• Published 5th Sep 2019
  • 25,702 Views, 1,297 Comments

One hoof at a time - SkarinOfAtmora

After an urgent summon from Fancy Pants, both Celestia and Luna attend Day court. However, a new precedent is set when Fancy Pants presents a male alicorn to the two princessess, one he found dumpster diving behind his house...

  • ...

10 - Chaotically harmonius

Celestia and Luna, along with Twilight, her friends and the two guards that witnessed Orion's performance were sitting in the same room as the one when they arrived at the castle today. Nopony spoke a word yet all of them had the same thing on their mind.

"We have tah' tell him." Applejack spoke up.

"That would be unwise." Celestia shook her head. "His magic is-"

"Chaos magic, sister." Luna finished, her brows furrowed deep in thought.

"All the more reason!" Twilight protested. "We can't let this information leak out into the public! And I'm pretty sure it will if Orion doesn't learn how to control it."

"I propose to monitor the situation as it unfolds. There is also another thing." Celestia added and looked to her sister. "You think it as well, do you not?" Luna nodded back.

"We have told thee Orion is hiding something. And we do not mean just the chaos we now know is inside him." Luna's eyes squinted in a mix of anger and frustration. Today just confirmed that they need to hurry up with gathering information about Orion, lest they accidentaly unleash another evil upon Equestria.

"I don't think he's a bad pony." Fluttershy spoke and got everypony's attention. "He's just scared and confused. Orion doesn't know where he is-"

"But that is just what what worries me, young Fluttershy." Celestia's brows furrowed. "It may be true he doesn't know where he is, but I have my doubts that he remembers nothing about who he is."

"What makes you say that?" Rainbow joined into the conversation.

"Rainbow Dash, you don't rule for as long as I do without being able to read ponies." Celestia explained and leaned back. "His mannerisms, knowledge and way of speaking are strange for sure, but the fact that many aspect of pony physiology elude him is suspicious to say the least."

"Tis' true. We, err, I had to teach him how to walk ourselves." Luna added with a nod.

"But he's not all bad, right?" Fluttershy got back to defending her new friend. "I mean, you two seem much happier." Celesetia and Luna blinked at the butter colored pegasus.

"What makes you say that?" Celestia asked with a raised brow.

"I've noticed it too." Twilight took over the conversation. "I've known you the longest Princess and today was the first time I felt like you were genuinely laughing." Twilight then turned to Luna. "And even you, Princess Luna."

"We- err I mean... I?" she blushed slightly at her mishap.

"See what I mean? We've tried to teach you the modern way of talking for months and you basically ignored it. Along comes Orion and you made more progress than ever! And he called you Moonbutt and you actually laughed!" Twilight smiled widely. "Ooooh this is going to be the best friendship thesis ever written!"

"Twilight, you will not be writing your thesis based on our relationship with Orion." Celestia frowned.

"Awww! But I'm halfway done!" Twilight moaned as a stack of at least two hundred pages appeared at her side.

"How did thee even-" Luna's mouth hung wide open in shock. Best student indeed.

"Not important." Twilight sent the papers away before proceeding. "While it is true that the presence of chaos inside of Orion is concerning, so far he has shown no malicious intent, hay, it's the complete opposite!" Twilight then looked at the two princesses who shuffled in their seats. "He's had the most positive effect on the two of you! And if Fluttershy has taught us anything it's that chaos doesn't neccesarily need to be a bad thing."

"What do you suggest we do?" Celestia asked, her heart beaming with pride at her student.

"We keep playing his little game." Twilight began pacing back and forth. "Perhaps Orion has his reasons for hiding the truth from us. Maybe he's running from somepony or something. Maybe he just wants to live in peace. It's obvious he's not here to force you to marry him to take the throne." Twilight then stopped pacing and approached the two princessess with authority like any had ever seen in the young alicorn. "You two will tell him about the chaos magic and help him control it but first and foremost, be his friend." Twilight stared into her former mentor's eyes with and unflinching gaze.

"How did you become so wise, dear Twilight?" Celestia smiled and Twilight finally broke eye contact, rubbing her hooves sheepishly.

"I had a good teacher." she replied as Celestia lovingly nuzzled her.

"Then it is decided!" Luna got on her hooves. "We shall inform him of the chaos within and secretly uncover his schemes in the process!"

"There are no schemes Princess Luna." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Just somepony who needs our help. It's up to you to find out how."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Celestia said proudly. "Now go, my little ponies, it is quite late already. My sister and I will speak with Orion at once." the alicorn then once again nuzzled her student. "Thank you Twilight."

"Any time Princess." Twilight replied with a nuzzle of her own.

"Bring cake sister!" Luna hollered from the door before vanishing.

"I-" Celestia was stopped by Luna's sudden re-appearance.

"Nay! We shall bring it!" then her eyes narrowed. "It is not safe to leave it in your hooves."

Today was a good day. Like, really good day.

Orion met some new ponies, took a nice walk with Fluttershy and got a new guitar which he can actually play. He still doesn't understand how that works but right now he couldn't care less. Right now Orion was sitting on the bed and gazed lovingly at his new instrument.

"Oh sweet baby I've missed you." he said and hugged his precious guitar. "We're going to have so much fun tonight." running his right hoof over the open strings Orion found it to still be in tune. "Yeah, that's it. Give me that 440Hz." his eyes drifted towards the amp. "Sorry sweetie, you'll just be watching tonight." followed by blowing a kiss towards it.

"Are we interrupting?" Celestia asked innocently.

"GAAAAH!" the sisters sudden appearance behind his back made Orion jump out of his skin and fall on the floor.

"Oh do not mind us." Luna giggled.

"What in the name of ZZ Top's beards is wrong with you?" Orion jumped on his hooves before gasping in horror. "Jessica!" Orion scooped up his guitar and patted it gently. "I'm so sorry baby..."

"I can't even." Celestia said with wide eyes.

"Even I cannot." Luna looked slightly disturbed.

"Don't judge me!" Orion barked before gently placing Jessica on the bed. "Haven't you two heard of knocking?" this seemed to snap the sisters out of their stupor.

"It's our home." Celestia said matter-of-factly.

"It's considered common decency! For all you knew I could have been-" Orion stopped himself at the last second.

"You could have been what?" Luna asked with a raised brow, making Orion roll his eyes.

"C'mon. We're all adults here." he gave Luna a pointed look. Orion could swear he saw the gears beginning to turn in the blue alicorn's head.

"Oh." Luna's eyes widened. "Oh! Ewww! Why would thee even say that?" the princess gagged.

"Anyway!" Celestia jumped in to steer the conversation in a PG rated direction. "We need to talk." her expression suddenly got serious and Orion gulped. "Sit." his backside thumped to the ground.

"Yes ma'am."

"Relax, you are not in trouble." Celestia's words made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yet." Luna shot him a glare.

"Can you tell me what this is about?" Orion tilted his head, not really sure what he did wrong.

"Orion." Celestia stood directly in front of him. Orion gulped once more as Celestia made him feel really small right now. "What do you remember about your little performance earlier?"

"Is that what this is about?" he looked at the guitar and smiled. "I remember rocking out. Kinda hoped I'd have the whole band join in. You know, like it does when you start randomly singing."

"You did not gain an entire ensamble because what you have played was not caused by the Music of Harmony." Luna explained and stood beside her sister. This was highschool all over again.

"Music of copyright infringment." Orion shrugged but the sisters pressed on.

"And how would you know that?" Celestia wondered to nopony in particular.

"Uhh..." Orion began fidgeting.

"Let us not forget the strange names you keep saying all the time. Who even is Dio?" Luna narrowed her eyes.

"He is a god." Orion replied in fleeting confidence as Luna's glare intensified.

"We have been patient with you Orion." Celestia continued with a serious tone. "We've been playing this amnesia game with you for the last couple of days but after tonight-"

"After what? Hearing some heavy metal and suddenly I'm on death row?" Orion finally gained the courage to stand up and the sisters took a step back. "Playing my little game! You think this is a game to me?" Orion's voice got louder. "You think I want to be here?" a flicker of red appeared on his horn, something the sisters noticed.

"Orion, calm down." Celestia said, her eyes glued to the ever growing red and black energy on Orion's horn.

"I will not calm down-" another spark. "-until you tell me-" three more. "-why am I being interrogated!"


"GAH!" the bolt caught Orion by surprise and missed the two sisters by mere inches. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Orion followed the bolt as it bounced around the room.

"LUNA! QUICKLY!" Luna nodded at her sister's call and the two fired a blast of their own magic at the red and black bolt. When the three spells collided it caused a loud crack before they vanished into thin air. Celestia and Luna looked at each other to make sure they were fine before turning their seething gazes towards Orion. Gazes that quickly evaporated when they saw Orion was having a panic attack in a corner. Just like back at the hospital. The sisters quickly rushed to his side, now clearly convinced he had no idea what happened earlier. "Calm down Orion. All will be well." Celestia lowered her head and nuzzled his cheek to try and calm the stallion but to no avail. Orion's eyes were still glued to the spot where the magic explosion happened.

"We have gone overboard." Luna's gaze softened and she sat down to Orion's left. Her wing draped over a shaking Orion but it did nothing to calm his nerves. Celestia got on eye level and took his head between her hooves.

"Orion, please, you need to calm down." she gently stroked his cheeks as Orion's eyes slowly focused back on her. "Good, good. Everything will be alright." Orion nodded slowly. "This was not how this was supposed to go." she sighed deeply.

"H-how w-was it suppossed to go?" Orion stuttered out.

"It went... Poorly." Luna's ears drooped down.

"Ya think?" Orion scoffed and pulled his head back from Celestia. "What the hell happened? Was that red bolt my magic?"

"Yes, but..." Celestia responded before looking down.

"But what?" Orion pressed on. Celestia took a deep breath before speaking.

"Orion. We do not know where you come from. We do not know how exactly you ended up in Equestria. Whether or not you want to share your past with us-" Orion's eyes looking down were a dead giveaway that he remembered everything. "-is up to you. but there is one thing you need to know. Chaos magic is flowing through your body." this revelation made Orion blink a couple of times.

"What's chaos magic?"

"It's the opposite to the Magic of Harmony. Something that only Discord, the Lord of Chaos, has been known to possess." Luna explained it for him.

"What? No!" Orion jumped back up. "No, no, no! What is this Gary Stu bullshit?" his horn flickered again. "Is that what happened earlier? When I played guitar?"

"Yes and it will happen again if you do not control your emotions." Celestia looked up, which in turn caused Orion to do the same.

"Gah!" he shook his head furiously but the flicker still remained. "Turn it off!"

"We can't turn it off." Luna approached the stallion who was now blowing air up towards his horn. "And that is not helping."

"Calm yourself and focus." Celestia instructed. "Calm the chaos that is unfolding inside of you." Orion closed his eyes and tried to do just that.

"Calm the storm that-" then Celestia heard what was probably the most beautiful and deep baritone that ever caught her ears.

"And now, the end is near." Orion sung calmly, his voice much deeper than Ol' Blue Eyes's. "And so I face the final curtain." Luna was mesmerized by his singing and took an unconscious step forward."I'll state my case, of which I'm certain. I've lived a life that's full." the red glow was slowly dimming. "I traveled each and every highway." both Celestia and Luna were now mere inches from Orion. "And more, much more than this. I did it my way." taking a deep breath and letting it out, Orion finally opened his eyes. "Hey! It worked!" he flinched when he saw the two sisters so close to him. "Um, personal space?" Celestia blinked a few times before taking a step back.

"I apologize." she blushed sligthly. "I don't know what came over me."

"Umm, Luna?" Orion waved his hoof in front of the blue alicorn and try as he might, Orion couldn't figure out how he managed to snap his... Hoof.

"That was beautiful." Luna said in a daze before regaining her composure. "I mean, that could have ended badly! Yes! Hahaha!" in a manner similar to Fluttershy, Luna hid behind her mane.

"Thanks." Orion chuckled nervously. "Is there a way to control this?" Orion looked at his horn, wondering if breaking it off would hurt.

"There is. But we do not know how." Celestia answered.

"Great." Orion groaned and flopped down once again. "I can't just sing My way when things go south."

"However, there is somepony who can teach you." Orion's ears perked up at Celestia's words. "Whether or not it is a good idea remains to be seen."

"Who is it?" Orion asked in anticipation.

"Discord. The Lord of Chaos." Luna answered, finally over her embarrassment.

"Now that's just lazy writing." Orion deadpanned.

"But before that, we must know one thing." Celestia continued. "Are you, or were you ever a pony?" Orion looked down, shame apparent on his face.


"Then what are you?" Luna asked gently.

"I can't say." Orion walked away to towards the balcony. Once outside he sat down and just stared off into the distance. The sisters looked at each other and slowly made their way towards him. Sitting on each side of Orion they put one of their wings on his back.

"Why?" Celestia asked and Orion shook his head.

"Because I can't accept it yet." he replied somberly and the trio sat there in silence. This was enough excitement for one day. At least now their suspicions were confirmed but not completely cleared. They are still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt since Orion took his predicament pretty hard. He was in denial, that much was clear.

"You know what would cheer you up?" Luna chirped happily, making Orion look at her in amusement. "Cake!" then she looked for the cake behind her back, Orion did not question it, but the search came up empty. "What in the-" her mind coming to a quick conclusion, the night princess leaned forward, her head slowly turning to her blushing sister. Orion did just the same and smirked.

"Really? You ate my bribe cake?" Orion asked and made Celestia blush harder.

"It was not a bribe!" Celestia protested. "Luna thought it would help ease the tension-"

"You deviant." Luna said coldly.

"You have to understand! It was triple chocolate frenzy!"

"I understand you have a problem." Orion poked her belly. "Who's a fluffly princess?" he coeed like he was talking to a little filly.

"I am not fluffy!" Celestia protested but was quickly assaulted by a tickle attack from Orion.

"Yes you are! Yes you are!" Orion continued with his merciless assault.

"Stop it!" Celestia cried with laughter as Luna shook her head in disappointment. Yes, this night would long be remembered by Canterlot. The night the Tickle Monster won.

Author's Note:

Proof of a hero didn't quite get the reception I was hoping for. Kinda' bums me out. I'll give it some more time...


Something amazing happened! One of you wonderful readers sent me a mini-comic based on the previous chapter! They wished to remain anonnymus but allowed me to share the comic with you!

How amazing is this? And they also said another one is incoming! It still amazes me that somebody likes my story so much to commision art for it! Thank you so much!
It sure gave me a boost in motivation to continue writing regularly.
Not much else to say. Look forward to more!