• Published 1st Sep 2019
  • 2,450 Views, 40 Comments

Equestria Grads - Toon4Thought

As graduation approaches, the crack in the portal to Equestria grows into a gaping hole, unleashing more magic than ever. Thus, it's up to Sunset to stop the flow of magic with her friends and determine which world she belongs in for good.

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Chapter 1

It was a seemingly typical afternoon at Canterlot High. The sun was shining as bright as ever, rays striking the beautiful exterior of the school. The flora and fauna were flourishing in the facility’s front lawn and combined with the climbing temperature, it was easy for anyone to tell that Summer was quickly approaching.

Suddenly, the peace and tranquility were broken by the sound of the school bell, dismissing its load of students after yet another day of hard work - most would argue, one of the most rigorous yet, being the tail end of the school year and the final day of classes before final exams.

Among the first of these students to exit the front door were seven very special girls, who – as always and without any anticipation – grouped at the remains of the school’s signature statue, which was set to be completely rebuilt in preparation for the following school year.

These girls, however, would not return along with it, as their time at Canterlot High was about to come to an end. They had just finished their final class of the Senior year and were all set to graduate after the underclassmen completed their final exams the following week.

Needless to say, it was an extremely exciting moment for them. And so naturally, the day’s discussion almost immediately began with plans. By the time six of the girls had settled into their spots, the last one - a pink-haired, yellow-skinned sweetheart known as Fluttershy ran up to them to let out some big news.

“I DID IT!” she squealed, so loudly that she turned more than a few heads.

“Did what, Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash asked, having always been by Fluttershy’s side since childhood.

“I got accepted into my dream college – Breezie U!” said Fluttershy, hugging her acceptance letter with a graceful pose. Her beam was so wide she could easily be confused for another well-known girl, who was the next to speak up.

“Eeeeeee!” Pinkie Pie’s squeal was even louder than Fluttershy’s, prompting some shushes from both in and out of the group. She grabbed her friend by the waist, lifting her into the air to the point of discomfort. “This calls for a PARTY!”

“You’re already throwing an after-graduation party, Pinkie Pie,” said Applejack, rolling her eyes and taking a step back, hoping to avoid an overdose of excitement. “Let’s not overdo ourselves.”

“Are you kidding?” said Pinkie Pie, suddenly releasing her grasp. “This is fantastic for Fluttershy! We need to acknowledge that and support her however we can!”

“I think she knows that we’ll be there for her no matter what,” said Rarity flatly, “we don’t need a party for her to know this.”

Fluttershy gave nothing but a blush, in a rare moment of her appreciating the attention.

“Say, I don’t think you ever told us what you were going to be doing, Rarity,” said Applejack.

“Oh, it’s pretty simple. My job at Equestria land gives us so much more creative freedom than Prim Hemline ever gave me, and I am to use that to broaden my audience however I can! From there, my career is bound to advance and I can pave the way to becoming the greatest fashion artist in all of Canterlot!” She finished in a confident, triumphant pose.

“Well, uh… good luck with that, I guess,” said Applejack nervously. “I’ve thought long and hard about choosing between extra studies and my family, and I’ve decided that I need to do just a little tiny bit of community college to work on my soft skills. Darn if the farm doesn’t need my support, and no way will I ever want to give that up!”

“Well, we know Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash will just go on that community college full-time,” said Twilight Sparkle. “I am finally going to pursue those Everton studies I tried to get when I was still studying at Crystal Prep. It was nice of Cadence to extend the offer all this time after I turned it down to transfer schools.”

That got the girls to reminisce the day they first allowed her in their circle. Sunset Shimmer, who has been unusually quiet, chuckled as she spoke. “I still remember when you got corrupted by that magic, and I had to be the one to show you the way.”

“Yep,” said Twilight, sighing with nostalgia. “It wasn’t until our trip to Camp Everfree that I was able to overcome my fears of magic, and now we all have grown so attached to it thanks to our geodes.” She looked down at the enchanted stone with modest pride.

“I’ll never forget that day!” said Rainbow Dash. “It feels so cool to be all heroic and awesome, and we owe it all to these things!”

“Yeah, I’ll admit these geode powers have been pretty darn useful,” said Applejack, “but I keep telling ya, we can’t keep this up forever. After all, we are going our separate ways pretty soon.”

Fluttershy agreed. “Oh yes, Breezie U will require my full attention. This is my one chance to become a professional vet, and I simply can’t let anything stand in the way of that.”

“C’mon, girls!” said Pinkie Pie, keeping her grin. “Not every girl gets the chance to save the city from alien supernatural forces!” She wiggled her fingers like she was telling a scary campfire story.

“Well, maybe we just want to go back to being ordinary girls.” said Applejack bluntly, not amused by Pinkie’s overreaction. “It’s starting to give me stress.”

“Oh, please,” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “My geode makes me feel so much more awesome than I ever did before. I’ve always wanted to be a girl that people admire, and sure I was the star player in all the school’s sports teams, but now I have something to fight against and feel like a true hero.”

“Girls, girls,” said Twilight, “Let’s not continue arguing. I’m sure we’ll figure something out.”

“Well, whatever happens,” Applejack said, “I sure hope it comes to us soon.”

Hoping to change the subject, Fluttershy turned to Sunset Shimmer. “What are your plans for the future?”

But Sunset Shimmer didn’t respond. Instead, she looked away, hoping the others wouldn’t beg for a reply.

“C’mon Sunset,” Twilight Sparkle urged as she faced Sunset’s back, which was directly next to her, “you don’t need to be afraid to tell us anything.”

Sunset turned her head back and was able to muster up a somewhat genuine smile for her friends. “I need to… still, figure it out,” was all she could think of saying.

Thankfully, this was enough to decently satisfy the group, but being asked was still something she hoped would not happen.

Twilight sighed contentedly. “I still can’t believe we’re this close to graduating…”

“I know,” said Rarity. “Though I’m a little relieved that I no longer have to worry too much about… pointless book studies.”

“What did you say?” said Twilight, tensing up a bit.

“Sorry,” said Rarity, realizing how her comment came off to her book-loving friend.

“Well, I know the thing I will miss the most,” said Fluttershy sentimentally, “are you girls.”

“Aww!” everyone responded.

“Don’t worry about leaving us, Fluttershy,” said Sunset, “You’re doing what you want to do.”

“Mm-hmm!” said the remainder of the group.

“Besides, we’ll just be a text away,” Rarity pointed out.

Sunset winced at this supposed reassurance.

The seven all pulled each other in for a big hug, probably the longest-lasting one they’ve ever had. They knew everyone would be going their separate ways sooner rather than later, but they all knew the day was coming and so they aimed to make the most of the upcoming Summer. Between their final band tour and general vacationing, this was sure to be some of the best few months of their lives. And most of them knew that their own lives, as well as the others’, were only looking up from there.

“Well, see ya girls. Same time tomorrow?” said Twilight.

“You bet!” Rainbow replied.

And six of the seven girls exited the vicinity. However, unbeknownst to the others, Sunset Shimmer remained, and as soon as the others had left her line of sight, she slowly looked into her bookbag and pulled out her magical journal, which has allowed her to communicate with Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria, the mare who had first shown her that there was more to life than getting what you want and that, even after hitting rock bottom, she could come back and rebuild her reputation. Sunset was, needless to say, forever grateful for that, thus keeping in contact truly meant a ton to her.

Inside the last filled page of the journal was a message from the princess. She had already read it multiple times, but every time she revisited it, the text-only seemed to bring back more bittersweet thoughts.

“Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I am very proud of you for making it to graduation at Canterlot High. You have come a long way from when we first met a couple of years ago, and I know your friends have kept you in great company.

However, since you are almost done with high school, I would like to speak on behalf of Princess Celestia, who would like to extend an invitation for you to officially resume your magic studies.

Meanwhile, my friends have said they would love to meet you and I would be more than happy to lend you a room in my castle for a while. I know this is a big decision for you, so don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

Happy graduation,

Princess Twilight Sparkle”

She immediately slammed shut her journal, not wanting to look at the message any longer. Despite it being a few days old, she hadn’t responded. She didn’t know how to respond. All this time, while she knew graduation was coming, she thought the answer of where she would go from here would come to her in time, but it hadn’t. Also, while she was very happy in the human world, to the point where she had considered it her home for quite a while, all the magic she had battled and dealt with throughout her upperclassmen years left her thinking. Specifically, of the days back in Equestria, when she and countless other unicorns were able to do such fantastic and wonderful things with their controlled magic.

And the more she was reminded of her old magic, the more she began to consider… maybe her life there wasn’t so bad. Maybe she really could have had a great future there… and given the offer, maybe it’s still waiting for her.

After all, when she first arrived in this world, she did feel incredibly alien (and given it was untouched territory for ponykind, why would she not?). Having to adjust to two legs, using her hands instead of magic to manipulate objects and just the various odd customs such as grade school and fashion sense…

She looked into the statue base, the portal between the two worlds that somehow managed to remain hidden all this time. However, what she saw was not her reflection, but instead, a pony that looked remarkably like her – the form she took in Equestria. But the pony still copied her every movement. When she tilted her head in slight confusion, the pony did as well, continuing to stare her in the face. And when she slowly walked closer to the portal on two legs, the equine also did so on four.

The more Sunset stared at the familiar creature, the more nostalgic she felt in a bittersweet way. She lifted her left arm, and touched the base of the statue, careful to not let it phase through. She could also feel the pony’s front-left hoof as they practically made contact on the marble. Sunset Shimmer finally wept into tears, and before giving anything another thought, slowly walked in the direction of her little apartment.

However, if one were truly observant, one would acknowledge the cracks on top of the broken base, which had been there for a long time by this point. And someone especially sharp-eyed would notice the cracks suddenly increasing in size at an alarming rate.

Author's Note:

So I've actually had this story wrapped in my head for well over a year at this point, but I just kept putting off going through with it, only doing some minor drafting here and there. The announcement that EqG would end without an official conclusion was the main driving force for me to finish this and present my idea of a true finale to you guys.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, of course, and I hope you enjoy the story.