• Published 31st Aug 2019
  • 903 Views, 15 Comments

I Will Wait - lLoveRainbowDash

Twilight is leaving Ponyville and all of her friends on the same day as Rainbow Dash was going to confess her love to Twilight.

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Chapter 2 - 'Twilight I…'

Author's Note:

Edited by Fantasia

'Twilight I...'

The words she had said last night rung like a bell in her head. She laid awake throughout the night after returning home. Knowing full well she was tired, Rainbow kept herself awake, staring out of her window at the morning light beaming through the light clouds scattered about in the sky.

'Twilight I...'

Why can't I just forget about it? Could I have said anything different? Why did she leave so fast? Even I woulda had trouble keeping up with her... well, probably. I am the fastest in all of Equestria, Rainbow contemplated.

C'mon, Rainbow, you need to get up and give those letters to the others, she recalled as she sprung out of bed. Oh shoot! I need to go tell the others!

Now wide awake, Rainbow collected the letters in her hooves and tucked them under her wing as she walked to grab her saddlebag in the other room. She rubbed her eyes before taking off to the first pony she could think of.

Rarity. She has to be home.

After a few minutes of flying, Rainbow reached her destination. I need to hurry up with this. I should have dropped the letters off last night, thought Rainbow as she stepped towards the door to Rarity's boutique. She knocked on Rarity's door as she was taking one of the notes out from her saddlebag.

"Who is it?" Rarity called out from behind the door as she was opening it. "Oh? Hello, Rainbow Dash, what brings you here today?" she questioned Rainbow with an obvious tone of confusion in her voice. It wasn't likely for her to show up at her boutique, after all.

"Hey, Rarity, I have something Twilight told me to give you before she... left," Rainbow said with her ears down against her head and almost regretting thinking about it.

'Twilight I...'

She winced at the thought of last night.

"Oh really? What's this, darling?" Rarity noticed Rainbow's wince as she grabbed the note. "Is everything alright, Rainbow?"

"I-I'm fine! I-I need to get going, cya later," Rainbow added, hoping to get away from the questions. One down, three to go. I guess it's AJ next.

"Goodbye Rainbow. Have a nice day, and thank you for the note."

Rainbow nodded as she readied for takeoff. Just before taking flight, she saw Applejack hauling an apple cart nearby. This just got easier! What's next? Fluttershy and Pinkie are gonna show up too? I hope so, then I can go take a long nap. That sounds nice actually.

"Applejack, wait up! I have something to give to you!" Rainbow called out as she ran towards her.

"What can I help ya with?" Applejack asked once Rainbow caught up.

"I... I have a note from Twilight to give you before she left." Rainbow felt a cool breeze flow past. After the brief wind, she realized just how cold she was. She was in such a hurry that she forgot to dress warm.

"Oh really? Where did she go off to now?" Applejack pondered as she took the note from Rainbow's hoof.

"Cya later, AJ. I gotta go talk to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy," said Rainbow as she started for Sugarcube Corner.

'Twilight I...'

Rrgh... Why can't I just forget about it already? I can always just tell her how I feel for her when she gets back. Wait, when will she get back? I don't need to worry, she'll be back before I know it. Plus, I wasn't re—Wait, what? I passed it?

After turning around, Rainbow flew back to Sugarcube Corner. Before she could knock or say anything, Pinkie was already in front of the opened door.

"What can I help you with, Rainbow Dash? Do you need a cake or some cupcakes? Ooh, or a cake with cupcakes on top!"

"Actually Pinkie, I have something to give you," Rainbow said while giving Pinkie one of the last two notes, "It's a note Twilight wanted me to give to you before she left."

"Oh, thank you, Rainbow Dash. Do you know why she left?"

'Twilight I...'

Rainbow spoke softly after remembering again, "Y-yeah, she... had to go help Cadance and her brother. Anyways, talk to you later, Pinkie, I have to go."

"Okay, bye!" Pinkie called out from the ground below Rainbow, who was already up into the air searching for Fluttershy. Alright, three down, one to go, she thought to herself, keeping track on an imaginary tally chart.

After mistaking a few yellow ponies for Fluttershy, Rainbow decided to go straight to her friend's cabin. Once there, she knocked lightly on Fluttershy's door, making sure not to startle her in the case she was home. Rainbow waited several seconds before knocking again, this time a little harder.

"Fluttershy, It's Rainbow Dash. You home?" After receiving no reply, Rainbow flew around the house to check out back by the chicken coop. No one. Where would she be? Well, I guess it won't hurt to just take a nap now. That cloud is talking to me! she thought while staring longingly at a cloud nearby.

Before Rainbow could do anything, she heard a whisper behind her, "Rainbow? What are you doing here?"

"Fluttershy! I was looking for you! I need to give this to you," Rainbow exclaimed, surprised by the sudden voice behind her.

"What's this paper for?" Fluttershy asked in a hushed tone while taking the note from Rainbow.

"It's a note from Twilight, she told me to give to you before she left. Well, now that that's over with, I'm gonna go take a nap. Cya, Fluttershy!" Rainbow called behind her as she raced home.

Rainbow was lost in thought after waking later that day.

That was probably one of the best naps I've had yet! I wonder what Twilight's up to right now.

'Twilight I...'

She paused, her gaze faltering at the thought of her friend's name.

I wish I hadn't let her go so easily. I... I barely even tried. Maybe I can go meet her there! Wait, no. The message said not to bring any friends along. One wouldn't hurt, would it? Wow, I am bored. What time is it? 11 PM? That was a long nap.

Rainbow slipped out of bed and made her way to the kitchen to grab a quick snack. I guess I'll go fly around to clear my mind, she considered as she left her house with nothing but an apple in her hoof.

A little while later, while flying through the sky, Rainbow spotted all of her friends around a table.

What are they doin' outside this late at night? Heh, I got an idea.

Rainbow flew down as quietly as she could and landed in the dark behind some bushes nearby the table where her friends were at.

"What do ya think happen'd to the crystal?" Applejack asked.

"I have no clue whatsoever. I just hope Princess Cadance will be okay," Rarity responded worryingly.

"Oh, I sure hope Twilight can help them," Fluttershy meekly added, hiding behind her mane.

"Don't ya worry too much girls, I'm sure she'll—Rainbow?" Applejack asked. She sat up in her seat, tilting her head to the side with a blank expression after seeing a rainbow-coloured mane slowly come into view.

"Hey, girls. I was just passing by and I... saw you talking." Rainbow looked away, gazing off into the night sky, almost embarrassed to feel the way she was feeling. She wasn't prepared to be left alone that night, let alone have to deal with the feelings of being left alone in a time of need.

"Something on your mind, darling?" Rarity asked, walking closer to Rainbow Dash.

"No, I just... I'm tired. I was heading back anyway," she responded, lying to her friends to get away from the question. "See you all tomorrow, goodnight."

She laid awake throughout the night after returning home. This time knowing full well she wasn't tired. She kept herself preoccupied by watching the morning sunlight beam through the clouds in the sky. The light coming into her room from the window had a slight dim to it from the gentle fog, allowing her to drift off into something that just vaguely resembles sleep. Before she could enter deep sleep, Rainbow found herself thinking about that night.

I don't know what to do. I don't know how to do this. I've never really felt this way about somepony before, she thought, sighing. I should just forget that ever happened. No good's gonna come from it if I keep thinking about it.

'Twilight I...'

Rainbow got up and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for something, and nothing, to happen. All at once she started crying. She couldn't help herself. All of the feelings and emotions poured back at her from that night. For the time being, all she could do is just... cry and let her emotions run free.

Rainbow opened her eyes. She found herself... on the floor? Wrapped around a pillow?

What the... she thought, with only small amounts of memories coming back from earlier, How did I get here?

"Oh," she whispered, remembering what happened.

Rainbow spoke before she could even think.

"I love her."