• Published 6th Mar 2020
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My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Magic Show of Friendship - Dupontsimon

The Equestira Girls meet their pony selves when the portal's magic that keeps Sunset Shimmer human in their world is no longer working.

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1. To Become A Pony Again

The Equestria Girls are organizing a school fair outside of Canterlot High School, where the students will show what activities they'll do after they graduate. The principals Celestia and Luna are grateful to them for their idea.

"This is such a wonderful idea you girls came up with." said Principal Celestia.

"Agreed." Added Vice Principal Luna. "I just can't believe graduation is already next week."

Twilight Sparkle couldn't believe it either. "I know." she said. " And I’m already gonna miss school."

Principal Celestia reassures her. "Don't worry, Twilight. You can still visit us anytime."

"You know. If you like this school, why not be a teacher?" teased Rainbow Dash.

“Very funny.” Twilight said sarcastically. “The fair won’t be ready until tomorrow, but let’s show them our activities.” As the girls went to their activity booths, Twilight shows the principals her activity. “I was thinking of getting a job at the planetarium to study stars and planets.”

“That sounds interesting,” said Principal Celestia.

They move on to Rainbow Dash’s activity, who is wearing a flight suit that matches the Wonderbolts’ uniforms. “What do you think of my flight suit?” she asked. “With my wings, I might be an athletic flyer, which I can perform aerial acrobatics and demonstrations.”

“I’m a little worried about that.” Twilight said concerned. “Like you never done that before.”

“Well, I only had time to make this suit,” said Rainbow Dash. “You know. If the pony me was here, she would teach me.”

“If she can stay a pony somehow.” said Twilight.

At Rarity’s booth, she is making new dresses to become a fashion model. “What I plan to do,” she said. “Is becoming a fashion model, who makes new theme dresses.”

“Like, what kind of theme dresses,” asked Twilight.

Rarity shows photos of her in different dresses as she names them. “Something like the seasons like spring, holidays like Valentine’s Day, and music theme with dresses that plays like our real instruments.”

“Instrument dresses, huh,” Rainbow Dash asked impressed. “I would like to try one of my guitar.”

“I thought you would like that idea,” said Rarity as she shows them unfinished instrument dresses for the other girls. “I decided to make one for each of you. Obviously, you don’t play any instruments, Twilight. So I made yours a microphone.”

“I noticed,” Twilight said. “Maybe we should try them later and see how they work.”

At Fluttershy’s booth, she wore a ballet outfit and practiced a few dance moves while flying on her pegasus wings. “I was thinking of becoming a flying ballerina,” she explained. “That I can perform aerial ballet with my wings.”

“That sounds lovely, darling,” Rarity commented. “But don’t you still have stage fright?”

“And I thought your activity would be about animal care,” added Rainbow Dash.

“It took a while to overcome my fear,” said Fluttershy. “And that’s part of my activity.” She shows them a diagram as she explains. “I plan on building an animal sanctuary, where I can take care of any animals and my aerial ballet show would help raise money for their health.”

“I heard the pony you has the same thing when I visited Equestria,” said Twilight. “Except the ballet part.”

“Pretty awesome idea,” Rainbow Dash commented. “I’d like to see your flying ballet later. But you are not going to make me do it with you, are you?”

“If you don’t feel like it,” said Fluttershy.

At Pinkie Pie’s booth, she shows a candy sculpture of her own store. “I call it Pinkie’s Parties,” she explains. “Where it’ll have party planning supplies and a bakery to make desserts and maybe candy sculptures.”

“Like how you made a chocolate sculpture of Princess Twilight’s castle,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Is that what it was,” Pinkie asked. “I didn’t know that when I imagined it.”

“Sure sounds like a fun idea,” Twilight said. “Especially about making candy sculptures.”

At last they came to Applejack’s booth, who had ideas for her apple business. “I’ve been thinking how I might expand our business,” she said as she came out of a changing tent, wearing her apple costume from their cornucopia photoshoot. “We would make a bigger apple tree orchard and sell lots of our products.”

“You know that’s what pony you has in Equestria too,” Twilight said. “I think it was called Sweet Apple Acres.”

“That's what I’m calling mine too,” Applejack replied.

Rainbow Dash snickered that she’s wearing her apple costume again. “Even though we made you dress up like us for your photoshoot,” she said. “You decided to wear that again?”

“I know it was to get back at me for getting embarrassed in public by yours for nothin,” Applejack said. “I did say sorry you misunderstood me about wearing them.”

“I blame myself for it,” said Rarity. “Should’ve asked what you mean before it happened.”

“And work on my communications,” added Applejack. “Anyway, after the photoshoot, these outfits don’t look bad anymore and I thought of putting it into good use. Like using it as a mascot.”

“Good idea,” said Pinkie. “We’re starting to like ours too. Sure, silly and a little hard to walk in, but we could put them in good use too.”

“So would I,” said a voice. It reveals to be Apple Bloom, who is wearing her own apple costume like her sister. “I asked if I could help with Applejack’s activity and decided to make a costume like yours when I saw your photo.” Her skirt starts to deflate and then pulls a cord to inflate it again. “And I thought making a couple for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo if they like them.”

“I’ll hold on to them for you,” said Rarity.

“You girls have such great ideas for after graduation,” said Principal Celestia. “And I’m sure everyone would like them as well as their ideas.”

“But I wonder why Sunset Shimmer’s not in this,” said Vice Principal Luna, pointing to an empty booth.

The Equestria Girls worried about Sunset Shimmer not having an activity. They look around the fair for her, until they find her sitting on the bleachers by the soccer field. “Hey, Sunset,” Rainbow Dash called out. “We notice you don’t have your booth setup. Don’t you have an activity plan?”

“No,” Sunset said sadly. “Because I don’t think I’m gonna be in the fair.”

Her friends looked at each other, worried for her. “Is something wrong, Sunset,” Twilight asked.

“I’m just worried about that after graduation,” Sunset said. “We won’t be together anymore.”

Pinkie Pie facepalms herself in a shocked reaction. “What?!,” she yelled. “That’s crazy talk! That would never happen! Will it,” she asked calmly.

“Of course not,” Applejack reassured. “Sure, we might get different jobs. But we’ll always be together.”

“And always need each other to keep our world safe from dangerous magic,” added Twilight.

“If it’ll make you feel better,” said Rainbow. “We’ll have a concert for the fair we’ll perform together. And maybe we could try you instrument dresses, Rarity.”

Rarity was pleased with Rainbow’s decision. “I’ll have them finished by tomorrow.”

“I wouldn’t be excited for that,” said a voice. The girls see it was Trixie standing behind the bleachers, with a bitter look and arms crossed.

“What do you want, Trixie,” Rainbow asked annoyed. “To try to steal the spotlight from us with a magic show activity?”

“No,” answered Trixie. “But my dad will.” She shows them a flyer of her father, Jack Pot. A famous traveling magician.

“Jack Pot,” Pinkie asked surprise. “He’s the greatest magician, who is amazing with magic tricks and illusions.”

“He’s coming back home with his traveling show,” said Trixie. “And wants to perform it at the fair for my activity, which is not what I asked when I told him about it.”

“And the last thing we need is a magician replacing our concert with his magic show for his daughter,” Rainbow said. She got elbowed in the arm by Applejack for being offensive.

“You’re right,” Trixie groaned. “I would rather enjoy your concert instead of this show-off.”

“Trixie, he’s your father,” said Principal Celestia. “And don’t be so rude.”

“Rude,” Trixie asked. “I don’t suppose you don’t care about my parent issues more than having him put on a magic show for my activity.”

“Well, how bad can Jack Pot be,” asked Sunset.

“How bad? Try 12 hours of him going, Why can’t you be more like me?” Trixie said imitating her father.

“Is this some act of jealousy,” asked Applejack.

“No,” Trixie responds and looks at Jack Pot’s flyer as she explains. “It's just that, my dad may be a great magician, who people look up to for enjoying his magic tricks.” She rips up the flyer as she continues. “But he always wants me to be like him, which is why everyone, like you, hates my boasting about my great and powerfulness.

“And you thought she was jealous,” Rainbow said to Applejack.

“Plus, being his assistant is probably the worst part,” Trixie said. “How I will look ridiculous if he dresses me up in one of those assistant outfits.”

“So, if it bothers you that your dad wants you to be like him,” Sunset said. “Why can’t you be the magician you are and show him you can be better without boasting.”

“Thanks for the advice,” Trixie said. “But I don’t know if that’ll work, and I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” Suddenly, she points to something, “Hey what’s that glow?”

Everyone saw she’s pointing at the pedestal of the destroyed Wondercolt statue, which the top of it was glowing. They found the glow was from the crack in it. Just then, a wisp of Equestrian magic leaks through and floats above them. “Well, now we know where all the loose magic came from,” said Sunset. The magic floats around Trixie and enchants something in her pocket. She takes it out and reveals a purple and yellow magic wand, which the magic enchants into a star shaped wand.

Twilight uses her geode powers of telekinesis to seal the crack with cement. “There,” she said. “Now it won’t be loose anymore.”

“I don’t think sealing the crack will stop it,” Rainbow Dash concerned. “Because we now know that there are more portals since spring break and magic will keep coming.”

The other girls agreed to her until Sunset said, “And we’ll know when it turns up.”

Trixie looks at her enchanted wand and feels unsure about how to use it. She swirls it around, causing its magic glow and aims it a cardboard box, which transfigured into a cardboard standee of Sunset’s unicorn form. Trixie drops the wand in shock for what she did. “Did I just do that,” she asked surprised.

Even the other girls are surprised. “Okay,” Rainbow Dash said amazed. “Now that trick was awesome!”

“And that’s you, Sunset,” said Fluttershy. “I never said how amazing you were as a unicorn.”

“Thanks,” Sunset said as she looked at Trixie’s wand. “It’s like this magic allows you to make something you think of.”

“Transfiguration,” Trixie asked. “I don’t think a magician like me would want that kind of magic.”

“It can’t be that bad,” Rarity said as she took the wand. “Perhaps, I could try it.” She aims it at their instrument dresses and casts its magic on them. Turning them from unfinished to complete. “Now, they’re finished,” she said.

“Oh, let me try too,” Pinkie said.

Applejack takes the wand before Pinkie can. “Now hold on a minute,” she said. “Let’s not get carried away with this transforming magic. It may be amazing that it can make something you think of but be careful what we think of if we accidently use it on someone.” She spoke too soon and accidently hit Trixie with the wand’s magic. Changing her clothes into a cornucopia costume, dressed as a blueberry. “Oops. Sorry, Trixie.”

“Just give me that before you cause more accidents,” Sunset said, taking away the wand.

“And if I like a new outfit from you,” Trixie said. “Don’t think about your fruit costumes. They only look good on you. And also, Sunset, how about you keep my wand and let’s agree we stick to our own magic.”

“Agreed,” Sunset said. She looks at the standee of her unicorn form again. “Also, how did you know what pony I used to be?”

“Well, I thought of your pony form, and I picked a unicorn because,” Trixie muffled her last words. “They’re my favorite.”

Sunset was unable to hear. “What’d you say?”

“Unicorns are my favorite,” Trixie confessed. “They’re so amazing with magic.”

“Since you mention it,” Sunset said. “I kind of miss being a pony again.”

“Don’t you think there’s a way you can change forms,” asked Twilight.

“I wish there was,” said Sunset. “But I still turn back into that when I visit Equestria.”

“I’ve been wondering what the pony me is like,” Trixie said. “Have you ever met her?

“No,” Sunset answered. “But Princess Twilight told me about her. She is a magician like you, who is also friends with my other friend, Starlight Glimmer. I wonder how she’s doing.”

That evening in Equestria, pony Trixie puts on her magic show in the Crystal Empire, with Starlight Glimmer as her assistant. They greatly impress the crowd with new acts taught by Starlight until their final act.

“And now for our final act,” Trixie said and presents a blue diamond. “I will use this magic diamond, which will turn my assistant into another creature.”

Starlight is uncertain about what Trixie’s using and whispers to her. “I’m still not sure about this, Trixie. Especially when Sunburst finds out.”

“He won’t even know about it when I bring it back,” Trixie reassured. “Now, are you ready?”

Starlight climbs into a glass tank of water as Trixie covers her. She activates the diamond and casts its magic over the tank. She removes the cover and reveals that she has transformed Starlight into a seapony. The crowd cheers in awe for this new amazing trick.

“I told you everypony would be amazed,” Trixie said. Suddenly, the diamond disappeared before she could change Starlight back.

“And I told you he’d find out,” Starlight said.

“Uh, that’s it for our show today,” Trixie said to the crowd. “And here's where we disappear!”

Trixie sets off a smoke bomb and both she and Starlight disappeared. They teleported to Sunburst’s house, who has the diamond with him.

“I didn’t give you permission to take the diamond,” he yelled to Trixie. “Because you don’t know how to use it!”

“I just want to try it once and I was gonna give it back!” Trixie said.

“But using it on Starlight in your magic show,” Sunburst asked.

As Sunburst and Trixie argue, Starlight was gasping for water as she’s still a seapony. She levitates herself into the kitchen and finds a glass bowl. She fills it with water and wears it like a water helmet so she can breathe.

“Well, I can’t help how interesting this new magic is and want to impress other ponies” Trixie argues.

“Of course not and that’s what you always seem interested in,” Sunburst argues back. “Putting on a good show with something new without realizing how dangerous it is!”

Starlight teleports between them to break up their arguing. “Enough,” she shouted. “Both of you! You’re just gonna let this magic diamond get between you?”

They both looked at each other, feeling guilty with themselves. “Sorry,” Sunburst apologized.

“Yeah, me too,” Trixie said.

“I know it’s amazing what this diamond can do,” Starlight said. “But you shouldn’t be carried away without researching its origin. And also, Sunburst, you didn’t let Trixie change me back and I couldn’t breathe without water.”

“Oh, sorry,” Sunburst said. “I just got so mad that I almost forgot. But I’ll change you back.”

Sunburst takes the diamond off the table, but then he accidentally knocks over a vial of potion, which breaks on the floor. “Oops,” he worried. Suddenly, the potion starts to swirl and creates a vortex.

“What’s happening?” Starlight asked worried.

“I called it Traveling Potion,” Sunburst explained. “It opens a portal to any location you think. But not a vortex to an alternate world and that’s what I haven’t got it right!”

The vortex starts to pull in Sunburst, but Starlight grabs him by his robe and tries to pull him back. Trixie helps too by pulling them back by Starlight’s tail. Suddenly, Sunburst slipped out of his robe. “SAVE YOURSELVES” he shouted as he gets in the vortex with the transformation diamond!

“SUNBURST,” Starlight called out worried. But she saw where the vortex leads before closing: the human world.

“Not the diamond too,” Trixie said. “The vortex will probably transport each of them anywhere in Equestria.”

“He said to another world,” Starlight said. “But it’s okay. I think I saw where that vortex leads to and I have a friend there who can help him.”

“But without the diamond,” Trixie said. “You’re stuck as a seapony.”

“Up for a trip to Mount Aris,” Starlight asked. “I think the hippogriffs could tell us about it.”

It was night back in the human world, a smaller vortex opens and drops the diamond over Canterlot High School. It lands in the front of the portal and affects it with a magical surge. The portal sends out a pulse of magic across the city.

At Sunset Shimmer’s house, she immediately wakes up as she felt the magic pulse. “What was that," she asked herself. She feels different about herself and notices her hands became hooves. She jumps out of bed and rushes to the bathroom. Much to her surprise in the mirror, Sunset has turned back into her unicorn form.


Author's Note:

The pony characters' names are in color to tell between both counterparts.