• Published 17th Sep 2019
  • 1,565 Views, 26 Comments

Bionicle: Into the Shadows - One of Nine

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1. Through Streets of Steel and Stone

Mount Canterhorn, 768 C.A., 410 years after Nightmare Moon’s fall

The new capital of Equestria; Av-Nui, or the Great City of Light, stood tall along the side of Mount Canterhorn. Its gleaming white and gold towers like that of the Metru-Nui, forged from the various materials of the planet. But paved through the shining buildings and polished towers, were cables and bridges of solid protodermis. Stretching from roof to roof, these bridges formed easy access to those who couldn’t fly, the streets below acting as safeguards for those who detested heights.

The Ponies of Av-Nui were a peaceful and welcoming sort, while those who sought money and power were sent to the lower regions of the city, were their influence was governed by the law enforcers; the Vahki. The Vahki were an advanced legion of peacekeepers, stationed in the less than civil regions of the city. They patrolled the streets, keeping watch over the populace. The Vahki would also sometimes assist with construction, street maintenance, and school security. When an assailant or criminal was apprehended; via their Kanoka discs (non-lethal, set only on stun), the Vahki would send for the Capital Guard.

While the Vahki protected the lower regions of the capital, the Capital Guard patrolled the upper-class districts of the city. The Guard did things similarly to the Vahki, only they had emotions to consider, where the Vahki (being machines) did not. However, the Capital Guard protected more than just the streets, they were charged with safeguarding the Royal Palace; home to the Queen of the Sun.

Standing proud and shimmering as the Sun reflected off its walls, the Sun Palace lay in the center of the city, protected by the twelve foot walls that incased it. There, Celestia; Ruler of the Day, preformed her duties as Queen to better the lives of her subjects. Similarly to the Makuta who had taken residence with her people, Celestia followed the virtues of their world; Unity, Duty, and Destiny. Celestia had always liked the values of the Makuta; being brought together in Unity to better their people, committing themselves to their Duties no matter the obstacle, and finally, Destiny; where each and every life ends. One’s purpose in life.

Speaking of the Makuta, resting not too far away from the palace, stood the central hub of the Brotherhood; the Silver Spire. Crafted from the remains of their ship and standing above the Royal Palace in height, the Spire acted as the Makutas’ council room, where they discussed matters of the different cities and villages they guarded. Like it was in Mata Nui, the Makuta had decided to take up residence in every city of Equestria, protecting and assisting the populace.
Makuta Miserix and Antroz helped to govern Av Nui, supporting Celestia in her daily duties. Miserix acted as Celestia’s adviser, while Antroz perused politics.

Makuta Icarax and Gorast were sent to govern Manehattan, patrolling the northern and southern sectors of the busy city with their Rahkshi. The two warriors would often find the trouble they sought and ended it just as swift as it had begun. Needless to say, the two Makuta never grew bored.

Makuta Valkaan was stationed in the town of Ponyville, a newly established settlement near to the Everfree Forest. Valkaan’s job was similar to Gorast’s and Icarax’s; charged with keeping the peace and helping the villagers. In the village’s center stood a three story spire, acting as a library for the villagers, as well as a home and laboratory for the Makuta. Through the Library, Valkaan shared his vast knowledge of the stars, agriculture, flora, and fauna. He also wrote many literatures, telling of his and the Makuta’s adventures in the Multiverse. These adventures would eventually grab the attention of a certain cyan filly.

Vamprah was sent to the busy city of Los Pegasus, a city of clouds and a famous place for gambling. When the Makuta had first arrived, he had seen the Casinos as a waste of time. But through the years he’d become intrigued and had come to use the activity in his spare time, winning many bets and losing to some. Those times he’d lost… let’s just say that the winners were given haircuts for their extensive bragging. Vamprah never lost a hunt.

Like Los Pegasus, Cloudsdale was an establishment in the sky, constructed entirely of solidified clouds. Makuta Mutran had taken interest in the place right off, wishing to study the clouds and learn as to why they’d become as they were. He’d also asked to study several of the town’s populace, wanting to learn why they could walk on the clouds with such ease. Unfortunately though, the Makuta was denied his request and settled for asking around. When this turned up fruitless, he sent letters to the greatest mind of the age; Starswirl the Bearded, the old gnat. Mutran and Starswirl’s relationship had hit a rocky start from the moment the letter had reached its destination.

Much like the great city of Manehattan, Fillydelphia was a city of opportunity and prosperity. And much like Icarax and Gorast, Makuta Bitil was a fierce warrior, plowing through enemies on the battlefield like a Nui-Rama would take to the skies. Yet, the battlefields in Fillydelphia were streets and alleyways, more confined to what Bitil was used to. As such, the Makuta adapted and learned to fight in these confined areas, sharpening his skills. And through time, Bitil had abandoned his rogue-like self and once again committed himself to the protection of his charges; the Matoran of Fillydelphia.

Rahaa was originally considered an outcast among her brethren, being tenderhearted and caring, opposite to many of her Makuta siblings. And thus, Trottingham was the place she was assigned. The town was small, relatively the same size as Ponyville, but was not continuously plagued by monster attacks and raiders. Trottingham was a peaceful town in which any could come to escape the pressures of life, and Makuta Rahaa made sure of it.

Chirox hated Appleloosa. That was the key emotion he’d held to the primitive town as he’d first entered it. It was secluded, in the middle of a dry wasteland, and had zero advancements in technology. In all, it was Chirox’s worst nightmare, if Makuta could even get those. Yet, the efforts of a young mustard furred colt soon changed Chirox’s mind. As the Makuta sulked atop the cliff range, Chirox saw a young colt playing with his two friends, racing dangerously close to the edge. The Makuta thought nothing of it, turning back to watch the sun set over the mountains.

That quickly changed when he heard the piercing screaming of a child. Within seconds, Chirox spread his enormous wings and bolted after the colt. Knowing his clawed feet would injure the colt, Chirox drained the life force from the Shadow Leeches in his glowing vat and cast it out of his chest. With the space in his torso freed, the Makuta shifted the ribs of his chest into arms that reached out to grab the crying child. Stretching the new limbs, the Makuta finally grabbed the colt and stuffed the child into his torso and rapped the clawed limbs over the cavity of his chest. With a flap of his wings and a shift in his weight, Chirox landed, folded his wings, and let the colt out. Still sobbing, Braeburn hugged the blind Makuta. Maybe, just maybe, this place wasn’t so bad.

Krika was shown to the settlement of Salt Lick, a small town on the bank of a wide river. Most of the population was comprised of pegasie. A wise choice to build a town on a river in Krika’s opinion, considering that the pegasie diet consisted of greens and small amounts of fish.

Krika had once found himself on the docks with several fishing Pegasie, casting their nets and hooks. Some simply dove into the water and grabbed their quarry, much like their ancestors. While he sluggishly watched, his crimson eyes soon picked up the movement of three foals playing in the river. The Makuta watched as one of the foals slipped and was swept up by the river’s current.

Krika wasted no time in sprinting after her on his long spindly legs, seeing as he lacked the capability of teleporting, chasing the sputtering and kicking filly. Knowing he could move faster in his ghost form; he shifted and dove below the river and ground. Like lightening, the Makuta moved ahead of the struggling child, repelling himself up to the surface with his Kanohi Crast. Once above ground again, he solidified himself in time for the filly to collide with him.

The filly grasped into a boney limb, hooking her little hooves between the spikes of his armor. But the foal gasped and pointed with her wet nose to the Makuta’s limbs, where many fish had stabbed themselves into his spiked armor. The squirming and gasping, fish stared at the two, but Makuta and filly watched in turn. Krika, drained from the effort of shifting from solid to ghost, focused on the fish as they soon grew still, the life leaving their eyes. With his energies restored, the Makuta ushered the filly onto his back and gifted her with a fresh snack, making his way back upstream.

Makuta Krika was hailed as something he’d always wanted to be, something he felt he was unworthy of; a Hero. And through his actions of draining the fishes’ lifeforces, from that day and onward, he happily robbed the ponies of the burden of killing. With his limbs acting as fishing spears and his ability in draining life, the pale Makuta became Salt Lick’s provider. Through the years, the villagers of Salt Lick dedicated that day to their Makuta protector and provider, to the Makuta of Salt Lick.

Mount Canterhorn, 1,350 C.A., 992 years after Nightmare Moon’s fall

“Greetings citizen.”

A seventeen year old Twilight Sparkle jumped at the mechanical voice of the Vahki, staring at it with wide eyes. Twilight knew of the Vahki, as all in Av Nui did, but she’d never seen one up close. So it being a Saturday, her parents gone out for a private dinner, and Shining Armor out with his cadet friends, Twilight thought she’d visit the lower regions of the city. It was all that her parents had described, just not as dark and musky. The streets were litter free, shops maintained and well kept, and even the alleyways seemed to have their own charm.

The inhabitance, however, didn’t share her sense of awe at their home turf. Most kept to themselves and didn’t talk with one another unless necessary, paying the noble-blooded teen no mind.

“Citizen Twilight Sparkle, apprentice of the Queen, you are hereby requested to return home by order of Duchess Velvet and Duke Light.” The Vahki said, its mechanical voice scaring Twilight once again out of her deep thought. Then, from the machine’s chest came a projected screen, the blurred faces of two very familiar faces coming into view.

“Oh Horse-apples.” Grumbled the teen as she watched her parents’ faces come into focus. As soon as they did, she noticed that their expressions were anything but happy to see her.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Her mother yelled over the Vahki’s onboard speakers. “Watch your mouth young lady! A lady of your stature shouldn’t be caught using such language!! And what are you doing down in the slums of the city?! Do you know what kinds of ponies live down there?! Beggars and thieves! Bandits and killers! Come home right now!!”

“What your mother means is, we were worried when we got home, and you weren’t here.” Came her father’s reassuring voice. “Please come home, Twily.”

Twilight put on a defiant face to show them that she could handle herself, but as she thought about her actions, she really had worried them without leaving at least a note. Her rebellious mask crumbled in seconds as her head bowed and her eyes became hidden by her bangs. “Yes Dad, sorry for worrying you guys. It’s just… I just wanted to see a Vahki up close and the lower regions of Av Nui. All my friends have seen it, I… I just wanted to see.”

The anger in her parents’ eyes soon changed to pity and remorse. Her father’s frown suddenly turned upside-down. “Wait, you have friends?!”


“What?” He laughed. “I know you have friends in the Makuta ranks, but pony friends? Who are you and what have you done with my bookworm of a daughter?”

“I’m not a bookworm, Daddy. I just like reading.” The teen defended as a smile broke her frown, crossing her arms with a cute huff, cheeks puffed in embarrassed anger. Just like when she was little.

Night Light soon chose to speak up again, wishing he could hold her as Twilight smiled back. “Twilight, I get it. You’re young and you want to see the world. But you need to wait and ask us first. If you run off somewhere without us knowing, we’ll be worried sick, like we just were. And I’m not just talking about your crying mom here…” He then put his hand between himself and his wife with a smug look. “No doubt I’ll have to buy six hundred tissue boxes to get the floodgates closed.” He received a jab in the ribs for his words, making him grunt with a smile. His actions however, had the desired affect for his daughter, seeing the corners of her mouth twitch upwards even more until she sported a full giggling grin. “There’s the Twily I know and love. Stay safe sweetie and please be back soon.”

“Negative.” Came the Vahki’s emotionless voice, like a cold stone shattering the tender moment.

“What, why?!” Demanded Velvet, her eyes going wide.

“The Queen has requested an audience with her.” Before the parents could respond, the Vahki’s projection screen went dead just before the machine looked down at the unicorn teen.

“Come.” It said in an icy tone.
Twilight wanted to reject fiercely but knew that the Vahki wouldn’t take no for an answer. And knowing the Queen, it was probably for something urgent. “Ok.”

The Vahki then stepped away from Twilight, the young mare watching with great interest. Gears turned, pistons pumped, panels shifted and dematerialized. The head of the Vahki turned a full 180 degrees and looked up, its arms folding in on themselves and morphing into four spiked limbs that reached the ground, even though it still stood at its full height; seven feet and four inches tall. The legs extended in length, its feet going tiptoed, allowing its back to fully face the ground. When all was done, the Vahki had gone from its bipedal mode to an all-terrain quadruped mode, allowing it to move faster than an award-winning sprinter. The Vahki looked at Twilight with an almost expectant look, its tri-jointed neck bending in a sickening way.

“Come.” it said again, watching her with its yellow soulless eyes as she slowly approached.

Twilight gulped as she continued, looking the Vahki over. What was she supposed to do? What did it want? She looked again into its eyes, glancing over the faceplate, considering the Vahki’s stance and behavior. It wasn’t threatening, instead the Vahki held itself in an almost welcoming air, silently beckoning her to come to its side. Twilight did just that, stepping close to the enforcer while wrapping herself tighter in her blue winter jacket. Her hooves started to shiver as she realized that she’d just stepped in a cool puddle water.

“Hold.” The Vahki suddenly said when she’d apparently stepped too close. Then, the machine’s spinal plates peeled back to reveal a grey inky material. Said material started to expand for several long moments. To Twilight, it almost seemed to be “fluffing” itself up, providing a comfortable surface for a single pony to ride on. Once the grey substance had stopped, the Vahki spoke.
“Get on.”

With her knees knocking, Twilight hesitantly started to mount the Vahki, soon settling herself down on the warm grey material. Once she had fully settled down, curling herself into a ball to conserve heat, the Vahki’s plates edged themselves over her. But they didn’t cover her fully, only enough for the teen to be cradled in her cozy area in the enforcer’s body. Slowly, crystal blue glass spiderwebbed itself between the spinal plates, spreading over the open areas and sealing the unicorn inside a mobile cocoon.

While this method of travel was still new to Twilight, she had been escorted by Vahki before. When she had first started out as the Queen’s student, the Vahki had escorted her from afar, keeping a lookout for the Capital Guards. Granted, she’d seen Vahki before, just not any closer than two yards away.

The teenage mare breathed through her nostrils as she felt the Vahki moving throughout the streets. She had heard that the Makuta were slowly releasing new models of Vahki. Deemed the Ka-368, these representations of Vahki were faster and more intelligent than previous models.

The unicorn gasped, gripping the cocoon’s sides as she felt the Vahki go vertical. It was climbing the buildings.
True to her intuition, the Vahki; model Ka-368.117, had chosen to scale the towers. Slowly gaining altitude, the Vahki had concluded that traversing the rooftops, cables, and bridges it would save it precious time. It kept a holographic image of Twilight on its HUD, keeping her overall position in mind. Unlike most models of Vahki, the Ka-368 variety held a certain level of “care” for their VIP’s. Older models would simply guard their VIP’s until they’d reached their targeted area, or the VIP had expired. Thus, the need for a better and smarter model had arisen.

However, as 117 neared the higher class level of the city, its audio processors picked up the sounds of battle. Controversy to outsiders’ beliefs, the capital wasn’t a stranger to violence. Like any of the great cities in that day and age, there were those who strived to earn a living through… unethical means.

117 climbed to the top of a local hospital to view a battle at the resident bank. Once its optics focused in on the multiple contacts, it saw fourteen Capital Guards outside with spears raised and shields up, magic or not. A complete heat-sensory scan was taken of the building to find six bank robbers, armed with illegal firearms and deadly explosives. 117 took a moment to view the internal clock it’d set prior to the Royal Summons. The Vahki did a quick calculation of its predicament. At the current time, it was 6 minutes prior to the Summons. But at the rate it was going, it would take 23 minutes to get to the Palace, yet it had 14 minutes to spare.

Conclusion; If 117 was careful with its passenger, the Vahki could assist the Guard units.

Sending out a transmission to any Vahki units in the district, 117 called them to aid. Unit 117 waited 3.4 minutes before a team of aqua blue, crimson red, and autumn yellow Vahki stood before it, its own shade of black contrasting with the other Vahki units. Sending its gathered information to the team, 117 made sure to acknowledge its passenger, letting them know it had other priorities. The Vahki team acknowledged all this with a surge of static over their coms, moving after this to converge on their targets.

“Why have we stopped?” Came the young mare’s voice from inside 117’s shell.

“Danger, Twilight Sparkle.” It simply stated, not even turning its head from the bank.

“O-oh… can’t we just go around it?”


“…Well?!” Twilight fumed, getting impatient with the Vahki’s lack of movement.

“Our scheduled time is not upon us. We have no need for imperativeness.”
A holo-screen popped up in front of Twilight, showing her the battle through the Vahki’s optics. The mare gasped at the sight once she turned herself around, and hand coming up to cover her parted lips. “Is… is anypony hurt?! Is Shining down there?!”

“Negative, Shining Armor is nowhere in the vicinity. And no one is heavily injured, the strongest of injuries being only two mild concussions.”

“And the Queen’s Summons?”

“We still have 10 minutes to spare. Shall we continue and arrive early?” It asked in an almost intrigued way. Almost.

“Yes.” Said the mare over the internal speakers, grunting as she relaxed further into the grey cushion. “It’s always better to arrive before the appointment, it’s called being punctual.”

“Affinitive. Recalculating…” Said the Vahki as it moved forward, plotting a new coarse to the Palace. “We will reach our destination within 21 minutes. Would you like some music to pass the time?”

Twilight blinked at the offer, surprised that the machine would even consider such a thing. Vahki had always been seen as cold and calculating, never once had she ever witnessed one almost… care. Was that even possible?! “U-um… yes?”

With its enquiry answered, 117 started its trek to the Golden Palace, careful not to jostle the teen around too much. “Any specific genre?”

“Uh, pop?”

Said music sounded through the Vahki’s internal speakers, sending Twilight into a minor dance routine. The Vahki accounted for the teen’s movements in its walk pattern, making sure not to loose balance along its journey. Scaling, leaping, sliding, and dodging its way through the City of Light, 117 continued toward the Palace.

A heavily armored claw, coated on red and black, stretched over the valley’s expanse. Sharp claws grazed the mountain peak, adjusting a group of humanoid fingers to stand around their assigned village. A pair of red eyes glanced over the frozen waterfall, admiring the tiny canoe at its base, where the waves would’ve rocked the little boat had it been real.

Antroz looked over his work, making sure that all was as he saw fit. He adjusted the goggles he had strapped to his head, peering through the numerous lenses as he spotted an out-of-place villager who’d been knocked over. Reaching out, he picked up the delicate aluminum sculpture and righted it onto its feet. The Makuta smiled behind his Kanohi Jutlin, the Mask of Corruption, finding that all was well on his 30ft by 35ft table. The model landscape was perfect in his eyes, though it had taken much of his free time, it was complete.

The crimson Makuta breathed deeply to clear his troubled mind. Though he’d found a calling in politics, he’d found that he missed the rush and excitement of battle. He wanted action, not the boring days of deskwork and numerous reports, applications, and arguments.
Perhaps he would travel to Manehattan, New Metru Nui (as some Makuta liked to call it) and visit Icarax and Gorast. The two Makuta had taken to the wayward streets with glee, putting a stop to the many crimes and gang wars. In truth, Antroz had found himself jealous of their lack of boredom, longing to enjoy the trill of the fight once again.

His musings were interrupted by a harsh knock on the room’s pearl colored door, the sound of hissing mechanical limbs reaching his audio-sensors. He soon turned to find a black Vahki with an orange helm standing before the door, its torso opening to reveal a somewhat dazed unicorn mare.

Antroz hummed to himself as he approached the young Twilight Sparkle, smiling behind his mask as she reoriented herself. “Greetings Twilight, I trust your journey here wasn’t too rough?”

“You could say that.” Replied the unicorn as she straightened out her jacket, greeting the Makuta with a bow afterward. Slipping into familiarity. “Greetings, Makuta Antroz.”

“Twilight.” Antroz warned, a tinge of irritation entering his voice. “You need not be so formal when we are not in public.”

The teenager stuttered. “O-oh, right. Sorry, Antroz.”

The Makuta nodded, a smile behind his mask once again. Their attention was drawn toward the room’s side entrance, the door creaking open to allow another to walk in. The figure stepped forward, looking over a stack of papers held is his clawed hands. The sharp edges of his talons shaving the papers slightly. The red coated stallion took cautious steps forward, careful as to where he stepped. His wild black Mohawk swaying between the six jagged horns that grew from short to long as they reached from his jaw to his cranium. A similarly wild tail swaying behind his hoofed legs. The stallion’s red eyes scanned the papers, that being solid red with miniscule black slits. Wisps of silver metal snaked up and down his body, visible on the arms, neck, and face. Numerous silver spikes lined the figure’s body, huddled on the shoulders, elbows, and knees. It was only after Antroz coughed into his hand did the figure look up from his papers, stopping as he looked over the Makuta and mare.

“Makuta Miserix, how nice to see you.”Antroz smiled at his Brotherhood Leader.

The stallion/Makuta huffed in response, looking over his papers again before sighing. He wasn’t going to get that vacation time if he kept getting interrupted like this.

“Brother, it is good to see you as well… for the eighth time this day.” Said Miserix, his normally booming voice brought down for Twilight’s sake. He stood slightly taller than the mare, about the average height for a middle-aged stallion. And by a mare’s standards, the look he’d chosen was considered to be somewhat fetching. While any mare would have to look past the spikes and red eyes, if he were a normal stallion, every mare on Equestria would’ve been on the old Makuta’s tail.

Antroz mentally frowned at his sibling’s gruff reply, a deadpan on his Mask of Corruption.

“So, how goes the Queen’s court? If I may be so bold, Great Makuta?” Asked Twilight with a nervous smile. While Antroz was one to drop formalities regularly, Miserix was not.

The Makuta shifted stallion regarded the Queen’s apprentice with a critical eye. “Good thus far, nothing too concerning. If you’d like to know; the fountain by the city square is finally getting replaced. Seems that there was no clog, it was just old. Now, if you would allow me; I have work to do. I bid you a good evening, Young Twilight.”

With that, Miserix turned to leave through the door he’d entered by. However, he stopped just before leaving and turned his head back to Twilight, a sinister and mischievous look in his eye. “By the way… your mane is frazzled.”

Twilight, for her credit, didn’t immediately fuss over the wayward strands of her mane until the door had screeched shut. With the Brotherhood Leader gone, she lit her horn and teleported her purse from her room to her location. Reaching inside to pull out a hairbrush and hand mirror, she began the frustrating task of smoothing out her bangs.

Antroz laughed as the lavender mare struggled with her bangs, going back to his model valley. He still had a few more minutes till his meeting started. But as he looked to the clock above the far door, he notice that time was of the essence for a certain young mare.

The Makuta then turned to Twilight, getting her attention as he spread a wing in her direction. “I believe you have six minutes till your summons begins, young one.”

Her mane undoing the hard work she’d just completed, the now stressed teenager yelped before dashing past the Vahki and out the door. A moment later, her head poked back in as she smiled nervously at her old friend.
“Sorry to run, but… the Queen.”

“Do not fret, Twilight. Celestia is very forgiving, as you know. Do not trouble yourself.” He reassured, smiling again as he looked over a miniature Ion cannon in his hand.

In response, Twilight teleported to the Makuta’s side and hugged him. A warm smile on her face.

When Antroz had first met her, he was at a complete loss when it came to physical interaction. It had been when Twilight had gotten a B- on her history report, and she’d spend the day crying in the gardens. Antroz had come there to check on a few Rahi he’d been experimenting with, only to find a weeping filly in the bushes, her cheeks stained from tears. The young Twilight had lunged and latched onto the Makuta’s torso and started crying anew. Antroz, not knowing what to do at the time, had resorted to rubbing her back as he’d seen many parents do with their young. Though the method was strange to Antroz, it had worked, soothing the filly until she’d fallen asleep against him. He didn’t bother waking her, simply shifting his chest and arms into a makeshift bed, his wings’ membrane acting as blankets. When Twilight had finally awoke, she’d said that it was the best nap she’d ever had. Antroz still smiled on the memory fondly.

With a soft pat on the teenager’s head, the Makuta ushered Twilight out and down the hall, sending 117 to escort her. Antroz knew that the summons was just another lesson for the young mare, but he also knew that telling her that would deprive Celestia of witnessing her student’s shock. The Makuta smiled again, still finding the Queen’s sense of humor to be first-rate.

Author's Note:

Editing by Misty Rose

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