• Published 13th Sep 2019
  • 7,585 Views, 147 Comments

Demoted - Nido_King

Following a review of her Royal Guards, Celestia decides that some changes are in order. Afterall, the castle could always use more cleaning staff...

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“Sister, we need to talk.”

“Hmm?” Celestia looked up from her stack of pancakes as Luna strolled into the dining room. “Good morning, Luna. Sleep well?”

“I did, but do not try and change the subject,” Luna replied as she trotted around the table and took a seat, keeping her eyes trained on her older sister. “I have just been made aware of a particular matter that I must discuss with you.”

“Can’t it wait until after breakfast?” Celestia said with a pout.

Luna opened her mouth to reply, but was beaten to the punch by her stomach letting out a loud growl. “… I suppose it can wait until after breakfast.”

The pair ate in silence for several minutes, the only sound being the clacking utensils against plates. Once the plates had been cleared away, Celestia dabbed at her lips with a napkin as a cup of fresh tea was set in front of her by one of the kitchen staff. “Now, Luna, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?”

Taking a sip from her coffee, Luna looked across the table at Celestia with a frown on her lips. “A few days ago, I began to notice that there seemed to be more maids around the castle than usual, as well as fewer guards than I am used to seeing. I did not think the two things were related until now, when I happened to overhear a pair of guards talking about how many guard ponies have been ‘demoted” lately. When I asked them to explain further, they informed me of a rather troubling development.” Taking a deep breath so as to steady herself, Luna asked, “Sister, have you been punishing our guards by turning them into mares?”

Celestia was silent for a moment as she stirred a lump of sugar into her tea. “I wouldn’t call it a punishment, per se…”

Luna looked very unamused. “Sister, please. As much as I know you love being a teacher and not giving away the answer to a question, I am not here for games. As your sister and fellow Princess, I deserve a straight answer from you, do I not?”

“You’re right, I’m sorry…” Celestia replied with a sigh. “It’s true. Over the last few weeks I have reprimanded and relocated several members of the guard onto the cleaning staff.”

“And the part about turning them into mares?”

“It was a necessity, sadly.”

“I fail to see how changing a stallion into a mare is a necessary step.”

Celestia gazed silently into her cup of tea for a moment before speaking. “Tell me, Luna… do you know what the purpose of the guard is?”

Luna cocked her head to the side in confusion. “It is to keep the peace and protect the citizens of Canterlot, yes?”

“Correct. The guard is open for anypony to join, but tell me this: how many mare guards have you seen?”

Luna was silent for a moment. “I… I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mare in the guard, now that you mention it. Has it not always been that way? The Guard is, afterall—“

“A stallion’s job?” Celestia finished, sighing again as Luna nodded her head. “The opposite is often spoken of about the castle maids as well, that cleaning is solely a ‘mare’s job’. And there in lies the problem.

“Recently it came to my attention that many mares have attempted to sign up for the Guard, only to be turned away at the door simply because they were mares. The same has happened for the castle maids. Both positions are open to any who wish to help, but many who would be valuable in both positions have been denied because of this bias. Sadly, this has also meant that both have become filled with ponies who do this job not because they ‘want’ to, but because they ‘have’ to, leading to both positions to become filled with their own share of unhappy ponies and troublemakers.”

“And you sought to correct this?” Luna surmised.

“Indeed. I knew that if I attempted to immediately alter the structure of either position I would be met with resistance, so I needed to do so gradually.” A small smile slowly spread across Celestia’s lips. “And I am happy to say that I have been met with some success from my efforts.”

“Scaring the Guard into thinking they’ll all be turned into mares is a success?”

“Not what I had in mind, but it is no different than when a foal misbehaves, is it not? Simply putting the notion of punishment into their head will often dissuade them from misbehaving at all. However, the biggest success I have seen so far is with Silver Gleam, who was the first pony I attempted this plan on. Though he eventually wished to be turned back into a stallion, I am happy to say he has found his place amongst the castle maids after being unhappy as a Guard.”

Taking another sip of her tea, Celestia continued. “While some like Auburn Gust have continued to cause trouble despite their new position, I have received multiple transfer requests from both mares and stallions to be moved from the cleaning staff to the guard and vice-versa. Some guards have even requested to remain as mares even after returning to their previous position. Slowly, but surely, the roles for both are changing for the better.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “And the fact that this also seems to amuse you is yet a factor of this plan of yours?”

Smiling mischievously, Celestia chuckled. “I do admit that it did amuse me a little changing a few unsuspecting ponies and watching their reactions, but I assure you it was little more than a pleasant side effect.”

Luna seemed unconvinced, but didn’t push the issue. “Very well. Seeing as your plan, despite how silly and strange it sounds, appears to be achieving its intended results, I will leave you to it. I must return to my royal duties for now.”

As Luna made for the door, Celestia called out to her. “You should give it a try! I’m sure there is a least one guard in your ranks that could use a little ‘attitude adjustment’…”

Luna paused for a moment. “I will… consider it. Goodbye for now, sister.”

“See you at dinner!” Celestia replied as Luna left. In a pop of magic, a file folder appeared in front of her, filled with the files on various members of the Royal Guards. “Now… who to check up on next…”

Author's Note:

People are either going to like or hate me for this chapter, I can't tell which...