• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,434 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Sunset, Moonrise

Luna walked through the castle halls towards the library, she had been spending the last day reading about Equestria’s history and what she had missed. She was grateful that Twilight had made her a list of books she needed to read, even if the list was a little long. She entered the library and was surprised to see Sunset in the library reading, a small stack of books next to her.

Sunset looked up and took notice, “Oh, Princess Luna. Its nice to see you, were you here to study as well?” she asked.

Luna smiled and approached, “Sunset Shimmer right? I’m not sure we’ve actually properly met yet.” Luna replied.

Sunset giggled and answered “Well, a lot has happened these last couple weeks, it’s a little understandable that we haven’t really gotten a chance to talk to one another.” Luna returned the book she had brought to its shelf and began to look for the next on Twilight’s list as she continued to talk to Sunset.

“Is Twilight studying on her own? Or does my sister have her doing something else today?” Luna asked, a moment passed and she looked back at Sunset when she didn’t answer.

“Oh...I don’t really study with Twi anymore, not since Celestia said I wasn’t her student anymore. I still come to read some of the castle books when I visit her now and then though.” she answered. Luna felt she had touched a sensitive subject and quickly apologized. She walked over and sat down at the table across from Sunset,

“If you don’t mind my asking, I’ll understand if its a sensitive subject. But how is it your no longer Celestia’s student? I’ve never known her to abandon a pupil before.” Luna asked.

Sunset closed the book she had and sat upright, “I...made some bad decisions, I found out about an old magic mirror she keeps in the lower levels of the castle and wanted to know more about it. I thought if I could study it in secret it would make me more powerful, maybe even turn me into an Alicorn like you and Celestia. So I took a book from the restricted section without permission, and when she found out about what I was doing I said some pretty horrible things to her. Thinking back on it now, I just wish I had shown a little more patience like she asked me to...” Sunset explained. Luna was surprised by her story and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of familiarity, she became Nightmare Moon because she wouldn’t talk to or listen to her sister.

“Has Celestia offered to teach you again? I’m sure she would if you asked.” Luna said,

Sunset looked away a little saddened. “I know if I asked Celestia would probably want me as a student again, but I can’t help but feel like I don’t deserve it.” she replied.

Luna sat and thought for a moment, but then smiled a new idea coming to mind. “Would you like to become my student then? It’s been a few centuries since I’ve had one. Plus I’m sure there are some things I could teach you that Tia hasn’t.” she asked. Sunset looked up surprised as Luna smiled back,

“Oh no! I couldn’t, I mean, you heard how I was as Celestia’s student.” Sunset stuttered.

Luna stood up with a confident smile, “Well, I understand if you feel that way Sunset Shimmer. But if you change your mind and want to learn a thing or two I’ll be in the training room in the guard barracks.” Luna said before turning to leave.

Luna sat in the training room reading, almost a full hour had passed when she heard the sound hoof steps behind her. She turned with a smile to see Sunset nervously entering the room,

“I’m glad you changed your mind Sunset.” Luna said putting her book next to her things and approaching her,

“It’s just a trial run...if I don’t like it, then I go back to studying on my own, Okay?” Sunset said. Luna nodded in agreement,

“Very well, let’s get started then. How much has Celestia taught you on combat and defensive magics?” Luna asked, Sunset spent the next few minutes explaining what she knew, after a few minutes of talking she realized she almost sounded like Twilight ranting nonstop about magic she knew. Her face blushed red with embarrassment as Luna laughed at her enthusiasm,

“I see Tia has been thorough in teaching you how defend yourself with magic, but there is more to fighting than just magic. A good warrior knows how to fight with their hooves as well as the magic he or she has at their command. As there are times you won’t always be able to use your magic to defend yourself.” Luna explained.

Sunset looked at Luna a little confused, “I have to disagree, with all due respect. How can a pony beat someone who can just cast a shield spell or just zap them from a distance with magic?” she asked. Luna smiled, she was pleased to see how confident Sunset was but also felt this lesson was important to teach her.

“Very well Sunset, let’s have a quick spar then. I won’t use any of my magic, and if you can beat before I pin you down I’ll forgo the hoof to hoof training and focus completely on teaching you the magics you wish to know about.” Luna said as she walked a few steps away. Luna picked up a small timer from her things and set it to ring in a few seconds, she set it down and looked towards Sunset with a smile. Sunset was feeling pretty confident though, she knew Luna would need time to close the gap between them and all she needed to do was cast a shield and give her a harmless zap and she’d win she thought. The two stood watching one another a tense silence flowing through the room when finally the timer rang, Sunset began to raise her shield when Luna rushed to the side and out of Sunset’s sight. Before she could turn to face Luna she felt her hooves get kicked out from underneath her, she then felt the weight of Luna’s hooves on her back and slam her against the padded floor of the training room. Luna held her pinned for a minute before asking,

“Had enough?”Luna teased, Sunset let out a pained yes and Luna released her and helped her back onto her hooves. Sunset sat rubbing her back, Luna sitting in front of her a confident smile on her face. “How did I beat you?” she asked Sunset.

“You were too fast, plus you went for my legs first thing.” Sunset replied, Luna nodded in agreement.

“A simple explanation but accurate nonetheless, to be more specific though. You assumed I would attack you from the front, so you focused your shield spell in that direction rather then all around you. You also chose defense over offense first, and more importantly you underestimated your opponent.” Luna explained. Sunset was surprised at Luna’s analysis, she wasn’t expecting her to be so knowledgeable about this sort of thing. Sunset smiled thinking about how Celestia never tried to teach her or Twilight about this kind of thing, and she couldn’t help but think about how this felt more to her style than Celestia’s teachings were. Sunset stood up and smiled eagerly asking Luna if she could teach her more, Luna was pleased with her response and the two spent the next few hours sparring Sunset learning as much as she could from her new teacher.

The time had finally come for the sun to set, Luna needed to raise the moon and so she said goodbye to Sunset offering to teach her again the next day. The two parted ways at the castle foyer, Sunset walking away with a bright smile on her face.

“Well, it’s been a few years since I’ve seen Sunset smile like that.” Luna turned to see Celestia approaching,

“Hello Tia, are you going to use the balcony when you lower the sun today? I was just heading there myself to raise the moon.” Luna asked, Celestia nodded in agreement and the two began to walk together.

“So I take it you’ve decided to take Sunset under your wing?” Celestia asked,

“I have, I hope that’s okay. I didn’t mean to steal one of your pupils away.” Luna replied.

Celestia shook her head no, “It’s fine, Sunset is a fine unicorn and I think its for the best that she have some pony teaching her. She’s come a long way in just a few months, and I must admit I am eager to see how she’ll grow under the right mentor.” Luna smiled as the two reached the balcony, Celestia looked at the evening sky and lowered the sun.

“I imagine Sunset’s parents must be proud of her to be such good friends with the royal family.” Luna said. Celestia finished lowering the sun and watched Luna raise the moon before speaking.

“Oh Luna, I’m sorry I thought you knew.” Celestia replied, Luna looked at her sister confused. “Sunset...she’s...an orphan. She spent her childhood in the foster home with other orphans. I discovered her during a fund raiser, it was after that I enrolled her at my school and started to teach her alongside Twilight. Last I heard she was living by herself in the city.” Celestia explained.

A look of surprise replaced Luna’s confusion, “You...never considered adopting her? Surely Twilight would’ve liked to have her in the castle. Not to mention she’s an excellent student, quite gifted in magic at that.” Luna said,

Celestia had a saddened look on her face, “I had thought about it, several times, but the truth is...I was always hesitant, Sunset’s eagerness always seemed too ambitious, and I tried multiple times to teach her some humility but it never really took. So I was afraid that she might go down a path that I couldn’t stop her. Forgive me for saying it this way but, I didn’t want to create another Nightmare Moon...” Luna and Celestia sat silent for a moment,

Celestia eventually spoke up. “But I am proud to see how far she’s come, and I have no doubts that she’ll come to do great things for Equestria. Maybe one day even, she might even see that place...like we did when we were young, and like Cadence.” she said as she looked towards the sky. Luna looked at the sky with her sister and smiled,

“Well, its getting late and I know you have work to do Luna. Try not to work too hard though, I don’t need to remind you how dangerous every pony’s dreams can get sometimes.” Celestia said as she walked away. Luna turned to face the city before her, and thought for a moment about Sunset before closing her eyes and entering the dream realm.

Over the next few days Sunset would continue to show up to train and learn from Luna, who was always pleased to teach and Sunset was a fast learner of course. Between sparring sessions they would talk about their lessons as well as sharing stories. All the while though Luna would think about what Celestia had told her, eventually almost a full month had passed since Sunset began studying under Luna. The day began as usual Sunset arrived on time in the afternoon ready to learn, she and Luna spent a few hours sparring all the while Luna explaining to her how to be better. Eventually the two took a break, Sunset took a drink from the water bottle she had brought offering some to Luna afterwards.

“So, who taught you all this Princess Luna?” Sunset asked,

Luna set the bottle down wiping her mouth. “I had many teachers, so did Tia of course. But the first pony to teach me was my father, I wanted to join the militia when I was a teen and he was adamant I knew how to fight.” she said with a smile.

Sunset looked at her with a slight look of doubt, “An Alicorn in a militia?” she joked.

Luna smiled back, “Oh, I guess not every pony knows.” Luna leaned in close whispering to Sunset, “You see, Tia and I were actually just Earth pony’s once.” Luna said, Sunset gasped in shock.

“You’re joking?” Sunset replied, Luna shook her head smiling as she did,

“We grew up in a small farm village, it wasn’t until we were in our late teens that Starswirl managed to unite all the pony tribes in fact. I remember the first time we visited Canterlot, Tia was in such awe at the sight of the castle I had to constantly remind her we weren't there for the sights. She was so embarrassing to be around that day.” Luna said. Sunset couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of Celestia acting like a tourist, she’d always known her for being so serious.

“Ummm, Sunset...are you okay with living by yourself?” Luna asked, Sunset looked at her confused.

“I guess so, why are you asking?” she replied. Luna looked away nervously moving her hoof in a circle on the floor,

“Well, it’s just...Tia was telling me how you didn’t have any family and I thought you might get lonely, and was thinking maybe you’d want to stay at the castle. You already visit often enough to know your way around, plus I’m sure Twilight and Cadence would enjoy having you so close by.” she explained. Sunset looked at Luna surprised,

“Is she asking if I want?...” Sunset thought, her heart was racing with an uneasy feeling of excitement and nervousness.

“I’ll understand if you need time to think about this of course, after all it would be a big adjustment. So there’s no need to answer me right away.” Luna finished, Sunset slowly stood up a slight smile on her face.

“Yeah, I need some time to think about this. So can we end the lesson here today?” Sunset replied, Luna nodded and Sunset gathered up her things and left. Luna sat by herself, she wondered if maybe she should’ve waited a little longer to ask Sunset after all.

Sunset wandered through the castle Luna’s words echoing through her mind, she wanted to say yes so bad. But she couldn’t help but think about her own past, what if she was just doing this as an excuse for more power and she just didn’t realize it yet she thought. Her mind was so conflicted, she just wanted a simple answer is all, what did she really want right now?

Sunset suddenly bumped into someone and looked up to see Celestia standing in front of her, “Oh! Princess Celestia, I’m so sorry I didn’t see you.” she said,

Celestia was concerned. “I can tell, I called out to you twice but you just kept walking. Is something the matter Sunset?” she asked,

Sunset nodded. “Its just, Princess Luna asked me something during my lessons today and I don’t know what to say...I want to say yes, but I also don’t know if its what I should say either.” she explained.

Celestia put her hoof on Sunset’s shoulder, “You only have to listen to whats in your heart Sunset, whenever you doubt yourself always remember that.” she said.

“I wish it were that easy, but I don’t know if this is the right choice either. What if I say yes and it just leads to me doing something bad again? What if I just end hurting every pony who cares about me?” Sunset answered trying not to cry.

Celestia smiled and turned “Come with me Sunset, I think I know a way to get you an answer.” Sunset was puzzled by Celestia’s words but followed her through the castle. Celestia lead her to the lower rooms of the castle and Sunset eventually realized where they were as the two stopped before an old locked door.

“Princess Celestia, isn’t this where?...” Sunset asked nervously, Celestia nodded and unlocked the doors, they slowly swung open and there at the far end of the room was the mirror.

“The mirror doesn’t show a pony there future like you believed Sunset, it shows them what their heart desires most. For me it showed me ruling Equestria alongside my sister, for Twilight it showed her family. The question is, do you still desire the same thing you once did?” Celestia asked as she gestured for Sunset to approach the mirror. Sunset swallowed the lump in her throat, she was scared of what the mirror would show her. Slowly she walked across the room, her heart racing with each step. She finally reached the mirror and stood before it eyes shut tight her head hung low, she remembered the last time she saw herself as an Alicorn emblazoned in flames a clear display she wanted power and nothing more. She slowly raised her head eyes still closed, she was about to open her eyes and look but instead she remembered the last time she was in this room. How much Twilight had shown how much she cared for her, it made Sunset start to think about all the ponies who cared about her. Twilight, Cadence, Spike, her friends, Celestia, and Luna. She slowly realized that she didn’t need the mirror to tell her what she wanted, she knew it all along it just took this moment to make her realize it. Sunset turned away never looking at her reflection, she opened her eyes to see Celestia standing at the doorway a smile on her face.

Sunset smiled and said, “Thank you Princess, I...I need to go talk to Princess Luna. Like, right now.” Sunset rushed out of the room in a hurry, she stopped and turned around to give Celestia a warm hug before leaving. Sunset raced throughout the castle eventually finding her way to Luna’s room, she knocked on the door furiously.

After a moment the door opened to Luna standing in the doorway, “Oh Sunset, is something the matter?” she asked. Sunset’s eyes began to tear up, she lunged forward hugging Luna as tight as she could and shouted with excitement,


Author's Note:

Been planning this chapter for a while now, nice to finally get around to it. Was especially fun to write given how many comments I've gotten about Sunset getting adopted.:twilightsmile: It was also a fun idea for Luna to get a student and Sunset felt like a good choice since their both reformed villains (in the show at least). Next chapter will be up once I get a chance to write it, work is gonna be murder the next few days with a holiday approaching and all. I will finally get around to introducing the lord of Chaos into House of Sun at long last. Anyway leave some comments and let me know what you think.

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