• Member Since 5th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen May 27th


I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )

Comments ( 100 )

Damnit, I laughed. Have a like.

socky-wocky no :applecry:

I'm not Harry Potter fan but the last spell looks like it make Sweetie Belle's baby maker turn into a fire resistant oven so that Spike can stick his lava rod inside to do no harm at all.

I quote:

I am so, soooo sorry......

I'm so confused

You’ve earned a like for that last line alone
Have a good day, sir.


The last line came first, then I had to construct the fic around it.



~Skeeter The Lurker

dr. socky-wocky is a bad girl
a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad girl

Whatever you say. Who am I to argue?

for fuck's sake. take your like and sit the fuck down

Not bad... For a moment before 'Professor Hermione' I was thinking they were going to ask 'The great and Powerful Trixie'

That would have been funny, too!

You actually did it. Dear lord. I knew the outcome before I even read it and I still loved it. Take a like.

I...think I get it?

I want to say that it feels wrong giving this an upvote, but... nah. Made me laugh. :rainbowwild:

aparently dragon cum lava?

I laughed. No shame.

Yeah, Twilight ain't that much older than Spike, and they have to remember that dragons live longer than ponies. By the time Spike reaches dragon teens, Sweetie would likely be middle-aged or older.

Then again, maybe not. Other than getting their cutie marks, the CMCs haven't aged in nine years. Heck, their VAs are all adults now. Let that one sink into your brains for a second.

Something something bun in her oven.

I have to say I expected something involving an anon and for this to get very shitposty, and then you surprised me with a non-anon, which turned my expectations in a more tempered reasonable direction, and then you activated turbo mode on the carousel and I am now travelling at mach five past my initial expectations, I can see the far side of the moon from here!

No Anon from me! That's a promise.

Yeah, which begs the question of whyyyyyyy is it unethical exactly? Seems like a very reasonable thing to think ahead about.

Cause they are going to get laid before Twilight does

Spike rapped his knuckles on the door labelled Prof. Hermione Granger.

I was literally combing through Harry Potter fanfics on fanfiction.net before reading this, so when I saw this, I literally burst out in laughter after staring for a moment. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I love the coincidence.

Oh Hermione...

By the way, has anyone else noticed the utter scarcity of Harry Potter and My Little Pony crossovers? At least, good ones? It saddens me.


Few crossovers end up being good, and the deep lore of HP makes it even more difficult!


Personally, I highly disapprove of Twilight's raging reaction, and think that, if anything, it's highly detrimental to whatever she means to achieve by it.

And I also think that it's pretty out of character for, but I'm don't feel like really nitpicking, so I'll just facepalm and heave a sigh at Twilight.

P.S. Not a criticism on your writing itself, per se, just one on Twilight.

*mutters about Lord of the Rings*

It's pretty deep, yeah...

But... I kinda expected more, you know?

Truth be told, though, it's probably more of the fact that I have specific criteria. Main characters involved, bonus points if it's set in Equestria – though it a master does it, just about anything can go right, and absolutely no permanently turning the wizards or witches into ponies: and Celestia forbid they become Alicorns.

Oh, also, are you a HP fan yourself?

Goddammit Sock Puppet, goddammit. That ending was Syeekoh worthy :rainbowlaugh:

Eh, she's an older sister to the couple in question, I think it's more of a personal problem matter than actually being backwards.

Thanks! High praise, indeed!

I like Harry Potter very much, but wouldn't say it's my favorite. I haveread all the books and seen all the moves (less Grindlewald).

Can't stop laughing, send help.

The hell? since when there is a Harry Potter tag?

I see!
So it was a spell to give Sweetie Belle a fire-spewing levitating vagina, that is also retarded.
Thank you. Your video clarified it so much--and here I thought it was about sex protection. Whew. Crisis averted.

Hah, not bad. Didn't really think about the ramifications of dragons getting all "Hot and bothered" on a bit more literal level. Oh, and this is now my 1,111th favorite on this site... I need a life. :facehoof:

This is too funny!:rainbowlaugh:

And don't be sorry! Dragon run hot, so this has to be a thing. Your not the first to write about it, and you want be the last.:moustache::unsuresweetie:

Eh. Funny? I guess? Didn't really tickle me.

This doesn't require a Mature tag. Teen at most would suffice.

Mature would imply thing get cloppy.

In the Discord, Majin suggested I error on the side of caution.

Twilight teleports in.

"I knew it! You two should be ashamed of yourselves; sneaking around behind my back, dragging the poor Professor into your scheme. I meant what I said: you are too young yet. Now you'll have to live with the consequences of trying to circumvent my decision." Her horn lit.

"That's not-!" Sweetie began.

"Wait-!" yelled Spike.

"Repello Draganum!"

Sweetie's posterior flashed purple for a moment.

"Oh, come on!"

So, you should ask staff, but I'm pretty sure this story is a 'T', not an 'M'.

Oh, I'm sorry. Is that it?

It seems to me that the author forgot to CONTINUE THE STORY! :flutterrage:

You know, as I was reading this fic from the start, I had this passive look on my face, never breaking, always stoic. Those last two words though should be practically magic. I mean, it's not like we have to spell it out to find this funny right? Though I almost think our resident Professor might have been rear-ended by a Sweetie.

Remember, if you can swim in lava, your internal body temperature is somewhere around Too Damn Many °F.

Also, this probably doesn't even make the top twenty stupidest magical events Hermione's ever seen.

Brilliant bit of madness. Thank you for it.


Thank YOU. I always appreciate your comments!

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