• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,798 Views, 178 Comments

Now what? - Silver Butcher

Spinel was just getting use to the way things work in Equestria, then Discord decided to drop one heck of a problem on her lap.

  • ...

Old problems with new Gems.

The sound of arguing rang through the Barn, Lapis wasn't sure when it woke her up, but she finally gave in to the waking world and opened her eyes.

"Oh no," She groaned as she took in her surroundings "This is actually happening" Lapis rubbed her face as she got into a sitting position and looked around, It was either really late or really early, she had no idea which. Lapis got on her knees and crawled through the opening that use to be a back window into the barn, Bismuth was laying on a mattress fast asleep and screaming could be heard from downstairs, Lapis looked down and found that the bottom of the barn was a mess of papers.

"Your logic is flawed!" Peridot yelled angrily. "Paulette has no place in the camps Hierarchy!"

"She is the camp queen!" Spinel spat back "She micro manages everyone!"

"Wrong!" Peridot responded as she pointed to the T.V "She lost her Friendship bracelet while rowing an oar, a call back to earlier when it was mentioned that she failed to properly tie a knot in the knot tying contest!"

"She's faking!" Spinel said in exasperation "She is manipulating all of them and there just as blind as you!"

"No she's just an worthless sack of feather who's never won any of the camp games or activities, her entire personality is damsel in distress!" Spinel gasped.

"You couldn't be more wrong!"

"I was just about to say the same thing!" Peridot shot back, the two where about to continue when Lapis landed between them.

"What on earth are you two doing?" She asked in confusion as she looked at the paper Tsunami.

"Lapis! Your just in time, tell this clod I'm right,"

"She hasn't even watched the show yet!" Spinel snapped back.

"She doesn't have to, she'll know from experience that I am typically right about these kinds of things," Lapis blinked as she thought about something similar happening in the past.

"Opal?" Lee asked in confusion.

"She's just the best on in my opinion," Cindy replied mater o factly.

"I think you meant to say Garnet," Lee replied simply, Cindy rolled her eyes.

"Oh your one of those people,"

"Hey," Frank called from the back door "Your suppose to be taking out the Trash and Grease respectively, not sitting out back talking about Best Fusion! Get inside we got orders!" Frank pulled back in before adding "But Lee's right, Garnet is the best fusion,"

"Eh," Lapis said as she tapped her chin "Without pre-knowledge on the show...I'm gonna have to Side with Lee,"

"Lee?" Peridot asked in confusion as she tried to think of who that was, her memories were a little hazy, as Peridot came to the realization that something might be wrong Spinel jumped to Lapises side.

"So you know about the Lee twins eh? Seen some of the show before?" Lapis looked at Spinel in confusion, then at Peridot as Spinel started rambling. Peridot was looking at her hands and wiggling her fingers. Lapis shook her head.

"Alright, you two exhaustion buckets need a third-party voice, and If I'm to be that voice why don't we start with this, let's stop using the names of...are old home and just stick to the new ones," Peridot looked at her in confusion,

"OK?" She asked when Spinel jumped in.

"Sorry I stopped listening, any way Peridot I think if we just showed Lapis the show, she'd agree that I am clearly the one in the right,"

"Wrong, she will immediately see how Percy and Pierre are the superior pair," Lapis groaned.

"Just show me and I'll make up my mind," Spinel and Peridot both grabbed one of Lapises hands and both led and dragged Lapis to the Television set before rewinding the episode. "Is this the first episode?" she asked.

"Does it matter?" Peridot asked,

"Yes," Lapis replied.

"Well no, this is a mid-season Special for season 3, it's..."

"If you're gonna drag me into this, we're starting with the first episode," Lapis said simply.


Bismuth woke up with a start and looked around,

"Oh dang, this is an actual thing," she pinched the bridge of her nose "Sweet mother above this an actual thing happening." Bismuth moved into a sitting position as she thought about what was happening "I'm never gonna see my mother again, my Dog, I was half a year away from graduating college." Bismuth groaned before hearing the arguing, she made her way to the ladder and looked down at Peridot ripping a lot of papers to shreds.

"You clods are both wrong!" She screamed out as Bismuth began climbing down.

"Sorry Perri but Spinels right, Paulette is playing all of 'em," Lapis noticed Bismuth and waved.

"Here comes Bismuth,"

"Bismuth!" Peridot jumped at the opportunity before her, "Come watch Camp Pining Hearts and agree with me!"

"Excuse me," the 4 looked over at Applejack, who had been summoned by their arguing "I don't mean to interrupt what I'm sure is a very well thought out argument over Camp Pining hearts, but Spinel I believe you have an appointment at the castle in 20 minutes..."

"OH, Dang!" Spinel slapped her face causing her eyes to ricochet in her head. "I totally forgot after...everything that has happened, Bismuth the Tapes in the TV trust Lapis to put the right tape in and have fun!" They watched as Spinel ran a short distance and then rocketed herself off, once she was gone Applejack turned to the three Gems, Peridot had gone back to tearing up all the paper that Spinel had made, save her fan art, and Lapis was looking for the season 1 tape, Bismuth meanwhile made her way out of the barn and looked up at the Truck bed that was sticking out of the barn.

"Hey, you got any nails, bolts, some spare wood?" She asked Applejack as she pointed up at the Barns' new accessory "I need to hook that up with some proper support before it falls on someone,"

Author's Note:

Sorry If the Flashback looks weird.