• Published 14th Aug 2012
  • 2,025 Views, 30 Comments

The Legend of Dark Blood Fang, Mist Moon Shadow Night Flame, the demon overlord of darkness and horror. - The ancient one

This alicorn has problems. He must then awaken his power to vanquish all evil ever.

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The chosen Alicorn God Lover Pony dude

It was a beautiful sunny day in Equestrua, where the king alicorn of darkness and horror left his mark blazing in a trail of posies, awesome and love juice. Smiles crept apon the face of all who views him. His steeming red and black coat, burning the suns very eyes, celestia herself would not dare too challenge hm. His tail, as sharp as scythe, and also black and red for some reason. His name is Dark Blood Fang, Mist Moon Shadow Night Flame, the demon overlord of darkness and horror.

If not for her compassion for bunnies, he would not allow any siurvivors on thus planet. He traveled his way along a dark and dim path, to a small town called. Ponyville.

"It seems they are here" His deep masculine tone, causing all the mares in site to wet themselves in excitement. "I must make my way to-"

"OH YEAS!!!" One of the many mares screamed in pleasure.

"SILENCE!" His booming voice caused such waves of orgasmic pleasure that everyone fainted. Even the stallions.

This he waited for a new day. Which happened. And it was beautiful...or something leik that.

He traveled across the town, making his way to the tree in the center. The one belonging to a certain, twilight sparkle. She opened the door, sensing something was wrong.

"Dark Blood Fang, Mist Moon Shadow Night Flame, the demon overlord of darkness and horror! I thought i felt a disturbence in the force" She said raising her horn and charging it with power.

The king alicorn then used his powers of telepathy to commune with her emotions.

"You cannot hope to defeat me, sparkle. Rest your horn, i will not cause trouble for anyone." His waves of telepathy waved to her.

She trusted him, "Dark Blood Fang, Mist Moon Shadow Night Flame, the demon overlord of darkness and horror. Why are you here?" She questioned.

"I am here for my own reasons" He telepathed looking away, towards the sky, with a grimaced face, with a small tear falling from his eyes of despair and magma. The tear hit the ground and caused a small flower to bloom, then die, then combust into flames.

Twilight sparkle knew not of what she was feeling, the dark overlord looked handsom, sexy, even. She knew what must be done to calm the heart of this great and powerful alicorn.

"Take me!" She screamed. "TAKE MY LAVENDER BODY! RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW!" From the very sight of the alicorn she began dripping passionate sweat.

He looked to her and stared deeply into her soul, a skill which only he knew.

"Yes, twilight. I will take you."

Then they began to make out. Their kiss was passionate, ground quaked and the skies blakened.

They then began hot, copious amounts of coitus. Dark Blood Fang, Mist Moon Shadow Night Flame, the demon overlord of darkness and horror, wished he could see twilight. But he lost his vision during his training as a samurai warrior at a young age.

After the end of the strong, hot, destructive sex. He remembered his life, the life he had when he was human.

An orphin, a boy who had lost his parents in a tsunami-earthquake-tornado-meteor shower-volcanic eruption. This caused a a an explosion of radioation around teh world and caused zombies to rise from their graves, but the zombies were only the second to the problems because the world was controlled by the vampire-wolf-zombie-lobester-spider-queen who took children in order for future substane. What littlele places would take him in would show him no love or kindness. He would be bullied and abused constantly.

He got up from the simmering mare, noticing his awesome juice covering her and five feet fo the ground.

"This is not enough to sooth the darkness in my heart, i need more love!" he talapathed to twilight.

"She knew that in order to bring peace, she must create the largest orgy ever to happen in ponyville. And so she did, rounding oup all her friend and even stallions, who then lines up at the opperatunaty to be loved by the great and powerful, red and black, alicorn king. Who called himself, The ancient one...OR brohoofaddiction. Why? Because he could and he was awesome liken that.

He soon spread his love juice across ponyville where avery mare is stallion recieved greated and enjoyed. But this still wus tnot enuf. His heart was still ocovered in shroudow.

He then opened his bat wings, and flew into the sky and shouted and majdgsty

"Celestia! Come out, your SON awaits!"

And then it happened, a light like that light in the house when you first wake up shinnetdh down from nhim and appeared below.

She was not pleaseed.

"Why do you call me? You know that i said the next time i saw you, i would destroy you." She SAID excitedly.

"Becausee i have seen the face of horror. It is me, motheor. I lookded in a mirror. I must now ask that you save me, and help me to readjust to society. My new friends are all whores anyway." He said, motionaing and pointing to with his fingered hands, which grw out of jhis woof and aimed at the love covered equines.

"I see, you do infact need some help. I may be able to send you back home, back in time, to before i died a human. And became a mastic powerful diety. We must find the stone-gem-tool-relick-of dause ex macheeena. If ewe we can send you back and all will be well again." She deadpanned.

"But i came here out of the thin blue, one night, after, i, had, abmused one too many times mu foster home for imaginaru friends. They hhit me with a bat, and my bruise magically led me here because i was chosen to be the grand master hanzo, ninja, god, king, dude, lover, of all that exists. I gave up my horrific ways to become Dark Blood Fang, Mist Moon Shadow Night Flame, the demon overlord of darkness and horror" He teared up.

"I cannot stand your weakness, my child, please do not cry infront of me." She was side, as sad as you would be watching lassy, the end where the dog was shot, spoilers for all who didn't knows this.

Dark Blood Fang, Mist Moon Shadow Night Flame, the demon overlord of darkness and horror looked upon her, and then was consumed with great anger at her abandoneedmont, and he then summoned nightmare moon from the depths of the ground and said to her

"We must now rule this land. We will take it for ourselves and cover it in eternal night juice." Luna looked at herself as nightmar emon and wondered how she was in two places at once.

Celestia charged her horn with magical power, not like the magic that comes from those vibraty thingies, but like lightning biolt kind of stuff. If you've watched the movie starwars, you know what i mean.

Luna then nofdded her nightmare moon head, and readdied herseif for bettal. But then she felt a stab through her body, and celestia collaspsed.

Dark Blood Fang, Mist Moon Shadow Night Flame, the demon overlord of darkness and horror, had grabbed his bone, shadow, demon, blood, ninja, katana, laser, and slashed them within a few seeconds of arreval. He did this because they wasted his time.

"Tell me where the stone is!" He shouted at his poor dyinh but someboow immortal mother.

"I will not tell you now, you have betraued all of equestria, and your father, discord, would not be prouder" She then fainted.

But Dark Blood Fang, Mist Moon Shadow Night Flame, the demon overlord of darkness and horror read her mind and saw she was a lying whore. She knew more than she lon, she knew he was chosen to be the new ruler in a week, and that he would become the most powerful powerfullies poweried power that ever powered powered existence ever. He also knew the location of his long lost, evil half-twin, brother, who was from another dimension, but was just as powerful as he was, but was not really evil, just misunderstood, because he was a murder on accidant, due to his iinnnaxpariNce with life and his power.

Dark Blood Fang, Mist Moon Shadow Night Flame, the demon overlord of darkness and horror then made his way to the bareares of the elements and said to them "You are now my best friends/whores. I love you all so deeply, especially fluttershy, the way she did that thing her mouth was amazing. I ask that you all come with me to bring this stone gem tablet thingy relick of allsome power so that you may be ablet o save my world when i return.

THey gracosuly agreed. And thus, the adventure began.

Comments ( 30 )

Oh, I see why this wasn't immediately dive-bombed by dislikes...

Perhaps it would of been hilarious to me if I hadn't seen these types of parodies almost as much as I see the cliche fics you try to exaggerate. :applejackunsure:


I literally wrote this to infect fim fiction with cancer. The idea itself is a parody within a parody.

It's a play on these crappy parodies while trying to parody "My immortal"

Okay, these parodies are starting to show up as often as the real thing.


So...do you have cancer yet?

Normally I don't do this, but...


I sincerely hope this is a trollfic.


Read my other story, look at the like to dislike ratio, my grammar and spelling, the comments and decide for yourself.

I laughed as the spelling progressively got worse throughout the "story".

Another parody lol


I don't think the real thing has ever showed up a large quantity. There are more parodies of the idea in MLP fanfiction than actual examples of the idea itself.

Another one of these.... awesome.

I'm not much of a fan of parodies, and even then, when the trollfic for an idea starts outnumbering the actual idea I think things need to change.

The difference between this one, and other parodies, is that this one is good. The grammer and spelling mistakes were few in the beginning, making me wonder if it was an acutal typo. Then I realized, does it really matter if it was an acutal typo? This is one of the best, sucky, fics.

Yeah. Uh-huh... Mhm. Just because this is a parody of parodies doesn't make it clever. It reads like every other parody and just isn't that original, sorry.

And the people who make these keep forgetting the most important thing to do: don't change lines when changing speakers. That's how you make a fic truly bad.

This first chapter is going to be a tough act to follow, so many plot twists in this chapter alone!


You're assuming I care about this fiction. Obviously you read my comment where i say it parodies a parody while being a parody.

Knowing that, i know you read the part where i said, "i literally wrote it to infect fim fiction with cancer" It is not meant to be clever or good. You want me trying to make a good story? Go on my page, read my other story, and see the difference, between care and don't care.

There's quite a difference in reaction.

Really, i don't want people expecting anything good out of it, and i'm kinda let down this has ANY likes. :raritycry:

I don't assume you do, as it would be foolish to assume you want this to be good at being bad, I'm just saying it's a bit more useless stuff.

Though getting likes on a story you did nothing to, nor that you care about, I know that feel bro...
I know that feel. It ain't good.

I think I can feel your brain melting as you slammed your face on the keyboard wrote this story. That being said, good job. Seeing as how it's an obvious parody.

Well, that's what the reader in me says. The reviewer in me says go suck off a horse with a Syphilis ridden cock in hell. :rainbowlaugh:

The best way to describe this is, is that it is every bad OC rolled into one.
Alicorn? Yes.
Bad color scheme? Yes.
Some ridiculous, violent special talent that is out of place in My Little Pony? Was there ever any doubt?
The only thing that could make it more stereotypical is if it had Vinyl Scratch hair.


AH i should've thought of that!

Still not as bad as "ytp my little acid trip friends on lsd". :trixieshiftleft: Also, when parodying My Immortal, you forgot some of the golden rules. 1. Everyone good is now a vampire emo goff with a "wevil" name. 2. Emo bands are now everywhere. 3. Every 3-5 setences there must be a spot where someone either gets described in detail or slits they're rists. 4. Fishnets.

Annndd.. it's gone.

'ytp my little acid trip friends on lsd"

...I'm not sure what feels to feel:twilightoops:

You have one long title you got there, brony. I would like to criticize right now, and may I ask if the character's name was actually that long? I mean... wow... he even has a coma there. I thought there are 3 (4 if anything) characters...

Is this a Gary Sue Parody fanfic? If not then I'm not reading it

Parodies don't work like that.

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