• Published 13th Sep 2019
  • 1,566 Views, 46 Comments

Fifteen Pages - NaiadSagaIotaOar

A princess from a magical land, with fiery hair, ruby lips and eyes that could melt stone. Rarity's diary reads like a fairytale. But something we tend to forget as we grow is how rarely fairytales end happily.

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The third of Rarity’s pages came quite some time after the second. Many pages came between the two, tracking the passage of months, documenting the beginnings of a friendship. Those pages held little of note. Dawdling mundanities, to put it simply—Sunset was a foreigner of the highest degree, after all, and it took no small amount of time for her to get her bearings.

But then, one night, there was this page.

Sunset and I had a talk earlier tonight. There was a scrawl in the rough shape of a stylized heart perched atop Sunset’s name. She told me more about herself, finally. All the times I’ve known her, she’s felt so cold, so withdrawn…

And she’s hurting. She told me more of her story and oh, how painfully tragic it was! She’s straight out of a romance novel, honestly.

But then we talked some more. About our dreams. About what we’d do to make them come true. I’ve never seen her look so animate.

She was learning magic from a princess so powerful she raised the sun and the moon every day. Sunset wants nothing more than to be just as powerful as that princess. But when she told the princess of her desire, she was spurned. Pushed away.

How cold must you be to crush someone’s dreams like that? I sympathized with her, of course—how would I feel if someone demanded I stop sewing?

It was amazing. I felt like we understood each other, even though our worlds couldn’t be more unlike one another. She said much the same, actually. And she looked so happy when she did, like she’d been wanting to say that all her life.

The handwriting started to devolve a little at this point. The curves grew just slightly scratchy and cluttered—far from ugly, but the haste and lack of care made themselves known.

And then she kissed me.

Her. A princess’ student. Kissed me. I’m amazed I didn’t faint on the spot.

We didn’t say much more, after that. I had to get home. I… didn’t know what to say. How was I supposed to?

I’ll talk to her about it tomorrow, I suppose.