• Published 4th Sep 2019
  • 917 Views, 14 Comments

Inked - Dr Sharaz Jek

Sunset Shimmer falls in love, but can her relationship last?

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Chapter 1

There was a time when Sunset Shimmer believed herself above romantic entanglements. Certainly, she'd used boys and sometimes girls in the darker days of her past, but they were exploited as trophies, status symbols, pawns. No, despite the wonderful friends she'd made, she'd become resigned to pursuits that she hoped would ultimately better her.

Until the day when Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash dragged her out to a local dance club. With a groan she'd reluctantly attended after their incessant begging, the pair convinced she needed to lighten up and try something new. She'd argued about her vast array of hobbies, from motorbiking to fencing, but they refused to let up until she went at least once.

The blaring music and the cascade of neon piercing the darkness proved almost unbearable. She chose to be the wallflower of the night, sticking to a dark corner and nursing a soda, while her two companions danced themselves into a sweaty mess. A number of guys approached her, but she politely turned them down, then more forcefully when some didn't get the message.

The walls shook and the floor vibrated. Everywhere she turned couples were enjoying their company or singles were mingling and seeking out someone. It was nice to live vicariously for a bit, but she decided this lifestyle wasn't for her.

That was when her eyes drifted to her. A gothic beauty with her hair pulled into a pair of braids that fell over slender shoulders. A black spiderweb dress clung to ample curves, the silk transparent and the cobweb strands barely obscuring her unmentionables. Even her fingernails were done up in similar patterns, her stiletto-heeled boots clicking when she walked.

Sunset swallowed hard, unable to take her eyes off her. She didn't like to think herself superficial, but if she believed in love-at-first-sight, this would've been it. She simply needed to approach her. But how? Someone that delectable was surely taken.

A number of excuses played in her head. All of them sounded increasingly lame. She practically shook when she took the first step in her direction by the bar. What if she shot her down? Laughed at her? But she simply couldn't let her walk out of her life!

Her heart nearly stopped when the stranger turned and studied her with a neutral look. Sunset paused nearly mid-step and tried to hide her visible swallow. “It's okay. Come closer. I don't bite.” Her voice was soft-spoken, barely audible over the noise, her drawl slow and sensuous, like she was chewing on every last word. She smiled softly, dark eyes painted with fake tears down her cheeks. “My name is Inky Rose.” She reclined a curvy hip on the counter. “And may I ask who you are?”

“S-Sunset Shimmer!” She wanted to slap herself when the words spilled out too quickly. Could she act any less cool?

“Cute name. Mmm, I think I've heard it somewhere before...”

Nervous laughter escaped her. “Just a coincidence, I'm sure!” The last thing she wanted was Inky recalling how crappy she'd once acted. Sometimes it felt like her past would haunt her forever. “Anyhow, um, I like your dress!”

“Thank you. Yours is also nice,” said Inky with a small flutter of her eyelashes while she drank in Sunset's old costume. “The jacket and boots especially are a nice touch.” She reached over and brushed a few stray hairs out of Sunset's face.

She couldn't help but shiver at the contact, her cheeks burning and her stomach knotting. “Could...could I have your number? I mean, uh, so maybe you could tell me sometime about where you got your clothes?”

“Certainly.” She reached onto the counter and dug into a black purse, withdrawing a cellphone with a ribcage-like case. “Here.” The pair exchanged numbers. She immediately started typing something in.

Sunset looked at the message she'd sent. “You're cute. Want to go somewhere more private?” She read it aloud and burned even brighter. “S-sure. Just let me tell my friends, okay?” Inky nodded once as she practically hurtled away.

Pinkie and Rainbow teased and prodded her, nudging her in the ribs and telling her to have fun with whatever boy she'd met. Sunset stared at her boots and excused herself, then hurried back to her new companion, afraid she'd simply disappear. Thankfully she was waiting, and with a sly smile, offered her slender hand and led her from the club into a cab she'd called.

Pretty soon they were crashing at Inky's pad; an art studio filled with her abstract works that bordered between sensual and grotesque. “Usually, these frighten would-be paramours off. But you look capable of handling it.” She took her on a little tour around the area, past the busts, paintings, and sculptures, but to Sunset's shame she couldn't stop studying the way her sensual figure moved under the incredibly thin attire each time she sashayed her wide hips, breasts, and buttocks. “See something you like?” Sunset snapped back to reality and shyly met her gaze. “It's okay. I'm pleased with what I see, too.”

Sunset carefully slid away her leather jacket and placed it on a coat rack which resembled a skeleton. “Quite a nice place you have here. Love the décor.” She looked over an umbrella hung there which had a stylized bat handle.

“A home is one's sanctuary. It should be personalized to perfection. How would you like to model for me?”

“I'd love to.” She ran her hands through her hair self-consciously, wanting to look perfect.

“What about nude modeling? Would you be up for that?” She drank in Sunset's ample physique.

“N-nude?! Well...” She wasn't opposed to the idea. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more intrigued she became. “Okay. But this is only for personal use, right? I'd rather not let any of my friends see me like this.”

"Of course. Maybe it would make this easier if I went first?” Inky rose slid down the straps of her dress which pooled at her feet, leaving her naked save for her boots, which she also kicked aside in a casual manner.

“You certainly move fast. I can work with that.” Carefully she removed her blouse, then her skirt, almost like she was doing a playful striptease. And wasn't she, after all? She unlatched her bra, discarding the garment, then stepped out of her boots, followed by her panties which she slid down. She settled her bottom onto a chair, shifting it across the cool surface.

“Make yourself comfortable. I want to capture you at your most natural.” Forming a square with her index fingers and thumbs, she peeked an eye through, framing her subject. “Lovely as the sunset you're named after.”

“Flatterer.” But she laughed as her tummy fluttered. At first she'd been tempted to cover herself, but her tensed muscles were relaxing. Maybe she enjoyed being viewed like this? She posed in a bashful manner, Inky Rose setting up her equipment, which included a blank canvas on a stand and a palette. Pretty soon she was hard at work, eyes rapidly switching between them.

An hour passed while she worked in silence. This was a side of herself Sunset never dared show to anyone; not even Flash Sentry who she'd barely even kissed. Even back in Equestria, she'd never been with a stallion, let-alone a mare!

Giddiness threatened to overwhelm her and made her squirm. A part of her wanted to share the news with all her friends. But at the same time she dreaded the idea. What would they think? Would they mock, shun, disown her? No, they weren't like that. They'd understand. Besides, she couldn't assume Inky felt the same way, despite the obvious attraction between them.

“Done.” Inky waited a moment to make certain the paint was dried enough before she held up the canvas. “What do you think? And be honest. I can take criticism.” Nevertheless her gaze was intense, patient yet expectant.

“I wish I were that hot!” Sunset took in the almost angelic figure she'd painted, whose bare skin seemed to radiate an aura of light. Yet there was a certain vulnerability to her loveliness. “Could I...could I have it?”

“I don't know. I'm rather attached to it. But...” Gently she placed it back on the stand and stepped forward until she was so close they could feel each other's body heat. “Maybe I'd be willing to trade it for the real thing?” She caressed her chin.

Pretty soon they were exchanging kisses, slow at first, then with more passion. Minutes later and her inhibitions crumbled. They were soon in a bedroom, Sunset making love for the first time, letting her take the lead. How many partners did Inky have before her? Did her clumsy attempts match up? Did it really matter? She surrendered to the moment, writhing atop silk sheets.

It was absolutely perfect. She linked fingers with her lover, toes curling, praying this moment would never end. And after they finished their perspiration-soaked bodies continued to intertwine while they cuddled amidst the darkness.

She smiled and closed her eyes. Everything was going to be all right.