• Published 7th Sep 2019
  • 7,750 Views, 372 Comments

Spinel's New Best Friend - luckyboys121

After everything she'd done on Earth, Spinel didn't think anyone would want to be her friend the way she was

  • ...

Dress Up

"Shoot. Looks like you win again Spinel," said Pinkie as she looked at Spinel's dice role with a gentle smile.

"YAY!" cried Spinel as her smile beamed and she raised her hands in the air. "These games are so much fun Pinkie... but why aren't we playing them in your room?"

"Oh that's because Mr and Mrs Cakes went to pick the twins up from daycare, so we got to watch the lobby in case someone shows up," said Pinkie.

"So we have to stop playing if someone comes in?" said Spinel with some disappointment.

"Well yeah... but don't worry, we're in the afternoon lull so we probably won't get-" began Pinkie before being interrupted by the welcome bell ringing.

"The GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRIIIXXXIIIEE... requires a cupcake," said the familiar mare as she entered the shop.

"Oh, sure thing Trixie. Spinel you want to come in back with me to get a fresh one?" asked Pinkie.

"I," began Spinel about to say yes, only to then remember her conversation with Starlight as she thought, "Starlight might be doing her best to help get me over this weirdness about being alone... but I should still do my part as well."

She then turned to Pinkie and smiled saying, "No thanks, I'll just stay here and start setting up the next game."

"Oh um... OK if that's what you wanted," said Pinkie as she smiled somewhat hesitantly about leaving her. She then turned to Trixie saying, "Oh um, Trixie this is Spinel, Spinel this is Trixie. Feel free to get to know each other while I get your cupcake."

She then rocketed into the kitchen, eager to finish and get to her friend as Spinel looked at the blue mare saying, "Trixie... I feel like I've heard that name before."

Trixie was slightly confused about whatever creature was in front of her, but quickly shrugged if off as she said, "Why of course you have. Why, who hasn't heard of the astounding magic of the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!"

"Hmmm," said Spinel as she stroked her chin before coming to a realization as she smiled saying, "Oh, you're the mare Starlight was talking about kissing."

Suddenly Trixie's trademark confidence vanished as her jaw dropped to the floor and she began stammering, "Star-S-S-Starlight and me and," and blushing.

Spinel wasn't sure what was going on as she said, "Um, are you OK?"

Suddenly Trixie was directly in front of her with her hooves on her shoulders saying, "What did she say!?"

"Well I-" began Spinel but was cut off as Trixie continued.

"I mean, she's cute and all, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about asking her out but she seemed to only think of me as a friend. Did she say when or where she wanted to kiss?" stammered Trixie as she looked at Spinel

Spinel opened her mouth, only to not get any words out as Trxie gasped and said, "Of course! The Grand Galloping Gala is next week, that must be when!" She then got away from Spinel as she nervously smiled saying, "Oh I gotta get her flowers, and dig out the dress my mom gave me for special occasions, can't think of anything more special then this!"

While Trixie gushed Pinkie suddenly reentered smiling widely as she held a to go bag saying, "Here's your cupcake Trixie."

That smile faded though as Trixie turned to her seemingly angry as she said, "Trixie can't have cupcakes now! The last thing she needs is to pop a seem on her dress the night she's destined to kiss the mare of her dreams. If anything I should head to the gym to make sure that doesn't happen!"

Before PInkie could respond to that Trixie suddenly ran out of the store. The confusion on Pinkie's grew as she said, "OOOKKKK." She then looked over at Spinel saying, "Do you know what that was about?"

Spinel shrugged as she said, "Not really, something about Starlight and a thing called a gala."

Upon Pinkie smiled as she said, "Ah, young love at the Gala... WAIT THE GALA!" She then looked over at Spinel as she said, "Oh my gosh, I forgot the Gala is next week and we haven't even bothered to make an outfit for you!"

Spinel's confusion only increased as she didn't understand what Pinkie was saying either and was suddenly whisked out the door.

Meanwhile back at the School of Friendship

As Starlight continued to file the paperwork trying, and failing, to shake off her headache her door suddenly swung open as Twilight burst in.

"Have you seen Pinkie and Spinel? Everycreature I talked to said they came in here." said Twilight as she looked panicky.

Starlight looked at her friend and mentor with concern as she said, "They left awhile ago, why what's up?"

Twilight sighed as she pulled out the mysterious rod saying, "What's up is I found this whatever this is next to Spinel's gem," as she pushed the button and made the scythe come out."

Starlight looked at this she sighed saying, "Well looks like we can add possible abuse to the list."

"What?" said Twilight confused.

"Well, I saw Spinel acting weird earlier so I pulled her in here for a quick session and well.... she is repressing memories of her, possible abusive, mother abandoning her," said Starlight.

"Oh... oh dear," said Twilight as she retracted the scythe and started feeling guilty about the fears that ran through her mind that Spinel could be dangerous. "Well um.... I'm sure you can handle this Starlight, but let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

"Hmm, well you should give me that thing," she said gesturing at the rod, "She might recall some memories if I show it to her later. If need be of course since I don't recovering anything painful too quickly."

"Of course," said Twilight as she placed the rod on Starlight's desk. She thought to herself, "I kind of want to examine that thing in my lab, who knows what kind of secrets it could hold, but if it's to help a friend even the scientific advancement of a life time can be put aside... besides once Spinel remembers everything I might be able to get even more stuff like this!" She then blushed as she realized her thoughts where turning selfish, before saying, "So um... yeah thanks Starlight, I'll see you later."

"See you Twilight," said Starlight as she nodded, understanding that not everyone can deal with this stuff. As Twilight left she grabbed the rod in her magic field, before winching as her headache suddenly increased. "OW! Well I'll just put the Rejuvenator in my desk for now," said Starlight as she got back to work, not even realizing she had called the rod by it's proper name.

At Carousel Boutique

As Rarity finished putting the finishing touches on her latest masterpiece she suddenly heard the entrance bell as she looked towards door saying, "Welcome to Carousel Boutique I... Oh Pinkie, Spinel. What brings you two lovely ladies here?"

"What's going on is I just realized the Gala is next week and we don't have an outfit for Spinel," said Pinkie.

Suddenly Rarity dropped the the needle and thread she was using as she suddenly popped in front of Spinel saying, "OH MY GOODNESS! How could I have not realized this, I'm so sorry dear."

Spinel continued to be confused as she said, "Um... it's fine."

"Oh nonsense dear," said Rarity as she suddenly grabbed Spinel in her magic saying, "Now then let's get you out of your current outfit so we can get your measurement."

Spinel was placed on the measuring platform as she said, "Out of my what?"

Rarity didn't hear her though as she pulled on Spinel's gloves with her magic... only to have her arms stretch out with them. "What the?" said Rarity in confusion as she did the same to her shoes and torso and got the same result.

After seeing exactly what Rarity's magic was grabbing Spinel had a look or realization come to her face as she said, "OH MY APPEARANCE MODIFIERS! Yeah, I can shape shift them to look however you want or even get rid of them and shift entirely new and different ones, but their part of my body so they don't come off like that."

"Oh," said Rarity as she released Spinel from her magic grip.

"Wait!" said Pinkie as she suddenly stepped forward. "So this whole time you've been walking around naked!" continued Pinkie before covering her eyes with her hooves and blushing.

Rarity facehoofed as she said, "Pinkie darling, I know this sounds weird coming from me of all ponies but.. we almost never wear clothes."

"Oh yeah," said Pinkie with a smile and a giggle as her embarrassment suddenly disappeared.

Rarity rolled her eyes as she then looked to Spinel saying, "So let me get this straight dear, you can shift your body to make it look you're wearing any outfit you want?"

"Yup," said Spinel with a nod and a smile.

"Excuse me for a minute," said Rarity as she turned away for a moment. She then began internally screaming, "WHY CAN'T I DO THAT! THE ABILITY TO CHANGE OUTFITS ON THE FLY TO FIT THE LATEST TRENDS AND MY SURROUNDINGS WOULD BE TO DIE FOR!" She let out a deep calming breath before turning back to Spinel and grabbing several books off her table saying, "Well I suppose this makes things easier, feel free to look at these fashion magazines in the changing room and make whatever you like."

"OK," said Spinel as she took the books from Rarity's magic field and headed into the room she indicated.

She then began looking through the books, not particularly feeling any of them before reaching one with a picture of a frog on it.

As Rarity and Pinkie waited for Spinel Pinkie said, "So if we don't usually wear clothes, why do you have private changing rooms?"

"Well you see," began Rarity before she suddenly realized she didn't know the answer to that.

Thankfully she was saved as Sweetie Belle yelled from upstairs, "HEY SIS, HAVE YOU SEEN ONE OF MY OLD STORY BOOKS I WAS GONNA DONATE TO THE FOALS BOOK FOUNDATION!?"

Before Rarity could reply she suddenly got the answer of where it was as Spinel burst out trough the door

She then looked at the two and sang, "Hello my Pinkie, hello my Rarity, hello my two great galllllsssss!" as she gestured her arms to side for applause.

"Oh my gosh, you look AMAZING!" said PInkie as she began clapping her hooves.

Rarity stood mouth agape for a moment before saying, "Well dear... it certainly suites you," as a smile came to her face. "I'm sure you and Pinkie will turn quite a few heads at the Gala."

"YEAH!" said Spinel as she raised her cane in the air. "I just have one question."

"Yes dear," said Rarity.

"What's a Gala?" asked Spinel with the most innocent look as Rarity once again started internally screaming.

Author's Note:

Thank you to Penek-Hemp-grove for drawing that amazing picture of Spinel, go check them out on DeviantArt.

So Spinel is ready for the Gala, even if she doesn't know what it yet and it looks like Starlight's getting more then just a voice in her head now. What will happen next? Find out next chapter whenever that may be

Hope you liked this, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day.

P.S. As for Spinel not knowing what a Gala, I took the liberty that they only referred to Pink's party as Balls and I'm sorry if they did say Gala once and I forgot

P.S.S. Spinel's little song and dance was inspired by this classic cartoon moment