• Published 22nd Sep 2019
  • 12,528 Views, 327 Comments

Dragonland's Fiercest and Fairest - JeromyTG2

If you happen to wake up and become one of the most deadliest Nintendo character, you better make your choices right.

  • ...


Finally! The semester is over, and the Smash Tournament Event, is Today! Sure I had some time playing Smash Ultimate and practicing using my main fighter, Ridley, but studies must come first. I did a pretty good job in the past two semesters, all were A's, B's, and some were C's. The reason why I get C's is because essays are my weakness, and I hate them, but alas, it is a requirement. Even so, I do have a goal in mind once I get my degree, but there are so many things that I could do, and many people have gone and set their careers to change the world or something. I ever wondered what I would do to change the world. But for now, I don't have to worry about some essays anymore or other crap, I got a tournament to beat, then I can think about what career I choose after.

*Knock knock knock*

"Yeah!?" I shouted, to whom was knocking at my door.

"Hey man!" A familiar voice answered, and opens the door, "You ready for the event?"

"Yeah, Tom. I'm just practicing using online before the event." I replied back to Tom, who happens to be my roommate.

"You know, you have put quite some time playing and studying throughout the semester. Kinda feels like you become a ghost." Said Tom, leaning against the door, as I quickly exit the loading screen just to talk to my roommate slash friend.

"Oh ha ha. I feel soooo lonely. If it weren't for you punks not sucking while I was waiting and having some time to chat with you guys, I would've kicked all of your asses."

"Aw come on, I was joking. But, I am not entirely wrong, I was thinking that maybe you need to get some fresh air before the tournament."

"Gee. Thanks for worrying, dad." I said, playfully.

"No really! I thought you would just go out and maybe run into a cute girl or somethin'. Or a hot one. Hey! Maybe both!" Said Tom, trying to feel me up.

"I... I don't know." I said, hesitantly.

"Alright. Keep hanging out with us dudes and you might fall over one." Tom said, while giving a playful grin.

"Uggh! HELL NO! Okay look, me finding a girl is not a bad plan, but, I just don't know how to one. You know? I might say something weird or creepy."

"*sigh* Okay I get it." Tom was about to say something else but I continued.

"Although, maybe having a girl in my life sounds pretty nice, no?" I said, until Tom gave a questioning look.

"Dude. You want to get married by one? You bore me." Knowing what he meant I said back to him.

"Leave my life choice alone, you tramp!"

"... ouch."

We stared at each other for a few seconds until we both start laughing over our little fun.

"Hey, we have about two hours before the tournament starts, you want to get ready now?" Asked Tom.

"Yeah. Let me shower first then we can go."

"Dude, no need to shower. Let's just go!"

"Remember the last time we went to a community tournament? The whole place stank like hobos." As I said that, Tom looked back at their recent visit and cringed.

"You know what? Yeah, that's a good Idea. I should do the same." he said as he walked into his room and uses his own shower.

"Okay then." I said, as I roll my eyes in amusement.

15 Minutes Later

After a quick bath, we start heading to the café, where they hold the event. At our arrival, there are a lot of people waiting for entry, Students and non-students gather at the entrance. We waited about eight more minutes, more people came, and finally the door opens revealing one of the crew members that hosts the event with a megaphone in hand.

"Alright, the Smash Tournament is now open!" Announced the crew guy, "I want everyone to form two lines! One for competitive play," he point his arm on his left, "And one for spectators." then on his right. Now that everyone is divided up, the crew guy spoke again, "Now that we are split, competitors will enter first and submit their names in the game."

Looking back on how many competitors, there were at least forty of us, including Tom and I. In my opinion, it is a fair number since it is at a school, but feeling the butterflies in my stomach is starting to come back to me. So many people, so many to face against. Will I ever get a chance?

"Hey," a hand rested on my shoulder, "we are just here to have fun. And give everything you've got." said Tom, giving a smile and support like a good friend.

"Yeah," shaking off my doubts, I smiled back, "we got this."

"Next!" said a crew member who is a girl, "Alright, type your name here and you will be set."

"Good luck, man!" said Tom, as he patted my back.

"You too."

This is it, time to put my skills to the test, may the best smasher win!

Name Entry: T_G_X

*Several Hours Later*

"T_G_X is now struggling, great pressure by $M!tə!" shout out the commentators, commenting on the heated battle between me and my opponent, it is the final, tied in score, one stock each, and I am loads on pressure, but I won't let that distract me as I move my character coordinated, "This is the moment everyone, can a low-tier character beat one of the best top tiers!? T_G_X's Ridley has plowed his way to the finals and face $M!tə's Wolf, this is torture for me to find out who will win!"

Knowing how a Wolf user play, I played the waiting game. Waiting and shielding every time he pulls out his annoying blaster, until I get a good distance using a well placed down-tilt as he launches up a bit, quickly combo to a forward-air and decide to fake him out by advancing and shielding. He fell for the bait as Wolf used a neutral-air to counter, and knowing quick his land lad is, I went for a rapid jab. Getting enough hits, Wolf is at a danger percentage, and so was I. Both of us launching and countering back and fourth while time is running out. Until, I was hit hard by Wolf's side-tilt, nearly knocking me off the screen, as I try to grab the ledge with caution. Seeing that he will edge guard me with a down-smash, I decided a different approach, knowing I have two aerial jumps left, I faced away from the platform I used one jump, and seeing that I was keeping my distance, I used my last jump until I got the angle right.

And at that moment,


just at I recovered at least low enough before I grabbed the ledge, Wolf used his down smash,


right before I was close to grab the ledge, Wolf unleashed his attack, he missed.


I grabbed the ledge safely, but he is persistent to keep down smashing, but what he forgot about Ridley is his up-air.


Landing the sweet spot, the game freeze frame the attack, landing a fatal blow, and launching him up skyward hoping KO instantly. I also made sure I grabbed the ledge so I don't kill myself, but as I did so, I only to see Wolf's pained face on the screen,


At this moment, I closed my eyes, I was not sure of how far I could reach to the finals. All were tough, but I still stand, and others stand as I did. But, there can only be one winner.


The crowd went into an uproar and cheered, I looked up to see what happened as I missed what the conclusion was as the game loaded in agonizing seconds. As the screen split, the logo of Metroid as well as my character as the victor of the game.


To shocked by my win, Tom surprised me with a bro hug from behind, snapping me off from my trans.

"YOU DID IT MAN! YOU WON!" he shouted, while the whole crowd chant my game name.

"T_G_X! T_G_X! T_G_X! T_G_X!"

When I was about to turn and give a victory pose, I forgot to shake my opponent's hand, but he was not there. Only an empty seat, and a broken GameCube controller on the floor. I guess, he took his loss too hard. Salty. Even so, I really want to shake his hand for how good he was. Right now I walked up to the edge of the stage raised my arms and made a battle cry victory.


*Two Hours Later*

Me and Tom made our way back to the dorm, we are both tired out of how much fun we had after hanging out with some other people who were at the event. We just chat, and had a few drinks, which is not allowed in campus grounds, but they were careful. But, as I say the time, I felt the need to go home and rest, but my friend happened to have five more shots and he's already drunk, so it is a good excuse to go back to our dorms while helping Tom walk.

"Ya know~," slurred Tom, "youuu may not notice... but yooo are da bessst smmeshhrrr palieee~"

"Heh. I try to be." I answered back, just as we just arrived at our dorm. Unlocking the door, there is an odd smell that just blows me gag. "Ugh! What is that? It smells like gas, but earthy."

"Smell!? I don shhhhtink. It might be your fat ass tooting!" said Tom, still drunk to the brim, knowing he can't smell while stoned.

"Okay okay. Jut let me put you on your bed so I can find out what the hell that smell is." While I walked to Tom's room and helped laid him on his bed, I close the door so no more noise will disturb his drunken sleep.

I began to search where that odor came from, I searched around the kitchen, but there was nothing I found. No stove was on, no gas leaks, this is starting to give me scary vibes. I need to make a call to the landowner and complain about the odor, but remember I left my phone in my room so I won't have a chance losing it, knowing how crazy it went today.

"I also gotta tell my folks what happened today. I bet they'll be thrilled."

As I made my way to my room, the odor starts to thicken, wondering why there is a gas leakage in my room. Opening the door, I felt a tug on the knob and see what appears to be a bucket on the chair and a propane tank next to it, as I realized what this is, I was too late to react as a match lit, a bucket of thermite ignited, and the gas filled room burst brightly all over with such kinetic force that I can't even describe just blew me away across the room.

The explosion continued as the flame stretched the entire dorm. Jake laid on the ground, motionless, blinded, and pain. Agonizing pain. The combined explosion of both gas and thermite is burning his skin, and apparently pierced his body. Burning within. His roommate, fortunately survived but burned, rushed to his friend's and begged for his survival. Quickly, he used his cell phone to call for help, Jake can only see blur of his friend, which is the only thing he knows.

It hurts... It hurts too fucking much...

My eyes... they hurt... I can't see...

My legs... it's painful... I want it to stop...

My arms... why... why can't I feel my right?...


"You poor soul," a voice echoed, which startled Jake, "do not be alarmed, I am here to only observe these humans for quite some time, until I found you." it sounded motherly, and ancient. Until he sees a soft glow in his vision, "You had your goals set in this world, a family you held on to even when you are far away, and you have a good heart, even in dire situations." Jake begins to shed tears as the mysterious voice described what life he had, all taken way while he dies, "But, I see that others have foolishly release their anger among the good. You don't deserve this kind of fate. As of right now, you don't have not much time, would you like a request from me to hunt this arsonist?" she asks, Jake. Now knows he will die, and offered to find the one who did this to him, and his friend.

Please do. But don't kill him or her. A trial will be enough.

"Oh? And may I ask why?"

I'm not a killer, just someone who doesn't hate anyone.

"... Excellent. As for making a peaceful request, I will be giving you a gift of new life." the voice said as the light shines brighter, bright enough to blind his blinded eyes. His entire body tingles, as the burns and pain have all faded away in a cool and warmth feeling. No longer he feels burns inside his body and no pain on his arms and legs. Eyes start to close as he feels his passing, tears have also shed more, remembering how his life was. It was not entirely perfect but he loved it every moment. He was happy.

"... I'm... sorry... everyone... love you... all..." Jake said his last words as he closes his eyes, one last time.

"I'll be seeing you soon, my pet." the voice said while giving a hearty giggle.

... pet?

Author's Note:

This will be my first, crossover story. A little similar to some other stories, but something different.

Be gentle. And Enjoy!