• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 1,485 Views, 19 Comments

Equestrian Ghost Stories - Alkem

Spike finds himself discovering deep dark secrets about his friends and must work to save them.

  • ...

Pink reflection, part one

Ponies couldn't help but stare. Some quickly glanced and some giggled slightly as they walked past. While they may have been reacting in unusual ways, what exactly drew their attention wasn't anything out of the ordinary. After all, seeing a young purple dragon strolling through Poniville with a book or two in his claws was normal to them. Blissfully unaware of the attention he was drawing, Spike made his way home with a skip in his step and an obvious dimwitted smile on his face.

The dragon currently skipping through Poniville, the one with the big stupid grin on my face, is off running another errand for Twilight Sparkle. Judging by the way he's holding that book by the tips of his claws, I'm certain his mind is focused on something else at the moment.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Spike's face suddenly started beaming red and he quickly pressed it against the book.

That dragon, currently frightening nearby ponies with that sudden burst of laughter, is feeling on top of the world.

"Hahahaha!" Unable to control himself, he went into fits of laughter that startled mares and stallions alike who began averting their eyes. With the townsfolk now avoiding him, Spike continued his merry stroll.

Seeing him, face bright red, pushed against a book, and laughing historically, I really wished that that dragon wasn't me. But with my mind fixated on what she said before, I just couldn't help it. After those crazy turn of events, life settled down to their usual pace. Of course that was after I made a quick trip back to Zacora's to finally get rid of those fleas. Turns out they aren't so hard to remove when you find out early so it wasn't much trouble this time. Still, as annoying as they may have been, I'm happy at how things turned out. Anyways, for the time being, I was just glad to be done with all that spirit nonsense.

Becoming conscious of the attention he was getting, Spike decided it best to get off the main road to cool down. Still hiding his face, he turned at the next house.


"Waaaah!" He slammed into someone and fell to the ground. "Uuuuuh..." Peeling the book off his face, Spike saw friendly face seated across from him. I'd recognize that pink coat and curly mane anywhere. "Pinkie Pie. Sorry abo--"

"Spike!" Quickly spring back on her hooves, Pinkie reached over and pulled Spike in by his cheeks. Her face was now pressed uncomfortable close to his. "You can see me?" Her eyes seemed to jut out towards him as she asked.

"What? Uh, yeah. Of course I can see--." Without another word Pinkie gasped and let Spike go. "Pinkie, What's--" Pinkie then dashed off. "--going on."

I decided to chalk that up to Pinkie just being Pinkie and just make my way back home.

Spike took a deep breath as the door closed behind him. While he wasn't so much into books as Twilight, the scent at least put him at ease. "Twilight, I'm home." He looked around, certain he'd find her with her nose buried in a book. "Twilight?"

"Spike." Past the living room, Twilight's voice called out from the room at the end of the hall. "I'm down here."

Spike groaned. "You're still in there? Come on Twilight. You've hardly stepped out of that room in the past few days. You got to get out more or pretty soon our friends are gonna start worrying about you."

"Well speaking of our friends, Pinkie Pie stopped by."

"See, what I tell you. I bet she was worried about you, huh?"

"No, not really. She just came to ask me something."


"She asked if I could see her."

"That's funny. I ran into her earlier and she asked me the same thing. So what did you tell her?"

"Well of course I saw her. Who couldn't see a pony like Pinkie Pie. Thing is, before I could asked her what this was about she was already gone."

Spike made his way down the hall and stopped at the door. "She did the same thing to me earlier. You don't think it could be something serious do you, Twi?"

Twilight reassured him from the other side of the door. "If it was, I'm sure Pinkie would tell us. She is our friend after all."

"Yeah... You're right."

"If it's worrying you so much, why not pay her a visit and make sure for yourself. You can let me know if something is the matter."

"Want to come with me?"

A few seconds past before Twilight answered. "I would. But in the middle of some very important research and I can't leave right now. Oh that reminds me. Did you get that booked I asked you for?"

Completely forgetting why he'd stepped out, Spike looked and quietly sighed to see he was still holding it. "Yeah. Got it right here."

"Good, just slide it under the door please."

Bending down, Spike put the on the ground and slipped it through the opening. Curious to see what Twilight was doing, he got down on the floor to take a peek.. "Are you sure you don't want to come?" Something on the other side quickly slide in the way and blocked his view.

"Yes, Spike, I'm sure. Now go. I'll catch up with you later."

Whatever Twilight was doing, Spike decided it best not to disturb. So with a slight humph he got back up and made his way out. "Yes, Twilight."

After that, I made my way to Sugar Cube Corner. Along the way, I asked ponies if they've seen her, in case someone saw her going somewhere else. I figured somepony may have spotted her. After all, like Twilight said, 'who could see a pony like Pinkie Pie?' But one after another, they said the same thing. Not one of them said they saw her today. Guess that meant she went back home.

The aroma of sweets were a nice welcome as the door to Sugar Cube Coner opened. Stepping inside, Spike was greeted by the couple at the counter.

While his concentration stayed main on another one of their masterpieces, Mr. Cake briefly looked to see who was at the door. "Why, hey there, Spike."

"It's good to see you again," said Mrs. Cake, placing a tray of cookies in the display case. "Here for a fresh baked cookie?"

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Cake." Spike waved as his couple for a second before his eyes were lured down to the delicious snacks. Almost forgetting why he came. He subtly shook his head and regained focused. "Actually I'm looking for Pinkie Pie. Have you seen her?"

"Pinkie?" Mr. Cake muffled with an icing bag in his mouth.

"Honey, you focus on that cake. No one can understand you with your mouth full like that." Getting her husband back to work, Ms. Cake turned towards Spike. "Now, Spike, if you looking for Pinkie, she just got back. She probably upstairs playing with the twins."

"Thanks Mrs. Cake" Spike started dashing towards the stairs but then stopped. "But before I go." He went back to the counter. "I think I will have one of those cookies."

Ms. Cake smiled. "Sure thing dear."

Refreshed and running on sugar, Spike headed upstairs and looked down the hallway where he heard the familiar laughter of the Cake twins, Pumpkin and Pound, along with some "goos","gaas", and giggles of another pony. As he got closer, he recognized Pinkie talking to them.

"You two won't suddenly stop seeing me, right?" The twins simply looked at her with innocent blank stares followed by infantile babble, Pinkie sigh in relief. "Good. At least I know you two won't forget about me."

"Forget about you?" Spike asked, stepping inside. "Why would anyone forget about you, Pinkie?" Spike looked around. To his surprise he only spotted a colt and filly in diapers. "Pinkie? Where are you?"

"I'm right here." Her voice emanated from between the twins.

"Where?" Spike asked again, squinting to find her.

"Right here." Feeling the sensation of a hoof against his nose, Spike's eyes widened as Pinkie suddenly faded into view before him.