• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 924 Views, 45 Comments

Cheer You On - Artistkun

"If I Could Be The Wind Under Your Wings, To Watch You Soar So High Makes My Heart Sing" - Flash Sentry

  • ...

Start of a new friendship

I can't believe I was a punch away from becoming a Siren again!! I got to find Twilight and apologize. I can't believe she was telling the truth! I'm such a bad person!

Aria began to get frustrated as she passed two more hallways to check the girl's bathroom and yet no Twilight insight. She let out a frustrating sigh as she stopped by an open window to catch her breath from all that running and searching.

Gotta give that girl credit. She may never be friends with Sunset again, but she sure knows how to run and hide in plain sight

Aria thought of herself as she stuck her head out the window to breathe in the fresh air. She decided to stop by at the gym for a break. She opened the gym door and walked towards the bleachers. She stopped when she heard a guy mentioning Twilight's name near the bleachers. She looks at the right to see Twilight being uncomfortable and a guy with spiky blue hair that had cornered her on the wall.

That's pretty boy from my 1st period class, why's he acting jock head?!

"Stop playing hard to get. You're not going to regret when you ride the Flash Express".

"I have a boyfriend!" Twilight yelled as she looked for a way out. "Forget that guy. You're just missing out. Just go out with me and you'll see that I'll treat you like a real man would".

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Aria shouted as she ran towards the guy.

Twilight shuttered in fear as she slowly backed away from both of them as Aria was now face to face with the blue hair boy. "What do you want? Don't you have another shout match with Cranky to get to or something?" The blue hair boy said. He was trying to act tough.

"What I want is for you to leave her alone. She just told you that she already has someone in her life." Aria responded in harsh tone. The boy took a step back as the glare he was receiving was starting to get to him. "This isn't your business. I'm just trying to make the little lady feel comfortable."

Aria scuffed at what he just said. "Bull, it's clearly obvious that you're harassing her. She's already made it obvious she's not interested, so leave and find some other sleazy girl to hook up with." She took a step forward and noticed that he was ready to run away but still decided to act tough.

"Stay away from me before you'll regret interrupting my time with this nerd!" Aria took another step and he was shaking in fear. "I think your name is Flash Sentry, guitarist and singer of the Flash Drive. So I'm going to ask nicely again.... can you leave her alone and find some other sleazy girl to hook up with?"

"YOU ASK FOR IT!!" Flash yelled as he threw a punch at Aria. He smirked when the Aria didn't dodge his attack, Twilight's eyes winded when she saw a little blood coming out of Aria's lips. She looked at Flash and was really angry.

"You don't have the rights to hit her! Why can't the message go through your Brad skull?! I'm already in a relationship!" She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Aria smiling at her. "Step aside, Sparkle. I need to teach this guy a lesson and please don't tell Sunset what I'm about to do".

Aria pushes her away and grabs Flash's jacket. She threw him out of the bleachers and he landed on the floor. She jumps off the bleachers and walks slowly towards Flash's direction.

"This is going to be like old times". Aria took off her jacket and Twilight's eyes winded when she saw a familiar symbol on the back of Aria's shirt. The former siren cracks her fist as she watches Flash standing up in fear. "Come on, pretty boy. Show me what you got!" Aria happily said that she didn't dodge Flash's attacks.

"Are you too scared to fight?!" Flash yelled as he kicked Aria's stomach which landed her on the bleachers. Aria stood up weakly and was being rapidly punched in her body. Twilight runs down the bleachers to stop Flash but she stopped when she saw Aria's hand signalling her to stop. The Brad was getting tired and jolted in fear when he saw Aria's predator eyes, ready to beat him.

"My turn!!" Aria shouted and kicked his batteries which made him scream like a high-pitched girl as he fell to the floor with his pride and cockiness gone in a heartbeat.

Aria picks her jacket up and she looks down at Flash with an intense glare. "Just so you know, I could have easily beaten you down, but I decided to show mercy... But I won't show mercy if you cross my path again."

Aria, then got up to grab Twilight by her wrist and dragged her out of the gym. Twilight was fearing for her life as she frankly tried to get loose from Aria's grip, who took notice of this. She felt really guilty from earlier for scaring the new kid's life.

I don't blame her for being afraid of me

"If you're worried that I'm still going to hurt you, I'm not. I just want to get somewhere where we can talk privately." Aria said. She was losing her grip to make Twilight less afraid of her. Twilight let out a sigh of relief as she noticed they were now in a different part of the hallway. "S-So, where are we heading?"

"The nurse's office needs to grab a quick Band-Aid and some water. It's also a good place for us to talk." Aria responded. As they were walking, Twilight was slowly feeling safe around Aria who was looking really beaten up from the fight but still had this cool aura that surrounded both of them.

After a few seconds of walking in silence, Twilight felt she needed to break the ice. "S-S-Sooo... how do you know those things about Flash?"

Aria let out an annoying answer as she answered. "He's in my first period class. He's apparently one of the pretty boys of the school, so the girls won't shut up about him."

"Really? Do the girls in the school know that he's a jerk?" Twilight as Aria shook her head.

"Apparently not, and the same goes for me, because on my first day of school when I met him, he was a total goody-two-shoes that couldn't look at me for 10 seconds. Turns out, he's pretending just to get on people's good sides." Aria replied as she saw the nurse's office straight ahead.

"Wow, I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover," Twilight said as both girls reach the door for Aria to knock on it.

The girls were greeted by Redheart as she took a look at Aria. "Are you all right, Aria? What happened to you this time?" Twilight was shocked at how the nurse was completely calm with Aria's appearance.

"Some jerk hit me a few times while I was defending Twilight here. I got him back and quickly came here for a Band-Aid and to wash up." Aria said nonchalant as Redheart steps aside so the girls can enter.

"I don't condone violence, but I'm glad you did the right thing. Go ahead and use the sink to wash up. I'll grab a quick Band-Aid for you." Redheart said as she went to grab the med kit.

"Thank Nurse Redheart. Also do you mind if me and Twilight use this room for a bit, we need to finish up a conversation from a while ago... Kinda important." Aria replied as she turned on the faucet and began to wash her face.

"No problem, I need to turn in some paperwork to the principal's office. You have to take as much as you can before your next class." The nurse responded as she handed Aria the Band-Aid and began to head out the door.

"Not a problem Aria, I need to head out to the principal's office to turn in some paperwork, oh, so you have to take as much as you want. Just be sure to head to your next class once you're done." Redheart responded as she handed Aria the Band-Aid and then proceeded to head out the door with the paperwork.

"Thank you, miss." Twilight said with a small bow as the nurse gave her a small smile before closing the door.

Twilight stared at Aria as she dried her face before placing the Band-Aid on her cheek. "So how well do you know the nurse, cuz' that conversation you had with her was way too casual?" Twilight asked as she sat down by one of the nearby chairs.

"I've been in here about three times now, so she and I kind of have a good relationship built on trust and friendship... I know you want to ask, what were the three reasons I was here before, but you and I need to have a talk about everything that's happened between us." Aria said in a calm matter as Twilight took a deep breath.

"Okay... let's talk." Twilight said in a calm but shy tone as she found her heart pounding really hard against her chest as Aria took a deep breath, before suddenly dropping to her knees with her head down and her hands clasp together.

"Please forgive me for threatening you with terrible words and nearly beating you up! I thought you were just lying about those things you said about my best friend, but it turns out, you were telling the truth about her not being there for you, but I promise you that she never cheated on you or never meant to make you feel abandoned! I'm sorry that I let my anger get the best of me all the time and... It was the reason why people don't want to be my friend, when I was a lone wolf in my younger years... I don't blame you, if you don't forgive me, but I hope that we could someday be friends and move on from this mess I created!" Twilight was touched by Aria's apology as she wiped the tears from her eyes after she took off her glasses.

"Thank you for apologizing, it means a lot to me... I forgive you... You can get up now." Aria let out a sigh of relief as she obeyed the nerd's command and both of them looked at each other's eyes. Twilight's heart was beating so fast when she saw Aria's warm gaze and she can feel that this was the girl who will be protecting her in this school.

"I'm so glad you forgave me... But what about Sunset?" Aria asked as Twilight frowned slightly. "I understand that you were trying to protect Sunset from being hurt, but it's going to take time for me to make amends for her. Seeing her again like that was so out of the blue for me... Maybe one day, she and I could start again as friends, but for now I like to be friends with you". Aria smiled and hugs Twilight, which was a little awkward for the nerd because she didn't expect her to do that.

"Wh-What are you doing?"

"Hugging you obviously. I figure I seal the deal with a hug, since we're now friends." Twilight slowly hesitated to hug back but accepted it. She closed her eyes and both of them were enjoying their first friendship hug.

After a few seconds, the girls ended the hug as Aria checked the time. "So we got a few minutes before we need to head off to our next class, wanna chat a little? Anything on your mind, you wanna ask me about?" Aria asked as she got comfortable on the table.

"Sure, I guess. Ummm, oh I got a one. Just how many times have you seen the nurse in here?" Aria chuckles at Twilight's question.

"I've been here 3 times. The first time was when I got knocked out by a volleyball and before you ask, the person that hit me with it, didn't do it intentional." Aria said, stopping a freaked out Twilight from asking the obvious question as she continued. "The second time was due to a massive nosebleed, and the third was when I passed out after completing my trial to be on the cheerleading team, which I am their newest squad mate." Aria said with pride as Twilight's eyes literally began to sparkle.

"Wow, that's amazing! I mean this in no respect, but you don't look the cheerleading type! Tell me, what was the trial like to make you pass out? How hard did you push yourself? What was your reason to become a cheerleader? Have you started practice with the team yet?" Twilight kept bombarding Aria question after question, but Aria was in too disbelief in Twilight's eyes.
Okay, this is getting ridiculous! First, I met a girl who can literally brighten a whole room and blind people by smiling! Then, a girl who can know everything about a person, just because of a "gut feeling" and now this one has eyes that are sparkling like an anime school girl! What's next?! I'm going to meet someone that has a bear for a pet!? Aria thought to herself as she noticed Twilight had finished asking her 20 questions.

Uh oh.... I was so distracted by her freaking eyes, I didn't pay attention to her questions! Aria nervously thought to herself as she desperately tried to remember Twilight's questions, who was waiting patiently with her eyes still sparkling.

Aria took another glance at the clock and noticed that they still had another 20 minutes before they had to leave for the next class, causing her to sigh with annoyance. This is gonna be long and awkward 20 minutes of my life...