• Published 20th Sep 2019
  • 492 Views, 4 Comments

Super Smash Bros. Ultra Force (Condensed Version) - FandomPlays1234

A world's peace disturbed by an evil organization seeking universal conqest. Now the hope of the people rests on Desmond's shoulders

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Chapter 2: Desmond's Choice

Desmond and Lilith moved quickly in order to lose their pursuers. Sometimes they even had to hide or lay a fake trail, but even then the Ultra Space Empire somehow always found them. Desmond questioned Lilith about their destination but she wouldn't reveal it to him. Eventually after constant days of running, Lilith and Desmond found themselves in front of a large old castle.

"This place?" asked Desmond.

"That's right," answered Lilith.

"But it doesn't look like anyone lives here," said Desmond. Lilith ignored Desmond's comment and walked up to the large double doors and knocked. A voice from the inside responded.

"What's the password?" asked the voice.

"Klutzy Draconequus," answered Lilith. There was a click followed by a loud groan as the doors swung open. "This way," said Lilith walking in. Desmond hesitated but followed Lilith in. The inside was almost as bad as the outer appearance. The walls were crumbling and covered with vines.

"What is this place?" asked Desmond. Desmond turned to face Lilith only to find she had stopped.

"Your Majesty, it is I Lilith, ambassador from the changeling kingdom, are you available?!" Lilith asked. Desmond looked at her with confusion but within moments he could hear the sound of footsteps echoing throughout the entire castle. He looked up the large fleet of stairs going up, and saw six figures walking towards them.

"Ah Lilith you've returned!" said the figures. He was wearing a large blue robe with white stars. He had a large beard and brown hair and a large golden crown with red and blue jewels on top of his head. Desmond noticed that Lilith was bowing down and quickly followed her example. "Hmm Lilith who might this be?"

"This is Desmond Docks, your majesty," said Lilith. "I found him unconscious in the hollow desert,"

"Desmond eh?' chuckled the man. "Raise your head young one and look at me," Desmond did as he was told and looked up. The man looked at him as if he was examining his face. "My, my what a truly amazing person you are Desmond, a perfect fit for my daughters," chuckled the man.

"I beg your pardon?" asked Desmond.

"Um your majesty, perhaps an introduction first?" suggested Lilith.

"Ah yes how rude of me," said the King. He looked back at Desmond and put his hand to his chest. "I am King Giovanni of Ultra World, it's a pleasure to meet you,"

"It's an honor to meet you too your majesty," said Desmond. He looked over as two girls stepped forward. One was taller and had blonde hair while the other was a little shorter and had hazel colored hair. They both had sparkling brown eyes and wore extremely fancy dresses and crowns.

"Greetings, I am Princess Mavis, the eldest daughter of King Giovanni," said the tall girl. "And this is my younger sister Syrup,"

"Hiya!" she said cheerfully.

'It's nice to meet you both," said Desmond. Next three men dressed in full armor stepped forward. One carried a sword while the other two carried spears. The man in the center had short black hair and eyes of the same color but the other two wore helmets that covered their faces so Desmond couldn't fully distinguish them.

"Desmond, I am Luther, Commander of the Ultra World Army," said the man in the center. "To my left is Floyd and to my right is his twin brother Lloyd,"

"Hello," they both said in unison.

"Hello," Desmond responded.

"Your majesty, I'm afraid, we have a problem," said Lilith.

"Is it U.S.E?' asked Giovanni. Lilith nodded.

"They've spread much farther than I originally expected," said Lilith.

"Damn, those guys just don't give up do they?" growled Lloyd.

"Ah right we should probably owe our friend an explanation here," said Giovanni looking at Desmond.

"Yeah I'm really confused," said Desmond.

"It started many years ago, before, Ultra World was a world filled with beauty and life," started Mavis. "This beauty was protected and preserved by six beasts that also helped kept the balance of this world in check,"

"All was good until U.S.E. showed up," said Syrup.

"Ok and what is U.S.E?" asked Desmond.

"U.S.E. or The Ultra Space Empire is an organization that seeks to conquer worlds for their own selfish gain," explained Giovanni. "They invade and attack other worlds hoping to bring them under their control,"

"There had been times where the people of these worlds tried to fight back, but U.S.E. were too strong for them," added Luther. "We were one of those worlds,"

"I assume you lost that battle," said Desmond.

"We were forced to hand our kingdom to U.S.E. and their tyrannical dictator, a man that goes by the name Drigma," explained Floyd.

"Drigma?" asked Desmond.

"Drigma is the leader of U.S.E, he is a man of pure cruelty," said Lilith. "He sees U.S.E. as the true ruler of worlds and himself as the supreme god of the universe,"

"His followers believe he's trying to create an ideal world where the strong controls the weak, but in reality, he's selfishly taking what belongs to others," added Mavis.

"He tortures, lies, cheats, steals and even kills others only to get what HE wants," added Syrup.

"For so long, our kingdom has been under the control of Drigma and the Ultra Space Empire," said Giovanni.

"But we haven't given up hope," said Luther. "We believe that there is someone out there who will be able to free us from these chains of slavery and bring U.S.E. to it's knees,"

"But as of now the only thing we can do is form a resistance to counter U.S.E," said Lloyd.

"Unfortunately, these resistance movements were too weak compared to U.S.E. who has full military power and our freedom has constantly been delayed," said Floyd.

"But we're not going down just yet, Mr. Docks we want to ask you, will you lend us your strength and create a resistance movement that can defeat U.S.E?" pleaded Mavis.

"Well what do you think?" asked Lilith turning to Desmond.

"From what I've heard, it seems like they're in a tough spot," said Desmond. "But I gotta ask, why me?"

"Please, for many years, heroes that have appeared in this world has failed, we believe that you could be the one to save us," said Giovanni.

"I'll see what I can do," said Desmond.

"Oh thank you so much!" cheered Syrup. Desmond smiled as he watched the group celebrated. Just then a flash of light appeared above them. Desmond looked up to see something descending from the light.

"What is that?" asked Desmond.

"No, it can't be," said Giovanni.

"It is!" said Mavis. Confused, Desmond looked closer as the outline of a giant bird took form. As the light died down, Desmond could see a phoenix with golden feathers covered in a rainbow aura, flying above him.

"Greetings Desmond," said the phoenix.

"Who are you?" asked Desmond.

"I am the light of life, the being that gives this world the beauty and nature, I am Omega the Guardian Beast of Life," said the phoenix.

Author's Note:

Chapter 2 complete. Now things are happening. We're also introduced to some more of my OCs. But now it seems like Desmond has agreed to take on a really big task. Hopefully he's the chosen one they've been waiting for.