• Published 29th Sep 2019
  • 207 Views, 0 Comments

Textures - Hkh4

Texture a two sided pony begins her bout on eques

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Gambling texture

Full woke up the next day sitting outside what she assumed was the saloon a few town ponies were already up and they greeted her happily.

"So missing made some friend's last night. " she thought and noticed she was a bit hungry. And swiftly walked into the saloon? And asked if they have any meal options.

"I assume you like meat judging by the few sharp teeth you got. Only meat thing we have is a cowstallion scramble. you interested?" The keeper said

Full nodded

"That'll be five bits,"

Full pulled her bit bag from under her hat and poured the remaining bits out and slid them to the keeper then took a seat to wait. After he got the order in the keeper slid full a glass of water which she used her tail to bring it to a soft stop.

"Thank you. ,"

"Order up" someone shouted from the back.

The keeper trotted back and grabbed Full's plate. Then came back and handed it to her plus a fork she grabbed the fork and dug in. After a bit all that remained was some grease.

"You eat fast. " the keeper said

Full only nodded and left she felt an odd desire to find a more densely populated place. "Missing influencing me maybe? " Full thought to herself before taking flight heading the direction where she remembered Las Pegasus was.

After several days of flight and multiple swaps the textures as Full landed in Las Pegasus.

Where all the lights enraptured Fulls mind she began searching for a source of fire. Because last she knew electricity was barely a thing. Apploosea didn't really have any electric lights at least not that she got to see.

She stopped someone and asked how they fueled the flames in the lights.

The griffon merely scoffed at her and continued on. Full could sense that interaction plus the ambient energy of this place was starting to draw Missing out. But the two weren't quite enough to force an early swap. though it was late afternoon. "This was a bad idea" Full nervously said as she walked to a larger building with particularly flashy lights.

When she walked in she was immediately hit by the chaotic noise of the casino and a moment later Full was swapped out. Missing immediately knew this would be an extended swap.

Walking into the slot machine portion she used a bit of her chaotic magic to force a machine to jackpot thus giving her the money she needed for her game of poker. a pony at a nearby machine simply looked at her in shock and awe she tossed him a few coins.

Then slid the rest in her hat then seeming to defy physics put it atop her head not a single one fell out. then walked over to the poker tables with her signature troublemaker smile.

When she arrived she pulled a lot of the coins out of her hat and entered a game. A few games later Missing's hat was rather full and the casino staff started to encourage her to leave the poker tables. Her eyes lack of expression gave her a serious poker face throughout the games her smile hadn't wavered even when doing poorly.

Missing rather enjoyed the chaotic swath of emotions throughout the casino.
"What to do now? Full should be happy with me I earned this money rather than stealing. ,"

Missing went to the main bar of the casino and ordered a whiskey spiked cider.

"I'm not much of a drinker but 'I've got the money 800 plus bits in here" Missing spoke to herself as she waited and slightly adjusted her hat so about 10 bits fell out to pay for her drink.

Few seconds later her drink came and as she took a sip, one of the ponies she had played against ran by grabbing her hat with their magic which didn't budge Missing hopped off her stool and slammed her hoof into this stallions dumb founded nose and started yelling at him. "Look dumb ass the hats part of my body you wouldn't want me yanking your head around in an effort to take something would you? "

The stallion tried to run but he was too weak from his magic being drained. Meanwhile
Missing was revved up both from her anger and the magic she stole. She was about to pummel this sorry excuse for a gambling stallion when the bartender ahmed loudly pulling her out of her rage enough to realize the stallion was cowering shaking violently.

Missing snarled at him then went back to her drink and a few security ponies drug the stallion out the casino. After a few drinks Missing got up to leave the night is young i Can still bust a few more casinos. Then walking out into the well-lit streets her smile grew a bit more at the thought of basically robbing some more sorry ponies. Then yawned a bit her early start getting to her.

Missing strolled over to another casino where she was denied access she booped the security then walked right in. " Not surprised they're trying to stop me with how well i did no magic needed. I may be a troublemaker but i dont cheat. usually. "
Then walking right over to the poker tables she began a new winning streak before being denied access to the tables. She noticed the security watching her hesitant to try to remove her after the stunt earlier. Beginning to feel bored Missing decided to start booping ponies and a few other species while running through the casino then swiftly exited the building. "Looks like it's getting boring here fast. "

continuing to boop ponies in the streets till the last moment before the swap. When Full appeared all the booped ponies instantly regained their marks and most of their magic. Full quickly got the sense she wasn't welcome and decided to leave not before noticing the pressure on her head she slid her hoof under her hat and felt a large pile of bits.

"While i'm not happy you went to poker right away I must thank you for eliminating my worries over bits Missing. " Full decided she was tired of flying after the last few days and went to the blimp station buying a ticket for some town she never heard of.

Author's Note:

First story ive written in years hope you all are enjoying it

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