• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 3,198 Views, 78 Comments

The Saiyan Prince in Equestria (Being Rewritten) - ShirtMechanic

After Vegeta's sacraficed himself to save earth from Majin Buu, he was sent to another world with a second chance. A new adventure starts now!

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Chapter 14: Goku and Vegeta Train! Something new arrives!

Chapter 14: Goku and Vegeta Train! Something new Arrives

2 days left...

Training for Super Saiyan 3! Something odd is happening in Ponyville?


A blinding flash of light pierced the night sky, shaking the grassy fields below. Shockwaves blew down trees and rock formations, a little after, there were beings that clashed with each other. I was none other than Vegeta and Goku, training for the fight that laid ahead. They stopped fighting for a minute on how to beat the magic monster.

"I think I know a way to beat Majin Buu Vegeta," Goku said.

"And what's you're brilliant idea Kakarot?" Vegeta sarcastically said, knowing the lower-class Saiayn's history of ideas.

"I think we should perform fusion!" Goku explained, Vegeta was a little puzzled by this technique.

"What do you mean fusion?" Vegeta questioned, he popped his knuckles, preparing for the next clash.

"We can perform fusion to create a powerful warrior, it doesn't just add our powers together, it then multiplies them," Goku explained. Vegeta seemed intrigued, but he then he started to get suspicious.

"Do we stay fused forever?"

"No, we only stay fused for 30 minutes, but what I saw from Goten and Trunks doing, going to the strongest transformation drops the time limit," Goku said, getting Vegeta to nod.

"Alright, show me then, idiot."

"You ready Vegeta?" Goku asked, getting a nod from the Prince.

"It's a simple technique, but we have to harmonize our spiritual energy's or it won't work," Goku explained, walking a fair distance away to show the full process. "Our power level's have to be exactly the same, we also have to move in perfect sync, your posture has to mirror mine," Goku said.

"My what?" Vegeta questioned, being confused at this point.

"I'll show you, don't worry, it's not that complicated. It's kinda like a cross between traditional fighting stance and water ball, er... without the water of course" Goku said, starting to perform the dance.

"BALLA?!" Vegeta shouted, startling Goku.

"Yea is there something wrong with it," Goku questioned, he got a blushing Vegeta to turn away quickly.

"It's humiliating for me, the prince of all Saiyans to perform a stupid balla dance!" Vegeta he muttered. "I won't do it!"

Goku frowned, trying to find a way to convince Vegeta, he then knew what to do. "Then don't do it for yourself, do it for Bulma, Trunks... do it for Rainbow," Goku said. The two became silent, not moving a muscle.

Vegeta stiffened and looked to the lower-class warrior, "Don't try and guilt me into this dammit!" Vegeta grunted, he then looked away, trying to suppress the guilt that lay inside of the broken prince.

"Fine, just show me it already!" Vegeta spat, not wanting anyone else seeing this humiliation.

Goku then proceeded to show the Prince the movements, bringing his arms and pointing them to his side "Fu... Now think of two rivers next to each other, becoming narrower and narrower the closer they get to each other." Goku moves to the left while bringing his arms and arching them to his left.

"sion... now pose the opposite position of knee and arms," Goku then brings his right leg up and crosses his knee against his left leg and facing his arms to his right.

"HA! The two rivers converge at two single points, the points give away under the pressure and the rivers flood into each other, becoming one." Goku yell, preforming the fusion positions perfectly. Vegeta looked at the Saiyan, twitching his left eye uncontrollably and blushing at the same time.

"You're insane! I'm not posing like that! We're warriors Kakarot, no Balla dancers." Vegeta yelled, blushing even harder.

"So what if it looks a little funny, it's the end result with we're concerned with," Goku said, a little confused. Goku then saw the Prince sweating and backing away. "It's not like anyone is going to see us."

"I... I think I'd would rather have Buu kill me." Vegeta shouted, looking towards the ground, sweating even more. The Prince then had a marvelous idea, "Alright, I'll do the Fusion dance, on one condition." Vegeta said, as he pointed a finger at the confused Goku.


"Teach me how to go Super Saiyan 3!" Vegeta smirked. This caught Goku off guard, he kinda expected this question, but not so soon. "It'll get me to the same level as you, making it easier to perform the dance, am I right?" Vegeta explained.

Goku crossed his arms and looked down to the ground, think if this is the right course of action. 'If I do teach Vegeta Super Saiyan 3, we would be able to perform fusion easier. But it'll take a whole day in order to, cutting our time short for Buu.' Goku thought.

"Alright, I'll teach you Super Saiyan 3, now pay attention," Goku said, getting a grin from the Prince. Goku clutched his fists and brought them to his side, igniting his Super Saiyan aura.

"Frist, you have to go to Super Saiyan," Goku said, getting a serious nod. Goku grunted as he ascended to the Acsened Super Saiyan, "Then you have to go Super Saiyan 2," Vegeta nodded again, paying close attention to Goku's next move.

"Then, you have to look deep inside you're self for your hidden power!" Goku screamed as he bent over, giving a mighty roar. The power pushed Vegeta back, but he held his ground. Bio-electricity started to come out of Goku.

"PUSH HARD TO FIND IT!" Goku yelled. His spikey hair started to grow in length, trees, clouds, and dirt started to be pushed away from the mighty warrior. Goku gave one last mighty yell, shaking the entire area in the process. A blinding flash of light emitted from Goku, blinding the Prince for a second.

Goku then looks at Vegeta with the look of a Super Saiyan 3, he smirked at the grinning Prince. "Then you reach Super Saiyan 3," Goku said, getting an applause from Vegeta.

"Well done, you put on an amazing light show, the amount of power is incredible," Vegeta said smirking, getting ready into a stance. "Let's see if I can go for it as well.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Vegeta yelled, as he ascended past Super Saiyan, then to Super Saiyan 2, getting ready for the final phase. "I'll achieve Super Saiyan 3 by the end of the night Kakarot, you'll see," Vegeta exclaimed

Goku just stood there, not making a move, grinning at Vegeta's advance. "That's it Vegeta, think about Majin Buu, think about all the people he killed!" Goku shouted, making Vegeta scowl.

Vegeta's hair started to grow, but stopped all of a sudden. Vegeta then reverted back to his base form, landing on his hand in knees, gasping for air. Goku expected this as Vegeta struggled to get up, looking to Goku.

"I knew this would happen, the strain of the transformation takes to much energy and stamina to quickly," Goku explained to the frustrated Prince.

"So I have to train even harder to achieve it?" Vegeta asked.

"Yes, but mostly focus on stamina and energy," Goku commented, getting a nod from Vegeta. "Let's take a break and grab something to eat, I'm famished from our little bout."

"Can't believe I'm saying this Kakarot, but I agree," Vegeta said, they then flew off to the small pony town.


It was morning by the time they arrived at the small little town, but they didn't see any ponies walking about. This confused the two, but they shrugged it off, thinking it's no big deal.

Goku and Vegeta land at the sugar restaurant, getting a couple looks from the ponies, but they didn't mind. Goku looks at the gingerbread confection that was Sugar Cube Corner, drooling at the sight.

"Don't even think about it Kakarot," Vegeta stated, getting a sigh from the Buffoon. They both walk into the restaurant to see nopony there. "Huh, that's odd."

"What?" Goku asked.

"There are usually more ponies here, wonder where there at?" Vegeta questioned. They two then hear the rain from outside, when they turned to look, this confused them beyond belief.

"Chocolate... rain?" Goku said dumfounded, he never heard of rain falling from the sky before.

"It's not just that Kakarot, look," Vegeta said, pointing to a pony outside, making weird noises and knocking its head against the dirt road. "Uh..."

"Is this some sort of Holiday?" Goku asked, getting a no from the Prince.

"None that I've heard of anyway. Let's go to the Princesses and find out, they might know what's going on." Vegeta explained, getting a nod from Goku. They then hit max speed to Canterlot, little did they know, it's much worse up there.

Shortly after they left Ponyville, they arrive at the castle to see everypony there was acting like the one back at the small town. Goku and Vegeta saw the clouds turning into cotton candy.

"it's official, this place is a girls cartoon," Vegeta said, getting a small chuckle from Goku. They landed at the castle gates and knocked, but nopony answered.

"Look's like their not home," Goku said, a little sad no one answered, but Vegeta wasn't having it. Vegeta then kicked the large castle door's down, surprising Goku.

"We've got no time to be waiting for someone to come to Kakarot," Vegeta explained as he walked over the knocked down doors and Goku following suite. They walked through the complicating hall's of the castle, getting lost easily, until.

"Goku, Vegeta!"

The two Saiyans turn around to see the two Princesses and the Mane 6, they all had, except Pinkie, scared faces. "How are you two not affected?" Luna asked, confusing the Saiyans.

"What do you mean, what's going on?" Goku asked. The Princesses then proceeded to tell the Saiyans what was happening that morning, letting them find out about Discord and his reign of power years before Luna's banishment. Vegeta and Goku were surprised at the power Discord had to bend reality.

"So, how do we beat him?" Goku asked.

"We have to use the Elements of Harmony, like the time we beat Nightmare Moon." They all looked to Vegeta who had a stern glare, making them nervous, "And Vegeta of course." Vegeta then saw the sad look in Rainbow's eyes and understood.

"Rainbow..." Vegeta called out, locking eye contact with her and the Prince. "I'm sorry for what happened last night, but you need to get over it. You'll find somepony else one day." Vegeta explained, but not getting a word from the rainbow pony.

Everypony looked at Rainbow and Vegeta back and forth, nopony wanting to make a sound, until.

"Aw, look at this, a loving bird who is rejected..." An unknown voice called out, getting everypony defensive.

"Could it be sis?" Luna asked Celestia, getting a nod.

"Yes Luna, we must hurry!" Celestia called out, getting a laugh from the unknown voice.

"No need, I'm already here," it said, showing a figure on a glass picture window with the pictured Elements on them. Goku and Vegeta looked at the figure, it looked like someone's science experiment went wrong.

"Who are you?!" Vegeta shouted, pointing at the messed up figure.

"My my, where are my manners. I'm the Spirit of Chaos, Discord!" Discord pointed at himself, messing with one of the elements with is hand. "I'm afraid I don't know you two yet though."

"I'm Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans, and this is Kakarot the low-class warrior." Vegeta introducing himself and Goku. Discord clap at the name of Vegeta's title.

"Oh, a Prince, it's nice to meet you your highness" Discord sarcastically said, aggravating the Prince. He then grabbed all the elements on the frame and put them in a sack.

"What are you doing Discord?" Twilight yelled, being confused at first.

"Oh, just taking the weapons that imprisoned me for over 1000 years!" Discord shouted with a bit of venom in it. He then walked off the window and into his physical body, he stepped to the ground with nothing underneath.

"Those aren't the only weapons that can lock you away you know," Vegeta smirked, getting a curious look from Discord.

"Oh yea, what's that?" Discord inquired, thinking he's bluffing.

"That'll be me and Kakarot, we can take you down easily if we wanted to." Vegeta chuckled, getting into a fighting stance.

This made Discord laugh, aggravating the Prince even more, "You think you two can beat me?" Discord started to laugh hysterically, rolling all around the floor. The ponies then looked to Vegeta, who wasn't taking this very well.

"You dare mock me!" Vegeta yelled, igniting his aura, shocking the draconequus, Vegeta took notice of this and smiled, "What weren't you expecting this, Discord." Vegeta said, mocking the Chaos spirit.

The Spirit of Chaos has made himself know, the two Saiyans now have a new enemy to deal with. Only 32 hours remain till Majin Buu arrives! What will happen next?

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait... again. School appears to be a thing, hoped you liked this chapter and want more. Catch you later!