood and flesh that was left went flying off into the distance, past the horizon.

Saitama pulled his still smoking fist away, brushing off the one drop of bug blood.All the ponies just stood there, their jaws rubbing against the ground. Even Rainbow Dash was like this, since even she didn't know he was that strong.

He almost said something, but he then remembered what Rainbow said about humans and talking. So he decided to just stand there.

Finally, the white unicorn spoke before everyone else.

"What on Equis are you wearing?!?"

All the ponies looked at her. Then the orange one spoke. "RARITY! That's what yer worried about! He jus exploded three bugbears in one hit! I've seen some strong humans, but they can't do that!"

The purple unicorn started talking too. "That's right, it isn't possible for a human to have that kind of strength. Even a strength spell couldn't do as much as that, and I can't sense any magical energy." She started getting closer to Saitama, but when he flexed his hand, she scrambled back.

Rainbow Dash went over to him. "Twilight, just stay away from him. Everypony knows how you like to experiment on humans."

The one called Twilight sputtered in surprise. "That's not fair! They just happen to have a lot of similarities to ponies, so they are good for testing!"

Before Rainbow Dash could retort, the one called Rarity spoke again. "Dash, where exactly did you get this human? He must have belonged to somepony, well, somepony with a dreadful fashion sense."

Rainbow started sweating, her eyes darting around. "Well, I found him... in the forest! And... he didn't have that costume on, I just put him in it... because I wanted to, ok!"

Rarity lifted her head, pointing her nose at an angle. "Well, I can just make him something else if you insist on having him clothed."

"No thank you! I like the costume!" Rainbow shrieked, worried what Saitama would do if he got his outfit taken from him.

The whole time Saitama just stood there. He was getting bored, so he started to walk away. He heard Rainbow rush to follow him, shouting behind her. "See you later! I'm going to take him home."

Before they could get far enough, the pink pony appeared right in front of them. "But you can't go yet! I need to make a party! For both Saitama, and for you, Dash, since you got a human!"

He looked back at Rainbow, who paled. "Pinkie, how did you know his name was Saitama?"

Pinkie just smiled. "I don't know!" Then she bounced off.

Twilight then walked up. "Well, we should get ready for a Pinkie Party. But after, you should let me study your human, Saitama. He could be a huge discovery. Maybe even a new subspecies of human, given his size and... strength."

Rainbow rolled her eyes at Twilight. "Fine whatever, but no funny stuff! I've already heard a bunch of things around town."

Saitama looked at Twilight, who was blushing. "Stop it! Those aren't true!" She then walked off, while the rest did the same. Saitama looked at Rainbow.

"There's a party?"

Rainbow sighed. "Yeah. And we HAVE to go. Pinkie can be scary. But her parties are always fun, so this could be good." She started walking into town. So Saitama followed.

Author's Note:

I've been trying to use animals that weren't usually used, since the usual Manticore or Timberwolf attack can be kinda overused.