• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 38 The Morning After

“Why are you here?” A familiar mare’s voice demanded. The words pierced the last vestiges of sleep. Blueblood’s eyes shot open. Intense magenta eyes stared right into him. They were Twilight’s, and she was looking straight at him. Her lit horn lowered aiming right between his eyes. Her magic cast the room in harsh illumination.

Waves of arcane power radiated from her. A dull ache rattled through his horn in time. The energy so thick in the air, he tasted it. Tides of magic crushed him into the unfamiliar softness of a bed.

He threw himself back, or he tried to at least. His body failed to surge into motion. It had betrayed him. His eyes widened, and a spike of adrenaline shot through him. His heart hammered in his chest. He was doomed. Any moment now his life would flash before his eyes and he would die by whatever spell took Twilight’s fancy.

Two gentle hooves rested against him as Platinum Check spoke into his ear. Calm yourself, my Prince. Her majestic voice soothed him even with its edge of warning.

His breathing stilled on its own, and his body locked still. Unable to move, his eyes tracked the threat. What did I do? His mind raced. Everything had been going well, why would Twilight be threatening him now? Wait The scale of the pony threatening him was off. She was too small and also lacked wings. “Little Star?” He asked cautiously.

“Yes,” she said, her answer a simple cold confirmation of the fact.

Blueblood tried to look at her eyes, but continuously he found his gaze dragged to the deadly point of her small horn. “Why are you in my room?”

His small interrogator’s eyes narrowed. “This is not your room.” She stomped her little hoof, “This is a guest room.”

“And why do you think I would be in a guest room?” He asked, very much wishing he had suffered the indignity of sleeping in his carriage.

“I don't know. That is why I’m asking.” Little Star moved her lethally charged horn closer, the threat plain. His flesh tingled as the acrid smell of burning hair invaded his nostrils. “Are you a bad pony?” The foal’s voice was too calm and level. She either did not know or did not care how much damage the energy currently gathered in her horn could do if released.

He chose his next words carefully. If he failed, they might be his last. “I hope I am not a bad pony. Given how late the festivities finished, your mother graciously offered me and my entourage hospitality.”

“Oh, alright.” Little Star smiled. The magic in her horn discharged, a blinking flash of magic and she was gone.

Blueblood let out his breath in a long sigh. He had feared it could have been his last. He pressed his hoof to his chest. A twinge of stinging pain caused him to wince. The flesh under his hoof felt burnt and radiated heat. “She is one powerful foal.”

She is the daughter of two Alicorns, it is only to be expected, Platinum replied. Come, we should make you presentable for the day.

Blueblood just let himself lay there enjoying the fact he was still alive. Waking up to a deadly threat was undoubtedly a way to get the blood pumping. If not one, he would personally recommend.

He dragged himself from the bed. As his body slid over the silken fabric, it may have well been broken glass. A hundred things a noble should never say crossed his mind. He gritted his teeth, fixing his expression, finally setting his hooves heavily on the floor. He was a prince, and he would act as one. His determination did nothing to lessen the discomfort of his thaumaturgically abused flesh.

His motions were stiff as he strode to the ensuite bathroom. His eyes caught Platinum Check’s image in the mirror. As always she was expertly groomed and perfectly posed. If only she still had her physical body, she would make a suitable bride for any noble she wished.

Platinum Check smiled and offered a respectful dip of her head. “May I begin, my Prince?”

“You may.” He made his way towards the bath. “Thank you, Platinum.”

Her magic set about the task of making him presentable for one of his royal rank. Her touch was gentle, certainly kinder than his mother had ever been. Each motion or adjustment mindful of his tender skin.

“Close your eyes, my Prince.” She said.

He obeyed, letting her ministrations calm him. Icey hooves trailed over his body. The chill lingered soothing his flesh and brought relief from the pain and frayed nerves both.

Blueblood regarded his reflection in the crystal wall. His regal self looked back, not a single hair out of place. He had no clue what magic she had used to restore his singed mane and coat, but he could not argue with the results. Even after so little time, it was a pleasure to be rid of the first degree mana burns inflicted upon him by Little Star.

He strode confidently along the wide crystal halls of Twilight’s castle. His six guards flanked him. Not quite looking the part of the parade perfect yet. They were very different from the unicorns he used to have, but after seeing them compete yesterday, he had far more faith in their ability to keep him safe. The discordant clacking of their hooves made his ears want to flatten. Their metal shod hooves made harsher sounds than his own. He had faith in their effectiveness, but they would have to learn to walk in step, or he would need to get them padded hoof covers.

Hmm, It would be very interesting to find out how such a Castle came to be. Platinum said as she walked beside him. It was still odd she was only visible in the reflection despite her scent and the radiated warmth of her body still being very much felt.

He met her eyes in the crystal surface. He thought back to magic lessons he had shared with Celestia, the ones she had taken from his mind to a time when she had considered him to be worthy. A suitable Stallion for Princess Cadance before she had adopted her as her niece. It bears similarity to the Crystal Empire, perhaps it grew from an artefact, something like the Crystal Heart?

It is strange, Cadance and Twilight both get a crystal throne gifted to them by the very powers of the world, and Celestia does not?

He left the royal guest rooms, his mind still ruminating on what that could mean. Subtle magics sent a soft tingle along his horn as he left the standard privacy spells. Suddenly the sounds of small hoofs hammering in the hard floor gave him barely enough warning to step back. A ball followed by a dozen foals stampeded past.

A snigger from behind made his ear twitch. “Sorry, Sir.” One of his guards said.

“It is fine,” Blueblood looked back at the brute of an earthpony.

Earth Breaker. Platinum provided.

“Earth Breaker. I will confess that would have been a most embarrassing way to meet one’s end, under the hooves of a small herd of foals,” Blueblood could not stop imagining how the reporters would react, the headlines they would write. A small laugh escaped him at the absurdity of it.

Earth Breaker’s lips twitched a twinkle in his eyes “Aye, as you say, Sir.”

Blueblood continued on his way, keeping his senses trained. Many hooves clicked on crystal floors as babbles of conversations drowned each other out. He tried to count them, ten, twenty, more unique voices. This must be more than she saved. “It sounds like market day in here,” He said to himself. It had been over a decade since he had even been near one. Everything he wanted was acquired by servants, it was beneath him to be seen in such places, or so he had thought.

“Aye, Sir,” Earth Breaker answered. It seemed he believed he had speaking privileges. Blueblood considered for a moment. That was the old him speaking. Did he want his guard to be just well trained yes ponies? No, No, he did not. Ponies he could trust, ponies he could talk to and most importantly, ponies he could count to telling him if he was about to make a mistake.

His group approached a T-junction. The clapping of dozens of hooves and slapping of what sounded like feet rapidly approached from the right. These hooves sounded heavier and were likely all adults. He had learned his lesson, He slowed and paused. He would let them pass. Despite how much a part of him rebelled at even considering giving way.

Earth Breaker and Mithril Horn, one of his two unicorn guards, moved up beside him. Ready to guard him against any threat from the front.

A small purple dragon scurried past, a small host of ponies following him. Each of them was wearing a simple tabard in Twilight’s lavender embellished with silver.

"These are the guest rooms, the ones to the left are where the V.I.P.s go,” Spike said. He pointed a claw almost directly at Blueblood, hurrying on without even really seeing him.

Some of Twilight’s ponies stared at him, one even gapped, jaw seeing if it was able to fall to the floor.

From her place beside him, Platinum Check observed Twilight has done well here, surrounding herself with those who owe her everything. There will not be a single traitor amongst them.

She was right. Whether spreading friendship or masterful manipulation, it had worked. With a few kind words and accepting non-unicorns, he had himself secured dedicated employees. Twilight, saving the lives of her new servants’ foals and turning the weak into the powerful, it was easy to see why they were all fanatically loyal to her.

A servant, book held in their mouth, galloped past. She chased after the procession of ponies led by the dragon. "Master Spike, where does this book go?" They somehow shouted. It still made no sense how Earthponies could talk like that.

Blueblood eyes widened, a distinctive yellow and red sun rising emblazoned the book in question. Sunset’s journal here? How did Twilight get it? Sunset never went anywhere without it.

Spike stretched out his claw. "I’ll take that one."

Sunset Shimmer, I wonder what she did to be deemed unworthy of staying by Celestia's side? Platinum said.

It could have been many things, she was a pyromaniac. Power-hungry and understood the games nobles play. Even then she would ruin somepony either with words or her own power.

She sounds like she could make a good ally.

I am afraid she disappeared, nopony knows where she is. From what I learnt about my Auntie… I fear she may be dead or remade into one of her personality-less guards.

That would be one way to have her power at hoof. Platinum commented.

Blueblood placed one hoof in front of the other listening to the sound they made on the crystal floor. Every day he found a new secret, something deliberately concealed by his Auntie. Was he the only one with his eyes opened to the truth?

The bat… thestral guards pushed the doors open as he approached. Their slit eyes watched him, their pupils narrowed to mere slivers of black in gold as the sunlight came in.

Outside, ponies dragged their hooves as they diligently laboured unmaking the archaic visage of the night before. Decorations, stands and equipment from the contests were carefully being gathered and packed away, ready for next year. Few of the yawning masses had any real energy. Blueblood’s jaw tightened trying and failing to resist his own wide-mouthed yawn.

A large opaque dome blocked his view. The arena’s protective spell was now entirely black, not allowing a single look inside. His eyes lingered on it. Why was it still up, what was hidden inside? He shook his head, he currently had no way to know.

Buying the land from the mayor in town had proved to be easy, all she had checked was that he had Twilight’s permission. The addition Twilight had added to the paperwork was a stroke of genius. Twilight reserved the right to claim the land as hers in three cases. For the safety of the town, taxes were defaulted on, or if the owner was convicted of any major crime. That combined with noble privileges being suspended within Ponyville’s limits meant that a lot of nobility that might try to move here to get into Twilight’s good graces might fall foul of this and have their investments simply taken away from them for acting as they had become accustomed to. It was good that if only on a technicality his own privileges counted as royal, if only just. Not that he had any intention of crossing Twilight. His mind went back to the duel last night between the two Alicorns.

He collected his guards and prepared them to head back to Canterlot, back once more in range of Celestia. Just that one look of contempt she had on her muzzle, the one she made everypony else forget, sent a chill along his spine. Despite how much he wanted to stay here, safe, he had to return. Staying in character as the spoiled Blueblood, he had no reason to remain. He could not even get the remarkable local construction company to work on his planned building. They were too busy turning Noble Guide’s pipe dream of a brand new settlement into a reality. If their reputation was deserved, the first completed buildings would be ready in days. If it was to be believed, they could completely rebuild Ponyville and restore it authentically within a week.

Blueblood raised his head and looked at the distant mountain on the horizon. His mind went back to the duel again. The fact his new property was a good distance to the side of the direct line between the two royal residents was somewhat reassuring.

As impressive as the display was, the main thing it provided him was a reason why no sane pony would ever cross any Alicorn, nor get between two that were angry with each other. The other nobles he used to call friends and allies did not know what they were playing with. Even Twilight, the youngest and supposedly the weakest and least experienced of the Alicorns, proved yesterday she was more than capable of crushing him with a single hoof.

Platinum Check’s reassuring warmth slipped up beside him, unseen in anything but reflections, but very definitely there. Do not worry, my Prince. So long as we are careful, you have nothing to fear from that solar tyrant. I will keep you safe.

A flash of magenta drew his eyes down to the dome. A swirl of magical patterns rippled over its surface as Twilight's daughter walked out of it, a common bucket looking comically oversized held in her mouth. He shook his head. I don't even want to know what she is up to.

The great city of Canterlot drew closer, its gleaming whites and golds reaching the heavens perched atop the highest mountain as if a temple for the solar princess. From here Celestia had ruled unchecked for over a thousand years.

His legs tensed, he felt his body wanting to run. A humorous snort escaped him. Trying to run while held in the air by the power of his pegasus guards would be not only foalish it would possibly end with him having an unfortunate meeting with the ground.

His eyes found Celestia’s tower, it was still as beautiful as ever. Nothing looked different in the slightest. Only this time he knew the type of pony that lived there. Princess Celestia, the most holy of holies, the pony whose soul was meant to be as pure and radiant as her appearance, was a deceiver. She used forbidden magics simply to erase even the smallest hint that she was anything but perfect.

He let his gaze turn back to Ponyville. Now, so much smaller in the distance far below the majestic heights that was Canterlot. If he could, he would have commanded his guards to turn around and headed back there. Another pleasant tea shared with Rarity would be infinitely preferable to returning to his act.

As soon as he was back among his peers, his fellow nobles, he would have to put his mask on again, he would have to become the arrogant, dismissed, and as much as he hated to admit it, useless Blueblood everypony knew and despised.

He glanced at his mark, what did it even mean? His life lacked direction. The question was, how would he find his?

Hmm, Platinum Check’s voice broke the silence of the flight home, interrupting his self-reflections.


Look at the telescope on the tower.

The metal contraption stood out against the white stone of the towers. Rather than pointing at the heavens, it was lined up right with Ponyville.

“It seems Celestia might have observed Twilight and Luna’s grand display.”

Well, Princess Luna was not exactly subtle, the entire world must know something happened. Platinum commented.

Blueblood walked along the pristine streets of his home city, all but two of his guards dismissed. A Pegasus and an Eathpony accompanying him.

Everypony he could see looked tense. Some rushed around on the streets, not caring for how undignified it made them look. This was not the refined air of decorum he was used to.

Ponies trying to sell newspapers called out their headlines. “Nightmare Moon’s return, the end is neigh.” Another pony attempted to shout over the first. “Equestria Civil war?”

If Nightmare Moon had returned, they wouldn’t be able to be out here trying to sell papers about it. Platinum said.

Blueblood sighed, feeling a headache building behind his eyes already. Something, anything unexpected, happened and the papers jumped to the worst possible conclusion. Official royal information was considerably more reliable than the public newspaper’s lies and exaggerations. Even if Celestia could edit as she wished.

Canterlot’s best construction company listed a time in years for the simple four-story building he wanted in Ponyville. How could they take so long, the magnitude of the difference was almost inconceivable, to construct instead of the week the Ponyville group assured him they could do. Why did they have to be completely booked up?

“Look, if you want quality, it takes time. Were not some Mud ponies that are just going to slap something together and call it done.”

“That is an unacceptable time frame,” Blueblood said, taking his leave.

Outside, Earth Breaker spoke quietly. “I know of some good folks that might help you.”

Blueblood winced. “I know this sounds callused, but politics will not allow me to personally go to any lesser group. Would you be willing to contact them and gather the information?”

Earth Breaker saluted, and slipped into the crowd. He did look more the part with his correctly fitting uniform. Blueblood could not deny that Rarity did good work. It seemed all the ponies in Ponyville did good work. That could not be a coincidence, that much talent, overlooked right there in line-of-sight of Canterlot.

Whatever group he was heading to they would likely be far cheaper and more accepted in Ponyville than this tribalist unicorn only team, that said it would take a year and more than three-quarters of his yearly stipend.

Blueblood settled into the sinfully comfortable seating at the noble only club, killing time before the second half of day court began. A glass of wine swirled before him in magic, it would have been nice if it was his magic, but no, Platinum Check was helping him maintain his image. He could see her watching him in the distorted reflection of the surface of the wine glass, her horn lit.

Near silent hooves artfully made their way towards him. Flicking his eyes that way, he met eyes with the alluringly dressed servant sashaying towards him. She dropped into a low bow as her cerulean aura placed a silver platter down before him. Placed upon it was a folded note, the thick creamy paper likely worth more than her salary.

He glanced over it, its intricate watermark layered into its surface only meant one thing. It seemed his fellow nobles were planning something. Something big. He sighed. This day was going to prove to be interesting in all the wrong ways.

Platinum’s magic lifted it and elegantly unfolded and held it before him. He quickly scanned it, growing impatient with all the usual dribble and grandiose titles and pleasantries. He got halfway down the missive before there was any hint to the true purpose of the note.

And as the spokespony of the nobles to her Highness Princess Celestia, we are in agreement you shall pass on our demands to her. We, the noble ponies of Canterlot, demand that Princess Luna and Former Royal Student Twilight are summoned before the noble court to answer for their misdeeds and crimes against those of privileged blood.

His hoof lifted, he very nearly face-hooved, he managed to turn it into resting his hoof against his now hurting head and tried to massage away the building headache.

This was going to end badly.

Day court was late resuming. All the nobles that really counted were already in attendance. As he was the only one that was part of the royal family, it was he who had the duty to go and fetch his absent Auntie. This was not the first time he had to do this, but last time he was filled with a self-important zeal as he marched past all the guards that would stop anypony else. This time, only Platinum's steadying presence stopped his legs from shaking.

He advanced upon Princess Celestia’s study and lifted his hoof to knock. Two spears crossed before him, the metallic change forcing his ears to flatten. The two normally statue-like guards aimed their blank stares at him. “The Princess is not to be disturbed,” one of them said, Blueblood could barely make it out with his abused ears.

Blueblood blinked, they blocked him. That never happened. What was going on in that room?

“Please return to Day Court or wait silently over there.” The guard on the right jerked his head to a little seating alcove.

His hooves carried him away on their own, perhaps it was him in his dazed state, maybe it was Platinum’s guidance, he could not tell. His Auntie had said nothing to him before, but he had never been stopped by a mere guard. He elegantly sat and looked out the window at the beautiful visage of his home, his city. Being trapped by his duty in such close proximity to Celestia, Canterlot started to feel like his prison.

Why could I have not spent the day drinking tea with Rarity? He mentally lamented.

Staying in character, he made two more attempts to knock on the studies door. The guards denied him once more. They would not let him pass. His ears still rang from the clange their weapons made. They had gone so far as to not just cross their weapons before him, blocking his path again, but they had actually brandished them at him.

Staying in character or not, that message was unambiguous, if brutishly delivered. He would not be getting in any time soon.

Blueblood dispised being made to wait. The old him thought only lesser beings had to wait. He had been waiting outside his Aunts office for the last eight minutes. He counted every second.

He looked back to the guards. The pair were safely concealed under their armour’s enchantment. Were they just mind controlled puppets? Random ponies with memories altered to make them the perfect stock humourless guards? Could one of them even be the missing Sunset Shimmer?

The doors opened, wrapped in his Auntie’s golden aura. Even with such a light touch of her magic, he could feel the near burning pressure of it.

Blueblood looked at the commoners leaving, a mare, a stallion and their two children. He could not fathom why they were there, it was not like his Auntie to take visits.

Remember your act. Platinum said.

Blueblood made to enter the room and acted annoyed that the 'lesser' ponies did not immediately make way for him. Instead, they stood in the doorway, offering simpering thanks to his Auntie.

Blueblood stood to his full height and got ready to launch into his favoured ‘do you know who I am’ speech.

A flash of magic enveloped him, and suddenly he found himself inside his Auntie’s offices hidden from the commoners.

His Auntie smiled warmly at the common ponies, “Enjoy your lives, not many ponies get a second chance like you have..”

Remember, you can not let her know you have slipped from her control.

The Blueblood Princess Celestia created would not care about the common ponies response, so he spoke. “Auntie, I demand you…” A force crushed down around his muzzle holding it shut. Her magic’s brilliance feeling like his sensitive horn was plunged into boiling water. Pain shot through his body, his throat tightened with a restrained scream. Platinum’s calming touch seemed to freeze his body, hiding his suffering.

Celestia gently closed the door and then turned her full attention to him. She advanced. “Blueblood are you telling me that less than ten minutes or your time is worth more than seeing a father returned to his family? Multiple decades of happiness for them is worth less than a mere inconvenience for you?”

Celestia was now looming over him, like a predator looking at her prey. He did not know what to do, she was never like this. Her aura lifted him to her eye level. “I honestly do not know why I even keep you around.”

Platinum did nothing to stop his body, shaking from the very real fear clutching his heart. He fell, the impact softened by the decadently thick carpet.

The solar tyrant turned and strode out. Images of a much more civil exchange flashed before his eyes as that monster tried to alter his mind.

I am here for you, my Prince. Platinum Check’s soft voice whispered in his ear as he felt her tenderly embrace him. Under her caring touch, his body stood and respectfully followed Celestia.

Restless nobles gathered in clumps, some members flitting between one group and the next. Entire conversations happened with a slight tilt of the head or the raising of an eyebrow. Whenever Day Court was late starting, they simply used the time to play the game. Politics, secret trades and wielding their power over others.

Blueblood regally strode through the room taking his place, higher than any other noble but still lower than the Princess. A position that left him as the perfect shield and tool for both his fellows and the Princess.

These Nobility play their game and have no idea what the rules actually are.

He knew his expression was the perfect mask of mild contempt and self-entitlement.

Magic chimed as a golden aura opened the doors, the incessant chattering of the nobles falling silent as awareness of who was entering the room spread like a wave through the ponies.

Princess Celestia’s long strides languidly moved her towards her throne. She glided in, the elegant, stately movements belying the power in her large frame. His mind replayed one of the hoof-to-hoof exchanges from Princess Luna and Princess Twilight's Duel. The visible shockwaves and titanic booms when their hooves met. If Celestia had wanted to, she could have shaken the room with each hoof fall and not move as if gravity respected her too much to drag her to the ground like mere mortals.

Celestia settled upon her throne. A sneer wanted to find its way onto his muzzle. Princess Celestia was the only one that could arrive late without consequence, for her.

“Princess Celestia.” The noble bowed, the respectful action a mere formality.

“Yes, Gilded Star?” Celestia intoned.

“We have a matter most grave that needs addressing,” Gilded Star stated.

Celestia nodded, bidding him continue. An ornate scroll floated towards the princess in the noble’s aura. Celestia took it in her own, unfurling the scroll with an elegant flick and began to read.

Her eyes lifted, quickly sweeping the gathered nobles before aiming right at Gilded Star. “Are you sure you wish to do this? I caution you, this will not end well.”

“Yes, Princess Celestia.” The noble straightened, horn raised in a superior bearing. His aura held up a scroll. “I have a petition of the majority of the nobles. Our will is plain in this issue. Princess Luna and young Princess Twilight are to be summoned here tomorrow to answer for their actions. If they fail to attend, they shall be declared enemies of Equestria.”

The temperature in the room rose sharply. But strangely nopony seemed to notice. Celestia’s magic brushed his mind, and if it was not for Platinum’s protection, he knew that he would be oblivious to it too.

Celestia looked up, “We do hope you are ready for what you have invited upon yourselves.”

“Is that a threat, your majesty?”

Weariness sank into the Princess's eyes, the look of a tired mother. “No, merely a warning from a mare who has a few years under her wings.”

Gilded Star scoffed. “Princess Celestia, with all due respect, we are not foals.”

All maternal concern vanished from the solar princess, her body as still as a statue. Her hard eyes seemed like icy gemstones looking out from her perfect face.

“So be it.” The look of contempt that crossed the Princess muzzle for a split second was removed from everypony's memories a moment after.

Only Platinum Check kept Blueblood’s mind safe and secure.

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