• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen May 25th


Open to Stories concept suggestions just send me a PM


This story takes place in my MLP AU next-gen the gloomy verse and this is one of there stories
in this AU where Sombra was found alive after twilight became an alicorn and was reformed by her and the other Mane 6 and Shining armor and has been living in the Crystal Empire ever since.

Shining has had another hard day with problems with his marriage and Flurry's unpredictable magic surges. And after a long day, he went to Sombra just like he has normally done since they became friends and found out they had a lot in common. But this visit something different happens between them and in the end, a choice will have to be made and will everyone involved make the right one?

might contain Sex and mentions of mpregnation in the future

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

It's not that I dislike your story, but I would advise you to watch your pacing in the future. More eccentric/rarer pairs tend to need time to develop and come across as believable and pull the reader on board. It'd also be nice if there was Sombra/Shining with polyamory instead of cheating or marriage troubles/divorce routes. I mean, I'll take pretty much anything over the cheating route, but happy poly pones are nice.

thanks for the feedback and I would like to do what you said I am still a beginner writer so I don't fully know to do that yet so I felt uploading something would be better than nothing at all with the standards I put on myself

and as for the poly thing,I am fine with that but I am not that comfortable having hetero themes in my stories so the only way I would do that is to have a genderbent Candance in the story

Hum, I would say that you rush into the romance a little too quickly between those to, and lack some setup to explain the context in explaining Shining's situation along with how they allowed Sombra to stay in the Crystal Empire reformed or otherwise, wouldn't the crystal ponies try to assassinate him for all the atrocities he did before? I would be more of a mind that Sombra is doing some mind fuckery to get Shining to commit adultery and is just playing with him, always love irredeemable evil, but I could be interested to see how this could grow more organically, in spite of the consequences for Shining for what he is about to do. I wonder what will aggravate their marriage before Shining commits to adultery with Sombra, maybe it could be part of Sombra's plan to get Shining Mpreg, which is hilarious to me: I wonder how they will pull that off and with what kind of spell. Looking forward to see more of this story, and if you are looking to commission a cover you can PM me.

and the link to my DA is in the link bellow:

well, I do know I rushed it a little but I did that on purpose as the ideas I have after this will slow it down. and also just wanted to say I am still a beginning writer so drawing long and naturally flowing things is still something I am learning how to do

and all the questions you raised will be answered if I can keep this story going but I will say I don't mpreg spells I find that a cheap cop out I have other ways of making that happen

and I would like a commission but I have no money but thanks for the offer and feedback

Here's a writing guide that can help you if you're a beginner. It was helpful to me when I was, and it's more in-depth than I'll probably be. There's lots of examples too, and it was made for ponyfic. Also, gotta say that "not comfortable with hetero themes" is something I haven't heard before.

thanks for the link I think is gonna help me alot in future fics going further I will be sure to study this.

and yeah I am bitter towards hetero fanbases and ships the short reason is homophobes and the idea of pleasing one of them with my stories doesn't sit right with me and besides I feel there is enough hetero fanfics out there, I don't feel I need to add to it

Tbf there's always bi/pan/etc. characters that can be in straight relationships. I've never really thought liking/writing a m/f pairing made a homophobe happy. Dull/bad/overused shipping tropes bug me more than the genders in the pairing.

well for me sexualities headcanon don't matter much if there still in a straight relationship. for me, I feel there are many homophobes it m/f fanbases and while I know not all of them are like that I still can't ignore the fact that there is a lot and someone like that who would find a hypothetical straight thing I write and fav it and I just don't want that around so I don't bother with it on top of the fact that a lot of those fans have left a bad taste in my mouth with M/F pairings and that its already everywhere as it is

Yeah, personal picks in ships are one thing, but sexuality still matters when non-heterosexual (again, talking like bi/pan here) characters are in m/f relationships. It's part of the identity. (I've also never heard a fandom dubbed "m/f" before, especially MLP. Most ships are f/f, after all. Romance isn't even a big part of the show, so things really are left to shippers.)

I mean that is true sure but I go by a different set of rules when it comes to things like this, that might be a little too much to explain here. and yeah I think M/F shipper is its own fanbases since the shippers treat it like one and yeah F/F ships are also popular and while I will write for it soon but I only feel that compelled to do M/M ships because its underrated here and in every other fanbase

They're certainly underrated, but surely there's some fandom that has a primarily male cast where it'd be plentiful? There's a fandom trend for basically anything if you find the right show/book/etc.

The closest that I see a lot of Male/Male Shipping is in anime fandoms and while I like a few of them that isn't my main thing in terms of inspiration and content but I firmly believe Male x Female ships are always gonna be the most dominant and most used ideas in any fandom followed by female x Female ships and then Male x Male ships last, things in the past and the fans I have found of straight ships make it hard for me not to believe this. So I just don't see much point of associating with it,I mean I will admit there are some rare straight ships with chemistry I wouldn't mind experimenting with, but with how I view the world I can't in good conscience do that.

Mhm, though that could be more of a demographic thing too; most audiences to the average tv show are more likely (just by demographics) to be straight people, so m/f will be the most common. And yeah... anime fandoms are really hit or miss.

true which then leads me to my conclusion of "why should I have to bother with it?" Straight content has been the dominant media choice since media existed and it still is, and there are thousands of Straight shippers making content for it daily and even then most straight ships I know that are canon or popular fanon makes no sense to me. So I just don't see any merit for myself to associate my content with it, they don't need me. I am very bitter

Aww, but writing rare pairs are fun. I mean, most of the ones I like still tend to be of any gender/orientation instead of just one, but it's what makes writing worth it.

I wish I could think the same way you do but I can't, too many past experiences with hetero fanbrats have soured my feelings for Straight ships. granted I love Rare pairs so that is many ships in my gloomyverse AU but at the end with ships gender will decide what I ship because of It mattering to homophobes.if they didn't exist I could see myself having a more diverse set of ship and shoot for more "Sexuality realism" but with how uneven the world is now, it just feels wrong to possibly make something that someone I greatly disagree with could enjoy I don't know how to accept such a situation,

"Fanbrats" is a nice new addition to my vocab now. Danke.

you're welcome I know a lot of interesting terms and such lol

~It was only a kiss, how did it end up like this, it was only a kiss, it was only a kiss

that's pretty appropriate for the story I wanna tell

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